Exclusive Behind The Scenes of the DH65 Celebrations!
DH65 by and for Dunmanians
D' HOUR SH Publications Presents
Our Present To Our Future
What does DHS mean to you? Pg 26
2021 issue 2
Editorials Hey there, Dunmanians! Undoubtedly, the year 2021 has been a wild ride. The everchanging and volatile nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has cast many roadblocks our way. Whenever it seemed like we were finally taking a step forward, we would end up taking three steps back. Nevertheless, I believe that we are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously. These challenges have made us stronger and helped build our collective strength as one big family as we face these difficulties head on. As the year 2021 is coming to an end, our team would like to grasp the opportunity to present to all of you: “Our Present, To: Our Future”. This time around, our issue will include exclusive behind-the-scenes insights on the upcoming D’BlueM Carnival as well as personal reflections on what Dunman High means to us Dunmanians. We hope that this will be a pleasurable read for you and give you the opportunity to join us in celebrating how far we have all come! - Ng Yen Nee 5C43
致德明人: 我很荣幸能够参与制作德明65周年纪念特刊。德明数十年来,经历诸多风雨,才成 为今日的参天大树。这本纪念杂志出版目的是向为德明65周年做出贡献的全体师生与校 友致敬,正是因为大家的努力,才有我们今年的荣誉日、校庆、D’BlueM 等各项活动。 本期杂志的主题是 “今日的我们——致未来的德明”,其中包含了今日德明学子对过 去的反思,以及对德明未来的期望。 在此,我也感谢出版社的两位负责老师,洪澜老师与Mr Mark Ho的悉心指导,以及 参与采访、写作和设计的每位同学。有了大家的付出,这本杂志才得以如期面世。 最后,我期盼各位读者,能从字里行间中读出德明披荆斩棘之不易,奋勇向前之无 畏!德明,生日快乐! - 刘孟涵 Liu Menghan 5C22
Contents 4
To Our School, With Love
7 12
德明的道路 德明的书,曲,情
Defying The Odds Together
A Day of Appreciation and Gratitude
The Show Must Go On
16 20
Tapestry of a Nation
A Journey to Remember 校庆背后的无名英雄
Junior’s Take: DH65! Well Wishes
26 3
, l o o h c S r
u O o T
With Love
h Mun (5C12) ), Celeste Claire Chong Ka 12 (5C i ny Xi g on Le ca iri by Sh To our dearest, Dunman High, The DH65 celebrations have provided a well-deserved reprieve for us to come together as a Dunmanian family, and celebrate the essence of our uniquely Dunmanian spirit. This article includes our interview with Principal Mr Tony Low, Vice-Principals Mr Chua Kah Sheng, Ms See Pei Loo and Mrs Toh Sook Hing, and outlines the rest of the magazine. In preparation for this issue, we could not help but wonder: what does Dunman High mean to us? To many, Dunman High is home. Mr Low says he, like us, spends 10-11 hours in school, more than what he spends in his actual home. As Ms See fondly remarked, “一日德明人,一生德明情” (Once a Dunmanian, always a Dunmanian). This heartwarming love was especially evident because of COVID-19; the DH65 events underwent massive modifications in light of volatile regulations. Despite this, Dunmanians remained steadfast, captured in Mr Chua’s observation that “the beautiful thing was that everyone stood together unwavering and united, determined to make the DH65 celebrations a success and bring out the spirit of joy and appreciation nonetheless”. This tenacity of the organising committees was rewarded with a beautiful silver lining: the simultaneously smallest and biggest audience in our celebratory history. We had 50 guests physically, but more than 8,000 celebrated with us online.
To others, Dunman High symbolises opportunity. This year’s Honours Day took on a whole new significance as we celebrated the accomplishments of fellow Dunmanians on the same day of Dunmanians both inside and outside the classroom. At the same time, Mr Low hopes that Dunmanians can temporarily put aside the hustle and enjoy writing our bildungsroman. It is imperative for Mr Low that Dunmanians “care deeply enough to serve, and serve passionately enough to lead, both within and beyond the school”. Unlike people in other places, Mrs Toh points out that when Dunmanians do well, “they want all to do well and not just themselves”. Our humility, according to Mr Chua, gives rise to unparalleled familial affection. Ms See hopes that Dunmanians will always remain deeply anchored to the values encapsulated in our school motto “诚,信,勇,忠” (Honesty, Trustworthiness, Moral Courage and Loyalty). Essentially, Dunman High is about her people and those who have supported her. Mr Low fondly commented on this with regards to the DH65 celebrations: “The people are what makes the journey worthwhile.” Ms See also remarked that “it’s assuring to know that we are always supported by a strong team of dedicated and caring staff and key stakeholders such as the School Advisory Committee, DHS Alumni and Parent Support Group”. Similarly, Mrs Toh remembers the celebratory singing of the school song as “a very touching moment for many of us, because it evokes feelings of pride and gratitude — proud of what Dunman High has achieved for the last 65 years,
Dunman High has indeed grown from strength to strength, and we celebrate the pioneering legacy left behind by those like the late Mr Lim Nai Yan, our longest serving ex-principal, and the ever-giving spirit of Dunmanians. For example, a piece of music was composed by our alumni Mr Phang Kok Jun and performed by the current Chinese Orchestra, and an art collection was donated by alumni Mr Xu Mengfeng, beautifully amalgamating our past, present and future. Stemming from this, Dunman High becomes a mission to leverage on our rich heritage whilst keeping up with the times. As we look back at Dunman High’s 65-year history, we find that the school is, paradoxically, an ever-changing constant. Our new mural, “Tapestry of a Nation”, charts the journey of Dunman High and her place in Singapore’s past, present and future. Yet, the school stands unchanging to every Dunmanian. In this issue, we also showcase the perspective of the closest constant we could find: Mr Tan Tui Gee. In his 50 years here, Mr Tan has played a vital role in photographing our story, he himself being an invaluable testament of the school’s history. Looking to the future, Mr Low sees the school reinventing itself and adapting to the changing societal landscape by staying faithful to its calling as a school known for all-round achievements and rich history. He envisions Dunman High becoming a crucible for aspiring leaders, under the condition that we preserve the salient unity and familial spirit at the core of our school and not take these traits for granted. Ms See expressed her wish for Dunmanians to remember their roots with a sense of gratitude, become purposeful leaders driven by a genuine heart to care and serve and make a positive difference to the community.
row from top, fourth canvas from left) symbolises her wish for growth to sprout from DH65 into the future. Truly, we have every hope our school will continue to evolve and reach greater heights.
Here in the Publications family, our wish for the student voice to be pronounced in every facet of school life, has propelled us into curating this magazine. For the first time ever, D’Hour features articles from Junior High authors, talented individuals from outside the SH Publications CCA and most importantly, from you, our readers. We hope you enjoy the magazine, and once again, Happy Birthday Dunman High!
Yours, with love, Shirica and Celeste, Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson on behalf of SH Publications
After our interview with Mr Low, we spotted a vibrant new addition to the General Office: a mosaic of paintings. It is a collaborative effort of the school leaders and the EAS staff, filled with well wishes. For example, Mdm Tham Wan Foong Connie revealed to us that her work (third
德明的道路 文稿:刘孟涵 (5C22) 文稿:刘孟涵 (5C22) 如 刘 德 荣 校 长 所 说 , 几 十 年 正 正如刘德荣校长所说,几十年来,“学 来,“学校的发展好似一幅画卷,一 校的发展好似一幅画卷,一笔一足迹,一步 笔一足迹,一步一脚印。这其中既有 一脚印。这其中既有灿烂辉煌的时刻,也有 灿烂辉煌的时刻,也有平淡无奇的点 平淡无奇的点滴。” 我们应该趁校庆重温历 滴。”我们应该趁校庆重温历史、反 史、反思现状、展望未来。 思现状、展望未来。 过去 德 明 有 悠 久 的 历 史 , 精 彩 的 回 忆。我们的前任校长,林乃燕校长, 当年的领军人物 — 林校长功不可没。
德明有厚重的历史,精彩的回忆。我们 的前任校长,林乃燕校长 — 当年的领军人 虽林校长在几年前逝世,但他的 物,林校长功不可没。 付出早已为现任学子种下了可以乘凉
的参天大树。已退休的张中兴老师给 虽林校长在几年前逝世,但他的付出早 予他极高的评价:“林校长是一位高 已为现任学子种下了可以乘凉的参天大树。 瞻远瞩,很果断,又有远见的校长。” 已退休的张中兴老师给予他极高的评 受到德明学风的熏陶,德明的校 价:“林校长是一位高瞻远瞩,很果断,又 友也都谨记 “一日德明人,一生德 有远见的校长。”
明情”,做出成绩后不忘回馈母校, 与他们的校长和老师一样,为德明未 受到德明学风的熏陶,德明的校友也都 来的学子铺筑康庄大道,谱写人生乐 谨记 “一日德明人,一生德明情”,做出成 章。 绩后不忘回馈母校,与他们的校长和老师一 样,为德明未来的学子铺筑康庄大道,谱写 人生乐章。
现在 如今的德明今非昔比,在学术、 艺术、体育等领域获得各界肯定。
如今的德明今非昔比,在学术、艺术、 体育等领域获得各界肯定。 如此值得自豪的成绩乃是一代代
德明人的努力。作为 “乘凉” 的后 人,我们定不能忘根,要承前启后,悉 如此值得自豪的成绩乃是一代代德明人 心照料这棵高耸入云的大树。 的努力。作为 “乘凉” 的后人,我们定不 能忘根,要承前启后,悉心照料这棵高耸入 云的大树。
未来 维持德明的华彩乐章,需要我们 所有德明人深刻反思。
恰如刘校长所说:“让这千头万 绪的平凡琐事变得不平凡的,是对德 维持德明的华彩乐章,需要我们所有德 未来的美好憧憬,对莘莘学子的殷切 明人深刻反思。 期盼”,而作为德明学子,我们要做 的就是带着这份憧憬与期盼,为德明 恰如刘校长所说:“让这千头万绪的平 的未来而奋斗。 凡琐事变得不平凡的,是对德明未来的美好 ,对 学子的殷切期盼”,而作为德 德明的过去值得我们学习、德明 明学子,我们要做的就是带着这份 的 现 在 值 得 我 们 守 护 、 德 明 的 未 来与期 盼,为德明的未来而奋斗。 值我们努力。我相信,拥有如此深厚
的校史、优秀的教师、勤奋好学的学 德明的过去值得我们学习、德明的现在 生,德 明定然会如日东升、欣欣向 荣! 值得我们守护、德明的未来值得我们努力。 我相信,拥有如此深厚的校史、优秀的教
德明,生日快乐! 师、勤奋好学的学生,德明定然会如日东 升、欣欣向荣! 德明,生日快乐!
德明的书,曲,情 文稿:陈萱恩 (5C12),江文浩 (5C12)
德明政府中学建于一九五六年,历经六十五 载大风大浪,从名不经传的学校发展到享有盛誉 的书香名校,六十五周年校庆作为凝聚师生,汇 聚校友的庆典,为每一位德明人增添真挚的深 情,刻骨的眷恋和永恒的记忆。六十五载岁月一 弹指,往后岁月,德明人仍能乘长风,破万里 浪,无畏艰辛,在新的征程里扬帆起航! 参天之树,必有其根;环山之水,必有其 源。岁月,记录的不仅是时间,更是丝丝忆恋。
刻在骨子里的木麻黄情结如那陈酿老酒, 愈发醇厚。一九七零年从德明毕业的许梦丰先 生,乃新加坡少有能融诗书画于一体的艺术 家,因其在艺术方面的突出成就,曾于二零一 六年获颁新加坡文化奖。喜逢六十五周年校 庆,老先生无私捐出包括画作、对联和诗歌书 法共十四件大作。除意向校庆献礼外,暨含培 养德明艺术氛围的良苦用心,盼德明学子们能 在朴实的时光里,寻找美,追逐梦;在平凡的 日子里,弘扬善,给予爱。 如若说许梦丰先生象征着德明深厚的文化 艺术底蕴,那毕业于二零零五年的冯国峻先生 则代表锐意进取的德明精神。 冯国峻先生现为新加坡炙手可热的青年作 曲家之一,先后毕业于新加坡国立大学杨秀 桃音乐学院与美国皮博迪音乐学院,誉为新加 坡“三十岁以下的三十名新星之一”。喜闻校 庆,冯先生欣然谱曲,作出饱含怀旧之情与对 德明未来憧憬的华曲——“游子心”。该曲悠 扬动听,真挚感人,中段曲调多变,时低缓深 沉;时盎然急促,契合德明包含融汇,广聚人 才的特点。委婉动人的旋律不仅描绘出喜祝校 庆的澎湃心潮,歌颂了母爱的伟大与无私,更 道出身为“游子”的魏成辉荣誉主席对母亲 永远的敬仰、怀恋与感恩。最后,冯先生祝 道:“望德明可以代代辉煌,成为新加坡教育 界里的常青树,辅助每一位学子打造一个锦绣 前程!” 7
DHSearch A Model Dunmanian
Moral Courage
DHSearch Academic Mania!
Chatroom Did you hear about Jay Gatsby’s new car? It was a real hit with the ladies.
Why can you not trust an atom? They make up everything. How was the Roman Empire cut into half? With a pair of caesars.
Why are obtuse angles always so depressed? They are never right (angle). What do you call an acid with attitude? A-mean-oh (amino) acid.
... 9
DEFY ING T HE ODDS TOGET HER Shao Xia n, Head of D’Blu
al rniv a C eM
2020 and 2021 have been tough for many Dunmanians due to the ongoing pandemic. But despite this, some Dunmanians have come together stronger to present the DH65 carnival: D’BlueM. For the smooth execution of the D’BlueM carnival, planning and preparation had to start months before the event whilst making constant changes to accommodate the ever-evolving situation. From numerous meetings with the various other departments, to the recruitment and management of volunteers, and the drafting of proposals for the events of the carnival, it has sometimes seemed as though their work has been insurmountable and never-ending. At the forefront of the carnival are the booths and the performances - their respective Committees had to audition many talented individuals and put much effort into layi n g
out a fascinating event plan. Though these efforts of the Performance Committee and Sports and Games Committee are indeed commendable, it is easy to overlook the unrelenting efforts of the committees that toil behind the scenes: the Design and Publicity Committee, and the Administration and Logistics Committee. The former designed exclusive merchandise for the carnival, while the latter has been at everyone’s beck and call to help sort out what others would see as a logistical nightmare, and doing so without complaint. Together, these Committees have worked tirelessly to provide Dunmanians the best possible DH65 carnival experience. Planning such a large-scale event appears to be a rather tall order, and might even seem daunting to some. Yet, it was the sheer scale and size of the event that drew many, including Committee co-heads Kieran Lim (5C42) and Xavier Chua (5C33), who were interested in the massive scale and nature of the project. Co-head of the Sports and Games Committee, Cheryl Tan (5C21), chose to undertake the task for similar reasons. “I saw this as an opportunity to challenge myself and grow,” she expressed, citing the rigour and demands of planning such an event as the main factor that pushed her to sign up. She recalls the desire to step out of her comfort zone as the main reason for volunteering. Annabelle Tan (5C12), co-head of the Performance Committee, had somewhat different motivations.“I remember see-
Wang Ziwei Dorthy (5C11), Leonard Lee-Ralph Lim Yue Tai (5C12), Phua Ying Jie Klare (5C21), Elizabeth Leong Yan Yee (5C22), Colin Chong Ian Yew (5C44), He Ziqi (5C47)
ing the call for planning committee volunteers last year, and thought that DH65 is a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” she recalled, adding that it would also be a great addition to her Dunmanian experience and a way to end her Dunmanian journey with a bang. faced greater challenges in the execution of their plans. As co-head of the Performance Committee Xavier said, “The COVID situation has been very volatile… it was hard to plan for the event since there were constant changes.” The rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic has left many of the members feeling lost and clouded in their visions. However, the pioneering spirit of the Committee members continued to fire them up to toil through these difficult times. Despite the multitude of hats they have had to wear and the demands of the job, the Committee heads shared how learning to adapt to change and helping to see their volunteers grow truly spur them on. “I’m glad that I didn’t throw in the towel before the competition had even begun,” said Cheryl. All in all, D’BlueM is nonpareil and a paragon of the Dunmanian spirit: an ambitious event driven by these steadfast and resilient students who have persevered through these tough times through their grit and wits. Even during this arduous journey to organise the carnival, they have continued to enjoy the process, especially by being thankful for their fellow committee members who have had to brave this pe-
There is an abundance of events that have been planned for this carnival that everybody is sure to enjoy, and you too should free up your schedule once its date is announced in 2022 and prepare yourself for this astounding event that will be the first of its kind to go down in Dunmanian history. The organising committee truly cannot wait for all Dunmanians to see what they have in store.
The Show Must Go On by Tay Zi Yun Teryl (5C11), Liu Jessica Shi-Jia (5C21)
Celebrating our Past, Present, and Future
rating new innovative ideas into the event.
In 2022, through D’BlueM, a carnival by Dunmanians for Dunmanians, Dunman High will celebrate our Dunmanian identity and reflect on the past, present and future of our school. D’BlueM is aptly named ‘The Blue Moment’, with ‘blue’ symbolic of the school’s sapphire jubilee, which the carnival was originally intended to celebrate, and ‘moment’ acting as a beckoning for Dunmanians to live in the moment.
The carnival will feature a multitude of exciting activities and booths, from carnival booths, food booths and sports games to performances and game shows. These will all be hosted by the Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 student volunteers, accurately reflecting D’BlueM’s vision ‘By Dunmanians, for Dunmanians’. With the overall theme ‘Past, Present and Future’, the carnival will take students through the eras as they move through the carnival’s individual zones. Much like DH65, this echoes the sentiment of reflecting on the past, cherishing the present, and looking forward into the future.
An event like no other before, D’BlueM is aimed at letting us reach new heights together as a school and is helmed by Overall-in-Charge (OIC) and former President Victoria Belle Tan, and Assistant-in-Charge (AIC) Ashley Kuah and Xiang Qiuyu. As the first school-wide carnival in a long time, it aims to bond the school through a shared experience across all levels. This will give students a fond memory to look back upon, as well as a greater sense of our 德明大家庭 (Dunmanian Family). For Victoria, this event is particularly special since it is her own presidential initiative, having taken up the role in her capacity as President during her term in the Student Council (SC). However, this is an independent project and the majority of those involved are not student councillors. As school-wide events, such as Teachers Day and Prom, are usually organised by the Student Council, D’BlueM is unique as it is “very ground-up”, as Victoria describes it. This project has also helped to reinforce the idea that Dunman High is a safe place to explore and break new ground, incorpo12
“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” D’BlueM was originally intended to be a homecoming event for alumni in celebration of DH65, but when the pandemic struck, Victoria and the school leaders decided on an internal carnival instead. COVID-19 has undoubtedly thrown a wrench into their plans, but the three ICs have optimistically seen it as an opportunity to learn to be adaptable, working hard to ensure the carnival will be engaging and exciting for students. This is no easy feat, considering that they were hit with setback after setback as the pandemic’s worsening situation necessitated stricter safe management measures (SMM). “We realised it was impossible to have D’BlueM in August,” said Qiuyu. The team also had to craft a new plan that would adhere to ever-changing SMM. “We had to come up with things like rotation groups, movement
groups, how to move 100-plus people from one venue to another at the same time…” said Ashley. With the carnival recently postponed to early 2022, the volatile situation has disrupted their plans once again. Regardless, their spirit has persevered as they change with the tides to face new challenges head-on with admirable determination. To the trio, it was important to keep the students in mind when planning the programmes. In the words of our former President, “The students were always at the heart of it”. Here are some Final insights from the leaders of D’BlueM! Publications: How do your personal goals align with D’BlueM’s? Qiuyu: My goal was to step out of my comfort zone and meet new people, of which this committee had many. Through working with them, I got to know their personalities and leadership styles. D’BlueM became a platform for us to work and bond at the same time, which aligns with its goal of forging new friendships. Publications: Do any of you have a particular event you are excited about? Ashley: (jokingly) I’m excited for the carnival to be over. Qiuyu: I’m quite excited to see what the game show will look like. Publications: What was something that you gained or realised from this entire experience of planning such a large-scale event? Victoria: Personally I have a few main takeaways from this. Firstly, macromanagement. Being an OIC in SC and D’BlueM is quite different. As an OIC in SC, you are involved in every aspect of the project, down to the small details. For D’BlueM, I tried macromanagement. I started the project and made the important decisions but refrained from being too involved in every part of the carnival, since there are 39 people in the organising team. I’m very thankful that I have so many people backing me up, especially since I am preparing for the A-levels as well. I also learnt how to work with many different stakeholders. We had our volunteers, canteen vendors (Qiuyu had to speak Chinese to them), school leaders whom we had to meet multiple times, external vendors, teachers, our organising committee… With many stakeholders come many different opinions and we learnt to be cool-headed when dealing with all the challenges.
Stay Tuned! The trio has definitely displayed commendable conviction and perseverance in leading D’BlueM despite all the challenges they have faced. Their efforts are paying off as many Dunmanians wait in fevered anticipation for the show to finally commence in 2022. 13
A Day of Appreciation and Gratitude by Ng Yen Nee (5C43), Annabelle Tan Hui Ying (5C12)
Every single year, without fail, our Dunmanian family will come together and rejoice in celebration. This annual event is known to us as Honours Day. It is a day dedicated to applauding the achievements and triumphs of deserving students as well as to express our utmost gratitude to various stakeholders who have paved the way for our successes. Though the school had big plans and was looking forward to having our Dunmanians, staff and alumni all come together to commemorate our achievements, the event had to be downscaled, with the number of guests being kept to a minimum due to the ever-changing, volatile nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thankfully, the guests and audience were still able to observe the ceremony via a livestream on Youtube. The theme of this year’s Honours Day was: Our Heritage, Our Journey, Our Future (不忘初心, 锐意进取,继往开来,再谱华章), emphasising the importance of remembering our roots and striving for greater heights. 不忘初心 (Our Heritage) 自1956年,我校经历了诸多风雨,攀登了无 数高峰。德明荣誉日不仅带着全校师生回忆 我们的坎坷路程和历史轨迹,更是提醒我们 谨记初心,秉持最初奋斗的信念,向下一个 山峰前行。 锐意进取 (Our Journey) 颁奖典礼作为荣誉日的亮点之一,对成绩优 异的学生表示认可,对无私奉献的教师表示感谢。它不光起到鼓励我们的作用,更是鞭策我们 继续努力,争取有一天也登上那闪耀的颁奖台。 继往开来,再谱华章 (Our Future) 承载着我们的希望还是未来,我们必须不忘初心、锐意进取,才能在新的一年里再攀高峰。德 明历届师生扛起了发扬我校优良传统的责任,而在今后的日子里,扛起这张大旗的将会是我们 这批师生。我相信,观看了荣誉日颁奖典礼,德明学子心中的自豪感与认同感都会冉冉升起, 为德明再谱华章! As one of the many Dunmanians watching the livestream of the ceremony from home, I was especially amazed and surprised by the smooth transitions and quality of the live video. Much effort must have been put in by the organisers to make sure that the ceremony was smooth sailing. I felt much gratitude to be able to observe the ceremony in the comfort of my home. Being able to look back on our school’s past achievements not only helps us recognise and appreciate the contributions and achievements of our peers but also pushes us to strive for greater heights, maintaining the very standard we have set for ourselves and the school.
借此机会,我想为参与策划的老师和同学点 赞,他们披荆斩棘,才能在这瞬息万变的疫情中 成功地举办一场盛大的活动。这场疫情虽然造成 了重重困难,它也给了我们一个可以让全校师生 一起参与、庆祝荣誉日的机会。实际上,今年荣 誉日共有数千人参加,是有史以来最盛大的一 次,创造了历史。
ever, Honours Day can be something so much more.
Despite this, when we hear the words ‘Honours Day’, some of us may think that it is simply a ceremony to commend only those with notable achievements and contributions, nothing less, nothing more. How-
A lot can happen in a year and events like these give us the opportunity to truly look back and see how far we have come. In a society where we are often on our toes, and where we breathlessly race towards the next challenge before dust can even settle on our previous endeavours, the act of looking back can be felt as a loss of momentum or a pause in progress. Just like Winston Churchill once said, ‘The longer you can look back, the farther you can look forward.’ Only when we give recognition to the doubts we had, the challenges we faced and the hurdles we overcame, will we be able to move forward with new-found optimism and hope. As a Y5 this year, I have only a little more than a year left in Dunman High. I realise that with each passing day, being able to walk through the corridors of the school will eventually become the past and a memory. My classroom will become someone else’s home. Places I am able to visit so easily and fleetingly could feel foreign to me in the future. Even though the time I have here is limited, the school has undoubtedly provided us with many opportunities to pursue our interests and ignite our passions. I believe that for many, the time spent and memories forged here in Dunman High will forever be part of the fresh, exhilarating part of our lives that we call Youth. All in all, though the very definition of Honours Day is to give out some awards, certificates as well as commendation to the deserving, it can also be a chance for us to celebrate how far we have come and how much we have grown, as well as to express our gratitude to those who have made a difference. 如刘校长在演讲中所提到,让我们感谢一路来为德明无私奉献的教职员工,是他们为德明打 下扎实的基础,铸就今日的辉煌。德明的所有师生就像是其乐融融的大家庭,身为德明学子是我 的荣幸,我也很感谢德明,让我在教学相长的融洽氛围内成长,在此度过了青春中灿烂的六年。 有朝一天,在回忆起德明的点点滴滴时,我相信所有人都会感谢德明给我的人生留下不可磨灭的 光辉。 无论我们是否登上颁奖台,今年 的荣誉日都是激励我们奋斗的种子, 鼓励我们一同奋力前行,展翅翱翔, 迎向璀璨的明天。 让我们不忘初心,锐意进取,继 往开来,再谱华章!
岁月的守望者 — 陈瑞如老师 滋滋,嘎。 聚焦完毕,面前的老者盯着镜头后的 我。 “准备好了吗?” 德明摄影师的相册,有55年的厚度。 世界上有两种摄影师。一种,为赚钱 而生;另一种,是他那样随心而拍的自由 人。保留记忆或享受当下?他不做选择。 今天是65周年校庆,却没有人邀请他 协助摄影。我忐忑地前往他的办公室,发 现他脖子上挂着相机,端着盆栽兴致勃勃 地准备前往图书馆。他笑着说:有专业人 16
文稿:赵元贞 (5C22) 夏川蛟 (5C46)
士来拍,不方便过去。我就在旁边补两 笔。 自由人是没有什么可以拦住他的。 我们快步走过学校的走廊,两边的柱 子上载满了学生们欢聚一堂的照片,如今 却冷冷清清。 他感叹道,以前的校庆互动,好多校 友都回家看看。那时,部长站在正心园中 间讲话,气势犹如江河奔涌。灯光也有了 灵魂,为学生们表演的高潮烘云托月。接 着,一群群多年不见的校友欢聚在霍格沃 兹级别的晚宴。 “哎哟哟,老师您还在德明啊!”
头,校歌响起。半个世纪的岁月只有一个 镜头的距离。
沉醉在他的描述中,我发觉自己已站 在图书馆那空旷的大屏幕前方。空调的冷 气扑面而来。
我转头,发现他不知什么时候已经开 始匆忙地按下快门。
他笑了笑,特别时期有特殊处理方 法,无可厚非。
我关掉摄像头,目光回到坐在对面的 老者 — 陈瑞如老师!
突然,我发现大屏幕上不知什么时候 多出来海内外无数的参与者,正齐刷刷地 向图书馆内招手。一时间我竟无法分辨出 发生了什么。我赶忙看向一旁,他也望着 屏幕。这时,我才得知,这一次参加的人 数,比以前任何一次都多。热血涌上心
他摩挲着手中的老相册,翻开到第65 页。
Tapestry of a Nation
by Ong Yee Huan (5C34), Kor Xuan (5C43)
You walk past it frequently, but have you ever thought about it? Unveiled on 2 June earlier this year as part of the school’s 65th anniversary celebrations, ‘Tapestry of a Nation’ depicts our nation’s and Dunman High’s past, present, and future. The mural, situated outside the hall, was drawn by Mr Clarence Ho, who hopes that it will inspire all of us to “make a better life for everyone through the use of technology”, and to look forward to a flourishing nation. The school also hopes that the mural can “spark off a sense of curiosity about the nation’s past and culture in Dunmanians,” and also serve as a focal point for Dunmanians to “reflect upon and immerse themselves in our nation’s history and heritage of diversity.” Here, we unpack the mural and explore the transition of Singapore’s different stages, as well as showcase some of the poetry that our Year 3 students have written.
The Kampong Days
Wooden beams sturdily holding up the simple attap houses are scattered across the land, forming the rural village known as a kampong. The children are carefree and spirited, their eyes gleaming as they pick up pebbles to throw and catch, while the rooster crows in the distance. This was the start of a nation that was barely getting back on its feet, a shared place where the neighbours were as close as family. The feelings of warmth and nostalgia are encapsulated in this poem:
Two to a cup. We would share. Yet our childish palettes always overrode our sworn oath of an even split. Our mutual betrayals always led to a ferocious tug of war. The drink spills. And we fell to the ground in a laughing heap, singlets drenched murky brown, yet carrying wide radiant smiles. We are still One big family. Our laughter now cut short by the clinking of a spoon against glass, as the earthy smell of Milo once again permeated the air of camaraderie. He remembered all our orders, kind smile distinct, and I can still remember him, just barely.
We overcome, and we overcome as One. We walk this path not as competitors but Companions We go fast alone, but we go far Together.
Facing the Future - Onward Singapore!
Growing up
The vibrant red of the famed dragon playground, where children now play, stands in stark contrast to the HDB buildings that populate Singapore’s horizon. With the growth of Singapore as well as its prospects, its landscape has changed drastically to reflect such urbanisation. Growing up in such a place, Mr Ho has mentioned his experiences, where they did not even have an MRT, or any of the trains - they only had buses, and those buses were not in good condition. “We’ve come a long way. I just hope that through this mural, students can appreciate the good things that they have now as opposed to what we didn’t have in the past. And this will inspire the students to create a better life for people through the use of technology and transport and things like that.”
Sleek flying cars, hovering monorails, floating holograms - that is the future that the mural depicts. One of “ease of information” and “ease of transportation” according to Mr Ho. Singapore has come a long way from a tiny fishing village, and it will go even further. Technology might advance and our way of life might change entirely, but there is one thing that will never change: the people. As the final poem by our Year 3 students aptly puts it, this is, very much, still Mountbatten where some things don’t ever change. Long live the Singapore spirit!
Our Dunman High
The casuarina tree stands proudly at the side, as it does even in the present day. The plainly adorned, utilitarian building of Dunman Government Chinese Middle School is contrasted with the colourful, modern building of Dunman High School. This is Dunman then, and Dunman now. Through our 65 years, we have seen many ups and downs, and we have weathered through them all. Without the contribution of each and every member of our Dunmanian family, we would not be where we are today. As we forge our path into the future, let us not forget those who came before us, and those who will come after. Most importantly, may we remember that we will always have the unwavering support of this family.
A JOURNEY TO REMEMBER by Tan Tze Ling Gillian (5C44) As the old saying goes, “Time flies like an arrow”. Ever since the founding of Dunman High School, many years have passed in a heartbeat. Our school recently turned 65 on 9th July and just like in other years, a celebration was held to commemorate this special day. However, something exceptional about this year’s celebration was that it was broadcasted online for students, alumni and the public to watch in light of the recent COVID-19 situation. Personally speaking, even though I was not present in school during the celebration, watching the livestream made me feel like I was actually there. For the long awaited anniversary celebration which commenced in the afternoon, our school had invited Mr Heng Swee Kiat, Deputy Prime Minister, as our Guest of Honour. Additionally, a video depicting the milestones and history of our school was played, taking us along the long journey that spanned 65 years and allowing us to relive our memories. Several CCAs like Wushu and Chinese Orchestra also put up stunning performances for us to enjoy. Lastly, a Zoom session was held between teachers and the alumni, from both Singapore and overseas. It served as the perfect time for them to catch up, having not seen one other for years. The Zoom session signified the end of the anniversary celebration, which ended on a pleasant note. On a more personal note, although it may seem like this year’s celebration lacked the glorious splendor other celebrations had, this celebration is certainly a unique one that I will remem-
X ber fondly. Despite being held online, the celebration was still carried out impeccably well, from start to finish. I, for one, was certainly hooked while watching the performances and videos. Props to the student emcees, Mr Low and the respective teachers for the wonderful experience! Watching the livestream and reviewing our school’s history made me realise how privileged I was to be here and how I have been taking the school for granted. Other than that, listening to others’ experiences in the livestream made me reminisce and reflect upon my own schooling experience. Although the years I have spent here have not been long, I am grateful for the numerous opportunities and lifelong friendships Dunman High has provided me with, constantly reminding me that I would always have a place to return to and people to rely on in times of need. It was also extremely heartwarming to see my fellow juniors and seniors express their gratitude towards our school through making e-cards and Tiktok videos. It has undoubtedly been a long and arduous journey for our school throughout all these years, but I am immensely proud of our school for coming so far. “Every cloud has a silver lining.” Although this phrase sounds cliche, I personally feel like it best describes the journey our school has been through. Despite the fact that our journey has not been a smooth-sailing one, I believe the obstacles we face provide us with opportunities to learn. The various ups and downs we encounter enable the school and us, as individuals, to grow together. I hope the journey we embarked on 65 years ago will continue to go on endlessly. Happy Belated Birthday, Dunman High!
校庆背后的无名英雄 文稿:胡宇甯(5C11),俞紫婷 (5C22),王璟宜(5C22)
相信大家对圆满完成的德明65周年庆典记忆犹新,让我们来认识这场庆 典幕后的英雄吧。 随着主持人宣布65周年庆典的正 式闭幕,Mdm Ilyana终于松了一口气。 这场庆典从2019年就开始筹备,过程充 满了坎坷。作为庆典的主要负责人, 她负责监督各个流程、照顾观众体 验、确保庆典顺利进行。由于疫情, 她与策划组舍弃了原先的千人宴,并 准备多个备选方案来应对后续的各种 变数,保证万无一失。庆典前一周, 咨询委员会的主席和荣誉主席因公务 缠身,无法到现场参加庆典。他们通 过网上连线完成演讲。Mdm Ilyana告诉 我们:“我希望德明大家庭的每个成 员都能感受到德明精神,为拥有浓厚 历史的学校而感到自豪。”
Mdm Leong 和 Mdm Ilyan a
视频团队的Mr Chong对伸出援手的同 事们表达谢意。庆典活动中,纪念林乃燕 校长的视频与纪念杂志《木麻黄岁月》都 是他的作品。除此之外,他还负责联络和 接待嘉宾、在社交媒体上宣传校庆、以及 安排售卖DHS65商品。
Mr Chong
负责宣传的是江老师,她为 “Leaders of Honour” 一书征集校友的文 章、为学生作品集《艺林》组稿、为校友的作品和壁画做文字介绍。江老 师希望同学们可以明白,虽然人算不如天算,但是做好万全的准备,同样 还是可以成功的,甚至获得意想不到的成果。
作 为 D’BlueM的 负 责 人,Mdm Leong从去年年末开 始组织了一系列的座谈会, 号召同学们为庆典助一份 力,发挥自己的一技之长。 她感谢刘校长对于这次庆典 的大力支持,并由衷希望这 次 的 D’BlueM可 以 让 同 学 们 成为“参与者”而不是“观 众”。 没有这些这些默默奉献 的老师们,就没有这么精彩 的庆典。让我们记住他们, 为他们喝彩吧!
JUNIOR’S TAKE: DH65! by Evangeline Joy Lee En (2E), Ho Qian Yi (2E), Low Jayleigh (2E)
During the morning celebrations for Dunman High’s 65th anniversary, Junior High students were given chocolate cupcakes to celebrate the occasion. They were a delicious touch to the commemorations, which seemed to represent carrying out the cake-cutting tradition with the school, savouring the slices of cake together. Afterwards, time was given to students to come up with birthday cards or videos for the school in class, and the lively atmosphere in the classroom as the students stepped up to wish the school a Happy Birthday further added to the fun factor of the momentous occasion, making it all the more memorable. The interesting line-up of DH65 celebrations was fondly etched into the heads of many Dunmanians. It was incredibly touching for all to be able to witness and celebrate Dunman High School’s 65th anniversary. However, it was a pity that due to the COVID-19 situation, the celebrations could not be held as a mass celebration by the whole school. To those who were still new to this school, they were unable to feel the true spirit of the Dunmanian identity as they could only imagine what mass celebrations would be like, gathering together to commemorate this milestone
of our beloved school. Despite these restrictions the COVID-19 situation has placed upon us, many Dunmanians were glad that the celebrations could still go on thanks to the planning team who made this year’s celebration more special and meaningful. We believe that being a Dunmanian first and foremost means having a sense of belonging to the school, and it is shaped by the friendships we have formed here, which mean a lot to us. The culture of DHS which is something intangible is really great as well. The most memorable part of the DH65 celebrations to us was the book which they rolled out: a publication which showcased the lives and journey of batches of Dunmanians. What does being Dunmanian mean to you? For most, being a Dunmanian means to be a leader of excellence who strives to achieve greater heights. We Dunmanians find ourselves in a constant pursuit of the ideals of 诚信勇忠 (Honesty, Trustworthiness, Moral Courage and Loyalty) for the betterment of ourselves and others. We try our best. We do our best. But when we fall short, we know we have a family to fall back on. A family that we can count on to be there for us, because being Dunmanian means being part of a big, caring family that is not related by blood, but by a deeper sense of connection. As we celebrate DH65 and strive for academic excellence or leadership excellence, we also endeavour to live up to our school motto, to be Dunmanians our Dunmanian family can be proud of. As for the 65th anniversary of Dunman High, there were certainly many memorable moments from the celebrations, but there were definitely some touching moments that stood out more than others. Continuing reading to find out more!
Moving on to our respondents’ take on the DH65 celebrations, Suyang from 1G felt that the sharing of how our former principal, Mr Lim Nai Yan, had taken the risk to change our school by accepting Dunman High’s SAP (Special Assistance Plan) school status was a memorable part of the celebrations. This is because it reminded her of how risks must be taken in life, for had our former principal rejected the opportunity to become a SAP school, Dunman High may not be what it is today. Learning of how he was well-liked by both the staff and students alike during his time here was also a heartwarming aspect of the sharing. Another respondent, Yi Qi from 1D, enjoyed watching our Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Heng Swee Keat, and our Principal’s speech, as well as seeing all the Dunmanian awardees getting their prizes. Observing outstanding Dunmanians was inspirational to her, with the speeches delivered by our leaders giving her a strong motivation for the future. Not only had the celebrations made a lasting impression on the students here at Dunman High, it had also reminded them of what it was to be a Dunmanian. To some, being a Dunmanian meant to uphold high moral values, to be a leader of excellence and to strive to achieve. To others, it meant to be responsible, self-directed learners. However, among all of them, there was a mutual agreement on how following our school motto, “ 诚信勇忠” truly encapsulates the essence of being a Dunmanian. We are sure that they all felt a strong sense of school pride while watching the DH65 celebrations online.
Meanwhile, to Chloe Lee Xin Ying from 3C, being a Dunmanian is like a common identity for everyone here. It brought to her a sense of belonging and pride at belonging to a school with such deeply-rooted history. Witnessing and celebrating the achievements of our schoolmates was simply amazing! The DH65 merchandise was also a crucial part of the celebration, which inspired her to support the sales. This was also because all of the merchandise, no matter how big or small, incorporated special elements of Dunmanians and of Dunman High. “It really makes my day, seeing our unique identity and common memories forged together,” she said. Many felt overwhelming school pride for Dunman High as they tuned in from home to watch the live celebrations. While we were unable to hold a physical event this year, many Dunmanians streamed the celebrations, watching it with their families. Even though some of us may be newer to the school, we all stood together to sing the school song and celebrate Dunman High’s 65th anniversary with love for our school, and for the values we hold so dear: 诚信勇忠. 德明生日快乐!
Guo Nan from 4D is proud to say that in her opinion, a Dunmanian is usually humble and hardworking. She, like many others, commemorated DHS’ 65th anniversary by watching the anniversary livestream on Youtube & writing birthday cards with well wishes to the school.
DH65 WELL WISHES What do you envision DHS to be like when you graduate? 当你毕业时,你想对学校说什么? A place where there are people supporting and rooting for you, and a place I can always look back on as a second home, regardless of the happy or sad memories. Celine (1A) I hope that DHS will be a school known for its rich Chinese culture and friendly students. 我毕业时,想对学校说:“谢谢您六年的陪伴,让我成为最好的自己!” Xiaowen (1F)
DHS is my home because...
Everyone is together like a family, everyone cares for each other and makes me feel warmth. Yunyun (5C36) The inclusive and vibrant school environment creates a strong sense of belonging and identity. The interactions with my friends and teachers in this special learning environment present me something I look forward to each day. Amos (5C36)
It’s a place that holds fond memories. Teryl (5C11)
What hopes do you have for DHS? 你对学校的未来有什么期许和展望? I hope that DHS students and staff will continue to keep up the Dunmanian spirit and that their actions and decisions will be guided by the core values of 诚信勇忠! Elliot (2C) To nurture more and more students who are successful in their own way. Yu Yan (2F)
Our Team Editors-in-Chief Ng Yen Nee Liu Menghan
Writers Tay Zi Yun Teryl Wang Ziwei Dorthy Woo Yu Ning Celeste Claire Chong Ka Mun Leonard Lee-Ralph Lim Yue Tai Shirica Leong Xinyi
Liu Jessica Shi-Jia Phua Ying Jie Klare Elizabeth Leong Yan Yee Jesline Yu Ziting Wang Jingyi Zhao Yuanzhen
Ang Kah Ling Nicole Ong Yee Huan Kor Xuan Colin Chong Ian Yew Tan Tze Ling Gillian Xia Chuanjiao He Ziqi
Art Editor Chew Jing Yi
Designers Tay Zi Yun Teryl Elizabeth Leong Yan Yee Zhao Yuanzhen
Tan Tze Ling Gillian Xia Chuanjiao He Ziqi
Advisors Mdm Hong Lan Mr Mark Ho
External Writers Annabelle Tan Hui Ying Chloe Tan Xuan En Jiang Wenhao
Evangeline Joy Lee En Ho Qian Yi Low Jayleigh
Proudly brought to you by: DHS Publications (Senior High) 德明政府中学出版社 (高中部)