i Research Thesis on Prototype development of responsive kinetic facade for controlled solar gain by Dhruvinkumar Kataria (2017-2022) Guided By Prof. Priyank Parmar BACHELOR OF FACULTYA.A.E.R.T.(B.Arch.V.ARCHITECTURESEMIX)December2021&TheS.S.B.OFARCHITECTURE Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology Dr R K Desai Marg, Opp. Mission Hospital, Athwalines, Athwa, Surat, Gujarat 395001

ResearchCoordinatorThesis ResearchCoordinatorThesis Prof.
Prof. Rikta Desai Prof. Alpa Pandya Priyank Bhavna Vimawala
In-Charge Principal, Faculty of Date:Year:SCET,Architecture,Surat2017202218-11-2021
i CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Dhruvinkumar Bhupendrabhai Kataria has submitted the Report of Research Thesis on the subject “Prototype development of responsive kinetic facade for controlled solar gain” as a mandatory requirement for the completion of B. Arch. V. Sem IX, at AAERT & The SSB, Faculty of Architecture, Sarvajanik College of Engineering and Technology (SCET), Surat, for the academic year 2021 2022. His work is found to be satisfactory for the purpose.
Parmar ResearchGuideThesis Prof.

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria ii
This thesis turned out to be successful research with the kind support of many individuals. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all of them. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my advisor as well as thesis guide Professor Priyank Parmar for the continuous support in order to complete this thesis. I wish to acknowledge our research supervisors Prof. Rikta Desai, Prof. Alpa Pandya for their guidance as well as for providing necessary information regarding this research. Lastly, my thanks and appreciation to the institution (SCET) for providing this opportunity and making all necessary arrangements to make this thesis possible.

In this research, kinetic facades are defined as the ability to response and adapt to the changes of the environmental conditions. The strategies mainly focus on the functions and performances of kinetic facades in the context of indoor daylight quality and thermal heat performance. These are achieved by examining the role of kinetic elements on the building facades to form effective kinetic configurations in response to environmental changes. Identifying and evaluating the performance of kinetic designs on the building facades at the early design phase will assist designers to understand design issues and strategies in constructing the kinetic facades. Although the existing design implementation of kinetic facades were intended to enhance the building performance, the inclusion of daylight and thermal radiation, a fair number of them struggle to achieve the optimum performance after the facades were installed and being operated.The process of evaluating the performance of kinetic design via digital simulations and physical testings allows designers to overcome the limitations of the existing analytical and digital simulation tools. This investigation demonstrates the design approach and techniques to conduct an evaluation on kinetic design through physical prototyping and testing, which complement the findings gain from existing digital simulation tools. Ultimately, this research is intended to provide insights and alternative platform for designers to improve, validate and make informed decisions during the early design development while offering unprecedented ways of exploring design options and strategies in realising the kinetic facades towards environmental performance.
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria iii ABSTRACT
Over the past few decades, kinetic facades have emerged as alternative building envelopes, designed to meet the increasing of varying and complex demands related to user comfort, energy consumption and cost efficiency. This concept has been described in a number of ways, ranging from the usage of innovative components to highly complex designs and advance technological application.

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria iv Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Background 6 1.2 Terms and Keywords 7 1.3 Digital Design Tools 8 1.4 Physical Design Tools And Technology 9 1.5 Aim 12 1.6 Objectives 12 1.7 Scope of the research 12 1.8 Research Question 13 1.9 Research Methodology 13 1.10 Expected Outcome 14 Chapter 2 Literature Review .............................................................................................. 16 2.1 History 16 2.2 Facade Role 17 2.3 High Performance Facade (HPF) ............................................................................. 17 2.4 Kinetic Facade Geometric Systems ......................................................................... 21 Chapter 3 Case Studies ........................................................................................................ 28 3.1 Institut du Monde Arab ............................................................................................ 28 3.2 Kiefer Technic Showroom ....................................................................................... 31 3.3 Al Bahar Towers ...................................................................................................... 33 Chapter 4 Prototype Design ................................................................................................ 35 4.1 Origami Inspired Geometry Exploration ................................................................. 35 4.2 Physical Prototyping ................................................................................................ 37 4.3 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 41 Chapter 5 Bibliography ....................................................................................................... 43

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria v Table of Figures 1. Figure 1.1 Rhinoceros 3d Logo .................................................................................... 8 2. Figure 1.2 Rhino Grasshopper Logo 9 3. Figure 1.3 Arduino Uno Board 9 4. Figure 1.4 Bread Board 10 5. Figure 1.5 Tower Pro MG995 Metal Gear Servo Motor (360 Degree Rotation) ....... 10 6. Figure 1.6 RGB Led 10 7. Figure 1.7 Photo Resistor 11 8. Figure 1.8 Resistor 11 9. Figure 1.9 Jumper Cables ........................................................................................... 11 10. Figure 1.10 Research Methodology Flowchart 13 11. Figure 2.1Facade Functions 17 12. Figure 2.2 High Performance Facade configurations ................................................. 18 13. Figure 2.3 Capricorn House , Germany ...................................................................... 18 14. Figure 2.4 Mediaset’s headquarters, Milan 19 15. Figure 2.5 Intelligent Facade Key Parameters 19 16. Figure 2.6 Arab World Institute,Paris ......................................................................... 20 17. Figure 2.7 Flowchart Diagram (Kinetic Facade ) ....................................................... 20 18. Figure 2.8 Kinetic Facades Main and Sub Categories 21 19. Figure 2.9 Forms of geometric transitions for kinetic facades.................................... 22 20. Figure 3.1 Institut du Monde Arab ............................................................................. 28 21. Figure 3.2 Traditional Islamic Jali/Screens 29 22. Figure 3.3Institut du Monde Arab 30 23. Figure 3.4 Façade Working Principle (Institut du Monde Arab) ................................ 30 24. Figure 3.5 Kiefer Technic Showroom ........................................................................ 31 25. Figure 3.6 Facade Working Principle (Kiefer Technic Showroom) 32 26. Figure 3.7Al Bahar Towers 33 27. Figure 3.8 Facade Al Bahar Towers, The folding shading system, opens and closes according to sun's position. ......................................................................................... 34 28. Figure 4.1Folded paper explorations .......................................................................... 36 29. Figure 4.2 Origami Pattern developed by the researcher 36 30. Figure 4.3 Origami Geometry developed in Rhino 37 31. Figure 4.4 Mechanism developed in Solidworks by Researcher ................................ 37 32. Figure 4.5 Exploded view of the mechanism 38 33. Figure 4.6 3D Printed Model of Mechanism 38 34. Figure 4.7Arduino Uno board used in the mockup in this thesis ................................ 39 35. Figure 4.8 Schematic diagram of data transfer in prototype ....................................... 39 36. Figure 4.9 Arduino Circuit Diagram 39 37. Figure 4.10 Grasshopper Code used in this thesis 40 38. Figure 4.11 Closed Facade (Prototype) ...................................................................... 40 39. Figure 4.12 Opened Facade(Prototype) ...................................................................... 40 40. Figure 4.13 QR Code(Youtube) 41 List of Tables Table 1 Classification of kinetic facade configurations according to its geometric transitions23 Table 2 Classification of kinetic facade configurations according to pattern shape, skin form and façade material 25

Historically, buildings have provided shelter and protection to people from external conditions such as extreme heat or cold. The building envelope acts as a physical barrier between interior and exterior environments
Nowadays facades are made up of many layers and materials that allow the envelope to perform many different functions. The increasing interest for architecture that reconfigures itself to meet environmental mutations and user’s needs drives the concept of a new building skin that is multifunctional, responsive and dynamic.
Multiple features could be incorporated into facades in order to optimize their response to climate changes. Responsive facades are thus becoming an innovative research topic, due to the necessity of reducing building energy consumption and improve architectural integration. Given that, a kinetic shading device can be useful to regulate window’s gains.
According to a recent survey by the Energy Information Administration (EIA, 2013), buildings consume more energy than the transportation and industrial sectors.
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 6 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background
While this example is the first survey to date which measures total energy consumption in the United States, these statistics show that energy use by buildings has increased by such a degree that it now exceeds the industrial and transportation sectors (Pérez Lombard, Ortiz, González, & Maestre, 2009). This is due to a majority of people spending up to 90 per cent of their time indoors (Bougdah & Sharples, 2009). These figures vary across different developed countries but they highlight a consistent global pattern towards higher energy consumption by buildings (Knaack & Klein, 2009).
. It functions as an outer shell to help maintain indoor comfort while facilitating climate control. Today improvement of building services application such as in lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), have been assigned to enhance the performance of indoor environment and thermal comfort. As a consequence, external building envelopes are starting to lose their role as a moderator of energy and comfort and as a consequence, a building place a significant energy burden on maintaining optimal condition in building indoor environment and this problem contributes to one third of total greenhouse gas emissions

Facades with the ability to respond to their environment by either typological change of material properties alter the overall form or local alteration by regulating their energy consumption to reflect the environmental condition that surrounds it. Solar radiation is an aspect that high rise building must avoid. The problem is, if high rise building facade can't overcome, the solar thermal will come in the building, and its affects on the increasing of room temperature above comfort range. A type of additional facade element that could solve solar thermal in high rise building is adding a sun
What is Kinetic Facade?
Prototype development is a key process to develop and create a successful product. A prototype is a draft of a product that gives you the ability to explore your idea and demonstrate features before investing in the product's complete development.
What is Responsive Kinetic Facade for controlled solar gain?
A prototype can range from a detailed drawing with pen and paper to a fully working version of the product.
In most cases, the prototype development process consists of a series of phases, each requiring more time and money to produce. A first prototype may look like the final version but may not be operational, while the second is operational but doesn't resemble the finished version. Throughout the entire process, the aim of prototyping is to get the product up and running as quickly and as inexpensively as possible.
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 7 1.2 Terms and Keywords
A kinetic facade is one that changes dynamically rather than being static or fixed, allowing movement to occur on a building’s surface. A kinetic facade can be used to manage light, air, energy, and even information. They can act to reduce solar gain as well as allowing the passage of fresh air into the building, helping to alter the interior environment. The moving elements of the facade can be programmed to respond to climatic or other environmental factors, time, levels and type of occupancy and so on to improve performance and efficiency. With advances in sensors, materials and building management technology, designers are increasingly able to consider kinetic components as design solutions.
What is Prototype Development?

The facade is a complex interface between inside of buildings and the outside environment that has the capability to function as a protective or regulatory element against severe fluctuations of external climate “Originally Façade is a French word for the principle front of a building that faces on to a street or open spaces while morphology is a particular form, shape, or structure”. And from “a metonymy for architecture as a whole, the façade is the elements most invested with political and cultural meaning” Digital Design Tools 1.3.1 Rhinoceros 3d Commercial 3D computer graphic and computer aided design application developed by Robert McNeel & Associates. It is based on NURBS mathematical modeling, which focuses on generating mathematically precise representation of curve and freeform surfaces within computer graphics as different to polygon mesh based application.
Figure 1 1 Rhinoceros 3d Logo
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 8 shading. A dynamic facade is a shade plane in high rise building that can moved or changed on outside condition such as solar movement and intensity. Applying active occupant engagement into a responsive façade concept leads us to a transition from the façade regulatory function to the interactive phase, which provides an advanced daylighting control, which has the capacity for hierarchically filtering daylight and real time control, preventing daylight discomfort.

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 9
1.3.3 Firefly Andy Payne and Jason Kelly Johnson develop firefly in 2010. The software tool enables the connection and interaction between analogue and digital devices. It provides a direct connection between Arduino microcontroller and the algorithm software, Grasshopper in Rhinoceros environment
1.4.1 Arduino Arduino is an open sources electronic platform based on easy to used software. It is created for designers to explore the interactive project related. It senses the environment by receiving inputs and sending output such as from sensors or actuators, and affects its surroundings by modulating lights, motors and other actuators. Arduino can be programmed by writing code in the Arduino programming and processing language.
1.3.2 Rhino Grasshopper Grasshopper is a visual programming language developed by David Rutten at Robert McNeel & Associates. It operated within Rhinoceros 3D modeller, which offers the visual algorithms and parametric modelling. The program is capable of creating custom designed programs that can extend the functionality. Various type of analysis ranges from sound, structural, design optimisation and controlling Arduino are just a few tasks that can be operated within the Grasshopper software.
1.4 Physical Design Tools And Technology
Figure 1 2 Rhino Grasshopper Logo Figure 1 3 Arduino Uno Board

Figure 1 5 Tower Pro
1.4.4 RGB LED RGB LED is a two lead semiconductor light source. The colour of the led is determined by the energy band gap that has been assigned to the semiconductor. RGB LED used in this research mainly as indicator for the temperature, which represent the thermal heat condition from Blue (Cold) to Red (Warm). MG995 Metal Gear Servo Motor (360 Degree
Rotation)Figure 1 6 RGB Led Figure 1 4 Bread Board
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 10 1.4.2 Bread Board A breadboard is a rectangular board with many mounting holes. They are used for creating electrical connections between electronic components and single board computers or microcontrollers such as Arduino and Raspberry Pi. The connections aren't permanent and they can be removed and placed again.
1.4.3 Servomotor A servomotor is a rotary actuator that permits precise control of angular position, velocity and acceleration. It consists of a suitable motor couple to sensors for position feedback. It is often used in closed loop control systems such as robotics, CNC machinery or automated manufacturing.

1.4.5 Photo resistor (Light sensors) Photo resistor or light dependent resistor (LDR) or also know as photocell is a light controlled variable resistor. The resistance of the photo resistor decreases with increasing incident light condition or in other words, it demonstrate photo conductivity which the phenomenon of material becomes more electrically conductive due to the absorption of electromagnetic radiation such as visible light or infrared light (Dewerd & Moran, 1978)
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 11
1.4.6 Resistor Resistor is an electrical component that reduces the electric current. The resistor's ability to reduce the current is called resistance and is measured in units of ohms (symbol: Ω). If we make an analogy to water flow through pipes, the resistor is a thin pipe that reduces the water flow.
1.4.7 Jump Wires/Cables
A jump wire (also known as jumper, jumper wire, jumper cable, DuPont wire or cable) is an electrical wire, or group of them in a cable, with a connector or pin at each end (or sometimes without them simply "tinned"), which is normally used to interconnect the components of a breadboard or other prototype or test circuit, internally or with other equipment or components, without soldering..
Figure 1 7 Photo Resistor Figure 1 8 Resistor Figure 1 9 Jumper Cables

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 12 1.5 Aim
• The paper focuses on optimized movements analysed by means of Origami, the Japanese traditional art of paper folding.
• To know how Kinetic prismatic modular elements diffuse daylight with a hierarchical and self shading facade process configurations for decreasing the intensity of the direct sun radiation and letting adequate useful daylight entering to the interior space. 1.7 Scope of the research In recent years, an increasing number of researchers started to think about smart materials as a way to perform adaptation leading to an environmental responsive envelope. In the last decade we have witnessed the inclusion of the kinetic envelope in many typologies of buildings. Many scholars believe the kinetic envelope improves the
The aim of this research is to investigate the strategies for designing kinetic facades, which respond to environmental conditions through kinetic pattern and composition. This research is based on how facade will worked upon different circumstances of sun. The investigations are demonstrated through the design evaluation of kinetic movement and composition of kinetic facades performance through physical prototyping and physical testing aided by digital simulation tools. The goal of this exploration is to establish early design processes, which are effective as alternative solutions to isolate design problems associated with kinetic facades design that respond to environmental changes.
1.6 Objectives
• The study is a way to achieve different deployable shading systems categorized by a series of parameters that describe the strengths and weaknesses of each tessellation.
• Through the kinetic behaviour of Origami geometries the research compares simple folding diagrams with the purpose to understand the deployment at global scale and thus the potential of kinetic patterns’ morphology for application in adaptive facades.

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 13 environmental performance of the building. Analyzing the above points,the purpose of this paper is to review the current practice and development of the kinetic envelope and to investigate its role in the improvement of energy performance in buildings. 1.8 Research Question
4) Is it be possible to design a method for designing shading devices using parametric tools, optimization processes, and having a end user friendly output?
3) How to design a workflow for architectural designers in order to make informed and performance driven design decisions on static shading devices in an early design stage?
Figure 1 10 Research
2) What is the most important factor in kinetic facade design with the aim to improve occupants visual and thermal comfort simultaneously based on multidisciplinary investigation?
1) What are the interdisciplinary subjects corresponding to kinetic facade design process for creating an innovative architectural process?
5) How a computer controlled sun tracking system can be integrated into a building envelope? Research Methodology Methodology Flowchart

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 14
How could physical prototyping and digital simulation address the gap between design intention and execution of kinetic facades for environmental conditions by facilitating a “direct link from design through to construction”? As part of investigations into the subject, the researcher simultaneously undertook a literature review exploring the historical and contemporary design of kinetic facades for environmental control and carried out series of case studies related to the design and evaluation to discover suitable kinetic composition for responsive facade design and performance .These investigations have enhanced the understanding of how physical testing might strengthen the relationship between the kinetic design and performance evaluationWell known hardware, software and plugins are used to evaluate daylight performance, including Arduino Board, Rhino 7, Grasshopper and Firefly.
1.10 Expected Outcome
The extent of exploration on how kinetic patterns can be explored through physical prototyping and testing with the integration of digital simulation in designing kinetic facades for environmental performance requires an action research method. An action research method involves designing and performing tasks, which will be directly executed by the digital and physical tools and reflecting on their performance. It is approached within the context of designing a model where the designer is more or less reflecting on the current understanding of the problem and the validity of the emerging outcomes and solutions.
From the start, the assumptions and motivations were based on the experience and engagement of the literature in regard to evaluating the design of kinetic facades in their response to changes in environmental conditions. My action based investigations
Through the investigations and exploration of the research that have been undertaken, the researcher is satisfied that in order to realise kinetic facades which respond to changes in environmental conditions, the facades require the designer to identify and evaluate the kinetic patterns and mechanisms in the early design phase. Identifying and evaluating the kinetic patterns is done in order to provide the designer with detailed information so that they are able to make more informed decisions with regards to what decisions will provide better performance in response to changes in environmental conditions, in the early design phase.

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 15 revealed that engaging with materiality provided more feedback to develop the understanding of the kinetic system and how the motions work. From this, the researcher will develop a fully functional responsive kinetic module, responding to the exposure of light.

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 16 Chapter 2 Literature Review
‘Design is a way of inquiring, a way of producing knowing and knowledge; this means it is a way of researching.’
Rudimentary forms of kinetic architecture such as the drawbridge can be traced back to the Middle Ages or earlier. Yet it was only in the early 20th century that architects began to widely discuss the possibility for movement to be enabled for a significant portion of a buildings' superstructure. In the first third of the 20th century, interest in kinetic architecture was one of the stands of thought emerging from the Futurism movement. Various papers and books included plans and drawings for moving buildings, a notable example being Chernikhov's 101 Architectural Fantasies (1933). For the first few decades of the 20th century kinetic architecture was almost entirely theoretical, but by the 1940s innovators such as Buckminster Fuller began experimenting with concrete implementations, though his early efforts in this direction are not regarded as totally successful. In recent ages, the interest in interactive, responsive, and intelligent architecture has started in the 1960s and 1970s. This interest is caused by the development of computer science field and building technology which converted architecture from a static form to a more kinetic and dynamic form. Evolution of Kinetic designs has a rich history. With the passage of time, initial Kinetic design was made in 1908. Then, transformable architecture as a kinetic design had appeared. Combining kinetic concept with computer science took tens of years. In 1970, engineer/architect William Zuk published the book Kinetic architecture, which helped inspire a new generation of architects to design an increasingly wide range of actual working kinetic buildings. Assisted by new concepts such as Fuller's Tensegrity and by developments in robotics, kinetic buildings have become increasingly common worldwide since the 1980s
2.1 History

• Finish function: finish the facade surfaces in order to meet the relevant aesthetic, wear and other performance requirements.
• Control Function: control loadings of interior and exterior environments.
High performance facades can be defined as exterior enclosures that use the least possible amount of energy to maintain a comfortable interior environment, which promotes the health and productivity of occupants. There are different design strategies that can be used in designing high performance building façades such as :
• Solar shading to control cooling loads and improve thermal comfort.
• Natural ventilation to decrease cooling loads and improve air quality.
• An exclusive barrier that excludes the outdoor environment from the indoor environment by means of a well insulated and air tight envelope.
• Optimizing external wall insulation and increasing daylighting to minimize
• As a selective filter between the outdoor and indoor.
Figure 2 1Facade Functions
Environmentally, the building facade can play a major role in reducing energy consumption and achieving comfortable spaces by combining two approaches in façade design by being
2.3 High Performance Facade (HPF)
• Building orientation, geometry and massing to respond to sun position.
• Support function: resist and transfer all loads.
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 17 2.2 Facade Role In general, a facade plays three major roles to the building (refer below figure)

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 18 consumed electricity for lighting, cooling and heating devices. Various configurations have been proposed to achieve the concept of HPF. 2.3.1 POLYVALENT WALL It was introduced as a theoretical idea by Architect Mike Davies in 1981, a wall for all seasons 30 cm thick. It consists of thin layers that control exterior energies by absorbing, reflecting, filtering, and transferring them, besides it can: Change its opacity as electrochemical window. Generate energy like photovoltaics. Achieve comfortable heat level like thermoelectric heat pumps. Enter ventilation inside the space. Figure 2 2 High Performance Facade configurationsFigure23 Capricorn House , Germany

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 19 2.3.2 DOUBLE SKIN FAÇADE (DSF) It consists of two layers (skins), the outer skin is usually glazed, while the inner one is fully or partially glazed with windows. An air cavity (20 cm or more) separates both skins, usually contains an adjustable shading device for more thermal control, DSFs are categorized into four types depending on the way of ventilation: Buffer System, Air Extract System, Twin Face System Hybrid double facade system 2.3.3 INTELLIGENTIntelligentFAÇADEfacade is defined as a configuration of structure elements in the external, weather protecting layer of a building, which adjust itself to respond to environmental variations, maintain comfort with the minimum energy consumption in any particular building location. The intelligent façade must be responsive to three key parameters: Weather Context Occupants. Figure 2 4 Mediaset’s headquarters, Milan Figure 2 5 Intelligent Facade Key Parameters

Figure 2 7 Flowchart Diagram (Kinetic Facade )
RESPONSIVE KINETIC FAÇADE It is defined as a facade that adapts and responses to the changes of the environmental conditions. It can be applied for enhancing daylight quality and thermal heat performance in interior spaces. This adaptation relies on motions that affects the physical structure or material properties of the building façade without minimizing the overall structural integrity. The basic moves are move, rotate and scale.
Figure 2 6 Arab World Institute,Paris
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 20 2.3.4
From what stated above, Responsive Kinetic Façades include adaptation to the environmental conditions. Besides, among its application forms is the usage of double skin façade concept. Thus, Responsive Kinetic Façades include other HPF configurations. Responsive Kinetic Façade depends on high tech technologies and techniques. It consists of four main components : Sensors that read the environmental variables.
A Logical unit processes collected data and form a response. Actuators that respond to the environmental conditions. Wired/wireless communication (management system) that transfers information through all components.

Historically, buildings are built on the basis of the preconditions of the external environment along with the available natural resources, creating convenient climate related spaces, the word "house skin" referring to the external shell of the structure. By using the façade in this way, we can provide the ability of a building to react to or gain from external climates, we mean the ability to accept or reject free energy from the environment, thus reducing the amount of artificial energy needed to achieve indoor comfort .
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 21
It is a challenge facing for architects today to create energy efficient buildings. Latest developments in computer aided design software and digital manufacturing. However, have allowed architects to discover new modes of design and new envelope techniques in an attempt to rectify architectural design problems. The entire idea of kinetic façades involves the use of geometric transition to generate a motion or movement in space. This motion or movement changes the physical appearance of the structure and material properties of the facades without affecting the structure of the building. There are many kinetic facade classifications, most generally based on façade transformation. Four geometric transformation systems can be used to move kinetic facades.
Responsive Kinetic Façades can be classified into two broad main factors: Facade configuration Facade function Figure 2.8 Kinetic Facades Main and Sub Categories
2.4 Kinetic Facade Geometric Systems

Figure Forms of geometric transitions for kinetic facades
2 9
A) Rotation: The devices move around an axis.
C) Scaling: It is the contraction and expansion of the devices/objects.
B) Translation: The movement takes place in the direction of a vector.
D) Movement by material deformity: depends on changing properties of materials, such as weight and elasticity
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 22

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 23 Table 1 presents the proposed classification with its sub categories for the above mentioned four geometric transition forms. Table 1 Classification of kinetic facade configurations according to its geometric transitions Motion type Sketch Applied facade Figure Idea Translation Sliding slidingaxisOne Situla complex façade The façade is covered with sliding units which allow residents to control their privacy level and create a dynamic skin. axisMulti sliding Tessellate Metal Surfaces facade It consists of numerous metal panels sliding on front of each other . Folding FoldingVertical Kiefer Technic Showroom It responds to outdoor climate and also allows user control . Horizontal Folding Lab building, Graz University of Technology South façade is cladded with perforated white aluminium plates to protect inner space from glare and daylighting.control Rotation rotation:axisOne vertical horizontal/ Henning Larsen SDU Kolding Building The façade changes its appearance to control daylighting by using sensors to measure light and heat.

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 24 Motion type Sketch Applied facade Figure Idea axisMulti rotation Al Bahr Towers Except north façade, other facades are covered with PTFE panels to control daylighting & reduce direct solar gain by 50%. Scaling Scalingbasedon2d rotation Arab World Institute Every panel in South facade consists of 73 diaphragms, 57 of them are kinetic. basedScaling translationon Not applied Not applied deformationMaterial inDeformation propertiesvisual Electro active display system by SOM The façade consists of thin film electro chromic combined with insulated glass. inDeformation propertiesphysical Homeostatic Building The facade swirling ribbons expand by solar heating & contract when decreases.temperature systemsHybrid andSlidingtic:Square- Retracting Square tic façade unit Prototype of Square tic facade When using a rubber, the system is open and takes a square shape, while it takes a star shape when it is closed.

skinkineticInternal Internal
These kinetic facades diamond, triangle,
In general, double skin facade is more effective than single skin facade in ventilation, solar heat control and daylighting enhancement It can minimize energy consumption that is used in mechanical ventilation by 50% .Besides, the kinetic skin can be the internal or external layer. the suitable form depends on the used material, scale, actuation method and maintenance strategy. kinetic skin skinkineticExternal kinetic skin
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 25 TABLE 2 presents Classification of kinetic facade configurations according to pattern shape, skin form and façade material. Table 2 Classification of kinetic facade configurations according to pattern shape, skin form and façade material ConfigurFaçadeation Description Figures FormFacade façadeskinSingle Single skin kinetic façade includes kinetic changeable appearance glass like electro chromic and photo chromic glass and adaptive fritting system Adaptive fritting system façadeskinDouble
have various patterns depending on the unit form; rectangle, square,
hexagon or circle. Various Pattern Shapes

Such kinetic façades depend on using low weight and thin panels.Besides, the target function of the facade specifies the properties of its materials
FunctionFacade Description Applied facade Figure Idea Aesthetic Function
The used materials include: stainless steel, sandblasted glass, metal, PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) and bamboo.
TABLE 3 presents Classification of kinetic façade configurations with respect to its Function.
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 26
Kinetic facades can be used to create an artwork. It can depend on wind movement, or people movement to make a responsive exterior.
Different Façade Materials
Mega Faces platform Stretchy façade in MegaFaces platform can change in 3D to simulate the faces of visitors by 3D scanning system.
GenerationEnergy BIPVKinetic
The most common kinetic movements in Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPVs) are sliding and rotation to allow panels to track maximum solar energy. Adaptive solar skin It is a double skin façade with rotating solar panels that track the sun movement. Also, the panels act as sun shading shelves.

Smart Energy Glass (SEG) changes its optical properties by applying an external voltage to the coating. It consists of a polymer coating that is placed between two glass layers.
The ICEF works in three stages: 1. Tracking sun position. 2. Concentrating light on photovoltaic cells in the middle of each receptor. 3. Capturing thermal energy.
Solar thermal systems can be integrated in building facades as a cladding material or even as a sun shading device.
Hybrid system means using more than one renewable energy technique photovoltaic/thermallike(BIPV/T)systems
The systems use solar thermal technologies such as evacuated Tube, flat plate and roll bond collectors to produce adaptive facades.
Controlling indoor illuminance levels, distribution and glare. This type depends on two main techniques: mechanical driven devices and smart materials. SEG three conditions
Controlling solar heating in interior spaces using kinetic façades aims to increase solar heating during winter and reject solar gain in summer.
The Q1 Headquarters The façade is sheltered with vertical louvers that reduce solar heat gain inside the building with a management system that controls heat gain, ventilation and daylighting.
Ventilation control in façade design often involves applying double skin façade concept, to allow a bigger airflow throw the cavity. South façade of BuildingFederal The south facade is covered with double skin façade panels that can flip up to a 90 degree angle to pass fresh air through the building to make it responsive to wind speed and direction.
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 27 FunctionFacade Description Applied facade Figure Idea
Umbrella and thermal vail systems

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 28 Chapter 3 Case Studies 3.1 Institut du Monde Arab • Location : Paris, France • Architects : Architecture Studio, Ateliers Jean Nouvel • Year : 1987 INTRODUCTION : lnstitut du Monde Arabe is built in Paris, France. It is conceived as one of the new architectural landmarks of the capital. Situated in the center of the capital the building provides a meeting place for the two cultures which have produced it: France and twenty Arab countries. It provides a place for continuing artistic, technical and scientific exchange between two old civilizations which have continuously enriched each other. In 1981 a site was selected for lnstitut du Monde Arabe. The site was allocated at the 15 arondissement on rue de la Federation near the Boulevard Grenelle, located in a residential district not far from the Eiffel Tower. The residents of that neighborhood protested against building on a site that was used as a sports area. Figure 3 1 Institut du Monde Arab

Figure 3 Traditional Islamic Jali/Screens
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 29
CONCEPT : In the lnstitut du Monde Arabe, Jean Nouvel used Mashrabiya units to represent the Arabic culture. Mashrabiya is a type of a window cover that consists of combinations of backdrop of cut wood and latticework patterns. Mashrabiya characterized the Islamic architecture of the Middle Ages and was popular in many Islamic countries such as Egypt and Iraq. The architect combined the need for sun shading with a "Mashrabiya" pattern and the idea of a light controlling diaphragm in a camera lens .This resulted in a gigantic Islamic pierced screen, which makes this modern high tech building a permanent reference to traditional Islamic architecture.
A first project had been prepared for that site for lnstitut du Monde Arabe and was designed by architect Henry Bernard. Later a new site was selected at the arondissement. Culturally and historically the new site had a higher value located on the oldest part of Paris and facing Notre Dame. To encourage new architects a competition was held for a new project cancelling the old one and seven architects were invited. A pre selection was made by an Evaluation Committee and the final selection was by the President Mitterand. The winning project was designed by Jean Nouvel.

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 30 Figure 3 4 Façade Working Principle (Institut du Monde Arab) KINETICS IN THE BUILDING : The mashrabiya diaphragms were influenced by the orientation and are aiming at aesthetic and connotative architectural expressions rather than solutions to climatic constraints in a high tech air conditioned building context. The flat southern facade is composed of 240 squares panels, reproducing vertically the horizontal pattern of the parvis. Constituted of 16320 kinetic modules, these diaphragms consist of lozenges, squares, hexagons, circles and combination of them whose reflection matches the mosaic patterns on the lnstitut's floors. Each kinetic panel consists of one large diaphragm in the center, surrounded by sixteen medium sized diaphragms andfifty five smallThediaphragms.mashrabiya unites are functioning as diaphragms of a camera shutter. These metallic irises filter the sunlight through the glazed surface, allowing 10% to 30% of the light to be kept.
Figure 3 3Institut du Monde Arab

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 31 3.2 Kiefer Technic Showroom • Location : Austria, Europe • Architects : Ernst Giselbrecht + Partner • Year : 2007 INTRODUCTION : Kiefer Technic Showroom, an office building and showroom for representative functions and product presentation for a metal company.. The shell construction of the facade consists of solid brick walls, reinforced concrete ceilings and floors, and steel encased concrete columns. The facade consist of aluminums posts and transoms with protruding bridges for maintenance, with an EIFS facade in white plaster. Figure 3 5 Kiefer Technic Showroom

The moving panels are made of perforated aluminum and each single panel is powered by an electric motor. This make this facade quite costly, but also easy to maintain and replace defect parts. The highly modular system of panels makes it also quite easy to install, but connecting a pivoting axe to each panel makes it quite time consuming construction process.
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 32 KINETICS IN THE BUILDING :
When occupants want to adjust the light or temperature in a room, they don’t pull on shades or twist a little rod. Instead, they can control any or all of the 112 metal tiles that grace the exterior of the showroom by means of 56 engines. The motion of the tiles is quiet and can be continuous if you want it to. The sun screen operates on electronic shutters of performated aluminum panels.
Figure 3 6 Facade Working Principle (Kiefer Technic Showroom)

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 33 3.3 Al Bahar Towers • Location : Abu Dhabi, UAE • Architects : Aedas Architects • Year : 2012 INTRODUCTION :
The Aedas studio was chosen to design the new headquarters of the Abu Dhabi Investment Council after an international competition for the commission. The two 25 floor office towers have capacity for between 1000 and 1100 employees in each. The design concept is both culturally and environmentally appropriate and meets the goals of the 2030 Development Plan for Abu Dhabi which was recently published.
CONCEPT : The design is based on the concept of adaptive flowers and the "mashrabiya" a wooden lattice shading screen, which are traditionally used to achieve privacy whilst reducing glare and solar gain. The geometry of the shading screen folds and unfolds in response to the movement of the sun, reducing solar gain by up to 50%, whilst Figure 3 7Al Bahar Towers

Figure 3 8 Facade Al Bahar Towers, The folding shading system, opens and closes according to sun's position.
Each mashrabiya was conceived as a unitized system, cantilevering 2.8 m from the primary structure. The shading device system contains stainless steel supporting frames, aluminum dynamic frames, and fiberglass mesh infill. The folding system transforms the shading screen from a seamless veil into a lattice like pattern to provide shade or light. Each shading device comprises a series of stretched polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) panels. When the shading device is closed, occupants can still see through from inside to the outside . In total, each tower has 1049 mashrabiya shading devices, each weighing about 1.5 tonnes.
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 34 simultaneously improving admission of natural diffused light into the towers and improving visibility. The original folding concept for the dynamic Mashrabiya unit was initially explained through a simple origami model that revealed how the triangular unit would function.
The two circular towers are clad with weather tight glass curtain wall.The dynamic shading system is a screen comprised of triangulate units such as origami umbrellas. The triangular units act as individual shading devices that unfold to various angles in response to the sun’s movement in order to obstruct the direct solar radiation.

• Explore the aesthetic of functional forms for the sun tracking system to improve the visual aesthetics of an energy producing building envelope.
Origami derives from the Japanese words Ori ('folding') and gami ('paper'). It is originally the ancient Japanese art of transforming a flat sheet of paper into a sculpture or shape . Two dimensional object is transformed into a three dimensional one by only a series of folds. These folds convert the paper object into a new entity with surprising strength and kinetic properties. Paper gluing or cutting, or assemblages of paper cuts, are not defined as origami but are also explored as 'paper pleats'.
Applications of kinetic origami and folding concepts can be used repetitively in modular large scale facades. Therefore, the folding technique concept is not originally intelligent, but it represents the ability of controlling the structure by moving part or all of it. Accordingly, some origami and paper pleating techniques could be demonstrated into kinetic cellular facade. Origami screen, which act as Kinetic solar screens, present efficient solution that can be used externally to minimize heat gain while providing appropriate daylighting. Origami transformation was analysed in terms of skin components, defined as the transformation of arrangement and geometry of individual kinetic parts and the motion of control means between them. Origami offers a finite set of paper folding techniques that can be cataloged and tested with parametric modeling software. For this work, Rhinoceros and Grasshopper have been chosen as a software platform to generate a parametric folding tool focusing on single surface folding,
• Integrate the energy conserving/producing system in a way that does not compromise the visual contact through the envelope openings.
4.1.1 Background on Origami
4.1 Origami Inspired Geometry Exploration
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 35 Chapter 4 Prototype Design
Considering the conclusions from the design and research in previous chapters, this design thesis seeks to achieve the following goals:
• Integrate the energy conserving/producing technology in the adaptive envelope to increase its energy efficiency and control solar gain.

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 36
The first phase Paper modeling of transformable surfaces is helpful to be able to visualize surface movement. Concepts of folded modules are explored through paper maquettes, although they may not be worked up into fully resolved structures. Paper folding is a technique of alternating mountain and valley folds in an arrangement that allows movement in a folded model as shown in figure 4.1 . The second phase The Second phase exploration of the folding geometries was executed in the Rhinoceros CAD environment. The Origami shaped was inspired from the hexagon pattern found in nature. Figure 4 1Folded paper explorations
Figure 4 2 Origami Pattern developed by the researcher particularly where surfaces can transform from one configuration to another while retaining their planarity. The paper focuses on optimizing the divisions and number of folds and its movements. The study is a way to achieve different deployable façade shading systems categorized by a series of parameters that describe the strengths and weaknesses of each tessellation.
4.1.2 Design

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 37 Figure 4 3 Origami Geometry developed in Rhino Figure 4 4 Mechanism developed in Solidworks by Researcher 4.2 Physical Prototyping After successfully developing the desired geometry, the researcher then developed the mechanism by carefully studying the origami. The researcher developed the mechanism in Solidworks ( SolidWorks is a solid modeling computer aided design and computer aided engineering computer program published by Dassault Systems)

In order for the prototype to be responsive, sensors and actuators are integrated as part of the kinetic system. In order for the system to respond to different light level, light sensors are used. The sensors are programmed to detect different lighting conditions based on the lux measurement. The data output from the sensors let the panels respond to fully open, semi open and fully closed. This strategy allows the facades to react based on appropriate lighting conditions available in the space. Therefore, autonomous kinetic system allows continuous protection of the indoor space from excessive solar radiation throughout the day, especially during the summer season. In order for the kinetic system to be able to communicate between sensors and servomotor, microcontroller Arduino are used in developing this prototype.
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 38 Figure 4 5 Exploded view of the mechanism Figure 4 6 3D Printed Model of Mechanism The mechanism consists of : • 1 stand • 6 racks • 6 heads • 1 gear • 1 servo motor

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 39 Figure 4 9 Arduino Circuit Diagram Figure 4 7Arduino Uno board used in the mockup in this thesis Figure 4 8 Schematic diagram of data transfer in prototype

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 40
Figure 4 11 Opened Facade(Prototype)Figure 4 12 Closed Facade (Prototype) Arduino Uno board is connected to the system and a code is uploaded in its mainframe. The code is developed by Firefly Extension in Grasshopper. A 5V current is passed through the LDR which will sense the amount of light incident on it. At the negative end of LDR, a resistor is placed so that it can break the circuit in case of more powersurge.The output of the LDR is connected to A0 pin of the Arduino board. The Arduino board will convert the analog input to digital output which is in 0s or 1s. The digital output is then used to control the rotation of the servo motor, turn on/off LEDs used in the
Figure 4 10 Grasshopper Code used in this thesis
images of full working kinetic façade prototype. The researcher was able to developed a fully working prototype. The prototype was able to respond to the light. The façade closes itself when exposed to certain amount of light as seen in figure 4.11 and opens itself when there is low exposure to the light which increases the indoor comfort level and minimizes the solar gain on the façade.

The research was focused on defining a work flow that can help architectural designers make informed design choices for static shading devices. The goal of this project was to design a workflow that facilitates the process of decision making through the use of valid indicators focusing on daylight quality and energy. The development of this workflow required learning of parametric environmental software, experimentation of recently developed plug ins and a currently growing knowledge parametric design tools in general.
The practical research began with the tool analysis for the current state of the art of the available tools was needed in order to determine which parametric tools for environment was the best choice in terms of simplicity to use, outputs that covered the
The research was divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. Through the literature research I was able to learn on the basic principles of shading design such as understand the traditional ways of design adequate shading devices, the use of the different shading typologies according to orientations as well of the benefits of an properly used shading design. Also through the research different postures on the posture of how to tackle the topic of shading design were taken into account, the choice for static shading devices came from the fact that they are more commonly used and affordable in the world and require less additional inputs in order to fabricate them.
Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 41 Figure 4 13
QR Code(Youtube) Figure 4.13 is the QR code to the Youtube Video which is showcasing the working of the kinetic facade prototype.
4.3 Conclusion
In order to have a better perspective on the current use environmental software applied on architectural design, interviews to experts on the field were an important point of departure that made evident the need of integrated workflows that can solve specific problems, that reduces uncertainty in the design choices for environmental design and support the decisions when specialists are not available.

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 42
Regardless of how interesting the use of this tool is, the experimental phase that its currently going through gave the project a level of uncertainty, but not enough not make it possible. In the end it was possible to achieve accurate an real results from the parametric design software, the use of parametric environmental tools and the optimization process. Making the worklflow at this point useful but yet not appealing on its output or user friendly.
indicators that wanted to be tackled and the best forms of presentation. The final choice for the parametric environmental tool came down to Rhinoceros 3D , Grasshopper and Firefly.
1.The complexity of the GH interface made it difficult to explain the workflow to second or third parties.
As it was mentioned having the optimized results solved for the indicators was not enough, through the revisions of the workflow it two aspects were found:
2.The output could take a step forwards in terms of interaction and exploration from the user.

Research Thesis 2021 22 Dhruvin Kataria 43 Chapter 5 Bibliography 5.1 Dynamic facade module prototype development for solar radiation prevention in high rise building 5.2 Interactive kinetic façade: Improving visual comfort based on dynamic daylight and occupant's positions by 2D and 3D shape changes ScienceDirect https://bpautomation.com/a brief introduction to prototype development/ 5.3 type_development_for_solar_radiation_preventiohttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/323822834_Dynamic_facade_module_proton_in_high_rise_building 5.4 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360132319306067 5.5 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360132319301416