Blogging for Your Personal Brand makes ‘You HQ’ “A Stream” diana
Blogging for Your Personal Brand makes you “A Stream” for your business Your Personal Brand Website is perhaps the most powerful form of communication you have, and with it comes your own owned Blogging space providing you with a blank canvas on which to paint magic. It is here that you will post articles, clips, photos, quotes whatever surrounds Your Business called You. This very precious platform provides you with the tools to become a recognized thought leader within your area of expertise. It is the information you generate here that will ultimately bring your followers, opportunities and connections.
Your Personal Brand Blog Tells the World You Know How to Communicate Your blog will demonstrate your ability to communicate and this is one of the most needed skills in today’s market. To all young graduates starting out I would strongly recommend starting a blog, of course I would say that this should be a part of Your Personal Brand Website as you want to own your own and control your own material. These posts that you create become a part of Your Brand and should be shared across your social media profiles. You can attach your Google+ profile to your site and claim Google authorship, meaning that anything you post in the future will show up in Google with your photo beside it. This provides you powerful credibility and another star on your chart.
Bloggers are well-educated: 7 out of 10 bloggers have gone to college, a majority of whom are graduates
Your Blog = Your Brand It is via these posts that people are gaining an understanding of you and your thoughts, knowledge, humour, and so much more. Posts can sometimes be likened to adverts however they are far more powerful. Your post stays on your site and grows links, if your information is evergreen, it is always relevant so may be referred to many years later. Herein lays the power of a blog, if you post today this time next year that post will still be there and may still be being shared and connected to. The more you blog,the more people will connect to you the more people you will meet, the more You and Your Brand “You HQ” will grow.
Before long you will have built up a following, this following is super important Business Equity, these followers are people who read what you are writing perhaps comment on it, these people may be sat on the other side of the world in a different time zone. It doesn’t matter as long as you are producing interesting, engaging content your opportunities are increasing daily and globally. Therefore Blogging for Your Personal Brand makes ‘You HQ’ “A Stream”.
Blogging for Your Brand is not for the Lazy Blogging is not for the lazy person, to produce a post that is interesting, that makes someone think and question takes time and quite often a lot of hard work to find a topic. However the effort is 100% worth it, those that do produce content on a regular basis for their blogs are indeed to be admired, it is no easy task. Yet the payback for the effort is massive, you may not see it in monetary terms, though many successful bloggers do, but you will see it when you mention your blog to friends, when you tell an employer, a client or associate their estimation of you most definitely spikes. Neil Patel from Quick sprout offers this excellent article Why does Your Blog impress People? Why? perhaps because they know how much work it can be to keep a blog going? Perhaps because they have thought about it but never gotten around to doing it? Or perhaps they just don’t know how to? Reasons to not do something – its easy… You will always find reasons not to do something, which takes the pain away; in this instance I would strongly suggest you don’t. If you are a young person and have recently graduated statistics tell us that you will have 15 jobs during your career, how do you to keep the momentum going between employs? how are you going to attract new offers? Your Blog and Your Personal Brand Website will go a long way to securing future offers and opportunities and all the while you are building something that is worthwhile, that may in the future provide you opportunities to Speak, Join Groups, Write a book.
Your Personal Brand, Your Influence We are all influenced by our friends and our connections, when we want to buy something we will generally ask a
friend about the product first, then we will Google it, check it out in social and lastly find some blogs relating to it and this is where Your Blog comes in. You have the power to influence people to take a direction, to help them make the right decision, this is super powerful a skill that is needed and paid for by many businesses, you see you just got another arrow to your bow. Blogging for Your Personal Brand makes ‘You HQ’ “A Stream”
61% of US consumers have made a purchase based on a blog post
This is Your life make it great. We live in a world of huge competition and it is up to each of us to be the “A Stream” kids in order to survive, this means learning new skills, connecting more, be the best you can be and above all finding ways to help others. People who make their life’s work, helping others will always succeed, Your Brand ,Your Blog is exactly the space where you can offer solutions to problems that people/companies face, again you are demonstrating another top skill that being critical thinking or problem solving. Wondering how to start and where to start first set up Your own, owned Website at it’s easy and then begin your blogging journey we provide you will excellent training videos to get you started in the right direction. Ingvar Bjork /