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YOUNG pEOpLE ON pATHWAYS TO pRODUCTIVITY Create new connections to opportunity for young people. 9
Strategy Action
Create opportunities that improve the prospects of different groups of young people accessing the world of work.
› Promote curriculum and work-readiness training that fit emerging opportunities in the economy.
› Promote entrepreneurial thinking among young people.
› Build on data that informs how we understand and respond to the youth unemployment crisis.
› Develop practical actions and policy recommendations to unlock efficiency and effectiveness in youth-focused policies, development and employment programmes.
Amplify initiatives that focus on improving ease of access and engagement with targeted and relevant information.
› Provide easy-to-access information about educational and financial options, learning and connections to work.
› Invest in a basic support framework that enables young people who are NEET to build their agency and pathways to opportunity.
Strengthen the impact of public funds spent on youth employment initiatives.
› Support organisations and employers to develop and share solutions that equip young people with core workreadiness skills and pathways to economic opportunity.
› There are practical pathways to work for more young people.
› Regularly released, reliable data informs youth employment interventions.
› Youth-centred and evidence-based solutions to youth unemployment are reflected in the policy positions of political parties and are acted upon.
› Young people that are NEET are equipped and supported to access further earning or learning opportunities.
› More young people continue to be economically active after exiting publicly funded employment programmes.