Draft agenda

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January 31, 2015 National Academy of Sciences, Mala zala (Kyiv, 55 Volodymyrska) What is our aim? We aim to form a consistent plan of decreasing corruption in Ukraine by joint efforts of leading Ukrainian anti-corruption experts, profile public institutions, civic and business circles. For this sake we will present the results of a complex research conducted by Transparency International Ukraine in 2014 assessing the competence of 13 key Ukrainian institutions to counteract corruption effectively, as well as the draft State Anti-Corruption Program of Ukraine 2015-2017 prepared by the experts of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and external experts. Working languages: Ukrainian and English (with simultaneous interpretation). 10:30 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:20


 Efficient anti-corruption reform. Agenda for the country. Yehor Soboliev, head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee for Corruption Prevention and Counteraction (tbc)  Practical steps for the authorities to implement of anti-corruption reform. Pavlo Petrenko, Minister of Justice of Ukraine  Diagnostics of key corruption problems in Ukraine. Oleksii Khmara, expert of Reanimation Package of Reforms, Executive Director of Transparency International Ukraine Moderator: Nataliia Sokolenko, Hromadske radio 11:20 - 12:30

Section 1: National Integrity System. What are the results?

Comprehensive research “National Integrity System in Ukraine” was conducted from March to December 2014 and dealt with the assessment of the competence of the key governmental institutions and sectors to effectively counteract corruption in Ukraine. The legal framework and activities of the parliament, government, bodies of judicial authorities, public sector, law enforcement bodies, Central Election Committee, ombudsman, Accounting Chamber, specialized anti-corruption bodies, political parties, media sector, civil society organizations and business sector have been assessed on the basis of the Transparency International methodology approved in over 70 countries of the world. Issues for discussion: Has Ukraine changed after Viktor Yanukovych? Which governmental bodies of Ukraine are capable of counteracting corruption in the state and how can they do it? Will media and non-governmental organizations be able to prevent corruption schemes? Who “has failed the exam” in successful corruption fighting and what can be done to save the situation?

 Presentation of the assessment results Denys Kovryzhenko, the researcher (30 min.)  Questions and answers (30 min.) Moderator: Oleksii Khmara, Executive Director of Transparency International Ukraine 12:30 - 13:00

Coffee break

13:00 - 14:45

Section 2: High priority changes. Where to start?

By adopting the Law No. 1699 of October 14, 2014 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has determined the general grounds of the national anti-corruption policy in Ukraine (Anti-Corruption Strategy) for 2014-2017. By February 2015 the Government has to develop state anti-corruption program for the proper implementation of the Strategy. This program shall provide for a set of efficient and measurable actions which will be able to influence the overall level of corruption in Ukraine effectively. Active non-governmental and business organizations which are interested in the actual fighting with corruption have to become partners in this program implementation. Issues for discussion: What is suggested by the Government to fight corruption in Ukraine? Which initiatives of the civil society shall be included in the state program? Who and how will check the anti-corruption program implementation efficiency? Who will take the responsibility for the results?

 Presentation of the draft version of the State Anti-Corruption Program. Robert Sivers, Director of the Department of Anti-Corruption Legislation and Legislation on Justice of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (20 min.)  Commentary on the draft version of the State Anti-Corruption Program: Ruslan Riaboshapka, expert of the United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine Ivan Sikora, Director of Open Society Foundation  Questions and answers (20 min.)  Discussion of the draft program and high priority recommendations given in the research. Work in groups (60 min.)  How to achieve the actual accountability of the authorities? (moderator Viktor Tymoshchuk, Deputy Head of the Board of the Center for Political and Legal Reforms)  How to provide good governance of public finance in the country? (moderator Viktor Taran, leading expert of the Center for Political Studies and Analysis)  What could be done for effective participation of the citizens, media, and business in fighting corruption? (moderator Serhii Leshchenko, MP of Ukraine)  How to fight political corruption successfully in Ukraine? (moderator Inna Borzylo, Executive Director of Center UA) 14:45 - 15:00

Conclusions of the group discussions and summarizing

15:00 - 15:30

Informal discussions ______________________________________________

The national discussion and preparation of the research “Ukraine’s National Integrity System Assessment 2014” became possible due to support of the European Union. The State Anti-Corruption Program of Ukraine 20152017 has been developed due to support of United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine

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