S t e p b y S t e p g u i d e s O n H o w To u s e M y A I E S E C . n e t
Managing Team Leader Programme And Team Member Programme
Managing Team Leader Programme And Team Member Programme
1.0. Creating a TLP and TMP..................................................................................................5 1.1. Creating a Team..............................................................................................................6 1.2. Approving teams ...........................................................................................................6 1.3. Creating a Role...............................................................................................................7 1.4. Assigning P/EB roles, TN managers, EP managers and Account Managers....................8 1.4.1. Assigning P/EB roles..............................................................................................8 1.4.2. Assign TN Manager Role.......................................................................................9 1.4.3. Assigning EP manager Role.................................................................................11 1.4.4. Assigning Account Manager................................................................................12 2.0. Finding and Taking TLP or TMP Opportunities.............................................................15 2.1. Applying to take TLP or TMP.........................................................................................15 2.2 Applying directly to take TMP or TLP programmes.......................................................17 2.3. Getting Assigned into a Roles...................................................................................... 19 3.0. Using the Role Shortlist Menu.....................................................................................21 4.0. Approving and Rejecting Teams...................................................................................22
Introduction This user guide outlines how to use for creating and managing the Team leader and team member role. It shows the steps needed to perform basic functions like creating teams, assigning roles and looking for opportunities in the system. This guide would use screenshots illustration to make it easier to use. Each step explained is precedent with the type of users who can take them. The phase, programme or the extra role the user needs to be assigned on the system. This is explained by Actors. The available Actors are.
SU: Super User AI/P-EB: AIESEC International Team. P.: President. EB.: Executive member. TL.: Someone taking a Team Leader Programme TM.: Someone taking a Team Member Programme TN Manager.: Manager. Someone managing a TN form EP Manager.: Manager. Someone managing an EP form Account Manager.: Someone managing an organisation on the system Engager.: Someone who just registered and has not taken any of the ELD Programmes Inactive.: Someone who is on ELD but is currently not taken any of the ELD Programmes GIP/GCDP.: Someone taking either the GIP or GCDP programme.
1. Create a TLP or TMP Opportunity To have either a TLP or TMP opportunity on the system, Teams and roles must be created. Find the steps for creating these outlined 1.1 Creating a Team Every Team member programme or Team leader program begins with the creation of a team. Actors: SU, P/EB, P, EB, TL Steps ? To create a team, go to AIESEC Programmes --> Team Leader ? Under the Manage New Team tab, click on Create new Team
You would be taking to the Creating new team page
Fill in the Team details and click on Create Team button to create the team.
Create a TLP or TMP Opportunity
1.2. Approving Teams Teams do not automatically get added to the system on creation if the team is created by a TL or EB. IF the team is created by a TL, P/EB needs to approve. IF team is created by EB, then P needs to approve. Actors: SU, AI P/EB, P, EB Steps ? Login and go to AIESEC programmes --> Team Leader Under Manage team, find the Approve/Reject team link.
This would take you to the page where you can search for the team based on the scope
On searching, you would see the list of teams that are pending in that entity. You can then proceed and approve
? ?
Create a TLP or TMP Opportunity
1. 3 Creating A Role After a team is created, the next thing is to create a role in the Team. A TLP or TMP opportunity would not appear in the system until a role, either TL or TM is created on the system. Apart from the main Team member roles and team leader roles, P/EB roles can also be created. Note that P/EB roles exists only in entities. 1.3.1. Creating P/EB Role Actors: SU, AI P/EB, P, EB Steps ? Login and go to AIESEC programmes --> Team Leader ? Under Manage Team Experiences click on Create Role.
? You would be taken to the page where you can search for the Team in which you want to create a new role. First you would be asked if the team is an Entity or a Team. Entities are Member committees and local committees. While teams are the normal teams that exist in the system.
Since it is an P/EB role we want to create, then we select Entity.
Create a TLP or TMP Opportunity
This would load the page where you can go ahead with the role creation.
Fill in the details and select President or Executive Board. Clicking on Create Role would create the role and make it available in the Opportunity database.
? ?
1.4. Assigning P/EB Roles, TN Manager, EP Manager and Account Manager. Other roles exist in the system which determines what the user can have access to in the system. These roles are P/EB, TN manager, EP manager and Account manager roles. Find the steps to assign users to the roles 1.4.1. Assigning P/EB Roles Actors: Actors: SU, P/EB, P, EB, TL. Steps ? Login and go to AIESEC programmes --> Team Leader ? Under Manage Team experiences find Roles Assignment and click it. ? This would take you to a page where you select the entity the role would would exist in. ? Select Entity and either President or Executive Board, fill in other details and click on Assign New Roles. Clicking on the Assign New Roles link loads the page where you can search for the user.
Create a TLP or TMP Opportunity
The results would be displayed on a page where you can see the user and assign the new role too. ?
Click on the Assign New Role to Assign the P/EB role to the user.
1.4.2. Assign TN Manager Role TN manager is another role you can assign into users. To assign a user to be a TN manager, the user needs to be taken either a TMP or TLP programme. Actors: SU, AI P/EB, P, EB, TL Steps ? Login and go to AIESEC programmes --> Team Member ? Look under Exchange management and click Manage Forms.
? You would see a page where you can choose whether it is a TN form or EP form you want to work with. ? Select TN form as we want to assign a TN Manager. This loads the page where you search the TN form
Create a TLP or TMP Opportunity ?
On searching, you would get the result of the TN below the page.
Select the form, by clicking on the radio button and click on Change Form Manager at the bottom
Create a TLP or TMP Opportunity
Page where you can then select the user to be assigned as the TN manager loads.
Selecting the new user from the drop down menu and click on the Update TN Manager button.
1.4.3. Assign EP Manager Role EP manager is another role you can assign into users. To assign a user to be a EP manager, the user needs to be taken either a TMP or TLP programme. Actors: SU, AI P/EB, P, EB, TL The steps to Assign EP manager is as the same as for TN manager
Create a TLP or TMP Opportunity
1.4.4 Assign Account Manager Role Just as you can assign EP and TN manager, you can also assign Account Managers. To assign a ? user as an account manager, the user should be taking either TLP or TMP. Actors: SU, AI P/EB, P, EB, TL Steps ? To create a team, go to AIESEC Programmes --> Team Member. ? Click the Partnership Management in the drop down menu.
This would load the Partnership Management Menu page.
? Under All Organization click on the organization you want to assign a new Account Manager to. This would load the page for the organization.
Create a TLP or TMP Opportunity
Click on the Account Management link. This would load the details of the account.
Find the EDIT link at the top right corner of the page and click on it. This takes you to a page where you can edit the details of the account. ?
Create a TLP or TMP Opportunity
You would notice the Edit Account Manager link besides the current Account manager. Click on it to change the account manager. Do so loads a page where you search for the new user ?
On searching you would see the user. Click on the Select button to make New Account Manage
On searching you would see the user. Click on the Select button to make New Account Manager
2. Finding and Taking TLP or TMP Opportunity Once a team is created and a role has been assigned it automatically becomes available in the Opportunity database, where members can search to take up a TMP or TLP programme. The process of taking a TMP or TLP is the same so it would be explained together. There are 3 ways a member can take up a TMP/TLP program. 1. Applying to take a TMP/TLP program 2. Applying directly for a TMP/TLP program 3. Getting Assigned into a Role. We would go through these 3 options now. 2.1 Applying to take a TMP/TLP program Actors: All Users Steps ? Login to and click on My Experience --> Take Team Member Program for TMP or My Experience --> Take Team Leader Program for TLP.
This takes you to the page where you are asked to update all your profile information.
Fill in the Team details and click on Create Team button to create the team.
Finding and Taking TLP or TMP Opportunity ? The system would require you to have all your profile information updated before you can allow to click on the apply button. ? When you click the Apply button, you would be taken to a page where you can search for available TMP or TLP depending on which link you clicked.
Searching and finding an opportunity would take you to the opportunity page. Example of an opportunity page ?
Taking up the opportunity is as simple as clicking on the Apply Button. ? You won't start the Program until your application has been approved. ?
Finding and Taking TLP or TMP Opportunity
2.2 Applying directly to take a TMP/TLP program Actors: All Users Steps ? Login to the system and go to Connect --> View Team Member Opportunities for TMP or Connect --> View Team leader Opportunities for TLP.
You would be taken to a page where you can search the opportunities.
On searching, you would get the result of Opportunities found as illustrated:
Finding and Taking TLP or TMP Opportunity
To see more details, select the opportunity and click on the Show Opportunity Details. This load the Opportunity page where you can see more details and can apply. ?
Taking up the opportunity is as simple as clicking on the Apply Button. If you have an incomplete profile, the system prompts you first to fill your profile information. ? Note, you won't be considered to have started the Program until your application has been approved. ?
Finding and Taking TLP or TMP Opportunity
2.3. Getting Assigned Into A Role You use this when you have people working in a role in an entity and you won't to recreate this on the system, or you open an opportunity and you have someone already you want to take this opportunity. Actors: SU, AI P/EB, P, EB, TL. Login and go to AIESEC programmes --> Team Leader ? ? Under Manage Team Experience click on Role Assignement
This would take you to a page where you select the entity the role should be and if it is a P/EB role or Team member/Team Leader you want created. Select Team Member/Team Leader and click on Assign New Roles. ?
Clicking on the Assign New Roles link loads the available teams to which roles can be assigned to. ?
Select the Role to which you want to assign someone to and click on Search. This loads the page where you can search for the user. ?
Finding and Taking TLP or TMP Opportunity ? Select the Role to which you want to assign someone to and click on Search. This loads the page where you can search for the user.
Search for the user. The results would be displayed on a page where you can see the user and assign the new role too.
Click on the Assign New Role to Assign the role to the user. ? When the role is assigned, the user need to accept this role before it can become active. To do this. User goes to My Experience and under My AIESEC click on Roles in Team. ?
Look under the Future role sections to Accept or Reject roles.
3. Using The Role Shortlist Menu ? When users apply to take up either a Team Leader Programme or Team member programme, they don't start the programme until they are approved. The process of Approval or Rejection is done using the Role shortlist menu. Follow the listed steps to access the menu. Actors: SU, AI P/EB, P, EB, TL.
Steps ? Login and go to AIESEC programmes --> Team Leader. ? Under Manage Team Experience click on Role Shortlist Menu.
A page loads where you can select an Entity or Team
? Chosing Entity or Team would load a page where you can then search for the team in which you want to approve or reject applicants.
? This would then load the active TLP and TMP opportunities in that entity or team. You can then proceed to Approve or Reject the applicants
4. Approving and Rejecting Teams When teams are created on the system, they needs to be approve first before they become active on the system. The steps of Approving or Rejecting teams is outlined. Actors: SU, AI P/EB, P, EB. ?
Steps ? Login and go to AIESEC programmes --> Team Leader. ? Under Manage Team click on Approve/Reject team.
A page loads where you can select an Entity or Team
Chosing Entity or Team would load a page where you can then search for the team you want to approve or reject applicants. ?
Use the form shown below to choose a region in which you want to search for teams pending approval or rejection. Clicking on the search button list the available pending teams. ?
Approving and Rejecting Teams
You see the Teams pending listed out. Use the dropdown menu by the right to either approve or reject