Whole Blossoms Create The Most Amazing Boutonnieres
Create The Most Amazing Boutonnieres Sometimes the smallest details are the most important. This is why boutonnieres are often left as the last item on the pending list when planning a wedding.
Keep In Mind •
Wedding main flowers.
Fillers and greenery being used on the venue.
1-877-WOW-BLOOMS [1-877-259-2566]
Weding theme.
Getting Started
Before getting started make sure to know what the main blooms will be as you need to incorpórate such Bloom to your boutonniere. If you decide to add a smaller bloom to the arrangement make sure it won’t overshadow the main flower.
1-877-WOW-BLOOMS [1-877-259-2566]
Traditional Event
Switch It Up
The most common type of boutonniere is the one used for traditional themed wedding. Using a red rose with baby’s breath as filler and some leaves from the rose will be the best option.
Using rose boutonnieres will give you a big advantage as you can use one bloom and pair it with an item to match the wedding color scheme.
1-877-WOW-BLOOMS [1-877-259-2566]
Don’t Forget Rose boutonnieres are the most traditional ones. Depending on the wedding theme you can find the right bloom and use little greenery to create a more full look.
Keeping it as simple as only one or two small blooms per boutonniere will be the best options in rustic and traditional weddings.
1-877-WOW-BLOOMS [1-877-259-2566]
Our customers say:
Finally I just wanted to let you and your staff
Don’t forget the boutonniere needs to match with the
know how wonderful it was working
bridal bouquet. This means that on both arrangements
with you and how incredible the flower
you will need to have the same main bloom.
were. I couldn't have asked for better quality.
Add the same kind of greenery on bot bridal bouquet and rose boutonniere. Use a matching tie or bow tie depending on the case.
1-877-WOW-BLOOMS [1-877-259-2566]
Wedding Flowers at Wholesale Prices from the Farms to Your Doorstep!
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