Take it From Us! ?
SH Publications JAE Special Edition: A Guide to SH Subjects and CCAs by SH Students
From the Editors: Hello there! Welcome to this silly yet intelligent, laid-back yet hard-working, boring yet crazy, stressed-out yet happy family we call the Dunman High populace.
Firstly, as someone who has already gone through half of the JC journey, I have to confess that the road ahead will not be easy. Everything from orientation onwards will be an absolute rollercoaster ride. You will go through extreme highs and (many) lows, and at times, the journey may even feel as if you have no control over your school life. But as a Dunmanian, I must also add that there will be 2 crucial things that will alleviate the pressure.
One: the people. The incredible staff who put in their best to push you to excel, but will never forget about your well-being. The amazing juniors, batchmates and seniors who will keep you grounded through every CCA meeting/study session, every hardship and every failure.
Two: the choice of your subject combination and your CCA(s). At the beginning of your JC journey, you will hold the power to decide whether you will be spending the next 2 years whittling away at something you wish you had never picked, or working on something out of an interest that extends beyond creating an attractive resume.
A major part of our Dunman High tradition revolves around the camaraderie and love that transcend age and levels. In the same vein, we seniors have carefully crafted and collated every article in this issue to capture the essence of the subjects and CCAs offered. We wish to provide you, our juniors, with the best aid possible in making this very important decision. It is our intention to offer you the most realistic glimpse of what the next 2 years has in store for you at this school.
So we at Publications hope that you’ll be able to make a wise choice, and that you’ll be able to be content with the path that you have chosen for yourself. We wish you all the best, and once again, welcome to Dunman High!
- Joyce Lim
欢迎来到德明这个大家庭!在这里,你有可能遇到看上去严肃认真、一丝不苟, 但却才华横溢的文艺青年;也有可能遇到看似吊儿郎当但其实很有担当的学 霸,还有可能遇到一脸凶相却幽默风趣的老师!你准备好了吗? 对于这个刚开始实行JAE的学校,你们也许充满了好奇。我们特地为大家准备 了一期特刊,内容包括:刚结束四年中学生涯的德明人想对新高一说的一番 话,他们用过去四年的经历,总结了其眼中的德明,为大家开启德明之旅!还有 高二的学姐学长和老师们,也精心为大家准备了各个科目和课外活动的介绍, 帮助大家做好该有的心理准备和学习计划!
我们无法与实施多年JAE的学校相比,尚缺乏一些经验,但我们是一间秉持着 虚心求教,认真学习的学府,加入我们,你绝不会后悔!加入我们这个大家庭, 收获一段美好的德明回忆! 最后,无论你的决定是什么,这两年,都不会是轻松的两年,大家可要注意劳逸 结合。努力学习,不负自己;同时适当解压,犒劳自己,这样才能走得更长远!
- 郑怡
Hey juniors, for this issue, we decided to weave in a game theme for the magazine’s overarching design because while SH is definitely going to be stressful, what’s more important is having fun while learning for the next two years of your life in DHS! But we have to stress once again that your subject/CCA choices in SH are going to be really important, so do pick the game you are best at in order to excel! Just like how each and every decision in a game is paramount to your final victory, so will be every decision you make from now on - so make your decisions wisely based on your strengths! But first, a word from your batchmates...
Clara Chua, ��Y� When the time came for me to choose the secondary schools I wanted to join, I was admittedly lost as I did not know what I was looking for in a school. I remember going to Dunman High’s Open House just once. It seemed unlikely then that I would be where I am today, but indicating Dunman High as my first choice back in ���� proved to be a choice I would not regret. Entering secondary school held a certain fear of the unknown for me, but everyone I met made me feel welcome. Coming from a SAP primary school, I was eager to find some form of familiarity which I did find in Dunman High the first time I entered, and in the years that followed.
Besides the friendships forged and teachers who cared more than just their subject, I remember my Y� and Y� days where we went to Sentosa to celebrate SG�� as a school and all the learning journeys in between. It is the supportive and warm environment of Dunman High that helped me enjoy and excel in my four years here. No matter what obstacles I would face in the next � years, I know that there would always be people who would have my back.
I was never the best at Chinese, nor was I particularly interested in Chinese culture back in ����, and so it did not really matter to me whether I chose a school with a rich Chinese heritage or not. Even though I never took up the Bicultural Studies Programme (BSP) that was offered, I now see the value in a school which embraces the Chinese culture. In a globalised world where our own culture is becoming increasingly diluted, being in this school reminded me of the importance of understanding our roots. We had tea appreciation sessions, ACC (Appreciation of Chinese Culture) lessons and translation lessons. As a result, I finally developed a deeper appreciation for this culture that I had not taken the effort to better appreciate in my earlier years. After the Y� trip to Nanjing, the relevance of Chinese culture today as well as the importance of remembering our root has become clearer to me.
Another thing that attracted me to Dunman High was also the CCA culture. I appreciated the emphasis on holistic and all-round development. I myself was a part of the Girl Guides.
I was pushed out of my comfort zone on many occasions and without my CCA, these ďż˝ years would have been bleak and lacking in vibrancy. The CCA culture in all areas like sports, performing arts, clubs and uniformed groups is truly something that most people here would see as a special and important part of their Junior High life. Maybe you are choosing between a couple of schools or maybe you were like me, unclear of what you really wanted, but ultimately I chose Dunman High to spend ďż˝ years in. It was a decision I have yet to regret. For someone who was unclear of what she really wanted, this school gave me the drive to discover more about myself and what I wanted to do in the future.
概括了我在德明所受的教育。自2014年年底第一次踏进德明的校 园,我就被浓厚的传统气息和良好的校风深深吸引。也正是因为这次 的偶然相遇,促使我做出人生第一个选择,德明就是我的“菜”!本来 持有反对立场的母亲,也在我的坚持下成为我的后盾。
成功被德明录取后,2015年年初我怀 着兴奋和向往的心情再一次踏入校 园,成为一名德明人。我敢肯定的是, 德明四年的教育为我的未来打下了扎 实的基础。首先在学业方面,无论同 学、老师还是校方都给予我最大力的 支持与帮助。我的成绩在低年级时属 于中等水平,各科成绩都一般。同学和 学长学姐们都非常乐意帮助我,他们 在帮助我时都非常耐心,直到理清楚 思路为止。老师也非常尽职尽责,他们 愿意放学留下来帮助我理清混乱的学 术概念和知识,有时连半小时的休息 时间也不放过,真的让我学到了不少 知识。学校方面也经常给予我们课外 的学习机会,比如奥数比赛、名人讲座 等等,不仅让我们施展自己的才华,也 让我们从别人的经验中学习。
我个人认为德明的课 的种类繁多,在体育、 演类的领域中都有着 我是华文背景出生,从 了中文学会戏剧组和 样的体验也让我在德 涯充满了许多乐趣。中 会锻炼口语表达、协调 作水平甚至培养我的 始害羞、畏惧与别人交 在学弟学妹们面前演 一个很大的进步。除了 校也开办许多有趣的 中学习,比如低年级的 赏课程(ACC)中就有 等等,让我们更了解中 珍惜这些有意义的课程
诚、信、勇、忠四个字是德明的校训。除了学术教育,老 师们也注重培养学生的品德修养,常常通过分享学长 学姐们的事迹在我们心中种下良好品性的种子,潜移 默化之中让学生成为品学兼优的德明人。在社交技能 方面,当然少不了领导能力,小至专题作业、班委会, 大至CCA、学生理事会,学校给予我们许多成长的空 间以及领导的机会,不仅仅锻炼个人能力,还为将来 在社会工作奠定了一定的基础,我的成长就是最好的 证明。
19Y5 学生]
课外辅导活动(CCA) 、制服、社团以及表 着出色的成绩。由于 ,从中一开始就加入 和京剧组,这个不一 德明这四年的学习生 。中文学会让我有机 调肢体动作、提高写 的领导能力。从一开 交流,到现在敢于站 演讲,对于我来说是 了课外辅助活动,学 的课程让我们在乐趣 的中华文史华艺鉴 有书法、京剧、水墨画 中华文化,我也非常 程。
这四年说短不短,说长不长。感谢德明让稚 嫩懵懂的我成为能够独当一面的人,未来两 年还有更大的空间让我们施展个人才华,我 一直庆幸当初坚持选择德明,不仅因为它良 好的教育,也是因为校内的氛围让我感受到 团结、友情的温暖。
一日德明人, 一生德明情 ! ! 德明,就是我的“菜”
MY SECOND HOME By: Ho Yu Ning, 19Y5
When I first stepped into the school compound a few years back, many things caught my eyes — the huge Confucius (Kongzi) statue, the many classroom blocks and the 16-stall canteen. Still, the place was foreign to me and I felt out of place every time I had to spend hours in here. I liked treading familiar grounds, and Dunman High was as unfamiliar to me as it could be. Funnily enough, 4 years down the road, I have come to see Dunman High as my second home. For a school compound, it sure offered me a sense of solace and comfort. I’ve heard the quote‘Home is a feeling, not a place.’many times, yet Dunman High has made me realise that perhaps,
HOME COULD BE BOTH. Home is not four-sided concrete walls, I’ve learnt. It is the feeling of being at ease and unafraid. The teachers I’ve met in Dunman High have undoubtedly played a huge role in shaping my experiences, and I’m glad I can say that they’ve made Dunman High a better place for me. The teachers have provided me with unwavering support and care, always willing to lend me a helping hand in face of adversity. Adolescence sure is a tough time, but they’ve let me realise that as long as you have the right support, nothing is impossible to achieve.
I’ve had my low moments in my earlier Junior High days, unable to get used to having to juggle 6 subjects and CCA, but it was with my teachers’support that I managed to overcome these difficulties. Looking back now, sure, these moments were tough, but instead of fleeting moments of despair, what I see is my teachers being right by my side, ready to guide me along whatever path I was about to take. It takes much for a place to feel like another home, but having willing and nurturing guardian angels definitely seems like a good start. 8
Aside from that, I’m sure the company one decides to surround oneself with plays a critical role in influencing the way the future days panned out. I think Dunman High has given me the opportunity to forge bonds that I know will last a lifetime — be it my classmates or my CCA friends; and for that, I am beyond grateful. Growing up is a treacherous process and sometimes we falter and take a few missteps here and there, but having friends who learned and grew with me made it a lot easier.
As someone with no Uniformed Group (UG) background, St John was a difficult CCA to get comfortable in. It definitely took some time for us to open up to each other, but as with all good things, we only came to the realisation that everything had transpired too quickly when we were nearing the end. Even though our Passing Out may put an end to our journey in the CCA as one squad, it does not translate into the end of us. Many years down the road, I probably won’t remember the many standardisations we forced ourselves to memorise by heart. One thing for sure though, I’ll definitely remember the bittersweet feeling that followed as the final note of our final march past song rang, how tears welled up in my eyes as we broke into a run, and how alive I felt right in the moment as we huddled around in a circle and did one final cheer together.
“Dunman High is my second home, because it has given me memories that I would never trade for the world.”
Perhaps sometimes home feels a little too suffocating and difficult to want to be around, but it is home because no matter how things unfold, you know you’ll come back to it at the end of the day. Dunman High has been somewhere I could realise my full potential and flourish, and I’m excited for you to find a place for yourself in this school.
Welcome to the family! 9
Main quests: Subjects
General Paper
Project Work
English Literature
China Studies in Chinese
General Studies in Chinese
Translation (Chinese)
Chinese Language & Literature
3rd Language
SIDE quests: CCAS
Publications: English Dept
Publications: Chinese Dept
Publications: Design Dept
Photography Society
Community Service Club
Mass Communication Society
Mathematics Society
Fashion Studies Club
Youth Club
Symphonic Band
Chinese Orchestra
String Ensemble
Chinese Society
Congratulations! STORY COMPLETE: O-Level
10000 EXP
NEW STORY: Senior High Pick your adventure!
Choose AT LEAST 4 quests types of SUBJECTS Sciences Arts/Humanities
H1 General H1 General Paper (8807) Paper (8807) General Paper (or GP) at H1 level is a compulsory subject for all students in Singapore undertaking the Singapore-Cambridge GCE Advanced Level examination. So you definitely couldn’t escape it if you wanted to. Sorry kids.
But fear not! Because you may very well find that GP may be one of the bright spots in the 2 years of tribulations otherwise known as the “Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level Curriculum”.
Hu Hu Min Min Shi, Shi, Joyce Joyce Lim Lim
Don’t be overly stressed over the thought of accumulating information, however. There really is a high level of flexibility in the ways that you can apply your ideas in your essays. Do you hate the over-priced, blended Oreo concoction they call “coffee” in the ever-ubiquitous Starbucks in your neighbourhood? Make an argument against megacorporations and the effects of globalisation in your essay, and why it jeopardises small businesses and discourages the production of quality goods. Feel like that“10 HOURS OF VINE (RIP VINE)”video on YouTube seems to be the only source of comfort in your life after that horrendous lecture test? Write a defense for the positive impacts that the Internet may have on youth in the 21st Century, analysing how the Internet has made catharsis more accessible for flustered teens in the increasingly stressful academic world of today.
What makes GP so interesting is that questions cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to: history, society, culture, economy, politics, philosophy, sciences, mathematics, geography, literature and language, as well as topics of local interest and global concern. Unlike many of the maths and sciences, there is no‘right’answer. Examiners are open to all perspectives, so long as ideas are brought across coherently and convincingly. In Senior High (SH), GP is taught through weekly lectures and tutorials. During lectures (not dissimilar to the LA lectures that are carried out in Y4), Dunmanians are introduced to various topics, such as marriage and education. These lectures lay the foundation for our understanding that is further built upon through discussions in tutorials. Dunmanians are often advised to read widely and regularly, as a means to build up content and knowledge of the world. The idea of reading the newspaper every day may not appeal to everyone, and so a possible solution for that would be to read the news online whilst on the way to school, or to watch documentaries and videos on topics that one finds most interesting.
At the end of the day, GP aims to develop in students the ability to think critically, to construct cogent arguments and to communicate ideas using clear, accurate and effective language. In addition, it encourages you to explore a range of key issues of global and local significance and provides students with a good foundation to thrive in a fast-changing world. And who knows, you may even find yourself more capable in handling those random debates that crop up in the comments section of some Reddit post. With GP, you can definitely expect yourself to come out of these 2 years with a better grasp on the state of the world.
H1 Project Work 8808
by Gabriel Lee
By now, you should have heard about the much“dreaded”subject Project Work (PW) in Senior High - it being one of the two mandatory A Level subjects (the other being GP), everyone will have no choice but to take the subject upon reaching Senior High. But trust us, Project Work (PW) is not as dreadful a subject as it may appear to be!
the government or a company) to adopt that is aligned with the topic you chose.
And although you are just required to conceptualise your ideas, primary research (such as surveys) and secondary research will still be required to justify your ideas.
You cannot choose your group mates. This is pretty much obvious - what’s the point of PW if you could choose who to work with? And yes, your group mates will come from your class, and you will most likely be randomly allocated (there will be at least one group member of the opposite gender in your group though). And yes, the rumours are true - the group mates you get and their attitude towards your project will matter a lot.
What is Project Work (PW)? Project Work is essentially an A Level subject that aims to promote collaboration and communication amongst members in a group-work related setting - you could think of it as an“A Level” version of the Thinking and Research Skills Programme (TRP) in Year 3. And yes, I would say that it is one of the only few opportunities for you to work in a group in Senior High given that most of the other A Level subjects are highly individualised in nature. So here is what you need to know about the subject:
Every year, two topics will be given for candidates to choose one to base their project on. For our year (2018), the topics were “Advertising” and “Crisis”. The topics are deliberately kept vague so as not to limit candidates’possible project ideas - for instance, you could choose to work on an advertising campaign to raise awareness about the importance of healthy living, or an advertising campaign centered around environmentalism.
You do not need to actually execute your project! This is a misconception that many have before being exposed to Project Work - you merely need to suggest ideas or strategies for an entity (such as
(Hopefully your PW experience will end up more like the top pie chart and not the one at the bottom.)
If you are still feeling nervous about PW after having read through the aforementioned points, fret not, because Dunman High’s PW department has a pretty good track record in helping most Dunmanians clinch that much coveted A for the subject! And as Miss Linda Teo, a PW tutor puts it, Dunman High’s PW programme is“very structured”, so you will definitely be in good hands!
By Winnie Koon
H2 MATH / 9758 H1 MATH / 8865 H2 FURTHER MATHS / 9649 Almost the entire cohort takes either H� Math or H� Math because it is a prerequisite for most university courses. Besides, H� Math is a prerequisite for H� Physics, while either H� or H� Math is required for H� Biology. H� Math is designed to provide students with a foundation in mathematics and statistics that will support their business or social sciences studies at university. One H� Math student said, “H� Math is not for students who are less smart, just for students who have difficulty with certain topics in O-Level Math. Taking H� Math is nothing to be ashamed of; it is just different from H� Math. However, H� and H� Math are very different in terms of difficulty, topic and speed.” H� Math, the more popular option, is designed to prepare students for a range of university courses, including mathematics, sciences and related courses. Some topics, such as differentiation and integration, are similar to those we have learnt in O-Level Additional Math, while others, like sequences and series, are completely new. (!!) Nonetheless, you have nothing to fear if you take ownership of your own learning, by doing the tutorials before each lesson and clarifying your doubts. In terms of content, Math in Senior High is more rigorous and demanding than O-Level Math, and you will have to do more consistent work throughout the course of the two years to do well. You are expected to understand the concepts thoroughly and apply them to non-routine questions set in different contexts. Statistics also constitute a major part of the H� Math cur-
riculum. Though the topics are rather foreign to most of us and the content may be quite abstract as well, it can be a refreshing change. Essentially, statistics is the collection and analysis of numerical data in large quantities. Statistics is useful in almost all industries including Business, Psychology and Sociology.
Those who are mathematically-inclined and who wish to further expand and deepen their knowledge of mathematics and its applications may be interested in H� Further Math. Further Math gives a head-start to students who plan to study mathematics or mathematics-related university courses such as science and engineering in the form of a stronger and richer foundation in mathematics. Those intending to take H� Further Math must have obtained an A+ in both Math � and Math � in Year �. H� Further Math is to be taken with H� Math as‘Double Mathematics’. One thing to note is that students taking H� Further Mathematics will not be allowed to drop the subject as there is no corresponding H� subject that they can drop to.
REWARDS GRAPHIC CALCULATOR x1 SKILL: “Using the GC” Unlocked SKILL: “Befriending Numbers” Unlocked QUEST: “Perseverance And Lots of Practice” Unlocked
H2 9729 H2Chemistry Chemistry (9729) H1Chemistry Chemistry (8873) H1 8873 Winnie Koon, Genevieve Soh
You may have heard from You your seniors that H2 Chemyour istry isisa“killer” a “killer” subject istry subject and and impossible to in. score in. impossible to score While While it isthat trueSenior that Senior it is true High High Chemistry is a jump, huge Chemistry is a huge both terms of depth and jump,inboth in terms of depth breadth, from O-Level and breadth, from ChemJunior istry, consistent High with Chemistry, with work conand thorough sistent work understanding and thorough of the subject matter, it is understanding of the subpossible to achieve a stellar ject matter, it is possible grade. to achieve a stellar grade.
The H1/H2 Chemistry syllaThe H1/H2 Chemistry sylbus is designed to place less labus is designed to place emphasis on factual material less emphasis on factual and greater emphasis on the material and greater emunderstanding and applicaphasis on the understanding tion of scientific concepts and and application of scientifprinciples. Hence, a strong ic concepts and principles. foundation of knowledge and Hence, a strong foundation skills in O-Level is important of knowledge and skills in for one to derive greater joy Junior High is important for in the learning of Chemistry one to derive greater joy in and achieve quality grades. the learning of Chemistry and achieve quality grades.
At Year 5, students generally find it challenging to learn and cope with the subject due to a huge‘jump’in terms of content depth and breadth compared to Year 3 / 4 Chemistry. The way that questions are asked is another challenge due to emphasis on application of concepts rather than simply recalling and regurgitating.
One Year 5 student remarked that “Good writing ability would be an advantage as there are now more explanatory and argumentative questions than before, and you cannot score simply by regurgitating from the notes.”
Students who havehave an interest in Chem-in Students who an interest istry, coupledcoupled with a good in Chemistry, with foundation a good foundation in in Chemistry in have Junior High,to Chemistry O-Level, but no wish but have no wish to pursue universipursue a university course thatarequires H2 ty course that requires H2 Chemistry Chemistry as a prerequisite, may consider as a prerequisite, may considtaking H1 Chemistry instead. instead. er taking H1 Chemistry
But, do you ever think back to your younger days, when Chemistry was just knowing that oxygen came from leaves? (This was Chemistry? Ironic, isn't it?) If you could have a little trip back to the past and tell your Primary school self what awaits on your Chemistry journey, what would you say?
Would you say, “Dude, you've got NO idea what we're going to be up against.”? Or would you say, “Dude...you're going to discover so much more than you think.”?
While H2 or H1 Chemistry may truly seem like the most daunting subject possible to any student, no matter the age, perhaps it would help us all to just stop, take a long, deep breath, and slow down to see just what we're learning, rather than worry about how much we're learning.
On one hand, there are your classmates who would say “Chemistry now is literally just a 3rd (or 4th) Maths I didn't sign up for.”And on the other hand, there's a Chemistry teacher, Ms Wong, who has devoted 47 years to teaching this subject and who tells her students,“Chemistry is such a beautiful thing. Because anyone can be good at it once they understand, and practise.” Perhaps for Chemistry, the best way to excel in the subject would be to learn it for what it is, and not just for a grade. Be it H1 or H2, as long as you've got the passion to explore a world of atoms, calculations, and the mix of the matter around us, why not just go for it? Sure it will be hard, but, seriously, that ought to whet our appetites for taming this subject even more.
in O-Level butbut with more in-depth understanding in Junior High with more in-depth understandand application required. Needless to say, questions ing and application required. Needless to say, quesare also not as straightforward as before and tions are also not as straightforward as before and require all these these will will require more thinking to solve, but all become easier with time and practice, so fret not! become with time and practice, so fret not!
Zheng Yi, Ang Wei Pin Have wondered how how things things move? move? Why Why Have you you ever ever wondered the the Sun? Sun? Or Or perhaps perhaps how how rainbows rainbows the Earth Earth orbits orbits the are formed? Were you fascinated (or mind-blown) are formed? Were you fascinated (or mind-blown) by by the the concepts concepts you you have havelearnt learntininO-Level Junior PhysHigh ics and and wishwish to to acquire knowlPhysics acquiremore moreofof such such knowledge your growing growing curiosity curiosity of of how how the the edge to to satisfy satisfy your world world works? works? If any of of the the above above questions questions isis yes, yes, If your your answer answer to to any you might want to consider taking Physics in Senior you might want to consider taking Physics in SenHigh! While Physics ininSenior seem ior High! While Physics SeniorHigh High might might seem like subject to to study study for for some, some, most most like an an intimidating intimidating subject of the topics are essentially just an extension of the of the topics are essentially just an extension of the topics taught in inJunior O-Level, save forfor a few topics taught High, save a fewunfamiliar unfamiltopics which the teachers would usually spendspend more iar topics which the teachers would usually time to ensure we understand the new moreexplaining time explaining to ensure we understand the concepts. new concepts.
Still not convinced? Well, here are more reasons why Physics is so useful in our lives. If you want to be an engineer in any field, Physics is probably one of the prerequisite subjects for you to get into that university course. Furthermore, even if you are not looking to be an engineer but simply want to hone your critical thinking and problem-solving skills, Physics develops quantitative and analytical skills needed for analyzing data and solving problems in the sciences, engineering and medicine, as well as in various other sectors including economics, finance, and even law! Last but not least, the job market for those with physics skills is diverse and always strong - talents in STEM fields are always sought after by companies and the government. (Of course, choose only if you are really interested!) While there there are are fewer fewer subjects to study in While in Senior Senior High,you you will will soon soon realise that for a single High, single subject subject the workload can be twice that of a Junior High the workload can be twice that of a O-Level subject. subject. Each topic lengthcan - some can be Each topic varies in varies lengthin - some be painfully painfully long while be easily breezed long while some can besome easily can breezed through in one throughNonetheless, in one lecture. Physics is lecture. PhysicsNonetheless, is still relatively less instill relatively less intensive as compared to other tensive as compared to other content-heavy subjects. content-heavy subjects. Generally speaking, whatis Generally speaking, what is more time-consuming is more time-consuming is really the really absorbing the knowledge and absorbing understanding knowledge and understanding them. them.
Generally, the basic concepts taught are the same as 19
For those who might be worried about how to cope with the workload for Physics in Senior High, here are some tips to prepare you if you do take Physics next year.
Doing tutorials consistently for each topic is extremely important as it helps you check your understanding of key concepts and ability to apply them so that you will identify any doubts you have and clarify them as early as possible. Discipline and consistency despite all your commitments are crucial in surviving the heavy workload of Senior High.
#2: Never hesitate to ask questions. Most of the
time, teachers and friends are more than happy to answer your questions and you should not be afraid to approach them for help! Otherwise, Google and Youtube can be your best friends. Regardless of the method you use, you should definitely have your doubts clarified as soon as possible lest they snowball till it is too late (i.e. a day before the exam).
Practise, practise, PRACTISE! There is no better way to master this subject than to keep practising and getting yourself familiar with all kinds of question types so that you will be prepared for any question given to you during tests and exams. Never forget that practice makes perfect! Like any other subject in Senior High, Physics is one which requires a deep level of understanding and application that goes beyond just memorising definitions and formulae. Undoubtedly, doing well for Physics will be a challenge, but as long as you are willing to spend the time and effort to study for it, nothing is impossible!
H2 Biology / 9744
By Gabriel Lee
PREREQUISITES: Memory LVL 75, Perseverance LVL 96 If you’ve heard rumours from seniors about how the content covered in H� Biology in Senior High is easily fifty times that covered at O-Level, unfortunately, that is true - the notes given for one term in Senior High are easily as thick as the notes given for one entire year at O-Level. And yes, you will probably have to memorise or study those notes to the best of your ability, and you will probably need more than two binder files (the thickest kind) to file all of your notes - this was the advice given by the teachers in the Biology department at the beginning of the year.
But that is only one side to the story - many Dunmanians take H� Biology upon reaching Se-
nior High - in fact, there were surprisingly more Y� Dunmanians taking H� Biology this year (����) as compared to H� Physics. Why then, do so many Dunmanians take H� Biology, and should you also take H� Biology as well?
Well, firstly, if you are extremely passionate about learning about the human body and everything biology-related, then Biology is definitely for you! While the staggering amount of content covered may seem terrifying initially, one will definitely be able to pull through with one’s passion and dedication for the subject. It is also worth noting that the learning curve for Biology is quite gentle at the beginning - familiar topics such as Biomolecules, Enzymes and DNA Replication/Tran-
scription/Translation will all be taught at the beginning of the year, giving you more time to ease into the rigour of the subject.
Secondly, the content one learns in H� Biology is very relevant to everyday life. Even if you do not intend to take Medicine or Nursing in the future, you will certainly benefit in more ways than you can possibly imagine from studying the subject. Yes, pertinent topics such as“Infectious Diseases” and the“Impacts of Climate Change on Animals and Plants”will be taught under H� Biology (as extension topics), so you will probably be equipped more knowledge than your non-H� Biology peers when the next epidemic breaks out. Lastly, it is also important to note that while H� Biology is not a prerequisite for taking Medicine in universities in Singapore, it is for taking Medicine in many universities in the United Kingdom and the United States. So if you intend to pursue Medicine as a university course in other countries, you should ideally be taking the subject. To put it aptly in the words of Cherise Chng from �C��,
As such, do consider taking Biology in Senior High if you have the passion for it (and not because it is the lesser of two evils)!
REWARDS: Level-up Skill: “Epidemic Survival” Level-up Skill: “Being a Pro with a Microscope” Unlocked Quest: “Pathway to an Overseas Medical Degree” 22
By Beverley Tan, Faith Chong and Ang Wei Pin
H2 Economics / 9757 H1 Economics / 8823 What have you heard about Economics? One of the most feared, yet most popular subjects in school, Senior High Economics is bound to daunt you. It is completely different from anything O-Level students have experienced or learnt, and yet everyone seems to take it! Rumours (unfair ones, we dare say!) swirl about the subject -- tuition is necessary unless you’re a genius; one needs to memorise concepts word-for-word to even scrape a passing mark; it is all about money and Economics students are mostly money-minded, kiasu creatures, etc., etc. As students (and lovers of) Economics, or Econs, as most people call it, we, your seniors, will hence attempt to dispel these notions, and more, one by one.
MYTH #1: Econs is about money, money, and more money MYTH BUSTED: Although you’ll certainly see dollar signs in Econs, Econs essentially
is the study of how people make decisions, not the study of how people make money. It’s really because much of the world’ s decisions revolve around money. . .
MYTH #2: Econs is only useful as the most science-y humanities subject for science-inclined students to take as their contrasting subject MYTH BUSTED: Don’t be freaked out by this seem-
ingly foreign subject as Econs is highly relevant in this ��st century we live in. To better understand the true role of Econs in our daily lives now and in the future, we interviewed one of our beloved Senior High Econs teachers, Miss Linda Teo. According to her, Econs“assesses critical thinking and decision-making skills, global awareness of economic issues as well as ability to analyse information”. Sounds familiar? You must have heard these terms being mentioned before by your teacher in other subjects, and may be tired of how often they appear in your everyday life, but this just proves exactly how crucial these skills are in preparing us for world that we live in today. If you have been
paying attention to the news in your free time, you would have noticed that most of the top stories are usually Econs-related, ranging from government policies in various markets, updates on firms’latest moves, to changes in market conditions, keeping you well-informed of the recent developments in the economy. There, you already got all the examples you will ever need for the subject!
MYTH #3: If you don’t have Econs tuition, you’re almost guaranteed to fail MYTH BUSTED:
While the myth that says that tuition is a vital tool to find success in Econs remains, some students are living proof that it is possible to break free from this “curse”.
According to Miss Teo, she has had students who“constantly did revision by reading the lecture notes multiple times, did their tutorials and practised different types of questions (from the same topic)”and thereby did exceedingly well for A-Levels -- without the aid of tuition. Hence, for driven students who are willing to put in the effort to do well in Econs, that A is definitely within reach. On the other hand, in Miss Teo’s opinion, tuition would be befitting for“less disciplined students”who need“external guidance”to sit them down for productive sessions. An alumni who has recently graduated from DHS, Pinkett Teo, also affirmed that tuition is merely an“add on to (our basic) understanding”and only comes in handy if the student prefers a“one on one”learning environment.
Ultimately, tuition will still prove to be useless (a wastage of resources in Econs terms) if “one is unwilling to learn nor put in the effort”. No matter how much money one doles out for Econs tuition, should one sleep in tuition classes, not do the homework or not pay attention in school Econs lectures, one will still not do well in Econs simply because effort has not been made. The mantra of“practice makes perfect”holds true in this context, as only consistent practice can bring you eventual success in the arduous (extent of difficulty varies) journey of Econs.
MYTH #4: Memorisation is the way to go for Econs MYTH BUSTED: Not only is this untrue, it’s also a horrible
mistake to make. That’s because if Miss Teo, a teacher with over a decade of fruitful Econs teaching experience, says this learning method is wrong, it’s wrong. She opines that students who are used to“studying last minute and reading lecture notes passively like a storybook”should change their study methods and do the following as repentance:
Never give up even if you don’t see your grades improve because Economics, being a new subject, has a steep learning curve. Consistently practise questions under timed conditions especially for those with poor time management. Then, check against the suggested answers to determine if you have applied the concepts correctly and addressed the question. Learn to understand concepts instead of relying on rote learning / memorising because your memory may fail you. Learn from mistakes by reading the comments made by teachers on your test and exam scripts. Do not commit the same mistakes again as far as possible.
MYTH #5: Econs is unloveable MYTH BUSTED: This is untrue - there are lots of things to love about Econs! Miss Teo
says she fell in love with Econs as a student because of a great teacher she had as well as the gradual ability to understand and do well in Econs (explains why she’s helping us do well in it now!).
As a teacher, her love for Econs has long gone beyond the grades and the engaging lessons of her Junior College days: now, she loves the subject because she sees the“big picture”. After conducting deeper research about the History of Economics, and learning more about the transition from the hunter-gatherer age to the industrial revolution age of the Western economies, she became better able to appreciate the paradigm shift of Asian economies in today’s world -- which is going by the same patterns as before! (So yes, history DOES repeat itself.) She also loves how she can“apply Economics concepts to her daily life and thus make more informed decisions”. Isn’t it wonderful when what you learn at school actually 25
helps you save a buck or two in your daily life? This makes you realise that much of what you learn at school is much more than standardised mental torture prescribed by some old British gentlemen in Cambridge!
Phew! We have reached the end of our myth-busting session :) We hope you have gained a much better understanding of what Econs is truly about. Do not worry if you are not reaping what you sow at ďŹ rst, as the learning curve for this mentally-demanding subject is known to be extremely steep. Take that leap of faith -- Econs might just be the subject for you!
Quest Rewards: TASK COMPLETE: Money Makes the World Go Round SKILL LEVEL UP: Graph Drawing ACQUIRED: Hand Muscles
Some students have said it. H2 History is actually two subjects in disguise. The Theteachers teachers have have said said it. it. ItIt is is aa tremendous jump from Levels,High, not takfromany anyhumanities humanitiessubject subjectininOJunior not ing intointo account if you havehave or have not studied it taking account if you or have not studin upper secondary. ied it in upper secondary. Yet we hope that this guide would not reiterate your uncertainties about the subject, but rather present students’ experiences as objectively as possible, and ultimately convey the larger truth that H2 History, along with every other A-level subject, has its inescapable realities and irrefutable fun.
Even though History is a subject that is passable as long as you study sufficiently for it (and finish your paper) as mentioned earlier, what is tricky is that it takes a lot of effort and constant improving of skills to climb up from one grade to another. Time management under exam conditions is also critical. If you find yourself unable to finish your first History test, don’t worry, because you’re probably not alone. It is indeed tiring to churn out an essay within 45-50 minutes, so as a word of advice, it is time to exercise those hand and brain muscles.
The most significant enlightenment is the fact that it is no longer about knowing the content or checklist arguments, but rather being extremely familiarised with explicit historical concepts so as to formulate a strategic plan to deconstruct essay or source-based questions. Reading the lecture notes and knowing the content is a given before every lesson. The clear application of historical concepts is something that you will have to grapple with during both lectures and tutorials in order to absorb the most of what the teachers want to deliver. What exactly are these sanctified historical concepts? Check out the SEAB website. While even Whileitit may may have have been a breeze to get A and even A* for O-Level History, be prepared to say goodA* in JH for History, be prepared to say goodbye bye to those grades in (this SH (this applies to other to those grades in SH applies to other subsubjects as well). It definitely will definitely betoeasy to jects as well). It will not benot easy attain attain such high grades throughout your journey. such high grades throughout your journey. That That the teachers are to here to equip you beingbeing said,said, the teachers are here equip you with with the skills that you need to deal with the sylthe skills that you need to deal with the syllabus labus requirements, andyou helpwalk youout walk outexamof the requirements, and help of the examination hall with no regrets theofend the ination hall with no regrets at theatend theofday!
We may have presented a somewhat anxiety-inducing side of History in this guide. But the essence of this subject extends beyond the dreaded examinations. Here is what a teacher and a student have to say about their teaching and learning experience: 27
“At the heart of it, History boils down to learning more about the human spirit. You learn to put yourselves in the shoes of both the (often self-proclaimed) greatest leaders, and the (also self-proclaimed) humble housewives. You learn how their actions, speeches and thoughts shape the destinies of nations for generations. Amidst the depth of knowledge a historian will inevitably explore, one hopes that he / she will help steer mankind away from the next big mistake!”
“History is a unique, living field of study like no other. Studying H2 History, as has been presented to us, is not blindly studying a subject, but rather getting trained in a discipline, a way of thinking and analysis. While I have merely experienced 6 months of learning this subject, I have learnt that History is not as the common assumption posits - juggling seemingly infinite amounts of content - but rather coming to grips with the skills that make the content come alive.” - Benjamin Guo, 5C12
- Mr Tan Chien Huah
With that, we hope that History lovers out there will consider taking up H2 History! 28
H2 Geography In 2016, the junior college (JC) syllabus underwent its first revamp in a decade in a bid to get students to apply classroom knowledge to real-world contexts, and be exposed to more current content. For instance, geography students now learn the subject under three main themes: tropical environment, globalisation and sustainable development, instead of studying the physical and human aspects in isolation.
9751 by Hu Min Shi
This means that those taking Geography must now learn how to draw links between human and physical geography, as opposed to studying them separately. With this in mind, what do Dunmanians taking Geography at SH level define the study of the subject as?
rld e wo an h t how e hum s n r ’ a e le ond th e there t w k y be aus an jus thin h “I ks but w, bec o e h t we d i t r v a wor e e t of ugh man poin to th en tho ely hu rds l e a v mor ans. E into so afterw ssce hum ch out and h pro still t t bran lopmen al ear ly it’s ene c e t i dev hys ultima and the er.” p very think umans ach oth I h t e es, t how pac m u i abo ment n viro
For those pursuing Geography thoseinterested interestedinin pursuing Geograat a higher level, level, you may wondering how phy at a higher youbemay be wonderthe SH Geography experience is like as coming how the SH Geography experience is pared O-Level. The subjecthigh. is undoubtedlike astocompared to junior The subly content heavy, as content with most humanities, ject is undoubtedly heavy, as with but what makes Geography so fulfilling for most humanities, but what makes Geograthose who study it? A Dunmanian sharedit? her phy so fulfilling for those who study A thoughts on this: Dunmanian shared her thoughts on this:
“We always like to complain that we do not learnt stuff that is relevant to our lives but I feel geography is pretty applicable because it ties in a lot of real world factors about the economy and the natural environment we live in. It’s like a nice meld between where we live and how we live.”
“Geog at SH level is completely different from O-Level level. I think O-Level Geog has a lot more structure - be it what we learn or how we write essays/answer questions, if you thoroughly understand the content, it would not be hard to answer the question. But at SH level just understanding the content is not enough, because you still have to find the links between the question and the content. Honestly, for me, that is the hardest part. However, I would say because it is so unpredictable, it is very exciting as a subject! It is also because in the first place, the content interests me a lot, and the way the teachers teach is that they get us to figure out stuff ourselves every lesson - with help of course. All in all, everything is very confusing, but extremely exciting too!” According to a Straits Times article published in ���� in response to the revamped syllabus, interest in Geography among firstyear students had dipped across the JCs. Some had about �� to �� students taking the H� subject in JC�, whereas in the past they would have had upwards of ��. This may have been a result of students worrying that they would be unable to cope with the new syllabus that requires more in-depth thinking, and that this would therefore affect their grades; valid considerations for any student. For those who are on the fence about continuing to pursue Geography at SH level, here are some words of encouragement and advice from your seniors: It is really very different so think your decision through and also take note of the other subjects you are taking together with Geog because the workload may swamp you! But honestly, go in with enthusiasm because you are in safe hands: the teachers are dedicated and will really make your experience worthwhile. Even if you do not start on the right foot, they are with you every step of the way!
Take Geog only if you like studying it, because just being good at it at O-Level level probably won’ t benefit you at all at SH level. Ultimately it is the interest that keeps you studying through the confusion.
Think through your decision very carefully because even though the content for Geog in O-Level and SH is pretty much about the same, it is definitely more extended and in depth, and the style of assessment is very different as well. I would say the most important thing to get you through Geog in SH is passion! You should really consider your passion and how much you truly like the subject.
With that said, remember to always help one another out along the way, and do not hesitate to put your trust in the geography department. Wishing you all the very best in your SH journey ahead! “The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It is about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it is about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.” 30
‒ Former U.S. President Barack Obama
English Literature By Genevive Soh and Beverley Tan H1 (8832)
H2 (9509)
REQUIREMENTS: -Skill: Reading Between the Lines -Skill: Love for the English Language
As F.Scott Fitzgerald once said, “That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you are not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.” Profound, hur? The concept of “literature” to many may be seemingly unfathomable. Many may not resonate with the embellished manner of expression, which explains the dying culture of Literature in our society. Oftentimes, these works of art by various authors and poets reveal the vulnerable side of humanity and provide a sense of belonging for the heartbroken. On the surface level, Lit is just a plain analysing-poem-and-prose boring session, but as Ms Maryam says, “Lit teaches us to be better human beings”. Lit students are taught how to feel for others and see things from different perspectives. Every Lit lesson is a life lesson learnt.
You may think that Lit students are often cynics of anything and everything as they are often“over-analysing”. However, considering an issue from various standpoints spurs one to gear up one’s thinking engine and allows one to learn, rather than stay narrow-minded.
Keeping in mind that O-Level lit can and will not be the same as SH lit, a word of caution here is a must. Just because you have been getting As all along during preparation for O-Level, does not guarantee you a pass, if you do not conform to the expected rigour of the subject in SH. Even though the analytical skills in the O-Levels can be utilised during examinations, last minute memorisation in SH will fail you (terribly). For all you brave souls out there who are still keen to take SH Lit, here are some DOs and DON’Ts when it comes to manoeuvering through the torrential waves of words in any prose or poem.
DO: - Analyse with all you got. Analyse every sentence, every word like your life depends on it. ‘Cus ( it really does.)
- Listen to your lectures, tutorials, and your lovely teachers. They know what’s up, and cramming the texts to yourself in your little corner of your room into the night won’t work one bit, sweetie.
-Understand that every. word. can be analysed. And we mean every single word. Don’t let your complacency make you skim past a word, because a sentence can be worth 3 lines of good analysis. In retrospect, Lit is a beautiful subject which exposes students to the rawest emotions felt and throws us into tumultuous circumstances (which we are supposed to orientate ourselves in the end). Be prepared for a whirlwind of emotions as you are expected to produce quality work under time constraints. Your first few test results will most certainly not be satisfactory too and you may feel a surge of anger, frustration and disappointment coursing through your veins when you do not reap what you sow. However, that is perfectly normal as these few failures are part and parcel in every Lit student’s journey.
However, here’s a word of encouragement from us.“Rome was not built in a day”, just like one’s critical thinking and close reading skills cannot be cultivated within a short period of time. It takes consistent practices and series of trial and error. Do take ownership of your learning and ask for consultations proactively when in doubt. We can assure you that the sense of satisfaction when one actually grasps the meaning of the poem/prose is unexplainable.
DON'T: - Think you’re a literature pro because you read Harry Potter/ Lang Leav
- Feel safe and secure because the A levels is Open-book. (Son, you won’t even get to touch your book while you’re rushing that essay.)
- Believe reading the books 6 times will CONFIRM get you a pass (The world isn’t like that, honey.) - Listen to people when they say literature seals a“no future”fate. Not every Mathematics or Science student gets to strike it big, you know?
The sort of entertainment our Lit teachers bring is another incentive for you to take up the subject. Want some entertainment to spice up your Singapore education with just a little more colour? Well, Literature lessons are what you need ;) Trust us, you will not have to take another L, if you choose Lit!
REWARDS: + 5 Heavily Annotated Books +20 “Hyperanalysing” Skill Points Unlocked “Reading Poetry Without a Guide” Skill Debuff: Player is unable to read without analysing the text!
试卷编码: 9629
中国 通识 China Studies in Chinese
中国的国力不断增强,对区域和全球的影响力不 断扩大。我们的政治和商界领袖多次强调,新加坡 人必须了解中国和中国人的思维,掌握相关的知 识和技能,以搭上中国这趟经济快车。中国的崛起 也引起学术界的关注,海内外学府相继开办了有 关当代中国和东亚地区研究的课程。所以,教育 部自2007年起在大学先修班开设中国通识课程, 旨在培养一批既对当代中国有较全面的认识,又 具备批判思维能力的学生。中国通识课程分为中 国通识(华文) [China Studies (Chinese),简称 CSC]和中国通识(英文)[China Studies (English),简称CSE]两种课程。德明只提供 H2 CSC 的课程,可作为 A Level 的会考项目 (Examinable Subject)。 为了让大家更好地了解CSC这个科目,我们采访了负 责教CSC的张卫东老师。
文/ 郑怡
H2 China Studies in Chinese (CSC), 中国通识, 是用华文上的一门文科类课程,可作为人文对比 科目 (Humanities Contrasting Subject)与数 理科搭配。
可以大概介绍中国通识(CSC)这个科目给 大家吗? 科目内容都包括哪些呢?
中国通识是大学先修班的一门人文科目,开 设的目的是要培养一批对当代中国的发展 有概括性认识、并具备批判性思维的学生。 科目主要涵盖中国自1978年改革开放以 来,在经济、政治、社会和国际关系四个方 面,取得的成就和面临的问题。
您觉得修读中国通识最大的乐趣和困难在 哪里?
有些同学喜欢看电影和电视剧。实际上,随 着中国的快速发展,很多现实版电影、电视 剧的精彩程度都超出了常人想象,而且永 远都是未完待续。在与时代脉搏一起跳动 的过程中,当你通过学习,能够透过纷繁杂 乱的表象发现本质、规律、趋势时,会发现 那种拨云见日般的极大快乐正在那里等着 你。 这个科目的内容覆盖面较广,而且需要根 据时事变化去更新,这是难点。但如果能够 抓住主线,突出重点,就能化繁为简,化难 为易,这正是以后要学的。 您觉得要考好中国通识的"秘诀" 是什么? 一是灵活学习。除了课堂学习,课下翻翻报 刊、查查电脑、看看电视、听听广播,甚至刷 刷手机,都能学到相关内容。而且,这些利 用碎片化时间就能做到。
二是学思结合。古人说: “学而不思则罔,思 而不学则殆。 ”对于中国通识,思更重要。思 的多了,学习的内容才不再是一盘散沙,而 是处处有联系。思的多了,也会提高独立分 析与批判思维的能力,考试自然就更容易。 您对那些对中国通识有兴趣的Y4同学有 什么想说的话或忠告呢?
兴趣是最好的老师。如果对中国通识确实 有兴趣,又有一定基础,就加入到学习和研 究它的队伍中来吧,让我们一起享受快乐 学习的过程。
所以,如果你想更好地了解有关当代中国的发展, 不妨考虑选择CSC这个科目!
要有较高的华语表达水平,以及一定的分 析论说能力。当然,更重要的是有对这个科 目的学习兴趣和热忱。
华文 理解 与 写作
华文理解与写作(General Studies in Chinese, GSC)主要是一门考 查考生普通常识,思想成熟程度,对时事的认识,以及阅读、分析、讨论 和文字表达能力的科目。为了让大家更好地了解这门科目,我们特地 采访了��Y�C��的邱民宗同学,来为大家提供第一手资料。
H1(8642) 文/郑怡
Q a
你认为GSC这门科目和其它华语课程有什 么不同之处呢?
Q a
你觉得这门科目复习量会特别大吗?有什么 想告诉学弟学妹的复习小贴士吗?
这一科要拿A其实不难,不过要做出一定的 GSC这门课其实有点类似中四的高级华文, 两科都有理解与作文。两者的不同在于中四 努力,老师在课堂上教的内容要按时整理总 高华有口试,GSC没有;而且中四高华比较注重技 结、画思维导图、并多做练习,慢慢地你就会发现 这个科目其实挺容易掌握的,毕竟这是一个H�科 巧(如修辞手法等等)而GSC比较注重内容。 目,课业不会太过繁重,不过也不能因此而掉以轻 GSC能给学生带来什么样的改变,都有哪些 心,个人建议一周大概花�小时左右温习! 好处呢? 你认为这门科目有什么需要注意的地方,适 读GSC的一个好处就是当中的内容和所有 合什么样的人修读呢? 例子都可以运用在General Paper上,反之 虽然这一科着重于内容,不过语言表达方面 亦然,可以一举两得且锻炼双语能力。GSC的内容 主要包括新加坡本地时事,例如人口老龄化、生育 也相当重要,尤其是写作方面,语言占据了 率下降、教育改革、水资源等等。其次则是新加坡 一定分数。但这不意味着语言稍差就不能选这一 的国际关系,对于一些日后想从事政府政策相关 科,因为老师平时会给我们提供很多报章资料,只 职业的学弟学妹可以考虑选读这一科,因为从中 要肯积极阅读,语言能力也会逐渐有所提升。 能学到的一大技能就是锻炼批判性思维能力并提 出有效方案。
Q a
Q a
翻译 (华文) H2 (9571) 文/ 郑怡
H� 翻译(华文)课程由语言学和翻译两部分组成。语言学为学生提供 系统分析中英文所需的知识,而翻译部分则建立在此基础上,为学生 提供翻译所需的理论与技巧。翻译部分还可培养学生对译文进行评 鉴、分析的能力,以及在中英文本互译过程中培养对其文化的鉴赏力。 学生在修读这门科目前就必须掌握好双语,以便更好地学习这个课 程。
修 读 条 件
由于 H� 翻译(华文)要求学生研究和分析中英两种语言的结构, 并对两种语言进行双向互译,因此学生需要精通英文和中文。修 读此课程的学生必须具备以下条件:在校内中四英文文艺 (Language Arts) 考试考获B及以上(或在新加坡剑桥普通水准会考 中,英文考获A�及以上),以及在新加坡剑桥普通水准会考中,高 级华文考获B�及以上。
为了让各位更好地学习这门科目,我们特地采访了 学知识来阐明自己为何那么译。而在第三份试卷中, 一位修读翻译课程的同学⸺��Y�C��班的韩旭。 你也要比较与评论在两篇译文中,哪一篇更适合读 者阅读。此外,你也要辨别翻译的错误类型,并进行 你觉得这门科目会对学生有何好处? 分析。
韩旭:翻译这门科目能够让你的双语变得更 学习这门科目时你遇到了什么样的困 准、更精。上翻译课时,中英句式的区别是主要的学 难? 习点之一。这门课程的学习要点可延伸至其他科目 学以致用,如在General Paper的英语表达方面更流 韩旭:我在学习翻译时发现自己很难把学到的知识 畅。这门课程能让你学会如何更精准地遣词用字,并 及理论学以致用,融入到题目的作答中。虽然我知道 且加强和巩固理解能力。 这些理论和内容,但是当题目在眼前时,我就是无法 作答。比如说,试卷(三)的错误分析,虽然我知道都 你认为学这门科目必须具备什么样的条件 有哪些类型的错误,但是当我要寻找错误,把题目中 和性格?有什么推荐的学习方法? 的错误与所学到的类型配对时,我面临了极大的困 难。再者,一开始我在翻译时经常忽略中英句式区 韩旭:这门科目并没有想象中那么直接、那么简单。 别,以致于为了完整表达原文的意思时,受到原文句 课程内容不仅仅限于翻译文本,老师在上课时也会 式和语法的干扰,使得译文太拘泥于原文的表达方 传授翻译理论和翻译手法等知识,而你必须将这些 式,无法符合译语的特色。但所谓“熟能生巧”,只要 知识技能综合运用在试卷的评论部分。此外,你必须 你勤奋地做老师布置的功课和练习,双语程度一定 在两个半小时内完成�个部分的评论,这可谓难上加 会有所提升,使得你最后在答题时一定能更从容、更 难! 有信心!
你的双语必须有一定的基础。老师们也常常跟我们 说: “翻译这门科目主要是让你的双语变得更精准, 提高双语能力是其次。”若你想学这门科目,首先你 必须积极阅读,阅读量必须广泛,涉猎各种文体,如: 新闻报道、广告、食谱、演讲稿、本地文学作品等,并 且寻找双语文本来阅读或尝试自行翻译,这样才能 让自己不断进步,提高翻译水平。保持认真的态度, 做老师们给的每一份练习、模拟试卷是进步的最佳 方法,没有一步登天的捷径。因为只有不断尝试,才 能够不断进步。
你觉得学习这门科目对职业规划有什么 样的帮助?
韩旭:由于我是一名在籍学生,因此对于职业规划不 太了解。但是,听学长学姐们说,读翻译对于就业前 景非常有帮助。我们的社会中,精通双语的人不多, 然而精通多种语言可以为你打开更多扇门,打开更 多市场。在我国,大多数人都只精通英语,母语水平 则有下降趋势。翻译能够让你精通英语和母语,让你 在本地人之间占有优势,也能开拓未来在大中华地 这门科目具体的考试是怎样进行的? 区工作的可能性。换言之,精通双语是一项难得的能 力,必定能提高自我价值,对就业前景有显著的帮 韩旭:H�翻译包含三个试卷:试卷(一):汉译英的翻 助。未来你可能当一名记者,或为政府部门工作,有 译与评论;试卷(二):英译汉的翻译与评论;试卷( 学长后来成为了广告设计师,还有一位在律师事务 三):比较与评论。 所工作呢!
在前两份试卷中,除了各翻译一则短篇与长篇文本, 你也必须懂得如何运用翻译理论、翻译手法和语言
华文 文/ 郑怡
H2 (9572)
Chinese Language and Literature (CLL), 华文与文学课程, 可作为人文 对比科目 (Humanities Contrasting Subject)与数理科搭配。
顾名思义⸺这个科目就是教授华文和文学的H�科目,是高级华文和中文文学的升级版。根据《大学 先修班华文课程标准》 ,修订后的高中 H� 华文与文学课程重视培养学生的语言运用能力和文学赏析 能力。在语文课程方面,学生能够读懂个人、家庭、学校、社区、国家和世界等课题的书面文本,并推断其 中的隐含信息。此外,学生也能够读懂多种类型的文本,如文学、哲理散文、报章评论、杂志期刊文稿、博 客文章等,能够分析、综合、评论及比较不同书面文本的内容。在文学课程方面,学生能够理解、分析、综 合、比较、评论不同文体的文学作品。 为了让大家更好地了解CLL这个科目,我们采访了负责教CLL的洪澜老师 (Mdm Hong Lan)。
1. 可以大概介绍 CLL 这个科目给大家 4. 您觉得要考好CLL, “秘诀” 是什么?
吗? 科目内容会包括哪些呢?
洪老师:秘诀就是兴趣。兴趣是最好的老师。对于 洪老师: 华文与文学课程(CLL)是一门H2课程。 人文精神的关注是关键所在!同时,阅读要成为你 注重培养学生华文语言运用能力和文学赏析能 的兴趣,平时多阅读,多摘录一些好词好句。阅读 力。课程内容包括:华文写作与阅读理解,古文,韵 老师的笔记也要多划关键词句。 文(诗歌),现当代小说和现代戏剧等。
2修读CLL有什么特别的规定 (pre-req-
uisites) 吗?
5. 您是否对那些对CLL有兴趣的Y�有想
洪老师: 你若喜欢文学,来听听我们的课吧,这里 洪老师: 修读H2CLL的同学,建议高级华文至少 有笑声,有叹息,有伤感,有激奋,你也可以在这门 要达到B3以上。修读这门课可以申请教育部奖学 科目里找到温情。不管你是文科生还是理科生都 金(语文特选奖学金),其含金量与双文化(BSP) 可以考虑一下。我们有经验丰富的老师,有60%的 奖学金一样哦,只有先修读H2CLL然后加上第三 A的历史记录,也有完整有系统的笔记。 语文学分的同学才有资格申请语特奖学金。 所以,若你对华文文学有兴趣的话,不妨考虑选择 CLL这个科目!
3. 修读CLL最大的乐趣和困难在哪?
洪老师:修读H2CLL的学生最大的乐趣在于接触 大量的华文文学,中国文化以及新加坡的历史文 化等。同学们也能学会深刻地分析人性和社会现 状,有助于GP写作。困难是每一位同学在学习的 时候都会面临的:学习的态度是否诚恳,学习的方 法是否正确等问题。
By Zheng Yi
> no prior experience needed
H2 (9597)
It's no denying that in the technologically-advanced world of today, the IT field is one that is brimming with career opportunities. As such, if you're interested in pursuing a career in the IT field in the future, well, look no further than H� Computing, which will help to lay a solid foundation for your future IT career! Beyond just picking up the basics of H� Computing such as programming and web design, there is also a wide range of activities available to you as a H� Computing student - for instance, you could take part in Hackathons, volunteer at technological conferences such as FOSSASIA and PyconSG, and even organise national programmes such as BuildingBlocs for secondary and JC students! As such, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to develop yourself as a leader, nurture your ability to work in a team, and train your critical thinking skills.
Well, what makes an“ideal”Computing student who is suited to study the subject? You need not fret about your inability to code in various languages (e.g. Python, C++); what matters more is your determination to self-learn, your passion for your subject, and your ability to work effectively in teams - while not compromising your ability to work independently. If you possess all the aforementioned qualities, then you are definitely suited for the subject! You might be wondering, why are all these qualities so crucial? Well, that is because H� Computing requires one to be very independent in terms of learning style. Thus you would certainly need to read up on related
material and watch course videos outside of lessons so as to brush up on your coding skills. Only then, will you be able to imbibe the knowledge and develop the competencies that H� Computing aims to nurture! Studying H� Computing is actually similar to learning a new language at the beginning - there are times when you will feel like giving up, but at the same time, there are bound to be moments where you will feel an indescribable sense of accomplishment. Here’s a caveat: if you have no interest in this subject in the first place, then it will be equivalent to you being“forced”to pick up a new language - and you will lose the motivation to learn in time to come.
There are also many aspects of H� Computing that will require you to work in teams or groups, as there are group projects that will be assessed. As such, communication and teamwork are of much importance - you need to learn how to listen and be receptive to others’ opinions, while working effectively as a team.
Trust me, during your time of studying H� Computing, you will spend a lot of time sitting in front of the computer figuring out why your code does not work, and there are bound to be setbacks and failures throughout these � years of studying this subject. But if you possess the tenacity and determination to succeed - you eventually will. I’ll be honest with you - H� Computing is a subject that requires a lot of passion and tenacity to ace it, and it is also one that is filled with challenges and uncertainty. But if you’re unafraid, we hope to see you joining us this year! “This is an excellent subject to offer. You will have a lot of opportunities to learn material that is not found in your textbooks, and you will have bountiful learning opportunities.”
- 18Y5C33 Chen Yiyang 37
Your Quest: H2 Music (9753) Requirements: Passion for Music
LVL 100
By Charmaine Tan
Interested in music? Perhaps you’ve considered joining the Music Elective Programme (MEP) in secondary school, only to let that chance slip from your grasp. Well, for all you music fanatics out there, hold on to your hair ‒ because in JC, you will be given the opportunity to take music as a subject in the form of H� Music!
That being said, not everyone will be able to take H� Music. For one, you will need to attain at least a Grade � in Performance and a Grade � in Musical Theory. In addition, you will need to undergo an entrance test as well as an interview in order to be accepted for this subject. Those who took Higher Music in secondary school will also need to meet these requirements. To be frank, H� Music is not an easy subject to study. Your performance in the subject is assessed based on � components: Music Studies, Performing, and Music Writing. While this may seem similar to the curricular structure of secondary schools’MEP syllabus, Performing and Music Writing will carry a greater weighting in H� Music. In addition, you will be covering a wide variety of music under Music Studies, with topics such as Malay Dance Music, Indian String Music, and American Composers from ����-����. This means you will be spending a significant portion of your time on this subject. Hence, time management becomes a very, very, very crucial part navigating your JC journey while taking H� Music.
It is also compulsory for H� Music students to take up Music as a H� subject in JC�. However, students who have been granted permission to take a H� in another subject will be exempted from this. Under the H� syllabus, you will be required to write a research essay on a topic relating to music. The topic chosen must be different from those already covered by the school. What’s great about this is that you have the freedom to choose the topic you’ll be writing on! So even though H� Music is challenging, the process is guaranteed to be an incredibly meaningful one. All in all, the two-year-long journey of H� Music is not one for the faint-hearted. But as long as you have a burning passion for music, then H� Music will definitely be the right choice for you! 38
H1/H2 Third Language 9735/9736/9737/9578/8835/8836/8837
Heard Lang at O-Levels, but not SH? that’ s because hardly anyone takes ittakes — our HeardofofThird Third Lang in JH, but SH?Well, Well, that is because hardly anyone batch 2018(the Y5s)2018 has aY5s) whopping people pursuing Third Lang! Indeed, Third Indeed, Lang is a it; our(the batch has a 7whopping 7 people pursuing Third Lang! very niche subject; you’ ll have to have a fervent passion in the language to continue it to this Third Lang is a very niche subject; you’ll have to have a fervent passion in the lanlevel. are someitpros and cons taking a third in cons SH, for lovers of languagguageHere to continue to this level.ofHere are somelanguage pros and of any taking a third lanes who are looking to take the leap of faith: guage in SH, for any lovers of languages who are looking to take the leap of faith:-
PROS: - It is a unique value proposition. While it is not a common subject here, many universities overseas (such as the London School of Economics) definitely consider it as one of their “traditional academic subjects”.
- Increased cultural sensitivity. Plus, there is the chance to apply for the Language Elective Scholarship to truly experience living in the country of your target language! - More confidence to learn a new language!
- Truly effective multilingualism, which is even better than bilingualism! - You can get to know like-minded people from other schools!
- Classes are held at odd timings, in one of the language centres (5.30-7.30pm, twice a week)
- No tuition (gasp), self-driven
- Very difficult (imagine GP essays about inequality or national healthcare in Chinese, but you possess a kindergartener’s level of exposure to the language and thus are less aware of key phrases and terms used in the news) - Looked down upon by people who only do things that have an obvious means to an end
- Stereotypes: for example, if you study Japanese people might think you are obsessed with anime, and if you study Spanish people might think all you listen to is Despacito Frankly, at this point, it should be clear to you if you really like your language or not - it is just uncertainty about whether it is worth it. But people around us typically have two reactions 1) “I wish I took Third Lang in Year 1/ I wish I didn’t drop Third Lang!” 2) “No one I know taking H1/2 Third Lang is regretting it.” Hopefully, you’ll be able to see the value of continuing your Third Lang and take the path less travelled!
Attention! Would you like to accept a sidequest? types of cca Clubs, Societies and Interest Groups Performing Arts Sport Clubs
Publications (English Department) Gabriel Lee
Publications’English Department is one of the three departments that one can join upon induction into Publications, the other two being the Chinese Department and the Design Department. As a member of the English Department, I write English articles for our biannual magazine, as well as English write-ups for events which our CCA is involved in, such as D’Carn. So, how do we go about writing our articles? Well, honestly, there are no fixed steps to follow or any fixed format which our articles must be in. But here’s a rough process of how we write our articles:
We carry out the necessary research (if required) so that we can provide our readers with more accurate information. One such example would be how we ran a detailed background check about our interviewee, Mr Lai Chung Han (Guest of Honour of Speech Day 2018), before interviewing him!
We conduct interviews with the relevant people so as to add more diverse perspectives to our articles. We are pretty sure everyone would like to hear the voices of your fellow Dunmanians, right? :D
Finally, we get down to doing the most gruelling work - writing our articles with the information we have previously researched on as well as the interviews we have conducted.
5 42
Conceptualising our articles is important as it allows us to better tailor our articles to the overall theme of the magazine and it sorts of act as an“idea-generation”stage where we brainstorm ideas about what to write.
We do a final editing of our own articles before sending it to the English Head, Joyce, to do a last run-through. We check our articles to ensure that our language is accurate and that there are no grammar or spelling errors.
So, if you are interested to join Publications’ English Dept, be sure to indicate it as one of your choices upon induction into Publications! (But of course, you would have to indicate to join Publications first :D). Here is what our Head of English Department, Joyce, would like to say to prospective Y4 Publications’ members:
“Hello there, younglings! This is for all the aspiring writers and designers reading this booklet.
As you read this article, you may be thinking about which CCA you are hoping to join in Senior High. You may be also wondering: should I join Publications? What is there in it for me? Is it really worth it? Allow me to elaborate.
with the times and promoting creativity. And yes, that means you might even get to design Instagram templates in this CCA. If you join Publications, you will at some point get the opportunity to showcase something about what you are passionate about.
Finally, if you love writing or designing, Publications is a fun CCA. How much better does it get, doing something that you love for your extra-curricular CCAs, and then having your hard work published for your friends to read? Imagine this: our quarterly magazine is published. Your opinion piece on your lifelong passion, memes, is one of the featured articles. You finally get to say what you want to say to the entire school. Your parents read it, impressed by your meticulous research. Your friends admire your well-articulated arguments. You sit back and sigh contentedly. You are one step closer to ikigai.
First of all, Publications is a unique CCA in that there are no fixed CCA times. For the most part, there is no need to stay back in school after enduring a long day of lecture after tutorial after lecture. What happens is that a deadline will be set and you submit your work by that deadline. That means you can write your article anywhere, anytime, be it during a long break in your timetable or during that sudden burst of inspiration you get at 2 in the morning. This freedom often allows members to take up an additional CCA in conjunction with Publications. As you can see, joining Publications can be a very fulfilling experience. Being a CCA only offered in Senior High, it allows you to try something that you’ve probably never done in secondary school before. As for us, the incumbent batch, all I have to say is that we are a relatively young CCA that is always in need of new minds with fresh ideas so that Secondly, Publications is also a CCA that we can continuously improve. For all you is flexible and ever-evolving in nature. creative souls out there, we welcome you In the last two years we have begun to ex- with open arms. :) pand into social media platforms such as Instagram, for example. As much as it is about writing essays filled with social commentary, Publications is also keeping up
中文部 想到出版社,你的第一印象是否 就是一群捧着书的书呆子?不!你大 错特错啦!我们中文部的成员,都是 一群有着优秀皮囊和有趣灵魂的人类 哦!那么当我们的灵魂开始认真、有 趣起来是什么样子呢? 1. 依照拟定的大方向 寻找感兴趣的课题,自由发挥 我们的主编会拟定好一个大框架(就比 如“2017最佳”),成员们具体想写什么,全凭 自己兴趣爱好。你可以上天入地,也可以天涯 海角,想让自己的思绪停在哪里就停哪里,全 部由你自己决定!
2. 深入研究自己感兴趣的课题, 以新颖的角度作为切入点 每个人感兴趣的课题都不一样,一旦决 定自己要写什么,我们这群可爱又认真的人 就会开始搜集资料,深入研究其特点,挖掘别 人不知道的一面。在搜集完背景资料后,最重 要的便是寻找切入点,切入点引领着整篇文 章的方向,一个特别的切入点会让整篇文章 文彩斐然。
文 / 郑怡
3. 寻找相关图文、进行相关采访,多 角度深入了解课题,提高可信度 一篇文章的内容除了背景知识外,就是 采访,获取第一手资料和信息,能在一定程 度上提高文章的可信度。另外,一篇吸引人 的文章,也少不了恰到好处的图文搭配,适 当的配图能让人从密密麻麻的文字中得到 短暂休息,同时也能填补文章所缺失的信 息。
4. 整理图文、编辑 和老师的审核润稿 最后一步便是整理好自己的文章和图 片格式,交由编辑和老师审核,最后加以润 色。接下来,你就能在我们出版社的刊物上 看到属于你的文章啦! #由于出版社的特殊性质,成员们不需要每周见面, 多数都是线上联系,所以这是个可以自由调配时间的 课外活动! #出版社分为:中文部,英文部和设计部,同学可以 根据自己的特长选择部门,参与杂志的编辑。我们就 是一个小小杂志社哦!你可以在这里提前感受到何为 传媒!
看完以上的分享,有没有让你蠢蠢欲动,也想动笔加入呢?想成为一个有着好看皮囊又 有着有趣灵魂的人类吗?先加入出版社吧!
Publications: Publications: Design Department Design Department By Hoh Choi May
As a member of the Design Department in Publications, I am responsible for the aesthetics of the magazine. Whatever you see on the final product has passed through our designers’ hands. Once we receive the articles, we decide on whatever we think best suits the content. For me, I frequently look out for inspirations around myself, taking pictures of advertisements, store displays or even from magazines themselves for reference to use in the future spreads of the magazine. It’s true when they say inspiration can come from everywhere! Then, once we’ve made up our minds, we start the design from scratch. Everything from the colour of the background to the placement and distribution of the text is thought through. Finally, the Head of Design collates all the work from the designers and adds the finishing touches before sending it off to the teachers for a final edit. And that is how the final product reaches your hands. As you can see, it’s a pretty gruelling process. But I can guarantee the feeling of fulfilment after!
self. I’ve also learnt to think critically and how to receive criticism. There’s plenty of room for growth in this CCA. Though we don’t meet up often, the collective efforts that we put into the magazine naturally bond us together. If you have an interest in, or possibly even love for the visual arts, I warmly welcome you to Publications’ Design Department! We are in charge of the beautiful spreads and layouts you see in our magazines. Even if you don’t have any experience with digital design, no worries! Should you join us, we will arrange workshops for our budding designers to learn the basics of popular applications such as Photoshop and Indesign. So if you’ve ever scrolled through Pinterest for too long looking at amazing illustrations and designs or envied the talents of those who make gorgeous Tumblr edits, don’t hesitate anymore and join us! There’s nothing like the satisfaction of seeing your design in print or on display in our e-magazine.
That’s not all a designer can expect, though. We also get to design various other materials, like this very booklet. B anners a n d shirts are also design possibilities. Since joining this department, I’ve learnt a lot and have gotten many opportunities to try new things and express my-
By Zheng Yi Translated by Faith Chong
Do you enjoy appreciating beautiful scenery? Are you passionate about appreciating life’s wonderful moments? Well, join the Photographic Society to experience capturing those seemingly mundane yet endlessly moving sights, as well as those ephemeral emotions of happiness, anger, grief, and joy, through the lens of your camera! Photography at its core is the expression of emotions through snapshots. Photography, be it black-or-white or colour, creates a kind of certain and eternal beauty. Every photograph, in the moment it is captured, represents the eternal remembrance of a story. What photography expresses are genuine stories that actually happened.
Senior High Photographic Society has one session per week (every Wednesday from �.�� p.m. to �.�� p.m.) that teaches students how to take aesthetically appealing and meaningful photographs. In the first half of the year, the J� students will be taught by the J� seniors how to use DSLR cameras, as well as photographic techniques; in the second half of the year, Executive Committee members will typically prepare some photography-related tips and share them with the other members, while allowing these members to share some tips and tricks of their own.
“Not giving photography a try is tantamount to missing out on the chance to document all of life’s wonderful moments.” - Photographic Society’s chairperson, Tan Yock Lim Occasionally, we will also invite professional photographers (such as those from Canon) to share more about photography. The Photographic Society also sometimes goes on learning journeys outside school, sending members to places with unique scenery or unspoilt nature to hone their photography skills in more unusual settings. At the same time, students also have the chance to participate in large-scale photography-related activities. One instance of this is the Singapore Photography Related Conference, where students could learn their craft with students from other schools. Moreover, the Photographic Society’ s members also volunteer to help take pictures of all sorts of school activities, which definitely proves to be a great way to improve your photography skills! If you are worried that you do not have a DSLR camera, fret not, for you can borrow one from the school! All you need to do is buy an SD Card to store your photos, as well as take good care of the school’s cameras.
Community Service Club
Gabriel Lee
Passionate to help the less-privileged in our community? Ever wanted to reach out to and make a difference to the lives of others? Or do you want to make the Earth a greener place for everyone to live in? Well, if you join the Community Service Club (CSC) in Senior High, you can achieve all of these, and so much more. Since 2017, the Community Service Club (SH CSC) has branched into two divisions, the service learning branch and the environmental branch. One can opt to join both branches of the CCA, or just one of the two. The service learning branch has fixed CCA sessions every Wednesday, from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm, while the environmental branch has fixed CCA sessions every Friday, from 7.30 am to 9.00 am.
What then, can you look forward to upon joining the CCA? Firstly, for the service learning branch of the Community Service Club (CSC), one can choose either to help out at KidsRead or Council for Third Age’s (C3A) Intergenerational Learning Programme (ILP) every Wednesday afternoon. For KidsRead, every member will be assigned a buddy, and every week, members will read stories to his or her buddy at Stanford Primary (free transport will be provided by the school!). Alternatively, if one chooses to help out for C3A’s Intergenerational Learning Programme (ILP), the location will be in school, and elderly residents living in the neighbourhood will be invited to go down to school every Wednesday to partake in the programme. Students will act as facilitators for the ILP workshops held every Wednesday, and they will teach the elderly residents how to use technological devices such as smartphones or basic computer functionalities.
For the environmental branch of the Community Service Club (CSC), prospective members can look forward to planning environmental related events such as Environmental Fortnight in school, or environmental outreach programmes such as the Eco-Buddies programme at Kong Hwa Primary School. Members will also be given opportunities to participate in competitions such as the Environmental Challenge for Schools (ECS) and the Greenwave Competition. Last but not least, members can participate in national environmental initiatives launched by relevant governmental organisations such as the National Environmental Agency (NEA), such as 2018’s Year for Climate Action. So, if you are interested in making a positive contribution to the community or your surrounding environment, why not choose to join the Community Service Club (CSC) in Senior High?
Mass Communication Society
Winnie Koon
The Mass Communications Society is a CCA all about filmmaking. Even though we only attend official CCA sessions every Friday from 5-7pm, MCS is no less demanding than other CCAs as we attend various national competitions, as well as produce videos for several school events, such as the Chinese New Year and Teachers’ Day videos. In MCS, you will be able to learn a variety of skill sets from professional teachers who are veterans in the local film/radio industry. When we are not gathered in our groups discussing ideas for our next video, we are having engaging theory lessons about all aspects of professional film production. From script writing to casting to special effects, there is something new to learn and the teachers never fail to impress us with their expertise and professional achievements. Every year, MCS participates in the National Chinese Short Film competition, as well as various other competitions such as the National Youth Media Competition and the Anti-Drug Video Competition. With the very own films we have created, we have won awards including but not limited to: Schools Digital Media Awards (SDMA) Silver, as well as Best Poster, Best Editing, and overall 2nd place in the National Chinese Short Film competition. Furthermore, you can hone your filming techniques by filming school events and concerts (which you will have free access to!). Perhaps the most exciting of all is the annual Chinese New Year and Teachers’Day videos. Enjoy the pleasure of having your CCA’s video broadcasted to the entire school, while your schoolmates wonder,“How did they do that?”
Here is what some of our CCA members said about MCS:is what some of our CCA members said about MCS: Here MCS is a CCA which helps us learn all about filmmaking! Through the process of filming, we become more bonded with one another and make many fun memories.
Like most people, I had zero knowledge about filmmaking before I joined MCS, but fret not! Our friendly teachers and seniors are here to help you make the most of your time here in MCS. Come in with an open mind and you’re sure to be impressed by how much there is to filmmaking! The only prerequisite for joining MCS is a passion for all aspects of filmmaking and the willingness to learn! We hope to see you in MCS next year!
Mathematics Society By Yang Boshuo / Translated by Faith Chong Mathematics is the basis of all science; it is also a subject that is loved just as much as it is hated by students. Senior High Mathematics Society provides a platform for the lovers of Math to come together to learn and share about Math. Unlike most Performing Arts CCAs, this CCA does not have any prerequisites; what we ask from you is passion.
During CCA hours, members are given a certain degree of freedom. In the first half of the year, CCA activities revolve around preparing for competitions (e.g. American Math Competition (AMC) and Singapore Math Olympiad (SMO)) and organising the Math Week. The preparation for AMC, in particular, is handled by the J�s, while an external teacher is brought in to guide students for SMO. At the end of the first half of the year is the Math Week, where we display the charm of Maths to the student body. We follow a particular theme when planning our activities and carry them out within the school compound. For instance, this year’s Math Week theme was“Key to the Unknown”, where members not only introduced the past and present of cryptography and code-solving to students, but, along with participants, also gained a deeper understanding of such fields through interactive games. During the planning process, members not only accumulated math skills, but also learnt how to better cooperate with others as well as how to make designs. In the second half of the year, the CCA would participate in mathematical modelling competitions, where we create models of the world around us using our mathematical knowledge so as to understand real-world problems and come up with solutions. What we learn is usually pitched at the same level of difficulty as syllabus content or slightly harder; as long as you do not fear difficulty and enjoy learning new things, you’ll be able to enjoy CCA sessions. For instance, our graphic calculator (GC) drawing competition entails making use of the GC’s less commonly used feature -- the drawing feature, thereby integrating mathematics and art. The Mathematics Society is not too heavy in terms of workload and will only take up two hours a week. If you have a strong interest in the field of Mathematics, and if you are able to organise your time well, why don’t you give the Mathematics Society a try? You’ll be able to make new friends, glean new knowledge, and even challenge yourself.
Fashion Studies Club Interest group
By Faith Chong
Enamoured by Elle? Bent on buying those Balenciaga boots? Mesmerised by Maison Margiela? Have a passion for fashion? Well then, Fashion Studies is for you! This fun, eclectic and unique Interest Group (IG) was featured in the Straits Times this June for being a IG that brings vibrancy to our school. Being a fresh new IG, Fashion Studies is welcoming its third batch of style aficionados next year. Should you join Fashion Studies, you will need a real love for fashion as handcrafting your own outfits is demanding work: for most of the Fashion Studies members, it is their first time using the sewing machine. You’ll need a great deal of dedication and diligence in order to materialise your ideas! In addition to fashion design, you’ll also have to learn other artsy skills, such as how to design and set up an exhibition, how to draw the Cheshire Cat (our most recent showcase was Alice in the Wonderland-themed), and how to interact and collaborate with those from other CCAs (such as D’MVMT, which we collaborated with for the aforementioned showcase.) Nevertheless, the knowledge and skills gained that you most likely would have never learnt elsewhere are invaluable for the life ahead of you - plus, you’ll most likely forge precious memories in the process with your fellow fashionistas (who, just like you, are complete beginners).
Interest group
Youth Club
by Chong Kai Qing
Youth is a time of struggle. This quote by Mr Lim Pia Leong, teacher-incharge of the Youth Club (YC), encapsulates exactly the essence of this unique interest group.
YC is perhaps the only CCA that focuses on the people. It is not about specific training, skills or performance, but us, the youth, as the core. The purpose of this CCA is to give youth a platform of self-discovery, experimentation and most importantly, struggle.
self-defence moves? Propose it as a skill to be learnt together. Have an interesting idea for community service? Suggest and lead others. There are no boundaries because YC is all about negotiating them and effecting change.
YC members engage in weekly mentoring sessions with children from St Hilda’s Link, not just to help them with their schoolwork, but also to learn how to communicate with the young. The struggle lies in debunking the beliefs they have about their own abilities and potential, helping them gain confidence and set goals beyond what they could imagine. As much as we help to untangle their struggles, we learn even more from them and the intangible skills of being an effective mentor. Besides the meaningful service with the children, there are also opportunities to develop ourselves in many other aspects, from sports and games to even cooking sessions. Most importantly, you decide what you want to do and set the direction of YC. Want to learn
!Requirementsďźš Passion, Thirst for learning
When you think of the Symphonic Band, is it the elegance of classical music, or the solemnity of a recital that comes to mind? In reality, those who have seen the Dunman High School Symphonic Band (DHSSB) perform will understand that the range of symphonic band music extends far beyond solely classical music and recitals.
As a CCA, the Band is much more than a co-curricular activity for students to perform music. Those who join will also find that it cultivates important soft skills such as teamwork and discipline in its members.
In total, DHSSB consists of two divisions: the secondary school band, and the JC band. So then, what is the difference between the two?
Symphonic Band By Ang Wei Pin
Firstly, a JC member has it much easier compared to his secondary school counterpart, only being required to attend a weekly practice session every Wednesday afternoon. (Of course, practice sessions will be extended nearing our annual concert, not to mention the fact that many members use their free time to practise as well.) Furthermore, JC members enjoy greater autonomy, being able to plan and execute many of the key events carried out throughout the two years in DHSSB. This includes the choice of pieces that will be performed during concerts, and even the location of our performances! Musically-inclined students can try their hand at musical composition and have their pieces performed by ensembles during our annual concert. For instance, the mini-concert, Ricordi, held by our JC band in April last year (2018) included not only classical pieces, but also many medleys of pop music and movie scores arranged by our very own members. This was an extremely enjoyable experience for both our composers as well as our performers.
Practice sessions can sometimes become dreary and exhausting, yet many of our members will still find themselves choosing to stay for another two years in the Band after four years in the secondary school band. You see, ultimately, the deep bond that our members share is one of the greatest takeaways from this CCA, trumping every obstacle faced by us as we progress through the years. When band members look back on their secondary school and JC years, the shared ups-and-downs with their bandmates become some of the highlights in their memory. For our members, DHSSB is a second home, where the Band is not just a CCA, but a major part of their school lives.
So if you want to pack the next two years with fulfilling experiences and amazing memories, consider joining DHSSB and see it for yourself! :)
Chinese Orchestra
Joyce Lim
What comes to mind when you first think of the Chinese Orchestra? Is it one of the key representative symbols of Chinese culture in our school? Does a mournful elegy written in centuries past for some mythical hero of old, begin to sound in your head? Or do you think about all the times your fellow classmates in CO had to rush off for practice after school, only emerging after their annual concert sobbing about something called “post-concert depression”? A shudder runs down your spine. Wow, you think: What an intimidating CCA. Now, friends. Hold that thought for a second.
It would be wrong to deny the existence of all the scenarios presented above. DHSCO is a demanding CCA, no doubt, but only because the rewards you reap at the end of the day are far more fulfilling than one would imagine. DHSCO is a CCA steeped in the tradition of hard work. We hold official four-hour practice sessions anywhere from twice to thrice a week, excluding the ��-minutes private lessons that members have to attend every week. Even so, members would often still take the initiative to come down to the CO room early every morning to practise, even in our busiest weeks.
There is a quote which I will roughly translate from one of our instructors:“Those who play music have blissful lives.”As corny as this quote may seem, a member of DHSCO may begin to find it increasingly relevant as he progresses throughout his journey in CO. CO is ultimately a team effort: the pain of every minute that was spent practising, carrying out backstage duties, or even being on the receiving end of a long lecture from an instructor eventually becomes a cherished memory shared by you and your fellow teammates. At the end of the day, there is no feeling like the feeling of standing in front of a crowd of over ���� audience members, knowing that you have created something beautiful. And the feeling only becomes amplified, as you take your bows with the �� other people who have been by your side for the past six months. In DHSCO, we like to think of ourselves as more than a CCA. As we say in the orchestra, 德明华乐团是个大家庭. It doesn’t matter if you do not consider yourself to be the most attuned to Chinese culture, or if you don’t believe yourself to be the most adept musician. As long as you have a love for music, and a desire to participate in a team experience like no other, then Dunman High School Chinese Orchestra will welcome you with open arms.
String Ensemble By Charmaine Tan
Do you have a keen interest in music? Do you know how to play plucked string instruments such as the violin? If so, then String Ensemble is the place for you!
DHS String Ensemble was founded in ����, and from our humble beginnings of merely � members, we have grown to an established CCA with over �� members (consisting of both JH and SH sections)! String Ensemble might not be like other Performing Arts CCAs with large numbers of performers, but we’ re a pretty recognised CCA in terms of achievements as well - for instance, String Ensemble has always performed exceptionally well at the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) - in ����, both the Junior High and Senior High sections attained the much coveted Distinction awards! In May last year, String Ensemble put up its annual concert to resounding success. There were many exceptional pieces played by the CCA members, which included a piece modified by our school alumnus Ng Ze Wei, movie medley Rojak+.
In String Ensemble, you will have many opportunities to play pieces of various musical styles, and plenty of opportunities to perform. Due to the small size of our CCA (in Senior High), communication is also much easier and you will definitely forge strong bonds with your fellow CCA members. So, if you join String Ensemble, it will be akin to you joining a closely-knit family!
Genevieve soh
Ever watched dozens of musicals and fantasized about you, yourself, being up there on that stage under the shine of that spotlight, belting out melody after melody? Well, standing on the PAC stage and singing chorus after chorus was just like that during my time as a Chorister.
“When you wear the Choir badge, it’s almost like a license to sing anything, anywhere, anytime,”said one of my seniors to me back when I was but a little Year 1, with a brand new, shiny Choir badge just pinned to my collar. Back when I was just 13, and had only stepped into the Dunman High campus for no more than 2 months, I was intrigued by the Choir exhibition I passed during the CCA fair. A glimpse of the number of awards lining their exhibition table, and I knew they meant business. I’ve always loved to sing, and when the idea of joining a Choir was suggested to me that day, trust me when I say I knew that would be the best thing to happen to me in my 6 years as a Dunmanian. I remember the first time I heard the Choir perform, back in 2013. And I still remember the sheer enchantment I felt when I watched the pride of young singers just swaying and smiling as they delivered to us the tune of The Lion Sleeps Tonight back in the Choir room.
With 2 practices a week, Monday and Friday, near 3 hours each day, clearly the word“easy” can never be associated with this CCA. Next to this, there were the backbreaking hours of Physical Training, because, hey, your body’s your instrument and you’ve got to keep it tiptop shape somehow. Tiring, yes, but it was never a wasted experience.
With prestigious conductors Ms Jennifer Tham and Mr Albert Tay, every Choir practice was one to reap something from. Having been in the section of Alto 2, I sang harmonising notes most of the time (absolutely low notes for that matter), and I never once thought about how after 4 years of singing“backup”for another section would ever land me the ability to harmonise with almost any song playing on the radio. I went into the CCA, smiles and all, with a brain void of any musical knowledge whatsoever. Conversations with my section mates between pieces were mostly me asking something like,“Is this note a Do or a Mi?”. But after the 4 years of musical teachings during the practices, from both Ms Tham, Mr Tay, the student conductors, and even my batchmates, I can safely say: Man, who ever said you needed a musical background to be a singer? Didn’t learn music? Well, honey, by the end of your Choir journey, it’ll be the souvenir you finally get to bring home.
“Sing with your abs, not your just your throat.”
“Chest in, butt out, legs shoulder width apart, chin in.” 55
Chinese Society
中文学会(戏剧部) 文/ 杨博硕
众多高中课外活动与兴趣小组中,戏剧组相对小众。社团活动在一定程度上与初中中文学会一脉相承。 在华社高中部度过了大半个����年的笔者,想为即将迈入高中阶段的大家还原“一手的”中文学会体验。
重要得多。拿����级高一成员的经历来说,绝大多数同学入社时,是不折不扣的戏剧舞台“菜鸟” ,肢体表演僵硬,一心表现自我而使表演做作不堪。幸而指导老师讨论式的教学方式,以及负责 老师创造的欢乐宽松的氛围让大家都敞开心扉不断分享、学习、成长。我们会用三个月的时间为 剧本立稿、打磨、雕琢,最终将一场戏剧完整地呈现给大家。个人而言,一旦有了投入,便痛并快乐 着,无怨无悔。高中戏剧社会将我们引向更别致,更精巧,甚至惊世骇俗的“另一种”表达方式,给 我们一个重新审视生活和社会的机会,虽然未见多么专业,但在十七八岁的年纪何不放胆尝试?
不少同学 对中文相关的活动和社团习惯性地“敬而远之”,因为对自己的华文水平有所顾 虑,或是觉得华文跟自己的交集正愈来愈少,可以说,在某种程度上是对华社的误读。虽然我们表 演与创作时以华文为主,对于很有兴趣但华文稍逊的同学,可以选择主攻幕后灯光、音效、舞美等 部分;而对于编剧、表演、导演等部分则权当是一种学习历程,也许最终能挑战自我,学有所成。 换言之,当代新加坡社会,往小处讲,华文渗透无处不在;往大处讲,是我们华族人血脉的内核之 一。中文学会能提供生活的趣味小窗口,能换一种思维,对周围发生的一切进行另一视角的窥视。
可以理解,相较华社这样兴趣主导的社团,一些更加实用的社团会更受人青睐。这种情况 下,若有余力,不妨考虑将华社作为第二CCA。目前的社团活动时间为一周�-�次,平均一次�小时左 右,由于规模较小,可以协调具体的活动日期。不过还是想提醒大家,选择CCA时无论是什么,一定 要考虑兴趣。若只是为了混分或者硬上,恐怕会苦不堪言;二是要结合自身实际,如果选择的CCA 干扰了自身的学业,务必及时调整,分清主次。课外活动的选择毕竟不是儿戏,请对自己负责哦!
Renowned American tennis player, Venus Williams, once said,“Tennis is mostly mental. You win or lose before you even go out there.”Beyond the physically demanding aspect of the sport, lies the greater challenge of maintaining a resilient mentality when faced with insurmountable opponents. While this may hold true for all competitions and tournaments worldwide, it is of even greater relevance in Dunman High, where tennis is a CCA exclusive to Senior High (SH), and that accepts students without any prior experience. As Dunman High participates in the annual A Division Tennis competition, it is crucial that members have the right mindset before entering the courts to play against far more experienced players.
So, what are some of the reasons why Dunmanians want to join the CCA despite all these challenges? Here are some responses from our Year 5 and 6 members. My parents love playing tennis so they influenced me. Also, I’ve been in track for 7 years and I wanted a change. Wang Yan Qi (6C41)
Since I was in a performing arts CCA in Junior High, I decided to try another CCA of a different nature to have a larger exposure, and learn more about how things are managed in a sports CCA. Tan Wei Shuang (6C35)
In addition to the benefits such as improved aerobic and anaerobic health which the sport brings about, it increases one’s endorphins seeing how each member puts a smile on their faces despite sweat trickling down. More importantly, each training session is an opportunity for valuable takeaways. Here is what some of them have to say. I’ve learnt that athletes are often not recognised for the hard work they put in and it’s quite sad as the only way to gain recognition is through winning something. Nathaniel (6C42) 58
I’ve gained leadership skills, such as making decisions and time-management. I’ve also made many friends, found a new hobby and learnt not to give up easily. Bryan Shi (6C41)
However, our team does face many challenges not just during competition season, but also during regular weekly trainings. For instance, the condition of the weather plays a major part in our trainings, with members being unable to train on the courts during poor weather (e.g. rain, lightning alerts). The heat can be unbearable at times as well, but with the help of our team visors, water from a chilled icebox, and lots of sunblock, our members are able to stay strong and push through our trainings! What other challenges do our members face? I wasn’t used to the training style CCA session at first, but after throwing myself into the sport, it quickly became enjoyable and trainings became something I look forward to every week. Peter Liao (5c42)
I think one of the greatest obstacles would be the lack of experience that became really obvious during A Divisions. Renee Lee (5C31)
Thankfully, we have the support of our teachers-in-charge, Mr Alan Tan and Dr Adrian How, and our Coach, to help us along this tennis journey.
Upon interviewing our beloved coach, he expressed that his“love for the game”spurred him to start coaching Tennis. Despite the odds, his coaching experience in DHS has been “pleasant so far”. However, there is always room for improvement, as he felt that there could be“more training sessions”. Also, with the monumental achievement of our girls entering the quarterfinals in the A division this year, our coach felt a“sense of accomplishment”due to the circumstances the girls were put under and how they managed to emerge stronger after every round of failure. Our inexperience in the sport makes the CCA not just challenging for Dunmanians, but also for our coach who has to teach us the essential skills from scratch. Nonetheless, our coach never fails to guide us through with patience and keeps the training atmosphere light-hearted with his occasional jokes. Lastly, our coach has given us an inspirational talk on what Tennis truly means to him.
“Tennis for me is when players walk off the court and you really can’t tell whether they won or lost, when they carry themselves with pride either way, knowing that they have given their very best.” Tennis is ultimately a mental sum game capable of developing one’s character, while reaping positive side effects namely a healthier body, a group of close-knit friends and a life of fulfilment.
TO-DO: Follow SH PUBS @ https://issuu.com/dhs.shpublications
Our Writ e rs: Ang We i Pin Beverley Tan Charma ine Tan Chong K ai Qing Faith Ch ong Gabriel L ee Geneviev eS Hu Min S oh hi Joyce Lim Yang Bo shuo Zheng Y i Our Des igne rs: Chong K ai Qing Faith Ch ong Hoh Cho i May Winnie K oon Zheng Y i Special T hanks to our Teac Ms Khen he rs: g Hwee Teng Mdm Ho ng Lan
all image s belong t o their respectiv e owners.