Urban Design Portfolio of Dharan Koruduvar 2021 | CEPT University

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PORTFOLIO 2016-2021

Dharan Koruduvar



Dharan Koruduvar i and cognitive skills. tational thinking in in the everyday de environment which believes that cities which together swa work within these p of their intersections


EDUCATION CEPT University | Ahmedabad, India

2016 - 2021

Politecnico di milano | Milan, Italy

2018 - 2018

Divine Buds| Ahmedabad, India

2014 - 2016

Bachelors of urban design 8th April, 1999|Gujarat, India contact koruduvar@gmail.com

Decoding Milan - Summer School higher secondary school



10, Lilavati park society, Maninagar, Ahmedabad-380008 +91 7990901145 linkedin.com/in/dharan-koruduvar issuu.com/dharankoru

INTERNSHIPS archohm consults | Delhi, India

07/2019 - 10/2019

R.K. Architects | Ahmedabad, India

05/2017 - 07/2017

Urban design Intern Design Intern

SKILLS Advance Level • Autocad • Photoshop • Illustrator • Indesign • Rhinoceros 3D • Sketchup

Intermediate Level • 3Ds Max • Grasshopper • V-Ray • Lumion • Arc GIS

Basic Level • After Effects • Premiere Pro • Lightroom • Revit

Hindi Native Language

Marathi Native Language

LANGUAGES Gujarati Native Language

English Professional Working Proficiency

DISSERTATION Improving the urban greens to mitigate and adapt to climate change Guide: Dr. Neeru Bansal Funded by: Department of Climate Change, Government of Gujarat

Spring 2021

is an aspiring Urban Designer having proficiency in articulative . Over the years, he has developed the ideology of compuurban design i.e. adding a layer of computational analysis esign process. He has an ardent passion for sustainability and h lead him to undertake a dissertation on climate change. He are made of many trajectories, interminably interdependent, ay the processes of change that guide it across time. He likes to paths to adjust, balance, exploit and celebrate the possibilities s, and address their point of conflict.


Self-sustaining sector design


Humanizing Urban Space

Spring 2020

Urban Porosity

Spring 2019

Residential public space design Institutional public space design

Urban Habitat

Residential masterplan design

Monsoon 2018

Generative techniques for urban intervention

Spring 2018

Masterplan - Generative design

Informal Marketplace Market design

Monsoon 2017

PERSONAL WORK Green Courtyard

Summer 2020

Between Air & Water

Summer 2020

Vertical Neighbourhood

Summer 2018

Quarantine Facility Design Spaculative Future Micro Housing

Community Center Village 2047

Spring 2017

PUBLICATION Editor - ‘Stories from the future’

A compendium of the experimental design studio by rat[lab]

Government initiative to spread awareness in people for covid19


CEPT Excellence Award | Winner


INGENIOUS- Best Academic Portfolio Award | Winner


ARCHI NOW: The “Sustainability first steppers” Contest | Special Mention


Design for Sustainable Cities Competition | Honourable Mention


Parametric Ideation Competition 2020 | Shortlisted Entry | Result Pending


An initiative by CEPT University & Gujaral Foundation to recognize and celebrate best student projects within the institute An initiative by CEPT University to recognize and celebrate best student projects within the institute

An National Level Academic Work Competition Organized by D.Y. Patil College of Architecture

An international competition organized by Chorus Architecture, Cameroon

An international competition organized by BE OPEN and Cumulus

An international competition organized by Project SHEA & Singapore University


VOLUNTEERING Covid19 Volunteer

CEPT Gujaral Foundation Excellence Award | Winner

Computational Design: NEXT 1.0


Scalable Tectonics: Spaculative Future


Parametricism & Geometrical Logic in Indian Temples


By ParametricArchitecture with rat[LAB] EDUCATION, DesignMorphine, A>T. Organized by rat[lab] & Digital Future


By CEPT University & WEsearch lab


Thanks for reading my portfolio. This portfolio is a selection of my work from year 2016 to 2021 that I believe best reflect my area of interest and my understanding of urban design. The work in this portfolio includes work from academic, professional and personal project undertaken during the bachelor’s of Urban Design graduate program at CEPT University, Ahmedabad

CONTENTS Curriculum Vitae


Academic Projects 1. Sva: A vision of self sustainance Eco Warriors: edible to productive landscape

2. Flux of Experience Humanizing Cities

02 16

Internship Project 3. Bandongri Metro Station Archohm Design Studio


Computational Projects 4. Decoding Barcelona Evolutionary Computation

5. Spatial Hierarches Space Syntax

6. Climatic Response - Built vs. Open Climatic Analysis

7. Between Lines Parametric Form Exploration

38 42 46 50



Eco Warriors: edible to produ Project Type Academic Project

Semester/Year Sem- 9 | Monsoon 2020

Location Gandhinagar, Gujarat

According to UN World Urban 80% and in nearly 50 years the pects,2006). This Dramatic shif and social problems that the w into account that cities curren environmental performance is ronment, it is necessary to def they have worked until now. B design an ideal sector which is • Food, Water, Energy, Waste In Ideal Sector each household solar panels whereas on the se the sector, also wetland which biodiversity of the sector and a multiplied in the City to make


uctive landscape

nization prospects, in the past 40 years, the global population has grown by e Urban population will reach about 70% of the global(world population prosft from the rural to urban areas can cause a great number of environmental world can face in the coming decades. One of them is the food crisis. Taking ntly contribute 70% of the world’s CO2 emission, rethinking the city for better s now in the priority in the global agenda. To attain an efficient urban envify the existing rules of production and management of resources in the way By Integrating Productive landscape in the everyday life of the people I aim to s totally self-sufficient. My design premises include: e, and Biodiversity d has there own productive landscape which includes compost pit, farms and ector scale it has food towers which could cater to the overall need of food in h cleans black water of the households and urban forest which increases the also acts as the larger public space for the sector. These ideal sectors can be the city more self-reliant.


System D

This diagram shows my bold vision for the system of flows within the secto pends on the integration of multiple functions co-existing within the syste reused to create a cohesive integrated system network. The system is stra products and


or. A relationship loop that contributes to resilience. Self-sustenance dems. All the inputs and outputs of these are to be efficiently used and thus ategically formed with the aim of zero waste and maximum reuse of the d byproducts.


Household Typologies

To create a place to inhabit and sustainable living opportunities. As derived from the analysis each household requires 400 sqm of productive landscape. 40% is reserved for built while the rest of the area along with balconies and terraces cater to growing food. The housing units have been designed to accommodate energy and space for compost.

Mechanisms for treatment of black water and greywater

Grey water will be connected to the swales along the street and the black water will be filtered through wetland systems and made reusable for irrigation purposes.


Highrise Buildings

The proposal has identified 2 types of high rise structure within the sector that could provide optimum sustenance strategy derived from the analysis. The first one primarily focuses on production of food to cater to the everyday necessities of individuals inhabiting within the sector. The second one is a vertically created structure which is an agglomeration of a residential unit along with productive landscaping.

Public Recreational Spaces

The recreational spaces have been designed in such a manner that they interweave with the idea of production landscaping where it works as an everyday space. It brings a new lifestyle and character with creation of activities like group dinner, foraging tours etc


Plan for Self-Sustainance This is the overall master plan that brings all layers together. In the centre of the sector is the wetland, forest and public areas for the citizens. Each unit is placed along the road to create an active frontage. And ROW is designed to accommodate swales, parking, pedestrian footpath as well as small recreation pockets.

A Day in a Life of a Resident. These views show the kind of spaces which are created within the sector after integrating productive landscape in the everyday life of the people. The experience of sustainable living and including some of the productive work like farming, beekeeping or animal husbandry in the daily routine starts developing a different lifestyle and culture in the sector



FLUX OF EXPERIENC Humanizing Cities Project Type Academic Project

Semester/Year Sem- 8 | Spring 2020

Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat

There is a loss of quality and ch life of the community as they edge. To humanize urban spac and cultural patterns of comm

The project used the place ma acter of the place. The projec open space within the Vijayna a speculative design intervent spaces, integrated within a pro residential redevelopment of the critical issues of humanizin new interactions and to enha existing community and explo


haracter in the current open spaces in Indian cities. They fail to respond to the are purely reduced to quantitative definitions and enclosed by dead urban ces, the production of qualitative aspects needs to be derived from the social munity life and its integration with a more interactive urban space.

aking theories of Christian Norberg-Schulz and Jan Gehl to construct the charct has decoded the everyday life and events, as manifested in the central agar society in Ahmedabad. And then strategies were defined to construct tion plan for the central open space and a contemporary, interactive urban oposed neighborhood development masterplan. The current urban policy on old existing neighborhoods provides opportunities for the project to explore ng urban space. The intervention attempted to create a utopian place for ance human experience in a neighborhood public place, while retaining the oring potential densification.


Activity Mapping - Morning

Activity Mapping - Evening


Spot Activity - Benches 1 This Spot is located in the front of the main entrance of the site and the building facing the spot has many balconies and terraces which makes this spot high eyes on street because of which the major user group we can find is are the males and this spot is also dominated by the outsiders.

Spot Activity - Benches 2 This Spot is located on the secondary entrances of the site where on one side there is an uppashray and on other side there is an large setback of the building because of which this spot is very low on eyes on street which makes this spot women dominated


Activity Pattern - Going to Central Space




Ground Movement

Incidental Interaction


Upper-Level Movement



Ground & Upper-Level Connection



Ground Level Spaces



Upper Level Spaces

Animal Feeding

Proposed ACTORS




Festival /Performance space

The Hero

Visual Contact

Play Area

Shoping Area


Verbal Contact

Exercise Space



Sitting Spaces Farms



Activity Pattern - At Central Space




Ground Movement

Incidental Interaction


Upper-Level Movement



Ground & Upper-Level Connection



Ground Level Spaces



Upper Level Spaces

Animal Feeding

Proposed ACTORS




Festival /Performance space

The Hero

Visual Contact

Play Area

Shoping Area


Verbal Contact

Exercise Space



Sitting Spaces Farms



Vijaynagar Masterplan All the buildings are placed in such a way that it creates a centrals open space and also the edge of the cluster creates the 2nd level for the space which is the promenade for the one attractor to the other. Also there is an bridge which connects the building on the 5th floor to each cluster and then leads it to the central space.

Central Space Plan Central space is made like an whole entity with the edge and the central space where the edge brings people vertical and central space connects two edges with the activities. Space has vertical hydroponic food tower in the center which acts as an connecting point of all the bridges in the master plan



BANDONGRI METRO Archohm Design Studio Project Type Internship Project

Semester/Year July 2019 - September 2019

Location Mumbai, Maharashtra

This project was awarded to th for this was MMRDA and they w tire structure of the metro statio to come in, and It also gives a elevation) ends at an angle th in and out. The tunnel shape m The area experiences natural l a refreshing feel to the attende 3 meters on all sides which pro at the concourse and platform of the metro station. A unique different angles which creates


he archohm to design the interior and facade of the metro station. The client wanted to make the metro station to be an identity to the surrounding. The enon has been enclosed by louvers to prevent direct glare from the sun and rain a single identity to the metro station. Every alternate louver on the side (shorter hat makes the louvers take the shape of a tunnel from where the metro comes makes the station look compact and aesthetically pleasing at the same time. light and ventilation because of the use of louvers and special glazing, giving ees of the metro station. A flat roof has been installed with a cantilever of 2 to otects the platform from rainwater. Cantilevered glass facade has been used m level with plantations in it so that there is greenery both inside and outside detail of glass fixing has been used i.e. all the glass panels have been kept at s a space between them, allowing free flow of air but not water.



Existing Structure

Proposed Elevation

On-site Image - Construction Phase



Group Work


Group Work


DECODING BARCEL Evolutionary Computation Project Type Mandotary Course Project

Semester/Year July 2019 - September 2019

Location Barcelona, Spain

There is a loss of quality and ch life of the community as they edge. To humanize urban spac and cultural patterns of comm

The studio used the place mak acter of the place. The studen space within the selected ne speculative design interventio edge, integrated within a pro residential redevelopment of of the critical issue of humaniz new interactions and to enha existing community and explo


haracter in the current open spaces in Indian cities. They fail to respond to the are purely reduced to quantitative definitions and enclosed by dead urban ces, the production of qualitative aspects needs to be derived from the social munity life and its integration with a more interactive urban edge.

king theories of Christian Norberg-Schulz and Jan Gehl to construct the charnts decoded the everyday life and events, as manifested in the central open eighborhoods in Ahmedabad. They then defined strategies to construct a on plan for the central open space and a contemporary, interactive urban oposed neighborhood development masterplan. The current urban policy on old existing neighborhoods provides opportunities for the studio exploration zing urban space. The interventions attempted to create a utopian place for ance human experience in a neighborhood public place, while retaining the oring potential densification.


Eixample, Barcelona, Spain



SPATIAL HIERARCHE Space Syntax Project Type Mandotary Course Project

Semester/Year Spring 2021

Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Goal of the analysis: Investigat chosen patch(highlighted with or different from the space syn The hierarchy in most public o surrounded by. The streets with active space with lesser enclo community also defines the pu created by the built environm Conclusion: The observational and other relations that exists b ly focuses on the physical para spaces that connect to that p attributes do not affect these fer in the hierarchy in not all bu


ting the hierarchy within the public open/interaction spaces that exist on the h yellow outline) and deducing if the observational inferences are same as ntax analysis and why? open/interaction spaces is in strong relation with the street edge that it is h more access or rather direct/easy access are the large public open/interosure. The degree of publicness versus privacy and the use of space by the urpose and hierarchy of these spaces irrespective o f the scale of the space ment . l analysis incorporates enclosures , humane characteristics as well as social between the users and the built environment whereas the space syntax soleameters i.e street networks w. r. t to if considered connectivity then the no. of public open/interactive space form other spaces. Socio-cultural and spatial parameters and thus, the result as observed from both the analysis map difut many cases.


Site: Wadaj, Ahmedabad

hest degree1.ofLarge interactions as an open/public space accessed and 1. Large interactive interactive spaces: spaces: Highest Highest degree degree of of interactions interactions as as an an open/public open/public space space accessed accessed and and o it’s geographical scale as well as street used by bylocation, the entire entire community due to it’s it’snetwork. geographical location, location, scale scale as as well well as as street street network. network. used the community due to geographical

Hierarchy of Spaces at Site 2. 1. 1.


2. 2.

ces: In-between spaces created by the built enclosures or the spaces created by the built enclosures or the 2. Intermediate Intermediate interactive spaces: In-between 2. interactive spaces: In-between spaces created by the built enclosures or the ations for the immediate and extended neighborhoods. chowks themselves creating associations for chowks themselves creating associations for the the immediate immediate and and extended extended neighborhoods. neighborhoods.

4. 3. 3.

4. 4.

se are the most intimate spaces before theThese privateare space(house) 3.Small Interactive Spaces: the most most intimate intimate spaces spaces before before the the private private space(house) space(house) 3.Small Interactive Spaces: These are the mi-private areas of house frontages, otlas and others. and sometimes merge with the semi-private and sometimes merge with the semi-private areas areas of of house house frontages, frontages, otlas otlas and and others. others.

6. 5. 5.

6. 6.

The hierarchy on the site based on site visit- observational based The hierarchy in most public open/interaction spaces is in strong relation with the s t r e e t e d g e t h a t i t i s s u r r o u n d e d b y. T h e s t r e e t s w i t h m o r e a c c e s s o r r a t h e r d i r e c t / easy access are the large public open/interactive space with lesser enclosure. The degree of publicness versus privacy and the use of space by the community a l s o d e fand i n e sinformation t h e p u r p o s eextracted a n d h i e r afrom r c h y the o f t hsite. ese spaces irrespective of the scale of Observations the space created by the built environment.

L a n d Use Use Land

O Site p e n Observation S p a c e M a p Investigating Goal of the analysis: PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION


the hierarchy with

the public open/interaction spaces that exist on the chosen pat (highlighted with yellow outline)

and deducing if the observational inferen Medium Open/interactive

space are same as or different from the space syntax analysis and wh as multiple access

points from tertiary as well as

local streets with partial visibility from few edges and major interactions from immediate and extended neighborhoods that access these streets often.

S tud ent N a me : D h a r a n K or u d u v a r & Sp a r s h Pa t lan PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION


Large Open/interactive space as is connected to a major secondary street which connects to the main arterial. The patch is visible from the internal streets as well and is only partially enclosed by the built facade. The internal streets also provide in-between easy accesses for pedestrians.

Small Open/interactive space as only one direct access from the street to the space and is enclosed by the built facade from all directions reducing visibility and possibility of easy access to it. The internal local streets are also not much connected to the patch.

Large Open/interactive space

Intermediate Open/interactive space Small Open/interactive space

Formal Housing

Public open spaces


Shops/ Offices

Connectivity Connectivity

C h o i c e oof f bBetweenness etweenness Choice

Integration Integration

hmedabad taken as a base theory for

investigation identified for the site, Wadaj.

Analyzing & understanding Dhal Ni Pol through the lens of open spaces in coherence with the street hierarchy and networks that the site embraces. Elaborating on the kind of activities that these spaces entail and how that creates a sense of demarcation and flow ofas a base theory for y of Dhal Ni Pol Old City, Ahmedabad taken and achieving the goalmovement. of investigation identified for the site, Wadaj.

Analyzing & understanding Dhal Ni Pol through the lens of open spaces in coherence with the street hierarchy and The hierarchy on the sitenetworks basedthat onthethe site space syntax analysis embraces. Elaborating on d e f i n e d b y t h e a n a l y s i s m a d e b y o v e r l athe p pkind i n gof tactivities he con n e c t i v i t y, i n t e g r a t i o n a n d that these spaces entail and spaces identified on the site. how that creates a sense of demarcation and flow of movement. Integration Choice of betweenness 3.

Hierarchy of Spaces - Proposed

choice of betweenness over

Space Syntax Analysis

Case Study of Dhal Ni Pol Old City, Ahmedabad taken as a base theory for understanding and achieving the goal of investigation identified for the site, Wadaj.

Public open spaces Small Open/interactive space as per the choice analysis the shortest paths that connect to

Analyzing & understanding Dhal Ni Pol through the lens of open spaces in coherence with the street hierarchy and networks that the site embraces. Elaborating on the kind of activities that these spaces entail and how that creates a sense of demarcation and flow of movement.

2. 3.


the space are lesser and thus the integration of the space with other segments is also not that strong thus the degree of hierarchy of space as per syntax is low but as per the site observation it was inferred that because of enclosures, visibility and community it was an intermediate open/interactive space.

Large Open/interactive space as the integration map also illustrates that the space is highly integrated to other spaces and segments. Also, its connectivity to the major nodes is well connected and rather continuous.

mediate interactive spaces

Small interactive spaces

Large Open/interactive space as based on the connectivity map



the space links to a prominent


street connection which extends to various other connecting segments


and the integration is also strong.


H o w e v e r, i n t h e o b s e r v a t i o n a l analysis it was considered the small one as it was located near the edge of the nala and is enclosed by the informal settlements which reduces a c c e s s i b i l i t y. S o c i o - s p a t i a l r e l a t i o n s

Intermediate interactive spaces

active spaces

a l s o a f f e c t t h e d e c i s i o n o f h i e r a r c h y.

Small interactive spaces

Large Open/interactive space

Intermediate Open/interactive space Small Open/interactive space




mparing the observational data and the space syntax analysis: a n a l y s i s i n c o r p o r a t e s enclosures, humane characteristics as well as social and other



CLIMATE RESPONSE Climatic Analysis Project Type Mandotary Course Project

Semester/Year July 2019 - September 2019

Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Analytical plugins are tools to social comfort in the grasshop which is a toolkit that helps pe The analysis is performed on s dhal ni pol,used to understand

The common inference draw ented experience minimum th organic orientation of houses is less and mostly reflected rad in summers and also people o

According to several climatic inappropriate for any activity. reaches to almost zero when i sumed that during this month i


study and analyze conditions of the surrounding affecting our physical and pper ecosystem. I have made use of ladybug and decoding spaces as plugins erform climatic visualization,thermal analysis and quantify spaces respectively. six different patches of ahmedabad fabric,5 are from calico mills and one is d the contrast between both sites climatically and socially

wn from this patches is that usually building blocks which are compactly orihermal radiation and remains cooler, e.g.: Dhal ni pol, its narrow streets and produces more shadows which shows that the amount of incident radiation diation is experienced by the walls of the houses thus they remain cooler even often tend to use outdoor spaces even in summers for theirwork and leisure.

studies wind velocity beyond 5m/s is considered beyond human comfort and . Dhal ni pol Patches are low rise residential areas in which the wind velocity it reaches open spaces (chowks and some junctions), and hence can be asinner streets and chowks would notbe comfortable spaces to be in.


Solar Radiation

Sunlight Hours

Sun Shading

Wind Analysis

Group Work



Parametric Form Exploration Project Type Personal Work

Semester/Year 2019 - 2021

Location Abstract

PICTURE 1: Future is something into the mind, I tried to bring u many traditions which are van of the most prominent is the im ways been worshipped and th animals are no more in the lifes animals & birds and can bring on water which has a shell and animal. The form is generated part of the form which is in the the ground be used by the bir

PICTURE 2: The main aim for th the ground but also seems ve multiple points in the base form a flow to the structure. To mak chy in the structure. I have div decreases and the porosity inc The best setting i could imagin emerged from the ground and as it is always been associated

PICTURE 3: While we desing or We tweak the tools by knwoin accidents while tweaking. The simple circle generated by ran using sine funtion. Then I took simple-ruled surface. But when but it was again a ruled-surfac two circles we can produce su


we try to get things right which is disturbed in the present. By tacking this idea up my concept along with the reviving the losing tradition of India. There are nishing day by day due to the development of the cities in a certain way. One mportance of animals and birds as in Indian cultures animals and birds are alhere is a strong culture od fading them. Due to the development of the cities style of the people. My concept is to make some element which caters to the g the value of the animal in life. so I have tried to make a structure which floats d a core where shell rotates withe water flow and core acts as a space for the d as in to support the rotation of the form with the help of water. The bottom e water is where fish and other water life can take place and the form above rds.

he Form of the temple was to create something which seams emerging from ery special as to the space of importance. In the Structure, I triedgenerating m of the Temple which was a pyramid to make links between them and giving ke the structure look dense on-site as well porous in nature I tried giving hierarvided the structure into 3 levels as the structure goes high the density of mesh creases because of which structure look light and connected to the ground. ne for my time was the dense forest as the main aim was to show the temple d to give a special character to the structured gold was the material choice d with the god.

r trying to fins a form using digital tools, there is certain logic to our process. ng that the tool will produce such result. But though we always except happy e form that had been shown above is such an accident. Initial curve was a nge of values from -Pi to Pi in XY plane. Then the points are moved up in Z axis curve scaled it and tweened both the curves to create a surface. This is just n I change the frequency of wave the surface looks like it was doubly curved ce that gives that illusion of doubly curved. It was quite amazing that using only uch as a form that is structually stable by the nature of its geometry.


THANK YOU Contact koruduvar@gmail.com dharankumar.korduvar.bud16@cept.ac.in @

10, Lilavati park society, Maninagar, Ahmedabad-380008 +91 7990901145 linkedin.com/in/dharan-koruduvar

For Detail Portfolio Visit: issuu.com/dharankoru

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