| English Chief Editor | Lauren Ong
DESIGN | COVER | 2 | 3 | 4 |5| ZHANG YIFAN | 6 | 7 | 23 |
BOH DUANG SEY | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
The theme for this issue is‘Truth Be Told’ . Coupled with interviews and meticulously crafted articles, we have brought to you an eye-opening discussion of Dunman High’s inner workings and culture, and how it’s perceived to ourselves and other people. These are significant issues, that in keeping up with the hectic demands of life, we seldom discuss. Yet, they deserve to be so.
In reading this, we genuinely hope you have a glimpse into the more meaningful perspectives surrounding our school. And, whether as a student/ teacher/Singaporean, we hope you have an overall more‘woke’outlook on school life :) Our writers and designers have worked hard to get this issue to you, having to pack their assigned tasks atop other commitments, yet completing them with much effort and diligence. Happy reading!
| 12 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 22 | YEO XUAN
| 13 | 17 | 18 |
| 华文部主编 |
| 19 | 20 | 21 |
的一些方面。通过翻阅本期杂志,你可以读到资深教师和 已经毕业的学姐对德明教育和学校生活的独特看法,也能 了解到表演艺术社团和体育校队的同学们丰富多彩的故
自然的美景,身边人们的美好品质,也会被我们的作者一 一发掘。不知道它们是否会引起你的共鸣?
希望这本D时代能够在忙碌的学习生活中给你带来快乐和 思考的空间。让我们一起感受实话实说的魅力吧!
Q: Did you have any preconceived impressions of Dunman High before you were posted here, and what was your reaction upon receiving your posting?
A: Dunman High is a school that many look up to as a standard bearer, in large part because of the qualities that they see in generations of Dumanians who passed through our gates. I was delighted when I received the news of my posting, but it was not without some trepidation of being entrusted with the heavy responsibility of keeping the Dunman flag flying high. In Dunman High, in spite of the achievements, there’s still tremendous potential and many things that we can do to realize our vision.
When friends learnt about my posting, I received many text messages from them, many of whom I didn’t even know were Dunmanians, and without fail, they would end their congratulatory message with the same phrase: 诚、信、勇、忠. These were lawyers, finance directors, senior civil servants, etc. All are doing well in life and are very proud to associate themselves with the school. To me, it is a clear mandate for me to at least preserve if not enhance the pride and love Dunmanians have for the school. 3
Q: There is general stereotype of us DHS students, that we seem to be rather soft-spoken and passive. Is this true?
A: We pride ourselves as 德明人 who are grounded with sound and strong values, 诚、信、勇、忠. How will this help us going forward? In the future workplace? In the world of tomorrow? me, what may be Put simply, it will be very helpful. In a world where acceleven more pertinent erated changes are the norm, people will look for anchors is that Dunmanians and strong fundamentals that define a leader. Dunmamust be confident about nians will be well poised with their characteristic traits ourselves, since we have – humble, dependable, reflective and loyal to mention a a lot to offer other people. few. However, characteristic traits alone will only be the first cut. There are other traits that are just as important. For example, how does one articulate one’s Q: Why do you think Dunmathoughts clearly, succinctly nians have a tendency to be and confidently amidst the casoft-spoken? cophony of voices? How does one stand out from the rest (for A: I suppose there is a confluence the right reasons of course)? of factors. For one, it’s our upbringing. The school is steeped Dunmanians are an intelligent in Confucius teaching and Dunlot and I believe they have their manians are very familiar with own thinking and insights, but Confucius philosophy – 修身、 they don’t usually speak up 齐家、治国、平天下. We believe due to one reason or another, strongly in looking inwards first, be it shyness or out of humilor ‘修身’, and get ourselves sorted ity. When we don’t speak up first before anything else. Dunbecause we share others’ senmanians recognize the need to timents or respect others’ perbe humble and ‘sort’ out our perspectives, it is not a bad thing. sonal life first before we take acHowever if we did not speak up tion. This could possibly explain because we chose not to enwhy we have a tendency to be soft-spoken. To a large gage in a healthy dialogue, extent, this is not wrong. However, we must recognize then something is amiss. that our voice is important. Whether what we said is Being humble and rebeing taken into consideration is another issue altogethspectful and being outer. We must learn to handle rejection as part and parcel spoken are not mutuof life. We need to let our voice be heard at the appropriate ally exclusive, i.e. you time, without being rude or ignorant, and in so doing, value don’t have to achieve add to the whole process. one at the expense of the other! To Q: What is your vision for our school or where do you want to see the school in 5 years?
A: My key focus is that we take concrete steps to realize our shared vision “The Premier School of Leaders of Honour” because we have an
exciting vision that will illuminate our path forward. I don’t see the need to reinvent something. That said, we need to pay attention to the three key words – premier, leaders and honour. What is our understanding of these descriptors?
To me, a premier school is a school par excellence. We need to make sure that we always give our best in thoughts and in deeds. We have to ensure that we prepare Dunmanians for the world of tomorrow even as we strive to meet their immediate learning needs. In other words, we must be convinced that what we offer to Dunmanians must be the best at the point of conception and delivery. As for leaders and honour, we are talking about the qualities of a person in everyday living. I am not necessarily referring to positional leadership, which could well be, but even more impactful is the positive and constructive influence one has on others. I think we still have some work to do on that although I am very optimistic about the fundamentals of our Dunmanians, and that is the honour part of our school vision.
So you can see that there is work to be done at school’s level and at the students’ level. The work we do is thus akin to growing the DNA in all Dunmanians. My hope is that in 5 years’ time, the public will recognize this DNA of DHS and Dunmanians – always putting our best foot forward and be a positive source of influence. It is just like every 德明人 is associated with the school motto “诚、信、勇、忠”, the DNA that we seek to grow must also be plain for all to see.
we uphold our core values and at the same time be relevant in a globalised world? A: That’s a good question. First and foremost, I don’t find anything contradictory in that. They are not opposing tensions nor are they mutually exclusive. Fundamentally, our DNA dictates our response to the ever changing landscapes and demands. In fact, our DNA, which defines us and motivates us, will move us forward.
We need to work on the skill sets to take on future challenges. This includes the ability to clearly articulate our thinking, to be different when needed and to have the confidence to navigate the unknown. There are many programmes/platforms in the school which are designed with all these objectives in mind. We can certainly do better in the spirit of continuous improvement.
Speak up! Articulate your ideas! Be respectful, but don’t be shy. The fundamentals may never change – your beliefs and your value system, but we may have to adapt our approaches to take on the challenges of the future. I just want to encourage all Dunmanians that you are not starting from ground zero. You have a lot in you to offer to the world. Make the best use of that. There’s tremendous potential in Dunman High and Dunmanians to ride the wave. Let’s journey together and realize our school vision of “The Premier School of Leaders of Honour”. Interviewer: Lauren Ong
Q: That being said, do you think it’s a challenge to find a balance between having this DNA and being people who are adapted to a constantly changing world? How do
Pr oj ectWor k,maj ors choolevent s ,andhous ecommi t t ees .
Wehopet hatt hi sar t i cl ehel pedyouhaveabet t erunder s t andi ngoft hel eader s hi poppor t uni t i esi n s chool !Fort hos ewhoar es t i l lcont empl at i ng,wes t r ongl yencour ageyou t oj us tt aket hepl unge, exper i enceandďŹ gur eoutyours t yl eofl eader s hi p.Sur e,youmays t umbl e,buti ti sbet t ert omake mi s t akesi ns choolt hanmes supwhenyouent ert hewor kf or ce.Butr emembert hough,s t udi esar es t i l l i mpor t ant ,s odocons i deryourcommi t ment sbef or echoos i nganappr opr i at el eader s hi pr ol e!
Interviewer: Boh Duang Sey & Justina Tay
卢 汉 霖 老 师 采 访
教书育人已有二十余载,在德明政府 中学奉献的二十二年里,经历了不同 的时代,也见证了德明的变化。卢老
师开玩笑说,在教书期间换了五任校 长,他也可以算是“五朝元老”了。
如果说变化,德明校园里的设施有了巨大的改变。在搬到丹戎禺路之后, 学校增添了许多新的设施。特别是在
心(PAC),纳米科技实验室,讲堂(Lect ur eTheat r e)和多功能图书馆等
。这些齐全的设备给教学带来了许多便利,也给学生和老师提供了更好的 学习和教学环境。而旧校园,我记得,虽然周遭环境和设备都不如现在,可 是却有着让人怀念的美和宁静。记得那时候,校园里种了很多木麻黄,给 师生留下了很多美好的回忆。
六年一批。每一次毕业季我都会有不同的情感,五味杂陈⸺ 有骄傲,有欣 慰,有失望,也有难过,这些都是教书生涯必经的情感。这些年来,因为时
代的变迁,学生的改变也是巨大的。德明以前的学生给我普遍的印象是非 常乖的,比较守秩序,也对老师恭敬有礼。虽然不是
, 在中 一和中二时,我的成绩是 一般的。
出了很多努力,我的成绩不但没有进步,反而更差。尤其是化学这个科目,高 一时我考
因为有了这些老师的耐心教导,我取得了不错的A水准成绩。我考到了五个A, 其中 一 科就是化学。
A水准的考试让我倍感压力。我每天都在埋头苦读,准备我的考试。考试期间,我必须 打起十分的精神,凭着顽强的毅力,应付接踵而来的考试。即使前面 一科目考得不理 想我也必须咬紧牙关,继续冲刺,不能停歇!
— 德明排球A分组高一届女生专访
在为他们的好成绩欢欣鼓 舞的同时,大家是否好奇 他们平时的团队生活是怎 样的呢?让我们聚焦2017 级高一这届的女生队,来 看看她们平时是如何巩 固团队精神与增进彼此之 间的感情的。
因为从中一开始就共同训练与参加比赛,排球队员们之间形成了深厚的默契与团队精神。 “我们在彼此面 前从不害怕展现真实的自己,这是我真的很喜欢我们队的一点。 ”队员李彤这样说。从初中到高中,她们常 常在训练之外的时间组织各种外出活动,以增进彼此之间的感情。每当有成员生日时,所有人总会聚在一 起为她庆祝。即便到了高中,一些初中的成员退出了排球队,她们也仍然尽量和其他人一起庆祝彼此的生 日。排球队女生们的这个传统深深地触动了我。升入高中,许多初中课外活动的成员们都分散到了各个不 同的课外活动,即使有一部分成员继续参加,和退出的那些成员之间也难免因为见面机会的变少而渐渐 疏远。而排球队的女生们通过这种方式保持着频繁的相聚,维系着彼此之间的友情,是多么难能可贵啊。
除了庆祝生日之外,她们还时不时地组织一些外出活动,比如一起 溜冰,或是一年一度的圣诞节派对。在两年前的圣诞派对上,大家聚 在其中一个队员的家里,一起品尝美食,还通过抽姓名签的方式交 换了各自准备的圣诞礼物。那一次派对中的迷你卡拉OK也是她们 很难忘的回忆:队员们有的会演奏吉他,有的擅长唱歌,大家都沉浸 在节日的欢乐气氛中,在美妙的音乐与深夜的疯狂游戏中得以更加 了解和欣赏彼此。队长张绮恩说, “这样一来,我们一共十二个人,每 年生日聚会和外出活动加起来,会有超过十二次活动。我希望通过 这些活动,我们之间的感情不只局限于球场上。 ”
队员曾欣凝也说, “她们是我这几年来花最多时间相处的挚友。我觉得,能成为这个在球场以外也很有凝
聚力的球队的一员真是我们的幸运——我们在一起学到了许许多多,我们看着彼此逐渐成长为现在的样 子。我们的人生道路有幸在这里交汇,并形成了一些无价的东西。它不一定在于那些具体的回忆;它更在 于当我们回首这一切时,会明白我们之中的每一个人对于其他人来说,都是弥足珍贵的。 ”
俗话说, “人心齐,泰山移。 ”排球队的女生们通过这些活动培养起了极其深厚的感情,成为了彼 此的精神支柱。这毫无疑问也促使她们能够在平日里帮助彼此共同进步,在面临比赛的压力与 强敌时互相鼓励与协助,从而取得更加优异的成绩。
“台上一分钟,台下十年功。 ”这句话一点也不假。 月 号对于我们中文学会戏剧组来说 是一次至关重要的表演机会,一次证明实力的机会,一次让观众了解德明戏剧的机会。 这次的青年节比赛与以往不同的是,剧本的创作不再依靠老师,而是由我们学生自由发 挥想像力创作而成。 于是,为了向观众展现最好的一面,戏剧组的几位组员在开学之前就投入创作,积极发 表自己的想法,采纳学会组员的建议,绞尽脑汁,齐心协力,大胆地写下独特的构想,在 经过之后一轮又一轮的投票、建议与修改后,别开生面的一个剧本就出炉了,紧随而来 的是一种说不出的自豪感。随着时间不断流逝,准备时间也在不断减少,在剧本确定下 来后,我们迅速选好主演人员,在老师的耐心指导下进行一轮又一轮排练,珍惜每一秒 时间,不断熟悉剧情,了解自己演绎的人物,改进自己演技上的不足,以确保能够为观众 呈献一场最好的演出。 一场完美的演 一场完美的演出,需要的不仅仅是演员,后台的努力更是不可或缺的存在。在演员排练 的同时,后台组也立即开始着手他们的任务:音响组查询需要的音乐背景,根据剧本流 程制作音频;灯光组不断熟悉技巧,研究灯光的处理;道具组则开始制作任何所需的道 具,力求既真实又精美。无论是台前还是幕后,所有人员都有完善这部戏的觉悟,更是为 此付出了无限努力。 在演出当 在演出当天,原本怀着紧张情绪的我们在踏上舞台的那一刻竟感到平静,我们瞬间进入 角色,与后台组紧密配合,默契十足,为这次的演出画上完美的句号。这次的表演是大家 集体的信念和付出的结晶,也是值得我们骄傲的美好回忆。
by:Nadya Low Lucretia Zhang
For a single letter,“D”is used to describe several vastly distinct personalities.
In medical psychology, Type“D”personality refers to a tendency towards negative affectivity like worry and feelings of gloom accompanied commonly by lack of self-assurance.“D”, in this case, stands for“Distressed”.
In DiSC personality dimensions (as the Y5s would remember),“D”however is the letter ascribed to individuals who display dominant behaviour such as being direct, decisive and having high self-confidence.
And lastly,“D”personalities, according to the Hire Success Employment Testing System, seek security and are organized and routine-happy. Setting aside the credibility of the aforementioned tests, it is easy to see that what“D”actually entails can be highly varied and hard to capture.
However, what does Type D-for-Dunmanian entail? To find out, we surveyed both Dunmanians and non-Dunmanians. According to Dunmanians, being sheltered, diligent, hardworking and soft-spoken were the traits rated to be of highest relevance respectively to the characteristics of a typical Dunmanian. This is not surprising. Through numerous assembly talks, our teachers have highlighted that Dunmanians tend to not be “outgoing”or the so called“rah-rah”types, at least relative to the image of other schools. During open panel interviews for scholarships, Dunmanians often are more reserved and less active in answering the questions posed while students from other top JCs jump at the opportunity to speak —— a trend that this set of data also reflects. In fact, during the A Division Volleyball Girls’ Finals at Woodlands Stadium earlier in May, students from the opposing JC team were visibly more hyped, cheering enthusiastically, armed with clappers and posters prepared in support of their fellow schoolmates. Dunmanians, on the other hand,
cheered with a hint of reluctance, pushed along by Student Councillors who tried their hardest to keep the atmosphere high. Does the hesitancy in cheering reflect the lack of school spirit and bond shared by students? Truthfully however, this stereotype is only accurate in describing the outward appearance of Dunmanians. It should be obvious from daily school interactions that such a stereotype is at best, a convenient classification. After all, that is what
“...the genuinity and accuracy of judgement through real life interactions ultimately count more than generalisations and stereotypes.” stereotypes are meant to be and if we were to hazard a guess, the same can be said of all stereotypes of students from various schools. What the survey reflects then, is that although the phrases used are not truly accurate, we have assumed this identity as the default one even though it is inwardly not true. Outwardly, on the other hand, it may be true that our general behaviour fits what the stereotype describes. Viewed objectively, it is true that this form of humility and relative reservedness may hurt our chances at interviews and paint us as lacking self-confidence and having no school spirit. But in our view, this does not warrant a need to change for the sake of fitting into
the mould of a“successful student”, benchmarked by the mannerisms of students from schools with cultures entirely foreign to ours. What good would it be to have carbon copies of “outspoken, driven and confident” students for every interview candidate? The volume of our cheering does not reflect the support behind the scenes that classmates and friends provide, whether through updating players on missed lessons or just being there as a listening ear for moral support. In fact, it is not only the few spectators present who are rallying behind the team. The entire school of over two thousand students, updated through the weekly competition updates at the podium, has their backs. Neither can our strengths be judged by one dimension of ability; true potential and spirit need to be expressed, but they do not have to be loud. On the other hand, while Dunmanians tended to have more negative perceptions of themselves and their schoolmates in general, some non-Dunmanian responses when asked about their impressions of Dunmanians included “smart, well-adjusted, sociable” and “very amiable and likeable in general”. This suggests that people viewing us from the outside actually have more positive impressions and views than we imagine. With such views being raised by non-Dunmanians who have interacted with Dunmanians, they indicate that the genuinity and accuracy of judgement through real life interactions ultimately count more than generalisations and stereotypes. Being in a Special Assistance Plan (SAP) school which places a strong focus on maintaining traditional
Chinese culture, the values of humility and respect for others are inherent in Dunmanians. This has perhaps translated to our reserved culture and seemingly notso-vocal dynamics. However, this protected environment allows us to grow through a reduced fear of being mocked or ostracised for holding any cultural beliefs or practices that are not homogenous with others. In a sense, we are underexposed to the perspectives that others from different cultures and different life experiences may have.
“As a school, more can perhaps be done by being more proactive in being more aware and open-minded, in order to understand the world beyond our tiny microcosm.” Coming from rather similar backgrounds, whether academic grades or socio-cultural upbringing, our ways of thinking might be similar as well. This hinders us from having the chance to learn to work with and interact with others who have more varied perspectives or methods of approaching tasks. It thus may be the reason that the word“sheltered”came up when non-Dunmanians were asked to describe us. However, while our demographics may be a seemingly obvious indicator that we do not get enough exposure, it is also a hasty conclusion to label us as“sheltered“. Through ongoing conversations in class and assembly talks, there is a conscious effort to overcome our“natural”limitations in perspectives. The word“sheltered”is an inaccurate one as it does not acknowledge our efforts. There is, however, no denying the fact that we may lack a thriving environment of student diversity in terms of race and batches being together for 6 years, through and through. As a school, more can perhaps be done by being more proactive in being more aware and open-minded, in order to understand the world beyond our tiny microcosm. Stereotypes are only a natural occurrence when it comes to schools in Singapore and in general, there is little harm in it. It is only when we treat these neutral traits as negative ones that we start limiting ourselves. Perhaps, there needs to be a change in our approach to the“soft-spoken, diligent, rule-abiding”stereotype bestowed upon us. Our stereotype is merely an outward packaging, so instead of viewing it as a problem or a parameter, why not own it, and dare to go beyond it?
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> � .___ 2Y= Chua Yu Xin and Teo Zi Lin Transitioning from Junior High to Senior High, and adjusting to the change by appreciating the value in many more aspects other than academics:
As I entered Senior High) there was this sense of feeling aimless and lost. School became a daily grind of trying not to fall asleep in lectures) doing tutorial after tutorial and attending lesson after boring lesson. With greater freedom) ironically, came a greater sense of hollowness within myself. I grew disillusioned with schooling life and didn't see the purpose of coming to school. However) I decided that my life was mine to live and I decided to look for new reasons to come to school for. I put more dedication into my CCA than ever before and also looked for sources of happiness in friends close by. While life remained way tougher than in my JH days) there was at least some purpose in coming to school for (albeit not lessons\ and from time to time I reminded myself to cherish the friendships I have all around me. I realised that no matter what) there was something to look forward to each day: be it PE) Sexuality Education) CCA) or simply the chance to have a meal and joke around with friends. Eventually, I managed to find the one true purpose that I wanted to live for in SH: to live a life without regrets and create a lifetime's worth of friendships and memories.
Taking up a new commitment, and adapting to the change with friends' support: Personally) becoming an SC in Senior High) academics have become more important to me since we are setting standards not only for ourselves) but for the whole school as well. This places pressure on me to do better. Honestly, grades have contributed majorly to the insecurities I have about myself since my hard work has always seemed to be in vain) with no improvement at all. However) in school) being surrounded by friends that genuinely support me and encourage me when I'm on the brink of giving up on everything makes the pain of going through all my notes and tutorials) as well as all the late nights trying to comprehend everything) worthwhile. I have those who have been by my side to thank. I think that it is important to note that academics is not everything) and even if you don't achieve an aim or do well there's always a next time. To quote a friend: "just grit your teeth and push on; one day you'll reach your goal". 17
Change is inevitable. From eons past, the world has changed drastically. What makes us any different?
Change is always happening. When you look at yourself now and compare it to the you of the past, do you still see yourself as that little child? Or have you found that like many others, you have changed as well? With change comes this feeling of being plucked out of your own world and being deposited into another foreign one. Is it so strange that this transition usually leads to insecurity and deep-seated anxiety?
Presented here are two stories shared by Dunmanians on their personal experiences and encounters with change, as well as their take on it. Change is not an unfamiliar concept to any of us, and no matter the varying extents in which we relate to these Dunmanians' past experiences, there is a moral to every story. We, too, can learn how to accept change and integrate it into our lives.
The notion of a 'Dunmanian Family', as cliched as it may sound to us, seems to be an existing stronghold for support as seen from the two accounts shared. No matter the difficulties encountered during change, friends play an integral role in aiding us to push on and persevere through tough times. The 'Dunmanian Family' spirit is woven deep within us, and shows how this aspect of the school culture doesn't actually deviate much from what is being portrayed to the outside world.
Whether we are conscious of it or not, change happens as naturally as breathing, and the process will be no easy ride. However, as long as we learn to adjust and adapt to all these constant changes occurring, with the help and support provided by our peers around or with other means, these changes will slip seamlessly into our lives. And one day, we will look back into that mirror with realisation dawning upon us that we have changed.
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By:Dor ot hyQuek
Atfirstglance,itseems like a typical
Chi nes e s chool wi t h humant ur ned homewor kz ombi es . What wi t hr us hi ng homewor k on t he MRT or cr ammi ng what ever t hey can dur i ng f r ee per i ods al ongs t udybenchest ot hepoi ntwher et hey pas soutunknowi ngl y on cant een t abl es , m n Hi Dunma gh s t udent sal wayss eem t obe i n ar us h agai ns tt i me i n whatever yone pr obabl yf eel sasourver yown‘r atr ace’. Res ul t sf r om t hes chools eem t oal s ohave cl ear l ypr oven t hi spoi nt ,wi t hs i gni ficant achi evement sl i ke wi nni ng t he MOEhel d “Bi gQui z ”oncur r entaffai r sj us tt hi syear agai ns t ot hers t r ongRIt eams ,aswel las excel l entdi s t i nct i on r at esf ort he A Level cohor tt hi s year . Coupl ed wi t h academi c achi evement s ar e ot her CCA achi evement sl i ke di s t i nct i ons f or t hi s year ’ sSi ngapor eYout hFes t i val( SYF) .Al lof t hes e poi ntt ot i r el es s hour s ofwor ki ng agai ns tt he cl ock and endl es s pr act i ce wher everandwhenevert her ei st i met obe s queez edoutf r om.Fr om t hel ooksofi t ,i t woul dnots eem l i keanyonei nt hes chool has t i me f or mor et han compet i ng f or s ur vi val i n t he s ys t em. However , deep beneat ht hes ur f acear ebondsf or gedand t i esdeepenedt hatt hos ewhoar enotpar tof t he Dunman cul t ur e eas i l y mi s s outon. I ti seas yt os ayt hatwer el yt oomuchonone anot hert o gett hr ough each pas s i ngyear , t hatwe ar e unabl et of or ge any i nt i mat e f r i ends hi ps becaus e we ar es t r eamed t o new cl as s es ever y year s ,buti ti st he s t r uct ur eofDunmanHi ght hatpr ovi desus wi t h mor et han amer e year sasabat ch t oget her .I ti smor et hanj us tt hes har i ngof not esorcompar i ngofr es ul t sever yt i mea new s cr i pti sr et ur ned.I ti shol di ng ont o
oneanot herwhen t her oad get sr ocky;i ti s r el yi ng on one anot her when you know r es pons i bi l i t i esar et oo heavy t o becar r i ed al one;i ti st r us t i ngoneanot herenought ol et t hem bear mor et han ent i t l ement s of“a f r i end”.Whi l s twecompet ewi t honeanot her andus et hatasmot i vat i vont ogof ur t her ,t o do bet t er ,att heend oft heday ,i ti st hos e memor i es we make wi t h t he peopl ei n Dunman Hi gh t hat we come t o f ondl y r emember . Be i t good or bad, t hey ar e defini t el ywor t h mor et han t hecompet i t i on out s i der ss eewhen t hey gl anceats t udent s ar oundt hes chool .
What we r ecal l ar et he t i mes we come t oget hert os cr eam andcheerf orourHous es , t i meswear egat her edbacks t agedur i ngt he cal m bef or et hes t or m ofaconcer t ,t i meswe wer es t uck i ns choolwor ki ng t o per f ecta pi ece ort o compl et et hatfinalpar toft he pr oj ectt hatwasduet hatni ght ,ort i mesof am Skype cal l swhen asexhaus t ed aswe wer e,wewer es t i l lwor ki ngt owar dacommon goal .Theymays eem i ns i gni ficantt hen,buti t i st het i nypi ecest hatmaket hepuz z l ewhol e. I ft her ei sanyt hi ngt hatDunmanHi ght aught i ni t sownway ,i ti st hat ,asanAf r i canpr over b onces ai d, “I fyouwantt ogof as t ,goal one.I f youwantt ogof ar ,got oget her . ” TheDunmanCul t ur ei sdefini t el ymor et han s par s es uper fici al exchanges of gr eet i ngs al ongt hecor r i dor s ,mor et hant het es ts cor es andgr adesonourr epor tcar ds —i ti sacul t ur e ofhavi ngaf ami l yl i kenoot her ,whi chs haped usi nt owhowear et oday .I ti sapl acewher e f r i ends hi psar ef or ged,andf ami l ybondsar e s t r engt hened.I not herwor ds ,DunmanHi gh i smor et hanas chool ;i ti si ndeed,ours econd home.
一个宁静的午后,我倚在窗边,浏 览着手机上推送的新闻消息。信息爆 炸的时代里,我们似乎对许多本应在 意的东西都渐渐变得麻木。报道中, 远方的战乱,他国的政坛纷争,看得 多了,竟都几乎习以为常。
有时觉 有时觉得,在这个时代里,最容易打 动我们的,不是那些惊天动地的大事 ,而是那些就发生在我们身边不甚起 眼却令人心里微微温暖与欢喜的点 点滴滴。
千个学生的情况下,他依旧能记 住我们最常点的饮料,或是准确 地说出我们吃豆花喜欢用勺子还 是吸管,然后在我们开口点之前 先笑着猜测一下⸺ 那往往正是 我们想点的。偶尔在很晚的时候 去买饮料,他也会问问我“刚刚下 课吗 课吗? ”, “还没吃晚饭啊? ”,轻松 关切的话语和他眼睛里温和的光 芒,让一天的疲惫都化作了会心 一笑。
世纪的著名雕塑家罗丹曾说 过, “世上不是缺少美,而是缺少 每天早 每天早晨,当我匆匆忙忙出门上学 ”我们身边这些平 时,总会碰到的一位清扫楼道的阿嬷 发现美的眼睛。 。她个子不高,留着一头仍是黑色的、 凡、不起眼的人们,往往都有着独 略卷的短发,穿着一身干净整齐的绿 特的个性和美好的品格。所以,让 色制服,安静地扫着地。见我走来,她 我们珍惜身边的每一个人,用一 双发现美的眼睛来探寻生活中更 抬起头,微笑着说一句“早上好”。她 的声音平静而清朗,其中竟毫不夹杂 多的美好 多的美好吧。 劳动带来的疲 劳动带来的疲惫,让我不禁想起侍弄 着花草的花店店主,或是一曲清歌, 荡舟江上的渔人。她身后清扫用的推 车上,小型收音机播放着当下流行的 英文歌曲⸺ 我们都常惊讶于她竟能 跟得上时代的潮流。旋律伴着鼓点回 荡在走廊之间,让我不禁也想随之放 声歌 声歌唱。有一次,我甚至看到她与另 外几位做清扫的阿嬷聚在一起,准备 出门去游玩。说实话,我很少感觉到 这位阿嬷的年老,似乎岁月只改变了 她的容貌,却不曾改变她年轻的、热 爱生活的心。
又想到学校食堂里卖饮料的两位阿 伯。我从未见过他们不愉快的样子 ⸺ 每天,每刻,不论是中午时分忙得 不可开交,或是傍晚收摊前生意稀少 ,他们总是轻松愉快地招呼我们。年 轻些的阿伯会细心地记住我们每个 人的喜好。我曾惊讶于在一天面对上
留 意 的 美 好
那 些 我 们 不 曾
清晨七点,我又踏上了每天不断重复的、单调 的上学之旅。我麻木地随着人流的方向走向地 铁站,无意间抬头一瞥,却顿时难以移开目光: 只见蔚蓝的天空犹如披上了一层金黄的薄纱, 黄蓝相间,呈现出一种朦胧之美。我在心中不禁 感叹,原来在我们枯燥的生活中还存在如此让 人心情舒畅的美景。然而,我走进地铁,望着地 铁里四周的乘 铁里四周的乘客,不是闭着眼睡觉就是低头紧 盯着手机,几乎没有人愿意望一下窗外那迷人 的自然风景,哪怕只是一眼。
原来,我们在无意之中都忽略了近在眼前的自 然风光,只是一味地低着头,沉浸在自己喜好的 事物上。今天,我一改常态,不再像往常一样盯 着手机,而是抬头凝视着窗外美景。一排排绿油 油的树木随着地铁的移动,仿佛在行走一般,从 我面前掠过,一排接着一排,仿佛毫无尽头,缕 缕阳光照在绿叶之间,让树木显得更加生机盎 然。天空犹如一张无边无际的画布,而云朵就像 画笔一般:优雅的鹅,俏皮的海豚,洁白的爱心, 它们在蔚蓝背景下形成种种独特的图案,紧紧 地吸引着我的目光,其中一朵像巨大冰淇淋的 云朵更是让我看得眼馋。我欣赏着这一路的自 然美景,不禁懊恼自己竟然错过了这么珍贵的 事物,同时甚至有种叫他人一起欣赏的冲动。今 天这一路,对我来说不再是如平时一般单调的 天这一 地铁路程,而是一次观赏大自然的趣味之旅。我 心情欢快地下了地铁,以比往常更有活力的步 伐走向学校。 如今的人们每天沉浸在繁忙的事务中,穿梭于 喧嚣的城市,忙于追求自己在意的事物,却忽略 了身边的自然之美。其实,只要我们抬头一瞥, 就会发现我们都被自然事物围绕着。让我们暂 时忘却心中的压力与烦恼,凝视着绚丽的天空, 枝繁叶茂的大树以及翠绿的草坪,让自己尽情 沉浸在虽转瞬即逝却让人无比舒心的自然美景 中吧! 中吧
对于已经经历了多年的传统教育的学生, “讲堂-功课- 成绩单”的传统教学方式体系可能 会让人感到苦闷,觉得日常的学习已变得过度地重复、过于枯燥。那么你是否曾好奇,在 传统教育以外还有其他什么有趣、另类的教学方式呢? “替代性教育”是近几年的一个热 门词。它指的主要就是非传统的公立和私立教育方法。 “替代性教育”为有不同需求、偏好 的学生和家长提供了更多选择。从课程的设计到具体教室的安排,这些学校都与主流教 育有着不一样的理念。 以下,我们将会介绍3所位于世界各地最与众不同,最会引人惊叹“原来也能这样”的学 校。办公室型课室—— Carpe Diem Schools
在被称为学习中心的主室内,Carpe Diem有大约三百间分配给每一位学生的隔间,每 个隔间装有一台引导学生受教的电脑。个性化教育一直以来都只是存在于科幻小说中 的理想。对于多数标准教育体系中的人,它看似是一个唯有富家子弟才可以享受的奢 侈特权。不过,Carpe Diem做到了真正实行个性化教育。 “我们将教育个性化,”Carpe Diem首席执行官罗伯特·索默斯博士告诉《技术内幕》 “我们从理解学生起步,然后按 照他们在学习上的需求设计独一无二的网上课程。 ”
另 类 教 育 张悦容
最严格、最注重纪律的学校—— 北伦敦Michaela Community School
这所学校与其他中学的不同之处是学校不接受任何借口。据《每日邮报》的报道,此原则包括了关于迟 到一分钟、没有完成作业、没有带文具的任何借口。学校也实行了“沉默的走廊”的规定:孩子们在教室 之间行走时禁止说话,并且必须快速地单排走动。然而,在实施严厉的惩罚和规则的同时,学校也尽最 大的努力解决学生日常的问题。例如:年初,学校会为所有学生提供钢笔,每日早晨都出售低价的钢 笔。有了严格的校规,学校也彻底解决了学校霸凌问题。 “他们可以安心去厕所,不必担心被欺负。 ”Birbalsingh指出, “在其他学校,你会发现有些孩子们因为害怕被欺负而憋尿,训练自己不去厕所。 ”而这 种情况不会发生在Michaela。
Get Out - Directed by Jordan Peele
By: Edisa Yeo & 张孜璘
A debut film from comedy writer/actor Jordan Peele,“Get Out” is a dystopian take on racism in our allegedly post-racial era as told through a horror film. The film follows a black man (Daniel Kaluuya) who nervously complies to meet his girlfriend’s (Alison Williams) white parents in a rural neighbourhood. Upon arrival, his insecurities are confirmed as he finds out more about the seemingly pristine white neighbourhood. While it might seem surprising that a comedy writer should do horror, both genres are more similar than expected in which both deal with timing. The moment you deliver a punchline is as important as the moment you administer a scare. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Peele had many clever horror scenes without the use of cheap jump scares. However, Peele’s foray into horror is still flawed with the resolution being rather rushed and convenient. Overall, compelling premise with a comparably lacklustre execution. Ultimately, a must-watch film.
Crazy Little Thing Called Love (2010)
Directed by Puttipong Pormsaka Na-Sakonnakorn, Wasin Pokpong
Before“Our Times”, before“You are the Apple of my Eye”, there was“Crazy Little Thing Called Love”, a Thai film that basically served as a template for movies inducing maximum nostalgia. Best of all, it actually has a happy ending. Both protagonists also serve amazing visuals, have immense goodness in them and thus, are extremely easy to root for. While it may not be a very elaborate or plot-heavy movie, it is worth watching for its heart-warming scenes.
这是一部有趣且温馨的爱情小品。 男主角路晋是一位刻薄挑剔、以自我为中心的商业大亨。女主角顾胜男是一位迷糊邋 遢、得过且过的创意厨师。路晋在一次收购酒店的过程中,意外地发现顾胜男竟然能 做出让他叹为观止的美食。路晋喜欢了上女厨师的菜, 每天都点名要她做菜, 还会留 小字条与她分享心情与心得, 这让刚跟男友分手的她心花怒放。最终路晋发现他喜 欢上顾胜男, 便回去找她,电影以美好的结局收场。 这部电影告诉我们,爱情没有固定的“方程式”。片中男女主角的身份地位、个性、生活 习惯截然不同, 却能擦出爱情的火花,足以说明不论什么差距都不能阻碍心灵的默 契。整部电影充满了趣味与温情,值得一看。
A RE YOU F O R REA L ?? Fun MCQs for you to try!
Identify the poser out of the three headlines!
Question 1 1. Guy Tries to Buy Toy Poodles, Gets Fluffy, Steroid-Pumped Giant Ferrets Instead. 2. Study about butter, funded by butter industry, finds that butter is bad for you. 3. Polar bears spotted in Scotland as animals flee melting Arctic ice cap Question 2 1. AirBnB To Launch Robot Hosts 2. Muslim Leaders Call For Halal Alternative to Peppa Pig 3. Three Men Arrested For $300,00 Avocado Theft Question 3 1. “Not very strong or stable”- mixed reviews for this cardboard cutout of Theresa May 2. Feminist Pressure Could See Isle Of Man Name Change 3. Police apologise for ‘nee-nah or woo-woo’ school siren debate
4. 以下带有“信”字的成语中,哪一个带有正面的 含义? A.信口开河 B. 背信弃义 C. 半信半疑 D. 言必信, 行必果 5. “媒体偏见”这个词指的是: A. 人们受媒体影响而形成的偏见 B. 媒体人的偏见,表现在对新闻事件的选择和报 道的方式与角度上 C. 媒体人的偏见,表现在对新闻事件的评论与分 析上 6. 2017年新加坡的媒体自由指数(Press Freedom Index)世界排名是: A. 43 B. 86 C. 151 D. 176
7. 以下哪一个选项不是中国古代兵法书《三十六 计》中的一计? A. 养精蓄锐 B. 声东击西 C. 抛砖引玉 D. 瞒天过 海 8. 东南亚唯一不曾被殖民过的国家是? A. 印度尼西亚 B. 缅甸 C. 泰国 D. 越南
ANSWER: (Q1) 3 | (Q2) 1 | Q3 (2) | Q4 (D) | Q5 (B) | Q6 (C) | Q7 (A) | Q8 (C)
SOURCE: (Q1) Gizmodo, 2013; Washington Post, 2015; Telegraph, 2017 | (Q2) Youtube, 2017; Breitbart, 2016; Telegraph, 2017 | (Q3) Telegraph, 2017; BFNN, 2017; BBC, 2015
IMAGE CREDITS All copyrights of the images belong to their respective owners.
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