Numéros Naturais

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Expressões Com Números Naturais 1.(2 x 3 ­ 4)2+10:5 R= 6 2.[16:8+(4:2+2 x 1)2]­5 R=13 3.(4 x 2­3x1)2+18:9 + 24 : 4 R= 33 4.21:7+(5 x 1­2x2)5+10 R= 14 5.[(5 + 12)­6]2+45:5+1 R= 11 6.20:4+6:3+(3 x 4­9 x 1)2 R= 16 7.[14+(4 x 5 ­ 3 x 6)3]­18:9 R= 20 8.(3 x 6 ­7 x 2)3+ (16 : 8 – 12 : 12)6 R= 65 9.8+63:(14:7+6°)2+2 x 10 R= 35 10.8:4+(4­16:8)2+(10:5+45:9)° R= 7 11.[(64:8­19:19)2+50:25]­(3 x 5­7 x 2) R= 50

12.[54:9+(5 x 4+6 x 5­4 x 3)°­20:10 R=5 13.[10+6 X 4+(15:3+21:7)2]­5 x 10 R=48 14.12:6+16 : 8 +(48:6­55:11)2 – 2° R= 12 15.[10 x 2+3 x 5­(72:9­49:7)8+9° R= 35 16.[(3 x 4+5 x 4)­4 x 8]+19+(5 X 6 ­ 4 x 7)2 R= 5 17. 18. 19. 20.

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