ITTLE or no attempt has been made to classify the following items, among which will be found some of the most subtle ideas that I know in Card Magic.
This move was shown to me over a quarter of a century ago by a Scotch conjurer, Carl Hengler, of Glasgow, who informed me that a pupil of John Henry Anderson the famous Wizard of the North, had taught it to him in his (Hengler’s) youth. This sleight—which is used to slip a card from the centre of the pack to the bottom—is easy to explain, but extremely difficult of accomplishment in an indetec table manner. Hold the pack in the left hand as if about to make the double handed pass, inserting the third and middle fingers of the same hand above the lower half. Press downwards with those fingers and draw the top card of the lower half to the bottom. No noise should be made and the first finger should not shoot out as shown in Fig. 13. Hengler’s method of presentation was the following. A card having been returned to the centre of the pack, he would inquire :—“ What part of the pack would you like your card to appear ? The top, the bottom or the centre ? ” If the top were chosen, a double handed pass was immediately made. To bring the required card to the bottom, the Anderson slip was used. The same sleight may be employed to draw a card from the centre to the bottom, reversing it in the process. This variation is vastly easier of execution and it is mentioned by Mr. W. G. Craigen in the June, 1929, issue of The Magic Wand. In this connection I may mention an improvement recently shown to me by Mr. Mulholland.
Hold the pack in the usual position for the pass, but insert all four fingers between the upper and lower halves. These fingers press on the top card of the lower portion in readiness to perform the “reverse slip.” Keeping a firm grip with the right hand, move the entire pack towards the right and slide it on to the out stretched fingers of the left hand. Fig. 56. Under cover of this movement, the selected card is slipped to the bottom and reversed. Needless to add, silence is essential.
“CONTROLLED COINCIDENCE” (Victor Farelli) TWO cards are chosen from a pack by two spectators, each removing his card from a different part of the pack. These cards (which are not forced) are retained by the choosers. An ordinary penknife is handed to one of the helpers, who slips it into the re mainder of the pack at any position he fancies. Without any sleight occurring, the magician genuinely separates the pack at this place. For the first time, the spectator is asked to show the face of his card— which is, say, the Ten of Hearts. At the request of the magician, he now examines the cards where the pack has been " broken " by the knife insertion—and finds the bottom card of the top packet is a TEN, whilst the top card of the bottom packet is a HEART! Truly a surprising coincidence! BUT NOW—the second spectator also took a card—what of this? Gently running out the cards, backs up across the table, the magician shows one card to be re versed. The name of the second card is now asked for and proves, for example, the Jack of Clubs. The chooser is asked to come up and remove the reversed card, together with the one immediately above it. He finds that one of these cards is a JACK and the other a CLUB. Again desig nating the actual card he has chosen !
Note that YOU DO NOT FORCE ANYTHING AT ANY TIME—THAT THE ENTIRE “ DOUBLE EFFECT ” MAY BE DONE WITHOUT DIFFICULT MOVES OR SLEIGHTS— NOTHING TO COUNT OR MEMORISE—ANY MAKE OF CARDS USED—NO PREPARED CARDS ARE REQUIRED. A PERFECT CARD MYSTERY, which may be worked anywhere. This unusual effect—one of the best " close-range ” items we have seen—is the invention of Victor Farelli, who has per formed it before many magicians, who were unable to fathom the secret. The effect, based upon an entirely novel conception in card magic, is but ONE OF FOUR on this principle. We have no space to describe the remaining effects, but the one above-mentioned is itself worth the price. All are concisely described in an exclusive illustrated booklet of 5,000 wordlength, as follows: —A STRANGE CO-
INCIDENCE; THE REVERSAL; CHOICE FORETOLD; THE MARVELLOUS DIS COVERY; Suggestions and Tips. How to use the special method employed for other effects. A typical Farelli lesson in magic.” Price (without cards) 3/-, post 2d. U.S.A., $1.00 post paid.
“THE ODIN RINGS” THIS book is a translation of a recent French work describing for the first time in print M. Claudius Odin's method of per forming the Chinese Rings; a most ingeni ous routine for which he is justly famous in France. The translator has added three appendices containing the latest novel notions in EXPERT RING MANIPULA TION. Profusely illustrated throughout, and specially indexed for easy reference. Bound in board covers with two-colour wrapper. The low price of the volume brings it within every worker’s reach. NOW READ THIS! That great authority, JOHN NORTHERN HILLIARD, Author of Downs' "ART of MAGIC,” and Manager to HOWARD THURSTON, writes in a letter to Mr. Farelli: — " I once told ' Namreh' that his treatise on the ' Lincoln Rings ’ was the grammar of that ancient miracle. If that is in any way a sound tribute, then your Odin Rings ’ is the poetry of the Art.” I READ THE BOOK WITH ENTHUSIASM. IT SURPASSED MY MOST SANGUINE EXPECTA TIONS. A GLORIOUS BOOK on one of the greatest of all Magical classics. There is no one writing in Magic to-day I admire more.” (s.) J. N. HILLIARD. Contents include: THE EFFECT; THE ODIN COUNT; LINKING THE RINGS; UNLINKING; TIPS AND IDEAS; A CHUNG LING SOO METHOD, in which Soo threw out each ring separately; and FINAL NOTES. Price 6/6, post 3d. U.S.A., S2 .00 .
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BOBBY & CO., LTD Printers, Margate
Part One of
“Farelli’s Card Magic” contains a large number of varied effects, moves and subtleties of use to all card magicians. ORDER THIS PART NOW from the dealer who supplied this booklet.
NOTE: Parts I and II are arranged so that if desired both may be bound together into one volume.