Mastering Facebook PPC

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 - Getting Started Section 2 - Daily Action Plan Section 3 - Facebook Ads PPC Overview


Section 1

Getting Started Facebook is the leading social community online. With over 1.4 billion users, there has never been a better way to maximize your exposure, and get your message seen by a massive customer base. The greatest thing about advertising with Facebook, is the flexibility of your ads. You can customize your ads so they appear only to specific groups, or segments of people, based on the information contained within their profile or based on gender, location or personal preferences. I will show you in this ebook what you will need to do on Facebook, every day, to build your personal brand. It is the audience that you create on Facebook that will help you to build a long term, sustainable and profitable online business. Your integrity is paramount. Your “Fans” trust you, so think carefully before adding any content. All content must truly add value. Setting up your Facebook Fan Page 1.

To create a Fan Page visit: and follow the instructions there.


Unless you actually own the Company, always brand YOU and not the company you represent. Things change so focus on your “Personal” brand.


Choose the category for your page. You are a person, so choose “Business Person” or “Entrepreneur” and stay away from “Product or Service” unless there is a good reason to choose that. You can always share your products under your personal brand, so that gives you the flexibility to do that.


Add a professional profile image. This is your business page so invest in your business and have some really great photographs done by a professional if you can’t do them yourself.


Add a professional cover image to your Fan Page. There is a great free tool available at that will allow you to design a cover image to the exact sizes required for Facebook.



Complete the “About Me” section on your Fan Page. Let people know who you are and what you can offer them.


Review all of the “Settings” on the Fan Page and provide detailed information about your brand.


Make sure that you enter the link to your website and your contact email. I would not

Gallery 1.1 My Business Page Cover

I created this with Canva totally for free.

advise showing your personal address or personal phone numbers, although business contact details are perfectly acceptable. 9.

Claim your Vanity url. Sometimes you can claim it immediately when creating your page but other times you have to wait until you get 25 fans. Either way, be sure to claim it or the url will be an unattractive string of letters and numbers.

10. Example of a vanity URL: - that’s my page, it’s not perfect yet but it’s well on its way and the number of Fans is building well. Please take a moment and take a look, a “Like” would be much appreciated! 11. My “Brand” is all about time, location and financial freedom. For me quality of life is really important and helping people to achieve that is my #1 goal. Hopefully I have captured the essence of that in this image.


Section 2

Daily Action Plan 1. POSTING Building an audience on Facebook is all about engagement and interaction. You need to be adding content by posting a minimum of 3 times a day. If you have good and valuable content to share, then share it! Spread out your status updates throughout the course of the day so you are reaching your fans when they are online. Check out your Fan Page’s insights panel to see when your fans are online the most. The “Schedule” button is really helpful. You can spend some time at the weekend or whenever it suits you, prepare your posts for the week ahead, and schedule them to be posted whenever you want them to go. Post Planner is a great resource too, not just for planning posts ahead of time, but for helping with content too, particularly if you are short on time. You can check it out here: At the time of writing this, there is a Coupon Code MYLOVE15 you can apply when you use the link above. 2. CHECKING MESSAGES Check for messages regularly and reply promptly. You have worked hard to create engagement so this is an essential routine. You “Fans” need to know that you value them and their opinions so interact positively at all times. You can turn the message button on or off in your Fan Page settings. 3. CHECKING YOUR FAN PAGE The same applies if anyone has posted on your Fan Page. Respond promptly to them every time. 4. COMMENTS Always respond to Fans who have commented on any of your posts, this is the “Engagement” that you are looking for.


Note: 90% of your status updates should be value driven and 10% of status updates should be designed to result in leads or sales. What works really well is taking people way from Facebook and on to your blog or website. By oering something of value in the form of a blog post or video, you can then introduce your oer within that valuable piece of content. To do that, you will need to create the content on your blog, then post the url onto your page with a brief introduction. Consistency: be consistent and follow all of the steps laid out here to maximize engagement on your page. Content ideas for your status updates: 1.



quotes on images (Canva is brilliant for creating awesome images)


blog posts


upload videos to Facebook


share youtube videos


share webinars


post interesting articles within your area of interest


ask thought provoking questions


links to your other social media accounts inviting your fans to follow

10. create events in which your Fans can participate 11. if you get stuck, Post Planner has loads of engaging content to fill the gaps.


Section 3

Facebook Ads - PPC Overview In order to start to promote your new Page and/or your website, you will need to click on “Create Ad” currently located under “Pages” in the left sidebar when you are logged into Facebook. You will then be taken to a screen that looks like this: FB Ads

See below for definitions for each of these.

Facebook AD Types: Here’s a brief overview of how you might use the ads available to you in Facebook. Facebook has billions of users and Facebook ads allow you to target your audience very accurately, so from a marketing perspective this is a brilliant medium to master. 1.

Drive traffic to your website outside of Facebook.


Increase Conversions on Your Website - You will need to have installed a conversion tracking pixel on your site to use this. I will cover in more detail in a later training. 6


Boost Your Posts - Boost your status update posts to the top of the newsfeed of your targeted audience.


Promote Your Page - Get “likes” to your Fan Page.


Get Installs of Your App - App Developers tool.


Increase Engagement in Your App - App Developers tool.


Reach People Near Your Business - Create this ad for local advertising.


Raise Attendance at Your Event - Promote your event on Facebook to your targeted audience.


Get People to Claim Your Offer - Get more people to claim the offer you have created on your page.

10. Get Video Views - Get more video views to a video you have uploaded on your Facebook Fan Page. (Not a Youtube video) Getting Started With Facebook PPC: To increase you personal “Brand Awareness”, to start generating leads, and to make sales you will need to have these three types of ads running. You will need to allocate a marketing budget and a sensible budget initially is $10 to $20 a day. Once you have mastered all the nuances of Facebook PPC, and started to evaluate what is working and what is not, then you can scale up. Your marketing investment must be seen as that, an investment not a cost. You need to start to measure your results in terms of ROI, “Return on Investment”. It is important to build an audience but not “At all Costs”. The objective with all types of marketing is to create an income stream that exceeds the marketing budget. 1.

Page Post Engagement Ads: there are two primary objectives here and the targeting is different for each, so you will need two ads running. The objective is to accelerate a status update to the top of the news feed of your target audience. Ideally you will always have a page post engagement ad targeting your fans, to increase brand awareness, and another Page Post Engagement Ad to target an audience that you feel would be interested in your Page Post. By doing this you will get results in the form of “likes” to your page and an increase in your personal brand awareness.


A “Likes” Ad: to get people to “Like” your Fan Page.



A Send People to Your Website Ad: To direct traffic outside of Facebook to your offers, blog posts, etc. You are looking here for traffic to your website to create leads and sales. Always use the “Call to Action” button and add a description below your image too. Keep that short...too many words can put people off.

Check your ads daily and optimize for peak performance! Only by analyzing your ads daily you will be able to determine if an ad is working or not. If it is not performing, switch it off and try another ad until you get the one that is getting the maximum results for minimum marketing spend. Create Targeted Advertisements To create the most compelling, responsive and profitable ads, you need to utilize Facebook’s option to target very accurately your target market. Facebook enables you to set your ads up so that they appear only to specific people, based on age, location, gender, interests, hobbies or even based on the groups they have joined within the Facebook community.
 You will want to conduct market research so that you can accurately define your target market and develop advertisements that target specific segments of your chosen audience. Having highly targeted ads is one of the best ways to improve your results. You want your ad to appear only to those who are within your target demographic, whilst making sure that your ads text and images speak directly to your defined targeted audience. That will maximize your CTR (Click Through Rate) and ensure that your ad gets maximum exposure. I mentioned this briefly earlier, you should pay attention to the times of day that your ads appear. You can choose to either run your ads consistently throughout the day, or have them only appear at specific times (or even specific dates). Keep in mind the time zone of your target market, so that your ads are running based on the most active time of day or night. You can check that out by reviewing “Insights” on your page. CPC Versus Impression Based Ads On Facebook, you can set up ads where you pay for impressions, the number of times your ad is “Served” (Note the distinction, “Served”, not “Seen”) or based on the number of clicks your ad receives.


If you are just getting started with Facebook advertising, I recommend choosing cost per click (CPC), so that you can accurately test your advertisements, while paying only for responses rather than just views. Let Facebook optimize them for the best results. Follow Facebook Guidelines It’s important to understand how Facebook advertising works, and what is permitted, as well as what is not allowed, within the marketplace. Facebook is very flexible with the types of advertisements that are allowed to be displayed within their community, however they do not allow images or text that may be considered offensive. Images used in Facebook ads cannot include more than 20% words. They actually check that using a grid system, so be clear you are not outside these parameters before submitting an image. You can check your image by visiting: All images are required to be to a certain size. For full details visit:

Thank you for requesting a copy of my Getting Started with Facebook PPC ebook. I am committed to helping entrepreneurs like you succeed online. Here’s to your success! Mark Prosser For more in depth Facebook ads training, you can access my video coaching program at:

PS - Always remember that Facebook has its own unique quality control system to ensure that the advertisements that run throughout their community stay within their guidelines and do not offend or disrupt member activity or overall experience. Use their quality control system to develop compelling ads that stand out in the marketplace, and capture the attention of potential new customers and clients. 9


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