Kotak book

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july 2012

m a g a z i n e

Living the

good life

Voyage | A La Mode | Gourmet

july 2012

m a g a z i n e

Living the

good life

A La Mode | Voyage | Gourmet


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Experience the ultimate luxury in this issue of Konnoisseur

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Editorial Board

Tiny desserts are big this season 22

Gadget Lust List Sinful indulgence for summer 04

Classic Art In conversation with French artistdesigner Jean Marc Gady 06

A La Mode Vintage suitcase back in vogue 8

Good Life Why you should spend your evenings at the emerging cigar lounges 12

Voyage Unexplored islands around the world 16

Technological concepts that’ll blow your mind 24

Speed Experience the MercedesBenz SLK 200 26

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Lust List


Mahesh Notandass’s trail-blazes

Known for their avant-garde

GREY GOOSE, the vodka brand,

the jewellery aficionados with

designs, the signature collection

celebrated Varun Bahl’s exquisite

their new and exclusive Diamond

from the 100-year-old Sheaffer

collection at ‘Grey Goose IIFA

Collection, featuring an absolute

Prelude is designed to wow.

Rocks’ recently. The highlight

The divine incarnation of

celebration of precious stones.

You really have to want to get

Available in silver plated and

The Piaget’s Time Gallery has

of this year’s IIFA Rocks is the

Lord Shiva and the disciple of

The collection offers classic and

away from it all to enjoy the

22 K gold plated finish with

launched a stunning collection

collaboration between GREY

Lord Rama – Hanuman – got

vintage inspired jewellery with

isolation and relaxation on

a rich snakeskin and a smart

of jewellery cum watches.

GOOSE and famed designer

a makeover when Amrapali

a unique and diamond cut for

offer at Song Saa Private Island

diamond patterned look, this pen

To illustrate the brand’s rich

Varun Bahl, and the showcase

in association with the Divine

added jazz and sparkle. Their

Resort. The complex is located

oozes style from every angle.

history and heritage in watch

of a collection inspired by

Heritage Collection unveiled a

collection features striking

on a couple of islands off the

A polished black grip ensures a

making, the House has created

the essence of the brand. The

regal Hanuman figurine crafted

statement pieces including

coast of Cambodia that can only

smooth writing experience. This

an exhibition dedicated to the

collection is inspired by 4

in the finest materials. Sculpted

a pendant necklace, rings

be reached by boat or seaplane.

pen is also available in Engraved

magic of jewellery. Inaugurated

Grey Goose cocktails - Amour,

by renowned American artist

and earrings with square cut

It boasts luxurious overwater,

Diamond Square Pattern.

in the end of April at the Piaget

Lavender Bliss, Fiesta Espanola

Lawrence Heyda, this statuette

diamonds set in gold.

rainforest and beach villas, as

Time Gallery in Geneva, this

and Spice.

is a collector’s item and a pure

well as a hotel with a spa and a

exhibition will soon move to

treat for the eyes. There are only

celebrity cook. Apart from every

Hong Kong and Shanghai. The

18 of these spectacular figurines

luxury imaginable, you’ll find

collection boasts of exquisite

available worldwide.

there’s utter peace.

pieces crafted in precious stones.



Classic Art


french fireball Paris-born artist-designer Jean-Marc Gady is the latest toast of luxury brands worldover. We speak to him about creating new design rules and working with Louis Vuitton. words Meghna Sharma

Vuitton’s art director for windows and events design, his work has received many grants and was patrimony sculpted by hundreds

a part of several international

of craftsmen generation after

design publications. How was

generation, a know-how and

it working at Louis Vuitton?

heritage, which is important for a

“My job there was to run the

dinner plate into an awe-

designer to understand. It’s not

store windows and event design

inspiring work of art. Flower

only really about doing the same

department. I had the chance to

vases become heirlooms when

thing with the same spirit

work on projects from Bangkok

he gives them his creative twist

eternally, it is more about

to Taipei, Shanghai, Beijing and

and the fine line between art and

collecting the signs of what can

Tokyo, the strategic places. My

design vanishes when he swishes

be transferred to our time.

stint at Vuitton opened other

his wand. That’s Jean-Marc Gady

Gabrielle Chanel, Jean-Paul

doors. I think I decided to create

for you, one of the most active

Guerlain or Christian Dior are

my own studio the day I realised

and all-round French designers

strong creative institutions, ideas

I had done my time there;

dedicated to the luxury world. No

that have been able to travel all

the taste of new and personal

wonder then that premium

along the decades. That’s what I

adventures were calling me.”

brands like Louis Vuitton, Moet &

need to understand before I

Chandon, Apple, Baccarat and

create anything for them.

talented artist says, he could

Christofle swear by the designs

Working with such brands is a

find it anywhere. “Inspiration is

of this Paris-born maverick. He is

great opportunity as I’m

everywhere, there are no rules.”

the blue-eyed boy of luxury. But

touching something very

Has India ever inspired him?

it’s not easy to be a toast of

precious. I like this idea of

“Unfortunately, I don’t know

these premium brands, he says.

delicate work,” he says.

India yet but I can’t wait to

He can turn a pedestrian

“Luxury brands have an amazing

Hailed worldwide as Louis

Gady (Right) with his products (clockwise from top left) Yume Pour Perrouin, Royal Rose vase, the French Cancan, LV installation in Tokyo, LV Carnavalet, Capture Totale for Dior, Air Cup, Copie De Cendier, the Submarine vase, Champagne container & vase Amphora

As for inspiration, the

discover the country.”



A La Mode


vintage in vogue Vintage is in vogue yet again and this time the buzzword among the fash-consious is classic leather suitcases & trunks words Meghna Sharma

A family of four – the husband and wife and two little daughters – leave the aircraft after a long flight from Milan. Though a happy pack of four isn’t a rare sighting at the airport, something that’s particularly remarkable is what they carry: in place of the predictable wheelie case, all have perfectly battered vintage suitcases – hers in brown, his in blue. As holidaymakers flock to luggage carousels worldwide, it’s becoming more common to see travellers eschewing the traditional hallmarks of the frequent flyer – synthetic nylon and go-faster wheels – for something neo-vintage. The allure of vintage luggage is catching everyone’s eye – the glamour and decadence of a



A La Mode


bygone era when journeying

says, “I had always used the

the concept of provenance.

to a foreign land involved

convenient wheeled suitcases

Kim Jones, creative director at

adventure, romance and style.

whenever I went out until I

luxury goods group Dunhill, had

Vintage baggage not only helps

discovered the massive trunks at

remarked that there are other

one to express one’s style in a

Louis Vuitton. Although they are

advantages to having luggage

subtle way but also it is easy

steeply priced but then someone

that evokes the golden age of

to locate your suitcases in the

very wise had said that luxury

travel, “Not only does vintage-

luggage carousel. Travelling in

doesn’t come with a price tag.”

style luggage allow you to

style has become de rigueur

Not everyone is a fan,

express your style in the very

however. Sameer Kapoor, 56,

generic airport environment

businessman, prefers the modern

but it is also easier to spot on

Take care of your vintage luggage

convenience of wheelies. “Old-

the luggage carousel.” Last

1) Vacuum out the interior of

school luggage has its own

year, after trawling the brand’s

the luggage by using a hose

charm but I recently completed

100-year-old archives, Jones

attachment. This will get out

a trip to Europe where the locks

reintroduced a Dunhill aluminium

any dust and gunk that has

of my suitcase were damaged

case from the 1940s. “The 1940s

been accumulating over time.

in transit. Not only was the hotel

were an iconic time for the

2) Dip a small area of the cloth

handbags are just the accessory

able to repair it, it did so in a

glamour of travel and the Dunhill

into leather cleaner and apply

you need to elevate your look

matter of hours. But that would

cases pay homage to that,” says

the cloth to a small corner.

by several notches. And some of

have been impossible if I had


3) Buff the leather clean

the biggest brands in the world

an old or vintage case.” Still,

have amassed numerous styles

fans of traditional luggage are

is quality. If you are investing

at a time.

and shapes to satiate every

unlikely to be lured away by the

in luxury brand luggage, the

4) Finally, dry the luggage

traveller’s needs.

promise of on-the-spot repairs.

luggage will be constructed to

completely by using a soft

At the heart of the vintage

withstand the rigours of overseas

towel over the entire area.

case’s renewed popularity is

travel. Bon voyage!

and vintage suitcases and

Vintage suitcases are designed to withstand the rigours of overseas travel

Vintage style cases act as a symbol of luxury and class even

The key to any luxury luggage

working in one small section

among other contemporary collections. Sejal Jhunjhunwala, 28, entrepreneur, says: “I still use an old brown-coloured GlobeTrotter suitcase that my mother bought some 22-years-ago. They are reasonably lightweight and I find that my clothes keep their shape better. I understand that wheeled trolleys are comfy but they lack any sense of style. When the luggage finally makes its way on to the carousel it often has the appearance of so many black plastic rubbish bags.” Another fan of vintage luggage Shaurya Sahu, 34, businessman,



Good Life


smiles. We will not be talking


gender divides, we smile back. We are at Cingari, Seth’s

Cingari-The Tasting Room, G.K,

cigar lounge in the capital,

New Delhi, 011-46564851 &

when we quiz her. Are cigars

Cingari, Intercontinental, The

replacing coffee when it comes

Lalit, Mumbai, 022-66992222;

to pairing up with conversations?

The Cigar and Malt Lounge,

“One needs a lot more than

tab01, Food Court, DLF Cyber

conversation to enjoy a cigar.

Greens, Gurgaon, 9711077000,

Most cigar smokers enjoy their

9899785831; The Cigar Lounge,

cigars in a certain ambience --

Aman, Lodhi Road, New Delhi,

good conversation with friends

011-43633333; The Cigar Lounge-

over single malt at the end of a

Marquess, The Zuri Whitefield,

great meal -- a place where they

Bengaluru, 806 665 7272

can meet like-minded people,” she says. And that’s why men and women are finding company in the leather couches at the

cigar and conversations Slow down for a while, light a cigar & indulge in the company of friends; just a few reasons why you should spend your evenings at the emerging cigar lounges words Purva Grover

emerging cigar lounges. Ameeta cites higher disposable income, greater awareness and frequent travelling as a few reasons that are behind the developing interests for finer things in life, be it great cuisine, fine wines, single malts or ma jestic cigars. Before we step out, we ask a Montecristo No: 4. Daughter of

smoker to give us a list of the

the composers they love, ye shall

cigar baron Chetan Seth, she

must-haves for a cigar smoker.

know the texture of men’s souls.

confesses to have grown up in a

“A cigar ashtray, cutter and

English novelist John Galsworthy

home surrounded by cigar

humidor,” he says, and Ameeta

will have to pardon us for we are

smoke, which explains her

adds, “The Punch Platino,

bringing the women in the

natural passion for the ma jestic

regional edition cigar, made only

picture. After all, when one is in

ash. “A woman with a cigar in her

for India.” Now, these are the

conversation with Ameeta Seth,

hand makes a definite statement.

little lessons that you can pick up

one can’t afford to offend the

I’m actually planning to have a

in a lounge, they smile.

lady or the smoke of her

ladies only cigar lounge,” she

We are convinced.

By the cigars they smoke, and



Good Life






the secret aisles Unknown, unheard & unexplored – there is more to islands than unbelievable shades of blue and expressive sunsets & sunrises. Plan your island itinerary with us and stop by at the four least visited & less talked about islands.

Curaçao Island Secluded beaches, fine cuisine, multi-hued architecture, spectacular diving and more await you at the Dutch paradise, Curaçao, Caribbean sea. The old and new world charm will take your breath away. Curaçao is known for its coral reefs, used for scuba diving. The beaches on the south side contain many popular diving spots. The best part of the destination is of course that the tourists have just begun to discover this island!





Easter Island The stone heads of Easter Island, Chile (mostly eyeless) casts a spell on the

the island near Ahu Vaihu. This

guests. The island is the world’s most remote inhabited island and is known for

beach is much larger and is

its 887 monumental statues called ‘moai’ created by the early Rapanui people

surrounded by beautiful cliffs.

and is known to fascinate and attract both the visitors and scholars. It also has

Scuba diving and snorkeling is

two white sandy beaches; Anakena, the beach on the north side of the island, is

very popular here.

an excellent surfing location. The second beach is located on the south side of





Tilos Island Tilos is a small, remote and tranquil Greek island. It’s covered with almond trees, which blossom in January and February. It’s a paradise for birdwatchers as it is for history lover. The island has ruins of seven castles and a few picturesque monasteries. You can also indulge in a relatively calm nightlife in the Livadia village, offering an authentic Greek dance and music experience.

Molokai Island Looking for an undeveloped and unspoiled island vacation then head to Molokai Island, Hawaii. It will take you very far away from any form of urbanisation. Here, there are no high-rise buildings, traffic lights or supermarkets! It is one of the smallest and perhaps the sleepiest islands of the Hawaiian island chain. There’s only one real town on Molokai, Kaunakakai that never seems to change, retaining the paniolo (cowboy) feel of a tropical Wild West. There’s no better way to learn about the Hawaiian history and beauty than visiting Molokai.





When waist-sizes expand,

itsy bitsy, teenie weenie

sinful and unhealthy; hence the

what does one do? Go

small dessert trend. “Everyone is

cheenikum. No, instead one hops

becoming more health conscious,

on to the mini dessert trail. Yes,

yet they don’t completely want

what’s big in desserts now, is

to give up all the good things in

small. Your two-tier cake has

life. The bite-sized desserts helps

downsized to a frost rich

satiate your desires without

cupcake, the big doughnut

piling up the calories,” says Mini

delight has trimmed into a teeny

Yadav, director of bakery chains

glazed treat and the triple

Le Marche and Sugar & Spice.

sundae to a gooey shot glass.

“Watching the weighing scale

Believe it or not, the small

is necessary and so is trying

dessert revolution has

out new things, the small size

overpowered your taste buds

dessert savours the palate and

and how. It satiates your baby

not the belly,” says Akassh Kalra,

sweet tooth and tempts you to

owner, Sequel by United, Saket,

try out the new with least effects

New Delhi. “It is relatively new

on the weighing scale. Food

The small size dessert savours the palate and not the belly

experts and researchers call this trend ‘the attack of the miniatures’, as for us we are smiling teeth to teeth. We love these guilt-free teenie weenie

in India, but overseas, especially

treats. Take small-size bites with

the US where people eat big

us as we explore the giant world

meals and bigger desserts,” says

of small nothings.

Sonia Sareen, co-owner, Well,

We’re living in the world

You don’t give up all the good things in life to look good. We have developed a penchant for tiny treats as it takes giant size bites of miniature desserts.

there couldn’t be a better time

of size-zero, power yoga and

to gorge on. Don’t get stuck with

organic food, where a giant

one large slice of cake, try out

bite of a tiramisu cake is evil,

these mini treats.

words Purva Grover





terrific technology Futuristic technological concepts and new-age gadgets have completely changed the way we live. We look at such life-changing innovations.

Changing the way we take a shower Bluetooth-enabled Shower Speaker

Changing the world of

Are you one of those who love


singing in the shower, then

Laptop/Desktop Hybrid

there is one gadget that you

A concept computer designed

should get your hands on right

by Korean designer Won-Seok

away. Called the iShower, it’s

Lee, B-membrane is no-doubt

a Bluetooth-enabled Shower

one of the most surprising

Speaker compatible with

and appealing PC innovations

iPods and Android devices.

till date. It features a UFOshaped system that displays screen like a projector, which also takes away the need for bulky monitors. Changing the way we spend Mobile Wallet

words Meghna Sharma

Picture a world without paper money or credit cards. You’ve got your smartphone in your pocket, and that’s it. Want to pay for something? Well then look for the Google Wallet in your phone. Changing the way we eat Digital Eateries A long long time ago, in a land far away, the mankind once

Changing the way we

relied upon a spoken menu.

look at the world

Fast-forward to the 21st century,

Virtual Goggles

and the digital menu is the

Virtual reality goggles

latest breaking technological

are goggles which are

fascination. Why digital menus,

designed to be used in a

did you ask? Well because paper

virtual reality experience,

menus are about three thousand

in which scenes are

years old, they impact our carbon

displayed in the goggles,

footprints, they are boring,

allowing the user to feel

static and just had to be tossed

like he is actually inside

away. And the future has already

the scene, experiencing

arrived as digital menus.

it first-hand.





silver wedge The third-generation SLK has arrived – and the pioneering roadster is as different as usual. There has never been a sportier or more efficient iteration. words jo clahsen photos marc trautmann





round the car, running his hands

down: at last I can slip into

over Los Angeles. The sun is

over the curves. He even takes

the driver’s seat and take

bright, the temperature a balmy

off his shades – a sign of serious

possession of the steering wheel.

24°C (75°F). Even so, few

respect in California.

It’s definitely smaller than in

A pale-blue sky shimmers

passers-by are admiring the

Ian and Sue? They think the

previous models, and flattened

spring weather – they’ve only

SLK is “keen” – in fact, they’ve

at the bottom. Wow, it actually

got eyes for the car. Actually,

fallen in love with the car, just

feels like a racing car. As ever

we’re hoping to take the new

like they recently fell in love with

in a Mercedes-Benz, I get that

SLK on a Californian joyride

each other, and they walk around

comfortable feeling of familiarity

(hey, it’s a tough job, but

it arm-in-arm. They want to

as my eyes travel across the

somebody’s got to do it). But

see it with the vario-roof down,

dashboard – just slightly more refined, maybe slightly more

there’s no point trying to take off just yet, the roadster’s surrounded by a crowd of curious admirers. “Sleek!” That’s the opinion of blond surfer Doug. And he’s right: the new SLK looks sleek

The SLK 200 BlueEfficiency engine makes its presence felt in a subdued way

purist. Instruments lurk in deepset binnacles; switches and knobs are positioned with ergonomic precision. The air vents remind me of the SLS supercar: right away I want to switch on, power

even when it’s standing still with

want to sit behind the wheel,

off – drive, race, glide into that

drop-top in place. I tell Doug

and finally… “Giiiiiinormous!”

salt-smelling Pacific breeze.

I think the car actually looks

pronounces Sue, her drawled

North or south? South, toward

“lean”, as in the “lean bow” you

“i” contriving to indicate just

San Diego; south to La Jolla.

associate with racing yachts.

what a way-out combination of

In fact, the new SLK’s “bow”

“gigantic” and “enormous” this

BlueEfficiency engine makes its

has been sharpened, and the

car really is.

presence felt – in a subdued,

Now the SLK 350

self-contained way, despite

spoiler’s sharp, too. As are the intake grilles in the front wings

San Diego-bound

the 225kW tidily tucked away

– it’s a sharp car. Doug wanders

Slowly the excitement dies

under the hood. “Drive nice,” I





tell myself – Los Angeles police

glorious soundscape created by

aren’t amused by speeding, and

the full-surround loudspeakers.

the 350 has enough horsepower

Does it get any better than this…?

The new roadster might have been designed for the eternal Los Angeles summer

Freeway fun, frugal fun On the road again, and my sense of enjoyment grows as the miles fly by. Steering, suspension, brakes and engine all perform together so fluidly, I feel like

to reach 250 km/h. In fact, I

imitating Sue and shrieking

could break the 100 km/h barrier

“Giiiiinormous!” Especially since

in just 5.6 seconds; the car feels

the display tells me the engine

more than capable of doing it.

is modestly sipping just six

Meanwhile, I tune my favourite

litres per 100 kilometres. That’s

MP3 tracks into the media player

39 mpg, and with respect, Now

and immerse myself in the

that’s what I call sleek.





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