Tennis magazine

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“Celebrating 14 years serving the International Community in Tokyo�


to Jinji Tennis!

To our valued friends and team members of Jinji Tennis Center In the last 14 years, so many children and families have taken our tennis lessons and joined our club. It has been my privilege and honor to serve the international community in Tokyo. We are proud to say our tennis club hosts more than 20 different nationalities, 250 pupils, four coaches, two tennis courts and huge love the for the fantastic game of TENNIS! I never tire of seeing the awe on the faces of the children when they attend their first tennis lesson. Many of the children are already so excited from discussing the lessons with their parents before they come to class and that excitement is a wonder to behold. We want to be sure that not only children learning skills and improving their game, but that they are also having fun and enjoying their time at Jinji Tennis classes. As their coach, one of my favorite moments is when the children are able to hit the ball for the first time across the court - it’s as though time stands still and you can see that all our hard

work together is beginning to pay off! The game of tennis attracts a variety of people from all over the world and has many benefits to those who play it. At Jinji Tennis we encourage members of all ages to keep fit and active. We feel that regular exercise is important to leading a healthy life. One of the many allures of tennis is that you can exercise while socialising with friends; it is wonderful to see our members enjoying their time together on the court while keeping fit and healthy! Not only is tennis great exercise, but it also teaches many other important life skills such as discipline, social skills, and confidence that guide children on their road to adulthood. Our team is fully committed to providing the best service and high-quality facilities for you to enjoy, learn and most importantly, play tennis. I would like to thank you all for your continued support of Jinji Tennis and I look forward to seeing you all in class.

Jinji Tennis Center ーの大切なメンバーの方々へ 創設以来 14年 間非常にたくさんのお子様やご家族にクラブにご入会いただきレッスンをご利用頂いて まいりまし た。東京の国際色豊かなコミュニティーでこれまで務めることができましたことを大変名誉で光 栄に思います。 ジンジテニスは 20 以上の国籍の 250 人の生徒の方々、4 人のコーチ、素晴らしいテニスコート環境、そ して大き なテニスに注がれる愛情に 恵まれたことを誇りに思います。 はじめてレッスンを受けるお子様の楽しい表情は見飽きることがありません。 毎レッスン多くの子供達は もはや待ち きれないといった様子でワ クワクした表情でコートにやって来ます。我々ジンジテニスでは、 お子様がテニスについ て学び上達するだけでなく、レッスンを楽しみ、有意 義な時間を過ごしてもらえる よう心掛けています。コーチとし て、お子様が初めてボールを相手コートまで打ち返せたときの喜びは、 一瞬時間 が止まったような錯覚を起こすほど 何物にも代えがたいもので非常にやりがいを感じられる瞬 間でもあります。 テニスという競技は世界中の多くの人に親しまれ、プレイすることで非常に利点も多いスポーツです。ジ ンジテニス ではあらゆる世代のメン バ ーの皆様に健康的でアクティブな活動をお勧めします。定期的な 運動は健康的な生活には 不可欠だと私共は考えます。数多くあるテニス の魅力の一つに、お友達と運 動しながら社交的に活動できるというこ とがありますが、私共にとってメンバーの皆さまがコート内でご一 緒に楽 しんで健康的な体づくりに励まれている姿 は見ていて非常に喜ばしいものです。 テニスはその運動量だけでなく、躾や社交性などお子様にとって生きていくうえで役に立つ様々なスキル を身に付けることのできるスポー ツ です。ジンジテニスではスタッフ一同最高のサービスと施設のご提 供を実現し日々お楽しみいただけるよう努力を惜しみせん。テを 学 び、そして続けましょう。 これまで当ジンジテニスへお力添え頂き誠にありがとうございます。またレッスンでお会いすることを心よ りお待ちしています。


Event: Summer Tennis Camp 2016 in Tokyo

The hotshot summer camp - was held from June 29 to Jul 8 at ISSH (International School of the Sacred Heart) in Tokyo. Activities during the camp included body coordination skills, fitness guidelines, tennis rules, 5 basic shots, and how to play a doubles game. Participants from aged 6 to 14 years old whose skill sets range from the first-time beginner to intermediate players. 6月27日~7月8日まで聖心インターナショナルスクール(広尾)でキッ ズ・ジュニア向けサマー キャンプを実施しました。1週間の集中レッスン を通じて、テニスの腕前はもちろんのこと、体 力面やメンタル面での成長 も見られました!素晴らしいキャンプでした。


Junior Program – I have a Dream! Jinji Tennis offers a junior tennis program for children ages 3-18. Our program is the base of education and values that each child will experience during the class! Each program allows children to improve not only tennis skills but also develop their life skills that they will use for the rest of their lives, such as discipline and leadership. We are located on the 5th floor of the Tokyo Hilton Shinjuku. 4歳~18歳までのキッズ・ジュニアを対象にインターナショナルなテニス環境で効果的 に上達 できるプログラムを用意.しております。JINJI TENNISのプログラムは、テニスの スキルアップ はもちろんのこと、人生に必要なライフスキルを楽しみながら身につけら れる内容になってお ります。新宿という抜群のロケーションでお子様の心身の成長をサ ポートいたします。場所は 東京ヒルトン(新宿)5階のテニスコートです。








Under 10 and Under 12 Tennis – Education Jinji Tennis Center- aim to give a chance to children to try a new sport and create a platform for self-expression & education through tennis by training the child’s mindset & values. Benefits of our program for children are Learning Lifetime skills, Courtesy, Self-esteem, Social skills, Discipline, Goal setting, and Leadership. JINJI TENNISではお子様のココロとカラダ、そして英語力が伸びるようインターナ ショナルなテ ニス環境を提供しております。年齢別にそれぞれの成長に合わせたカ リキュラムを実施し、無 理なくテニススキルの開発・向上を目指していきます。子 供達はレッスンの中で、礼儀マナー・ 目標設定・自己認識・リーダーシップ・社交 性などの力を自然に身につけていきます。

Age 4-6 6-10 10-12

JINJI TENNIS offer a lesson program for three aged group No of Fee Day Time Location students (per lesson) Sunday 11:00-11:45 Wednesday 16:30-17:30 Max. 6 Hilton Tokyo 10:00-11:00 ¥ 4,410 students Tennis Court Saturday and 16:00-17:00 Wednesday 17:30-18:30

Private Lesson fee for Juniors

Semi Private (2 Juniors) Group (2-3 Juniors)

Time 60 minute 90 minute 120 minute 60 minute 90 minute 60 minute 90 minute

Fee (per person ¥ 7,560 ¥ 10,800 ¥ 14,040 ¥ 5,130 ¥ 7,115 ¥ 4,320 ¥ 5,940


ISSH After School Program- Life Skill Tennis JINJI Tennis center is offering a kids’ tennis program at ISSH. The program, established in 2007 with the aim to explore new sports at the school. The school has 2 outdoor hard tennis courts. This is a great opportunity to make new friends and speak English at the same time. ISSH is located 3 minutes walk from Hiroo station. The program is open for boys and girls. Offered Program (PTR - Under 12 Junior Program) Grade





15:30. 16:30



16:30. 17:30

Fee (per lession)

¥ 2,500


ISSH Tennis Court International School of the Sacred Heart 4-3-1 Hiroo. Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0012

JINJI TENNIS teaches tennis using the PTR Progression Method, designed to be constructive and fun all at once. During the first stage, RED 1, the kids will discover tennis terms, motor skill, forehand and backhand, basic serve, and volley. At the end of the term, all students will be tested for a RED 1 tennis certificate.


Junior Elite: High performance training The Junior Elite program - is aiming for a long-term commitment to training and development that is required to produce elite tennis players. A well planned training program will ensure optimum development throughout a tennis player’s career. Ultimately, success comes from training and performing well over the long-term rather than winning in the short-term. The goals of the Elite program are to discover, train and support young tennis players for regional and international tennis tournaments. エリート・プログラムはエリート選手を養成するため長期的に訓練・指導を実施いた します。選 手のテニスキャリアを向上させるためにトレーニングは綿密に内容が組ま れます。目の前の1 つの勝利を目指すよりも、長期目標を目指してトレーニングを続 けることが、結局は成功への 近道となるのです。 エリート・プログラムの目標は、国内・海外のトーナメントで活躍できる若いテニスプレイヤー を 発掘し、鍛え、サポートすることです。 Schedule for Juniors aged 13 - 16 years Fee Time Lesson (per lession)

Day Monday Friday Tuesday

17:30 - 18:30

90 minutes

¥ 5,000


Hilton Tokyo Tennis Court


16 monthly hours of intense singles and doubles training.

6:1 Student / Teacher

Learn advanced techniques for all strokes, mental toughness and doubles and singles pattern of play.

2 hours of instructions, drills and simulated match play. Including a challenge, ladder to take your progress. NOLA



GO PRO System Next Nishikori Kei JINJI TENNIS CENTER is seeking and welcoming juniors from the age of 13 to 18 who are training or want to become professional tennis players in the future. We at GO PRO program have a dedicated team of coaches with an abundance a knowledge. Moreover, by utilizing our networks with tennis academies all throughout the world, we hope to raise future professional tennis players in Japan. We pride ourselves in our networks in Spain, Israel, New York, Serbia, and Australia. GO PRO is the only tennis program in Japan that offers such a wide range of qualities and strengths in one center. JINJI TENNISでは将来プロを目指しているジュニア選手(13~18歳)を募集しています。GO PRO プログラムは熟練コーチで.チーム編成され、国内や海外のテニスアカデミーのネットワ ークを活 用しながらジュニア選手のプロ育成を目指しております。 JINJI TENNISの海外ネッ トワークはス ペイン、イスラエル、米国・ニューヨーク、セルビア、そしてオーストラリアと世界 の テニスと繋がっております。 The goal of GO PRO is to discover and raise the next Nishikori Kei and Sugiyama Ai through systematic support, advice, and training. GO PRO OFFERS THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM FOR PARTICIPATING PLAYERS. • Free consultation • Comprehensive Tennis Program (Daily/ Weekly/ Monthly Schedule) • Participation in both domestic and international Tournaments. • The detailed game plays analysis by professional coaches. • Participation in training camps outside of japan. • Fundraising • Sparring/ Hitting partner

THE GO PRO SYSTEM OFFERS: 1. EXAMINATION: To begin, all players will undergo a training exam, which will be filmed and recorded on video. 2. ANALYSIS: Based on the footage of the training exam, the coaches of GO PRO will analyze and dissect each player’s game style, tendencies, and patterns. Furthermore, filmed footage will be sent to other tennis academies both domestically and abroad for further consultation and analysis. 3. TRAINING: Upon conducting an interview and receiving feedback from the other tennis academies, the GO PRO Team will develop a detailed daily/ weekly/ monthly training schedule that fits the needs and requirements of each player. 4. TOURNAMENTS: Based on training with GO PRO, players will participate in 20 tennis tournaments domestically and also participate in five tournaments abroad.


Bruguera Tennis – Intensive Junior Training Program in Spain Are you looking for something for your children to do this summer and thinking about those same old activities: the beach, hiking, trips to amusement parks or museums? How about doing something amazing this year? The Bruguera Tennis Academy- An all-levels, tennis camp for young people located in the picturesque Barcelona countryside. BTA is a fun, high performance and results driven tennis camp, which offers the best facilities and professional coaches (a student teacher ratio of 3:1 and 5 internationally certified physical training staff on-site) with the goal of fostering professional skills in young players. However, if you thought this camp was all about tennis, you were wrong. BTA is not only a high-performance training center, but with participants from more than 30 different countries, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance for young people to get together and make friends from all over the world whilst living, breathing and eating tennis. The BTA goal is the formation of well-balanced young players, so, while tennis is the focus, recreation, study and socialising are all given due attention. The camp is superbly equipped for a range of outdoor activities so as to make sure that its young guests get the chance to have fun whilst improving their game. Students who attend the BTA make friends for life and leave the camp with much more than just improved tennis skill. Is a summer activity that won’t be forgotten for a long time! 今年の夏はいつもの夏とは違う特別なことをお子様にしてあげたいとお考えではないです か? ビーチ、ハイキング、遊園地への旅行または博物館?今年、もし素晴らしい何かをするとした ら -ブルゲラテニスアカデミー-絵ハガキのような素晴らしい景色のバルセロナの田園地帯 に ある全てのレベルの若者向けのためのテニスキャンプはいかがでしょうか。 BTAは、若いプレーヤーの専門の技術を促進することを目的として、最高の施設とプロのコ ーチ(生徒 3人に対してコーチ1人の割合、そして5人のフィジカルトレーニングスタッフが常勤 しています)を提 供するテニスキャンプです。このキャンプはテニス施設だけではなく、高度な トレーニング・センター でもありま す。30以上の異なる国から若者たちが集まって、人生でかけがえのない時間を共に生活し、 テニスをし て、かけがいのない友人を作る機会を得るのです。BTAのゴールはバランスのとれた若いプ レーヤーの 形成です、テニスに焦点をあてますが、その間にもレクリエーション、勉強、そし て社交性をもつとい うことも忘れません。彼らのゲームを改善する間にも彼らが楽しむ機会 を得られるように、ブルゲラテ ニスキャンプは屋外での十分の活動ができるように作られてい ます。BTAに参加する学生たちは、そこ で生涯の友人を作り、そして十分に彼らのテニス技 術は改善されて、キャンプを去ります。それは、彼 らにとって一生忘れられない夏の思い出となるでしょ う。


Birthday Party Celebrate your child’s birthday JINJI TENNIS CENTER - supports parents to make the perfect combination of fun and skill development Birthday Party for the children from the age of 4. Stay fit - lifestyle You can invite as many children as you wish up to 30 children. We even supply the party invitations! JINJI TENNIS CENTERでは、これまでたくさんのお誕生日パーティーのお手伝いしてきまし た。 ご利用頂いたご両親、お子様達にも大変ご好評頂いております。 テニスを交えて楽し く、又 お子様の特別な誕生日になるようなお手伝いをさせて頂きます! 4歳のお子様から、 お友達は3 0人まで何人招待されても大丈夫。 招待状もご用意して待ちしております。 What do you do at the Pally? 75 minutes of fun tennis activities which will be modified according to the age and the standard of participants. The emphasis is on participation and cooperation. The varieties of activities and games are utilized by the experienced coaches. Where is the party held? Weekends at Shinagawa Indoor Tennis Courts. We have had some fantastic parties up to 30 attending. What if the children have never played tennis before? Tennis experience is not required. We will have a lot of fun games and drills which suit children from ages 4 and up. What about the food? We have a party room in the clubhouse. The additional fee is required.

For booking and more information, Please Contact Web site: Shai Gigi - シャイギギ email: Jinji Tennis Center Head Tennis Pro - ハード テニス プロ , クラブ デレクタ facebook: Phone: 81- 080-4141-1300


Junior Player Interview

I want to win junior tournaments

I want to be a good tennis player

Tennis is Fun!!!

I like to be a pro one day!

Hitting a ball is fun. I like coaches!

How about “I like to play tennis everyday. Its fun!!�?


Adult Programs - Life Style Join us for fitness and tennis sessions in central Tokyo. We create a fun and energetic atmosphere for adults to meet new people and improve your lifestyle. Located on the 5th floor of the Tokyo Hilton Shinjuku, the Jinji Tennis Centre offers the perfect social atmosphere, including complimentary use of Hilton hotel’s spa facilities.

The JINJI TENNIS CENTER offers: A wide range of programs to meet your specific needs.




Adult Group Lesson @ Hilton Tokyo BEGINNERS GROUP LESSONS: The adult’s mix group lessons are aimed at the social tennis players who would like to meet new people and have fun while playing tennis. The lesson covers more group oriented tennis drills with our aim to hit as many tennis balls as possible by using different drills to accomplish a good tennis workout. The students will be able to take the certification for Tennis level test. Player levels: 3.0 - 5.0 (See our Progression System) Day

Time (1 hour)


16:00 - 17:20


19:00 - 20:20

Fee (per person)

Court Surface

Max students


¥ 5,960



Hilton Tokyo Tennis Court

ADVANCED GROUP LESSON: The performance class is aimed for, tennis players who are intermediate or advanced players and plays tennis on a regular basis and would like to maintain & improve their game. Let’s play competitive tennis covering two hours of great fun TENNIS workout, many tennis drills and hitting more than 500 balls every lesson. Player levels: 3.0 - 5.0 (See our Progression System) Day

Time (1 hour)

Thursday 1 9:00 - 21:00 Saturday

17:00 - 19:00

Fee (per person)

Court Surface

Max students


¥ 5,960



Hilton Tokyo Tennis Court


Adult Private Lesson @ Hilton Tokyo THE FASTEST WAY TO LEARNED & IMPROVE YOUR TENNIS! Get Private lesson at Hilton Tokyo! Private lessons offer you a chance to improve your tennis skills faster and learn at own pace. Jinji tennis creates a customized lesson plan tailored to your tennis & fitness level. プライベートレッスン プライベートレッスンはコーチとのマンツーマン指導で、皆様のレベルや目的に合っ たレッス ン内容を提供致します。新宿のヒルトン東京でお好きな時間帯にテニスでリ フレッシュしなが ら、自分のペースでスキルアップしませんか? DEVELOPMENT CLASS: Aimed for beginner tennis players, or people who play tennis for fun. 初心者、テニスを楽しくプレーしたいという方向けのコースです。 PERFORMANCE CLASS: Aimed for tennis players who are intermediate or advance and play tennis on a regular basis and would like to maintain to improve their game. 中級から上級クラスの方で、 定期的にテ ニスをプレーをしたい、または実戦力をさらに磨きたいという方向けのコースです。 Performance Class Adult Fee Fee Tennis Court Time (Per Person) (60 minutes) (90 minutes) Surface 1 ¥ 8,640 ¥ 12,420 MondayFee 2 ¥ 5,535 ¥ 7,762 Hard Sunday 7:00 - 21:00 3-6 ¥ 4,320 ¥ 5,547 Location Hilton Tokyo


Tennis 65+ : It’s a game for life Jinji Tennis offers a senior tennis program for men and women over age 65. This senior tennis program incorporates wonderful instruction with lots of fun. The perfect ingredients for a successful week of tennis. Gain confidences are your shot making, refine tennis stroke mechanics and learn our fitness components to provide you with the necessary tools to maintain a healthy and youthful body. 皆様の目的に合ったレッスンを提供致します。 65歳以上のシニア向けのプログラムです。体に負担をかけないゆっくりとし たレッスンからゲ ームのレベルアップレッスンまで、皆様の目的に合った レッスンを提供致します。健康で若い 体を維持するため、早朝のテニスレッ スンを楽しみませんか?

Player Levels: 2.0 – 4.5 (see our Progression system) Day

Time (1 hour)


7:00 am-9:00 am


8:00 am-9:00 am


Private Lesson (per person)

Tennis Clinic (per person)

¥ 8,560

¥ 4,200

Hilton Tokyo Tennis Court


Progression System for Kids The primary goal at JINJI is to manage the progress and advancement of our customers. A unique point system was created here at JINJI for both the coach and customers to monitor the progression of our customers. Our Progression System ranges from 2.0 to 7.0, and players advance along the system based on our coach’s recommendation, which is based on a 30-minutes certification test where players are assessed based on their performance on different shots and skills.

36o Red Court

60o Orange Court

78o Green Court


Progression System for Adults The primary goal at JINJI is to manage the progress and advancement of our customers. A unique point system was created here at JINJI for both the coach and customers to monitor the progression of our customers. Our Progression System ranges from 2.0 to 7.0, and players advance along the system based on our coach’s recommendation, which is based on a 30-minutes certification test where players are assessed based on their performance on different shots and skills. JINJI TENNISの目的の1つは皆様のテニスの上達をしっかりとサポートする ことです。その ために、ご自身のテニスのレベルアップを明確に認識いた だけるよう独自のポイントシステ ムを導入しております。JINJIのプログ レッションシステムはレベル2.0から7.0まであり、次の レベルに上がるため に、何に取り組むべきかを明確にしています。


Take it one day at a time

Surround yourself with positive

Create a vision board

Makes S.M.A.R.T goals

Reward yourself

Believe in yourself

Acknowledge your positive attributes

Recognize your progress

Visualize accomplishing your goals

Be kind to yourself

Don’t compare yourself with others

Dear Body I’m sorry I have treated you this way, feeding you the wrong foods and not taking care of you. I promise to do better and get you back to the best shape and fitness level you can be.


Coloring Page – 1 Send us a coloring page by email or bring the page to the lesson with you!


Coloring Page – 2 Send us a coloring page by email or bring the page to the lesson with you!


Adults Player Interview

Because of its location. It’s very convenient!

Coaches are very nice. I like Jinjii’s international atmosphere. Tennis is the sports of lifetime!

Because I can meet new friends here.


To keep my good health & brush up my English!

Article: Why Tennis is The Best Sport For Children Tennis is one of the best game around for children. It is more about just making sure you have active and healthy children. A larger number of children are getting out and becoming involved in competitive sports like tennis at much younger ages. Kids as young as four years old start practicing and participating in tennis competitions. THE GROWTH AND MATURATION PROCESS: During childhood, children grow and mature at a steady rate, but their motor development is one area that is growing rapidly. With the increase of this rate, getting them involved in a sport that requires delicate dedication to their motor skills can allow them to grow these skills at a much faster rate, allowing them to become more advanced in specific areas than their peers. CHILDREN’S PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: Through kid’s tennis education kids can learn this sport at such an early age that they will experience a large number of health and physical benefits from regular practice. Tennis has been proven to improve their first steps, aerobic fitness, and speed. Additionally, children’s leg strength has been improved, their balance is better, and their fine motor skills are off the charts. FLEXIBILITY: Children who participate in sports and activities regularly have better flexibility skills than the peers. Stretching before and after any tennis matches or practices can help to increase these skills throughout the years. PSYCHOLOGICAL SKILLS: Through working with regular kid’s tennis education, it has been proven that children who participate regularly have better discipline, management skills and accept responsibility better than those who do not participate in tennis activities.

When children make mistakes they sometimes cannot team to handle these errors properly and get frustrated. However, children that participate in tennis have been found to have better management skills in learning to handle any mistakes they may make throughout their lives. They can also handle any adversity better that comes their way and learn through dedication and hard work how to overcome this adversity. By participating in sporting activities like tennis, children can learn to effectively interact and communicate with others. This is an amazing skill that many can learn from an early age on. It teaches them to get out of their shells and not be shy, but to talk and speak with others. CONCLUSION: Their problem-solving skills are better than their peers, they can effectively communicate any issues they are experiencing and work through any stress that comes their way. Sporting activities like tennis have been known to increase the sportsmanship in children and teaches them to have a gracious winner and losing altitude. They learn how to work in a team and develop successful teamwork skills that can lead them to benefit throughout life and their careers.


Recommendation spots in Tokyo When I was 18, I joined the food industry and while working in different countries I was taught the art of cooking and proper handling of meat. The reason why I am here today, still continuing my job in the kitchen is because of my pure love of cooking and heartfelt joy of watching a happy customer serving my freshly made meals. At Pink Camila, we use organic ingredients from my home country, Israel as well as Japan and serve cuisine that combines traditional Israeli style and modern style. And I must mention aged meat which has become a part of my identity. I strive to assure customers that they can enjoy safe meat in the best condition by using only the highest quality American Prime that is handled with particular care in order to draw out its natural flavor. It is my responsibility and pride as a chef to provide taste satisfaction and emotional experience for all customers it is my motivation to see customers smile after taking a bite of their food and hear words of praise at the table. It is the reason I continue to do what I do. With my sincere hope that every dish I prepare to bring a happy moment to all. Thanks, you and cheers!

L’Chaim in Hebrew is a toast meaning “to life”

Opening Hours: Monday Close • 18:00-23:00 (Tue-Fri) • 18:00-22:00 (Sat-Sun)


Address: 1-5-16 2F Shimomeguro Meguro Tokyo



About US - Jinji Tennis Coaches Shai Gigi Founder, Plain Coach, Tennis Professional PTR Certified coach GPTCA International Tennis Coach - ATP Certified More than 100,000 hours of teaching experience Hard court specialist, shot selection and strategy Nick Name: 7SABA Birth Place: Haifa, Israel Residence: Tokyo, Japan Height: 173cm Weight: 63 kg Plays: Right-Handed Back-Hand: One-Handed Turned Coach: 2003 Coach: Micheal Stavonski Racket: YONEX R05 002 TOUR

Nick Name: Pete Birthplace: Sydney, Australia Residence: Tokyo, Japan Height: 175 cm Weight: 68 kg Plays: Right-Handed Backhand: Single-Handed Coaches: Ron Swaysland & Greg Perkins Rackets: Babolat Pure Drive

Nick Name: Eddy. P. Birthplace: Nongkhai, Thailand Height: 173 cm Weight: 65 kg Plays: Right-Handed Backhand: One-Handed Turned Coach: 2003 Coach: Orathai Sanprathet Rackets: Pacific X Force Lite

Nick Name: Yama Birthplace: Nagano, Japan Residence: Tokyo, Japan Height: 182 cm Weight: 72 kg Plays: Right-Handed Backhand: Double-Handed Rackets: PRINCE TOUR 98 XR-J


HILTON TOKYO HOTEL (5F), 6-6-2 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokyo, JAPAN. Email:

080-3576-1300 24

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