November 2012 Dharma Flower Sangha newsletter

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Our monthly newsletter for November 2012...on gratitefulness!

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Admirable Friends Dharma Flower Sangha Newsletter NOVEMBER 2012



Tam Gioi (Chris O'Brien) Recognizing the availability of ease in the here & now, I wonder, why so much disease? While dwelling in the present moment, enjoying a beautiful day, a knot or bout of anxiety. Where did you come from? How do we say hello & let you go?

These two people are hard to find in the world. Which two? The one who is first to do a kindness, and the one who is grateful and thankful for a kindness done. Anguttara Nikaya 2.118 We all know what gratefulness is. Or do we? Here is Br. David


definition: “…it




appreciation of something altogether unearned, utterly gratuitous--life, existence, ultimate belonging--and this is

Grateful for this human birth & the births of all sentient beings, discord arises. Mindfulness, skillfulness & dwelling in the present moment will quiet the storm, won't it? Appreciative of the causes & conditions that allow for a sustaining livelihood, challenges appear. Hard work is supposed to equal stability isn't it? Aren't my co-workers supposed to do things the way I think they should?

the literal meaning of grate-full-ness. In a moment of gratefulness, you do not discriminate. You fully accept the whole of this given universe, as you are fully one with the whole.” This is not about writing thank-you notes. This is high-level spiritual practice! "Full






presence. And what about "unearned, utterly gratuitous"? Can we open ourselves to the possibility of gratefulness for something that we did nothing to earn? Have we noticed these gifts--"life, existence, ultimate belonging"? They are not material objects, not services rendered, not

A roller coaster ride. Climbing hills towards the wonder that is available in each moment. Let go off the crossbar, throw your hands up and plunge in to this moment...and this moment...and...


Moments spent outside of this one; I think that is why there is so much dis-ease.

to embrace, to "fully accept," the entirety of our

Sangha news

gratefulness is present, we are not separated from our

We will hold a refuge ceremony on Thursday, December 6. Anyone wishing to take refuge and receive the precepts may do so on this date. Please contact Sister Phap Chan for more information.

experience nor are we separated from others. We might

The Dharma Flower Sangha Service and Practice Book is now available on the Web, to read online or to download. Look for it on the "Our Publications" page of our web site.






belonging are our birthright as humans. Now consider how gratefulness requires that we "do not discriminate." Life, existence, and ultimate belonging aren't always beautiful and happy. Br. David is asking us existence...the good, the bad, the indifferent. And in doing this, we become "fully one with the whole." If

even suggest that gratefulness is the fifth Immeasurable Mind! Practicing mindfulness of gratitude consistently leads to a direct experience of being connected to life and the realization that there is a larger context in which your personal story is unfolding. Being relieved of the endless wants and worries of your life's drama, even temporarily, is liberating. Phillip Moffit

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