meDIA - Issue 3

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Member of the Asscoiated Press . Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenhswse. Cejhciebce fcdcdcd.

ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Wednesday, November 24, 1892

Est. 1869

Price 6d

CHILDREN IN LABOR The life of a child working in the field of labor can be quite the challenge as the living conditions are not up to par with the average home, the children have no choice but to work there as they need to bring in money for their family no matter how little or how much money it is. People say that if these children keep working in factories, they will not be educated when they themselves have kids.


There are also some strict

One of the children

penalties for slacking off such as losing half a shilling every time they are late to work or laughing or smiling which is very cruel to children as they should be learning, educating themselves and learning how to make a life for themselves instead of working in factories for such little wage. The current status of the conditions mean that the children are surrounded by dirt, urine & feces which recent studies have shown can cause sever diseases that could prove to be fatal, as well as the smog & smoke the children are exposed to on a daily basis

I had quoted said “Master would beat us if we didn’t sweep the floor every hour and he would cut off a whole shilling every time we would smile, he was also especially very rude with the little girls.” This quote may seem very disturbing however the master has denied these allegations. The people are now demanding and protesting for better factory and living conditions.

Grade 9 History students did a newspaper article on London, after the Factory Act of 1883

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