Yourpersonalbrandname com personal brand websites makes you top priority (2)

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Personal Brand Websites Makes You Top Priority diana

Prioritise Yourself and do it today Personal Brand Websites make You Top Priority…Prioritise Yourself and do it today .. Take a moment to soak in those words they may be the most important words You will ever read.. Why is that? The simple answer is if you don’t then someone else will.. This is your life, make it important, make it useful, make it known, help others, make it count…

If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs. Dhirubhai Ambani

Part of this article is inspired by Greg McKeown author of “Essentialism” his principles are brilliant. His most recent article on Linkedin ‘The Three-Word Problem that Can Destroy Your Life ‘ talks about “the bubble of busyness” and how it consumes us and to a large extent destroys us – as we lose focus on what is important and what matters to us and to the people we are connected to. How easily we can lose focus on our life’s ambitions and goals and get swamped in the “ever evolving busyness of our connected, consumerist world”. The article made me pause for a moment to consider if by advocating Personal Brand Websites I was indeed adding to the problem, however on reflection I do not believe that is true. Rather I advocate Essentialism and believe it is promoted via the route of adopting a Personal Brand Website as the exercise of doing it gets to the core of You and being Essential. The route to Personally Branding Yourself demands a space to reflect on what is important to you, what drives you, what your most important assets are, how you add to the world around you and where you want to go and what you want to be. In Greg McKeown s’ article The Most Important Hour of Your Life he provides some thought provoking questions supplied to him by a friend that had been diagnosed with Cancer take a look below. This is a very worthwhile exercise, it most certainly provides focus.

The questions he asked himself don’t take a long time to answer. An hour may be enough. But they have the power to improve the quality of every other hour of your life. Here are the questions: Step 1: If possible get out into nature where you can feel the natural pace of the earth and not the hyperactive and inhumane pace of modern life. Step 2: Write down the question “What would I do if I only had a week left to live?” and take 10 minutes to write down your answer. Step 3: Write down the question, “What would I do if I only had a month left to live?” and take 10 minutes to write down your answer. Step 4: Write down the question, “What would I do if I only had a year left to live?” and take 10 minutes to write down your answer. Step 5: Write down the question, “What would I do if I only had five years left to live?” and take 10 minutes to write down your answer. Step 6: Write down the question, “What would I do if I only had a life left to live?” and take 10 minutes to write down your answer. Step 7: Finally, take 10 minutes to reread all of your answers while asking yourself, “How can I design my routine this week to more closely align with these answers?”

If you don’t value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents. Value what you know & start charging for it. Kim Garst

We should all be doing this otherwise what are we but pieces of flotsam floating between one tweet, like or + – it’s time to stand still and organise the way forward to your future, your goals and dreams.

Personal Brand Websites Makes You Top Priority It is not Greg alone that drove this article but also Mukesh Kumar via his article SEO Evolved: The New meaning of Search Engine Optimization and Philip Twyford via his article Is SEO Dead? – I bet you are thinking this woman has lost the plot.. hmm stay with me SEO – means search engine optimisation (for those people that have more interesting lives than mine) and why on earth is this important and what has it got to do with Personal Branding or Essentialism? Great question – am glad you asked.. ( Google, Bing,Yahoo and the rest) search for the best content that they believe will satisfy their clients, you and me, we want useful, interesting, engaging content that answers our questions. Search engines are a bit like giant super sleuths looking for content diamonds in a sea of ever increasing noisy beige

pebbles that keep jostling for attention. These search engines are essentialists they are driven to find you the best content created by authentic people who have researched, investigated and delivered a solution. Think about it whenever you want to know something you Google it, you ask a friend, you go to social media – you always ask for a reference before you buy it, use it or recommend it. Wouldn’t it be great if it was Your Personal Brand Website that was returning the answers to questions people ask? Would that bring you more clients? gain you new contacts or job interview requests? – it would be a good position to be in wouldn’t it? This is where the power of Your Personal Brand Name flexes its muscles as it is the authenticated conduit you have to providing great content for the people that matter to you. You can make a difference via your brands’ content, to your career and to the lives of people around you and distant to you. You see the Search Engines seek out the best and deliver it, it is their role and they are honour bound to do so. You are honour bound to be the best you can be, and you can be this once you have gotten rid of the clutter and drilled down to what matters, what is essentially You. Your Website puts you in the driving seat of your career, your future. Once you have your Personal Brand Website set up and you are producing shareable content that matters not only will you find that you have begun your journey to your planned destination the journey itself is rewarding and provides you with focus and clarity. You have de-cluttered, you are able to prioritise and most importantly achieve the goals you set yourself. This brings me onto my next article of inspiration Bill Gates Internet Doomsday Prophesy Comes True granted the title is not inspiring and nor is the content but instead disturbing, however it illustrates for each and every one of us how important it is to get Your Personal Brand Website in order. As Microsoft announces it will be laying off 18,000 people over the next year!! And is looking at regenerating itself and emulating a lean start up that is agile, efficient and lean, seen by many of the newer stars to the international market such as Instagram, acquired by Facebook for $1 billion when it had just 13 employees.

Personal Brand Websites Makes You Top Priority Employment Contract Hire will become the norm, hence the importance of establishing Your Personal Brand Website and establishing yourself for your skills and unique talents. People will be contracted on their ability to communicate, collaborate, solve problems and adapt to change and it is these abilities that you are easily able to demonstrate via your website.

Personal Brand Websites Makes You Top Priority

It is your site and your brand that will act as your ship to navigate these new waters, know that what you offer, your essential self is valuable and it is this that will keep you afloat while the tide turns. Hence again Prioritise Yourself and do it today.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. Mark Twain

So take a step towards your new future and sign up for Your Premium Personal Brand Website here:

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