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UPFRONT: Fieldays 2021
Health in the heartland
This year, Diabetes NZ was once again part of Fieldays – the biggest agricultural trade show in the Southern Hemisphere.
In 2021, Fieldays had a massive Health and Wellbeing Hub, which was opened by Kiingi Tūheitia and featured 33 different organisations.
Three of our branches worked together to co-ordinate Diabetes NZ’s stand in the Hub. Diabetes NZ staff included Karen Reed (Rotorua), Lena Fendley (Tauranga), and Jo Chapman (Head Office). Our wonderful volunteers were from Waikato Branch: Murray Dear, Phil Letford, Tim Atkinson, Clare Mataira, Robyn Van Wijk, Rob Martinsen, and Grace Wyatt.
In total, 133,000 people visited Fieldays this year, and more than 42,000 visited the Health and Wellbeing Hub. At its busiest, more than 1,700 people per hour came through the doors.
We had a video playing to educate punters about foot care, and gave away 1450 DU’IT foot creams to about 1300 people. We met and chatted with many more.
Our stand’s position – near the Waikato DHB diabetes team, Kidney and Diabetes Nutrition, and Kidney Health NZ – enabled us to make cross-referrals.
Volunteer Grace Wyatt says, ‘I thoroughly enjoyed the interaction with the public and other stand holders. The screen display stopped many people in their tracks, and I was surprised that many people with type 2 diabetes didn’t know why looking after their feet was so important. Having the DU’IT foot cream samples to give away helped drive home the message.
‘The fizzy drink and sugar display drew everyone’s attention, especially younger people, many of whom admitted to drinking multiple bottles or cans daily. When told how many teaspoons of sugar can be consumed across all food groups in one day and how many they were consuming in one can or bottle, most were shocked.’
Chief Executive Heather Verry appeared on Fieldays TV, talking about diabetes and health in rural regions. You can see her panel interview at www.fieldaysonline.co.nz/fieldays-tv/video-ondemand-2021 – look for the video ‘Taking the Pulse of Rural Health’.
Above: Clare Mataira and Jo Chapman from Diabetes NZ chat to Associate Minister of Health Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall. Right: Kiingi Tūheitia opens the Health and Wellbeing Hub.
THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Equal, Du'it, Fitbit and Skellerup Red Band.