Table Of Contents Introduction
What I Knew
What I Wanted to Know
What I Learned
What Success Means in My Book
Biased Article
April 2015
Dhiyaa Block:E
YELLOW STAR A Short Interesting Introduction About My Book Yellow Star by Jennifer Roy is about the Jews trying to escape from the Germans (Nazis). There is a girl named Syvia, her family was taken to a place called Ghetto. All Germans put the Jews in that country. Syvia and her family were struggling in Ghetto because there wasn’t enough food. Syvia’s family struggled during the winter too because it was too cold, there wasn’t enough food, and their clothing was very thin.
Yellow Star By Jennifer Roy
What I Knew Before I Started
It takes place in Ghetto
There was a war and there are 800 survivors and 12 kids
The story is about 1 of the kids and her family
“In 1945, the war ended. The Germans surrendered, and the Ghetto was liberated . Out of more than a quarter of a million people, only about 800 walked out of the Ghetto . Of those who survived only twelve were children. I was one of the twelve.” -Syvia Perlmutter- (March 2003) From the prologue
What I Wanted To Know
How did they survive the war?
what kind of food did they usually eat?
Why did the Nazis really hate the Jews?
What will happen to the Jews in the train?
What will happen after the war between the Jews and the Nazis?
What I learned
Vocabulary 1. Typhus: an infectious diseases that causes headaches, fever, and purple rash. (#37) 2. Emphasis: stress given to a word or words when speaking to indicate particulate importance. (#40) 3. Geraniums: small shrub. (#46) 4. Tonic: a medicinal substance taken to give a feeling of well being. (#50) 5. Deporting: expel a foreigner from a country, typically on the grounds of illegal status or for having committed a crime. (#53) Page 4
Germans hate Jews
Germans usually kill Jews by how they look at the guards
In Ghetto when it is winter they don't give a lot of food
The adults helped the children from not getting killed by the Nazis
The Nazi's brought more soldiers to kill the Jews because they didn't get to kill them before
The Nazi's made workers to make 2big holes in the cemetery so the Nazi's can put the Jews dead bodies in there
it was winter again and the Jews were suffering because their food ran out and the Nazi's are bombing Ghetto
Syvia couldn't sleep because it was too cold
When she heard the noise of the motorcycle she tried waking her father up but her throat was hurting, so she went and shake her father until he woke up
The Russians came and saved the Jews from ghetto
The religion of Sylvia
What Does Success Means in My Book In Yellow Star success means that the Jews escaped the Nazis. The Nazis had a war with the Jews and the Jews struggled a lot during those years. The Nazis took all the Jewish kids and brought them to the extermination camp. Syvia’s dad sneaked her and her cousin in an attic where other kids were hidden. Syvia’s parents pretended to be workers so that they wouldn’t get caught. The Nazis started bombing Ghetto, most of the houses got burned. Luckily Syvia’s father saved everybody that was in Ghetto. When there were no sounds of bombs, everybody came out and saw the Russians waiting outside to save them. Page 5
1. Gehsperre: general curfew (#54) 2. Summons: an order to appear before the judge. (#59) 3. Etch: Car ve metal, glass, or stone coating it with protective layer, drawing on it with a needle, and then covering it with acid to attack the parts the needle has exposed. (#184) 4. Hebrew: ancient language for the Jews (#209) 5. Liberated: freed from enemy occupation (#217)
Biased Article “Most Holocaust denial claims imply, or openly state, that the Holocaust is a hoax arising out of a deliberate Jewish conspiracy to advance the interest of Jews at the expense of other peoples. For this reason, Holocaust denial is considered to be anent sematic conspiracy theory, and is frequently criticized.” (Wikipedia) The article that you just read is bias because it only shows their opinion and they said it is a joke. The holocaust was actually a very terrible, unimaginable thing that happened to the Jews. The Jews didn’t want to talk about because it was a nightmare to them. When I read the introduction of my book, it says that if you ask a holocaust survivor “Let’s talk about the holocaust,” they will try to change the subject.
Links and pictures Cover Picture: Background Picture: Tx 1. 2. Map: Article: Zmt