Pure Offerings of a Myriad Plants:
Paintings on Flower Vases and Potted Scenes
瓶花與盆景畫特展 Pure Offerings of a Myriad Plants: Paintings on Flower Vases and Potted Scenes
瓶花與盆景畫特展 Pure Offerings of a Myriad Plants: Paintings on Flower Vases and Potted Scenes 主編 / 林 莉 娜 Editor / Lin Lina
目錄 Contents 展覽概述
List of Plates
Flowers in Vases
Essay: The Beauty of Flowers in Vases
Scenes in Planters
Essay: The Beauty of Potted Scenery
展覽 Introduction
今年適逢臺灣舉辦世界花卉博覽會,本院特以「百卉清供- 瓶花與盆景畫特展」為主題,將賞心悅目的花藝插作與盆景藝 術結合,透過繪畫之美,與此次花事盛會相互呼應。長久以來, 植物一直是藝術家創作靈感的來源,其枝幹、花葉的繁複構造 與多樣的色彩面貌,展現出大自然奧妙與季節的變化。花木可 在土地自然生長,亦可經由人工培育,再移入室內賞玩。而將 植物轉化為審美對象與藝術題材,其形式除折枝寫生外,常見 還有「瓶花」與「盆景」。「瓶花」顧名思義,即用容器插貯 四季花卉,花枝剪裁講求比例姿態;「盆景」乃將木本、草本 植物經過修剪、攀紮移種於盆盎,兩者皆著重表現人為的造化 之美。
瓶花始於六朝至唐代禮佛供花而來;歷經宋、元的發展, 花卉品種增多,培植技術成熟,加上陶瓷工藝蓬勃發展,折枝 插瓶逐漸形成風尚。明、清園藝繁榮興盛,文人雅士蒔花藝卉, 對花木、湖石審美的講究,眾多品賞專著相繼問世,更促成了 盆景的精緻化。
栽培有畫意的盆景,或插出有韻致的瓶花,皆是陶冶性情 之雅事。所謂「一花一世界,一葉一如來。」畫家筆下的瓶花、 盆景作品,反映其觀察力與美感創意,以及傳統民俗豐富的象 徵意涵。此次精選院藏佳作共四十二組件,希望觀眾品賞百卉 丹青之間,能由衷體會萬物之美,進而深思如何與自然環境和 諧共生。
In celebration of Taiwan hosting the 2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition, the National Palace Museum is presenting a special exhibition on "Pure Offerings of a Myriad Plants: Paintings on Flower Vases and Potted Scenes," the arts of floral arrangement and potted scenery depicted via the beauty of painting to complement this major event. For ages, flowers, trees, and plants of various kinds have been a source of inspiration for artists, the portrayal of their complex blossoms, leaves, and branches in various colors and shades presenting the wonders of nature and changes in the seasons. Flowers and trees that naturally grow in the ground can also be cultivated and moved indoors for appreciation. The transformation of flora into aesthetic objects of attention in art not only is seen in "broken branch sketches from nature" but also as "flower vases" and "potted scenes." Flower vases, as the name suggests, involves seasonal flowers and branches cut and placed with proportion and position in vessels of various sorts. "Potted scenes" features flowers, herbaceous plants, miniature trees and others from nature that are trimmed and bound for transplanting into containers. Both emphasize the beauty of the human touch when it comes to arranging the plant world.
Vase flowers began in the Six Dynasties period to Tang dynasty with floral offerings to the Buddha. Through the Song and Yuan dynasties, the range of floral types increased dramatically as methods of their cultivation matured. Along with advances in the art of ceramics, arranging flowers and branches in vases gradually became a fashion. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the art of horticulture flourished even more as literati grew and arranged flowers to become refined aesthetics of plants and rocks. Many texts on this subject also appeared at this time, spurring greater refinement in potted scenes. Potted scenery of artistic design and flower arranging in vases are both elegant pursuits for cultivating the mind. Flower vases and potted scenes present viewers with "a world in a flower, a buddha in a leaf," reflecting great observation and creativity as well as the rich symbolic content of traditional customs. This special exhibition features a selection of 42 sets/works that allow audiences to not only appreciate plant and flower paintings but also realize intricate beauty in the world and, by extension, contemplate how to live in harmony with natural surroundings.
圖版目次 List of Plates 瓶中之花 Flowers in Vases 1. 宋 無款 人物
Scholar Anonymous, Song dynasty (960-1279) 2. 宋 李嵩 花籃
Flower Basket Li Song (fl. ca. 1190-1264), Song dynasty 3. 清 馬荃 蘭菊海棠
Orchids, Chrysanthemums, and Begonias Ma Quan (?-early 18th c.), Qing dynasty 4. 傳 五代 周文矩 水榭看鳧
Viewing Ducks at a Waterside Hall Attributed to Zhou Wenju (fl. latter half of the 10th c.), Five Dynasties period 5. 清 姚文瀚 芳亭採花
Picking Flowers by a Fragrant Pavilion Yao Wenhan (fl. ca. 1713-?), Qing dynasty 6. 元人 畫第四嘎禮嘎尊者
The Fourth Arhat, Kalika Anonymous,Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) 7. 明 丁雲圖 羅漢 Lohan Ding Yuntu, Ming dynasty (1368-1644)
8. 明 丁雲鵬 大士像
Guanyin Ding Yunpeng (1547-after 1628), Ming dynasty 9. 明 陳洪綬 仙人獻壽圖
Lodging Feelings in an Autumn Garden, Enjoying a Rocky Valley Dai Lin (1686-1746?), Qing dynasty
18. 傳 元人 豐登報喜圖
19. 清 汪承霈 繪御製詩意百福繁生圖
Illustrating the Idea of Imperial Poetry on Flourishing with a Hundred Blessings Wang Chengpei (?-1805), Qing dynasty 60 20. 清 綿億 繪宜春呈瑞
Appreciating Chrysanthemums Chen Hongshou (1598-1652), Ming dynasty 14. 清 戴臨 秋園寓興、巖谷心賞
17. 傳 元人 天中佳景
Bounty Arrives, Harbinger of Joy Attributed to an anonymous artist,Yuan dynasty (1279-1368)
Vase of Lotuses Sketched from Life Chen Chun (1483-1544), Ming dynasty 13. 明 陳洪綬 玩菊圖
Beautiful Scenery of Tianzhong Attributed to an anonymous artist,Yuan dynasty (1279-1368)
Offering Spirit Fungus Shen Yuan (fl. 18th c.), Qing dynasty 12. 明 陳淳 瓶荷寫生
16. 傳 明 邊文進 歲朝圖 Painting for the New Year Attributed to Bian Wenjin (ca. 1356-1428), Ming dynasty
Floating Raft Ding Yu (fl. late 17th-early 18th c.), Qing dynasty 11. 清 沈源 畫獻芝圖
Spring Flowers of Wealth and Rank Attributed to an anonymous artist, Song dynasty (960-1279)
Immortal Offerings for Long Life Chen Hongshou (1598-1652), Ming dynasty 10. 清 丁裕 浮槎
15. 傳 宋人華春富貴圖
A Pleasing Spring Presenting Auspiciousness Mianyi (1764-1815), Qing dynasty 62 21. 清 陳兆鳳 博古花草
Vase of Flowers and a Goldfish Bowl Chen Zhaofeng, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
盆中之景 Scenes in Planters 22. 宋 無款 松陰庭院
Courtyard Garden with Shady Pines Anonymous, Song dynasty (960-1279) 23. 傳 宋 錢選 荷亭消夏
清 王圖炳 盆菊 Chrysanthemum Planter Wang Tubing (1668-1743), Qing dynasty 128 31. 清 王圖炳 聖製盆梅詩二律 Two Imperial Regulated Verses on a Potted Plum Tree Wang Tubing (1668-1743), Qing dynasty
Plum Tree Planter Wang Tubing (1668-1743), Qing dynasty 136 32. 清 鄒一桂 畫古榦梅
Ancient Plum Tree Trunk Zou Yigui (1686-1772), Qing dynasty
Chrysanthemum Planter Attributed to an anonymous artist, Song dynasty (960-1279)
Activities of the Twelve Lunar Months: The Ninth Month Court artists, Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
清 王圖炳 盆梅
Embroidery of a Lyrical Curtain with a
28. 清 畫院 畫十二月月令圖 九月
The Eighteen Scholars (Zither) Attributed to an anonymous artist, Song dynasty (960-1279) 27. 傳 宋 繡盆菊詩意簾
Refined Pastimes at a Forest Pavilion Qiu Ying (ca. 1494-1552), Ming dynasty 26. 傳 宋人 十八學士圖(琴)
30. 清 王圖炳 聖製冬月盆菊詩 Imperial Poetry on a Planter of Winter Chrysanthemums Wang Tubing (1668-1743), Qing dynasty
Imitating a Tang Artist's Lady Painting Tang Yin (1470-1524), Ming dynasty 25. 明 仇英 林亭佳趣
Planter with a Plum Tree Fei Erqi (fl. late 17th-early 18th c.), Qing dynasty
Whiling Away the Summer in a Lotus Kiosk Attributed to Qian Xuan (ca. 1235-1307), Song dynasty 24. 明 唐寅 倣唐人仕女
29. 清 費而奇 盆梅
33. 清 汪承霈 畫萬年花甲 Floral Cycle of Longevity Wang Chengpei (?-1805), Qing dynasty
34. 清 沈煥 萬年青花盆
Ever-Green (Rhodea) Flower Pot Shen Huan (fl. 18th-early 19th c.), Qing dynasty 35. 清 黃鉞 霜花秋藝
Time-Telling Plant from the West Lang Shining (Giuseppe Castiglione, 1688-1766), Qing dynasty 178 42. 清 沈全 墨牡丹
Flowers of Frost, Arts of Autumn Huang Yue (1750-1841), Qing dynasty 36. 清 陳書 歲朝麗景
41. 清 郎世寧 畫海西知時草
Peonies in Ink Shen Quan (fl. 1850-1875), Qing dynasty 182
Beautiful Scene for the New Year Chen Shu (1660-1736), Qing dynasty 37. 清 金廷標 畫曹大家授書圖
Cao Dajia Teaching Jin Tingbiao (?-1767), Qing dynasty 38. 清 鄒一桂 畫盎春生意
Spring Overflowing with Life Zou Yigui (1686-1772), Qing dynasty 39. 清 蔣廷錫 月來香圖
Moonlight Fragrance Jiang Tingxi (1669-1732), Qing dynasty 40. 清 余省 仿御筆盆橘圖
Imitating a Potted Orange Tree by the Imperial Brush Yu Sheng (fl. 1692-after 1767), Qing dynasty
瓶中 之花
Flowers in Vases
插花藝術始於宗教的禮佛供花,多見瓶插蓮荷,其「不枝不蔓, 著而不染」的形象,具有特殊寓意。唐、五代,從宮廷到民間以遊 園賞花為雅事,流行遍插鮮花賞玩。宋代於廳堂、書齋擺設四時鮮 花,將「插花、燒香、點茶、掛畫」文人之雅事結合。
元、明以後,瓶花成為一種繪畫主題,堂中插花講究豪華隆盛, 書齋瓶插崇尚清雅意趣,民間時令清供注重花木吉祥涵意。插花剪 枝插瓶,講究線條比例與造型,選取花器材質豐富,樣式繁多。清 代更有「博古清供」的獨特題材,以花材搭配器物、蔬果、靈芝、 結飾等,取其諧音與象徵組合,賦予富貴、平安等寓意,表達對生 活的美好祝願。
The art of arranging cut flowers and plants in vessels has religious origins in China with floral offerings to Buddhist deities. Mostly as lotus blossoms in vases, this flower bears special implied meaning of "neither spreading nor branching, unstained and remaining pure." In the Tang dynasty and Five Dynasties period, the elegant pastime of enjoying flowers in gardens spread from the court to the people, the custom of being surrounded by floral arrangements becoming popular. By the Song dynasty, it was also common to place seasonal flowers in the halls or studios of households, representing one of the four elegant pursuits of the literati: arranging flowers, burning incense, drinking tea, and hanging paintings. From the Yuan and Ming dynasties onward, flower vase arrangements also became an important subject in painting. Particular attention was paid to sumptuous and extravagant floral arrangements in halls, while flowers in vases were part of the pure aesthetic of the scholar's studio. Among the people, the focus was on pure offerings of seasonal flowers and plants with auspicious meaning. The art of vase flowers emphasized form and linear proportion, the choice of vessels varied in terms of material, type, and style. The trend towards "antiquities and pure offerings" then evolved into a unique theme by the Qing dynasty, the flowers combined with antiques, fruits and vegetables, spirit fungus, and ornaments. The homophones of these put together have auspicious significance that continues nowadays to serve as blessings for peace and prosperity as well as wishes for a good life.
1 宋 無款 人物 冊 絹本設色 縱 29 公分 橫 27.8 公分 故畫 001261-1
收傳印記。宣和。政和(半印)。乾卦(半印)。紹興(連珠印)。圖書(半印)。 王永寧印。一印僅見印框。
文士盤腿半趺坐於床榻,吟詩賞花,旁設桌案、籐墩、琴棋、卷軸、茶爐、盆花及飲饌之物。畫屏 上懸掛著小軸,與前景人物若相彷彿。畫中呈現琴棋、書畫、插花、點茶等文房清玩,是文士好尚古雅 最佳寫照。 盆花擺置於疊石平臺,三兩枝牡丹浸於水中作浮花枝,花色絢麗。敞口花缽花式邊稜講究精美,鑲 邊金釦器物側有把手,器身隱約可見枝梗,似為玻璃器。本幅上方鈐有宋徽宗、宋高宗御府收藏印,選 自《歷代畫幅集冊》第一開。
Scholar Anonymous, Song dynasty (960-1279) Album leaf, ink and colors on silk, 29
× 27.8
A scholar sits at the edge of a daybed with one foot on a footrest and the other raised by his thigh as he recites poetry and admires flowers. Placed around him are a table, stool, zither and go set, scrolls, tea stove, potted flowers, and food and drink. Hung on the screen behind is a small scroll, the figure in the portrait similar to the main character here. The arts of the zither and go, painting and calligraphy, flower arrangement, and drinking tea represented elegant pastimes of the scholar's studio, making this an ideal representation of the literati pursuit of archaic refinement. The potted flowers are placed on a platform of piled flat rocks. With a few branches of peonies, the blossoms float on the surface of the water, the colors gorgeous. The wide flaring water basin has a floral ridge meticulously rendered, the vessel rim inlaid with gold and featuring a handle on each side. Branches are faintly seen on the body of the vessel, suggesting it is made of glass. At the top of this work, the first leaf from the album "Collected Works of Painting Through the Ages," are the collection seals of the twelfth-century emperors Huizong and Gaozong from the Northern and Southern Song periods, respectively.