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Diana Douglas

Fort Lauderdale, United States

Gentlemen, for those of you who have not had the pleasure of knowing me, let me fill you in on who I am as a beautiful individual within. I am a M2F Gender in progress and this is how my transition began. In my early adulthood life residing in the boring small town of North Augusta, SC until age 17. I have always felt like I was a woman trapped in a man's body. My reasons for this, stem back to my early recollection of my childhood. I never felt comfortable with the skin I was within. That is the reason I do not believe in labels, sex-orientation, or pref. people are people What is the purpose of Gay-Stra8-Bi-etc. I believe in human Beings with feelings. I am the type of person who does not look for individuals as far as, Money, Materialistic items, appearances. What I look for in someone is the way they carry themselves and that all boils down to personality. What is the purpose of Gay, Straight, Bisexual, or Otherwise. I believe in Human Beings with feelings.
