15 18 arts & letters

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Editor’s Note


n about less than a week, the Pahela Baishakh celebrations will be over and the summer heat will replace the calming Falgun wind. Arts & Letters wishes its readers a very happy Baishakh in advance and hopes the celebrations this year will he held in high spirits all over the country without any untoward incidents like last year. Ahead of the official beginning of the sultry summer heat, this issue takes a look at the theme of love, which is so ubiquitous in the arts of this region, through a translated poem and a literary reflection written by a budding author. The poem, written in the 1970s, describes the emotions of a man waiting for his girlfriend. It’s highly romantic yet modern. The nonfiction, on the other hand, strikes more with its cer-



Abul Hasan Spoons like your eyes rest on the placid table and my watch – the star of a blue dial is glowing dimly in my wrist! I look like a tourist now or like an over-zealous journalist. At this moment, I have flicked the pains of waiting from the ashes of my cigarette into a black ashtray – those slushy pains, soft like dew! Won’t you come to the restaurant today, Swati?

ebral touch than its emotions, verging often on the absurd. There are also a feature on an art exhibition, and a book review. But most importantly, this issue gives adequate space to a critical piece on the Indiana Jones movie series that offers a different reading of the role the iconic hero plays. In Anvar Alikhan’s reading, the protagonist looks more like a plunderer than an archaeologist. l



Elegy for the waiting man

Arts & Letters wishes its readers a very happy Baishakh in advance

Art Review



Arts & Letters


The cakes, soft and green as your words, are kept neatly on a saucer. And some spoons rest like your eyes! The Chinese curtains are fluttering like your laughter while an impatient butterfly, flying off the decorative patterns of a curtain has made its way right into my head! Aren’t you coming to the restaurant today, Swati? Won’t you come to the restaurant today, Swati? Translated by Rifat Munim

Why archaeologists hate (and love) Indiana Jones


Reflection on lovers

Send your submissions to: anl@dhakatribune.com

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