Tatyana Photography by Diana Nguyen
Diana Takes Pictures
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I love this girl. 2 路
Diana Takes Pictures
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Diana Takes Pictures
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My girl, Tat My friend Tatyana was my final model for the month of January. We met up for a few hours on a Sunday and spent the majority of the time sitting in a bar (I had tea and she had coffee....yeah, I’m not sure how that worked out) talking and catching up. The goal was to make it to The 606, but we weren’t sure where it was in relation to the bar. I guess neither of us felt the urge to open up Google Maps on our phones. So after we downed our drinks, we just wandered aimlessly around Bucktown and had a great time. (Funny enough though, our random turns landed us at The 606. I like when things work out that way.)
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Diana Takes Pictures
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Diana Takes Pictures
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Diana Takes Pictures
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