PROGRAM pur pos e Themai npur poseoft hi spr oj ecti s t osuppor teducat i onbyf aci l i t at i ng di scussi onandt r ansact i on. Pengaj i anandwar ungoper at i on ar ei nt endedt oal l ofRT2ci t i z en butwi l l beor gani z edbyI bui bu ( si ncet heyar et hemostst abl e vi si t oroft heki osk)
RT2hasmanyki oskar ound,and t heseki oskhavehi ghpot ent i al t obe meet i ngpoi nt sf orpeopl et omeet eachot her .Ther ef or e,t heseki osk canbeusedt omaket hi smeet i ng i ni t i at i ngpr ogr am happen.
f or mal event pengaj i an
casualevent ber kumpul j ual an
nont onbar eng
s chedul e
schedul esi nt egr at i ngdi f f er entmet hodofgat her i ngyetsamegoal( t oget her ness)
abs t r act i on bas edonneedsandact i v i t y i nt egr at i ons
t hi sf aci l i t ywi l l be managedby : I buRT2
I bui bucommuni t ywi l l bet hemai ncat al y s t f orRT2t ogat herar ound.Soot hert hant he communi t yi t s el fcoul ds har et hes amev al ue.
s cenar i o
DESIGN DEVELOPMENT workshop things retrieved from the previous precedent starting from workshop, diawali dengan kegiatan workshop, menggunakan tiga keyword yang diperoleh dari contoh preseden
stacking layers of surfaces that allows the surface to be more dynamic
rotating since gathering requires everyones presence,the purpose is to be centralized
twisting twist gives an expansion and an openness
model-making workshop
tracing and defining gathering
shrinking gives depth for narrow- wideness
mirroring creating a same pattern for different purposes
compressing creates a different shades of lighting (gives gradation especially for curvy surface)
exploring the most interesting part of the model
more tracing to recieve spatial quality
exploring with cubical form
integrates with existing