Women Who Rock with Success-April Edition

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5EasyBreakfast LAKEISHAMCKNIGHT Ideas Healthier ThanaBlueberry Muffin





5EasyBreakfast IdeasHealthier ThanaBlueberryMuffin

byJessicaCording 8


Muffins may sound like a healthier breakfast option than dough-nuts, but the truth is they're far from it. Case in point: A reduced-fat blueberry muffin from a popular chain clocks in at 410 calories, with 10g fat (2g saturated), 75g carbs, and 39g sugar. Also worth noting: Though blueberries are technically an ingredient, the muffin doesn't actually provide any vitamin C. When you consider that a standard serving of carbs is 15g (about the equivalent of a slice of bread), one of these muffins is comparable to having five slices of toast. And since there are 4 grams of sugar in 1 teaspoon, this one muffin has roughly 10 teaspoons. That's almost double what the American Heart Association recommends women consume in an entire day. Here are some easy breakfast ideas that will actually fuel you for your day by providing a balance of protein, good fats (as opposed to artificial butter and hydrogenated whatever-the-heck), fiber, and complex carbs.

by Jessica Cor din g

Th e M u f f in M ist ak e


BLUEBERRYFLAX OATMEALWITH WALNUTS Cook 1/ 2 cu p r olled oat s w it h 1 t ablespoon gr ou n d f laxseed an d 1/ 4 t easpoon cin n am on . Top it w it h 3/ 4 cu p of blu eber r ies an d 2 t ablespoon s of w aln u t s.

by Jessica Cor din g


Th is m eal w ill clock in at 350 calor ies w it h 14.5g of h ear t -h ealt h y f at (1.5g sat u r at ed), on ly 13m g sodiu m , 48g car bs (on ly 12g su gar n at u r ally occu r r in g in t h e ber r ies), 10g f iber , an d 12g of plan t -based pr ot ein . It 's vegan t oo! (Wh ile you 'r e at it , ch eck ou t 10 New Ways t o Eat Oat m eal







5 Top Reason s f or Yoga Now !

by An it a Per r y Have you heard this old joke Q.If April Showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? A. Pilgrims! In my yoga practice, April, rather than January, seems to be the month of yoga pilgrims. Perhaps it is because I live in the cold Northeast, and winter seems to make

everyone but the hardy hibernate but April is my highest month of new students, many of whom are trying yoga for the first time. These new students, like pilgrims, are seekers. Some are seeking the physical-flexibility, relief from pain, or a low impact workout. Others are seeking the spiritual-calm, peace, tranquility, or enlightenment. Some are looking to follow

the latest fad (yes, yoga is now main streamed), some think they'll meet a hot guy (or girl) in class. Here's what you can expect should you decide to start a yoga practice: 1.Overall health and vitality in a non-competitive atmosphere, that doesn't care what you look like, where you

come from, or how fit you are or aren't 2.A healthful practice that should never, ever, hurt you 3.Better sleep, better sex, better digestion 4.Increased sense of confidence and self control 5.A glowing outer and inner you


M y lif e w as per f ect ? at least , accor din g to Facebook .

School was...an adjustment. Most of my classmates were older, career-switchers with backgrounds far different from mine. My struggle to relate to them, however, paled in comparison to my difficulty working with them. I was historically a terrible team player and avid micro-manager. Yet instead of ostracizing me, my classmates accepted my

shortcomings and supported me regardless. When I leered over my peers assigned to cooking sweetbreads or slicing chives to make sure ?everything was okay?, they indulged me with a laugh and gently shooed away my concerns. When I broke a bottle of expensive oil or burned our mandonlined apples, my classmates hurried over to help without hesitation or

finger pointing. It eventually dawned on me...my classmates cared about me. Not my resume, not my lambskin handbags, not my impressive ability to use ?vis a vis? in regular conversation - just me. This type of friendship was completely foreign to me. I began to appreciate characteristics of my classmates I never even noticed or considered before.

ClichĂŠ words like generosity, loyalty, and open-mindedness took on new meaning. And just as I began to realize what qualities were actually important in others, I began to see new possibilities for my own future. There was another option besides the narrow definition of success I?d followed for years. Perhaps it was not as well defined or as well regarded by society at large,

but my transitional time in culinary school helped me I realize personal happiness does not come from external approval - but from internal courage.

I left Columbia after one semester to start my journey in food. It was one of the hardest things I?ve ever done. For years I could hear the voices of my peers, former

coworkers and fake friends in my sleep, whispering, ?Here I thought she was going to be someone important.? What I thought would be a triumphant charge against the status quo turned into a deeply humbling realization I was starting over. It was an uphill battle to find the right type of job - I felt I fit in nowhere. I resolved to forget the titles, the pay, the hours and focus on learning. I was a

barista, a sales consultant, a recipe tester, a kitchen cook, a social media intern, among others. I explored facets of the industry I didn?t realize even existed. My last salaried role was at Le Pain Quotidien, where I was involved with the entire menu development process,

from R&D to launch, across multiple countries. Jen n y Dor sey:Ch ef , cu lin ar y con su lt an t , an d avid eat er of all t h in gs. Wh at I can n ot eat t oday, I sh all eat t om or r ow !




was talking to a speaker the other day and asked her what topic she spoke about and she answered ?whatever they want?. That might have worked in the speaking industry 20 years ago, but today?s meeting planner is looking for an expert in a topic, a thought leader who knows more about that topic than anyone else, and has a solid background to back it up.


You might think that limits your opportunities as a speaker, but it?s actually the opposite. I?ve spent some time studying the top speakers, and work with some top speakers, and one thing they have in common is that they have narrowed down their niche. They dig deep within the one thing they know better than any other speaker and they stick with it. I know so many speakers who have incredible hard skills knowledge they could be using, but say they would


ARE YOU BRANDING YOURSELF AS A SPEAKER r ather speak on topics th at meeting planners simply aren?t looking for, the speaker isn?t really an expert in, or the market is saturated with. Meeting planners talk amongst themselves, and when they are looking for a particular topic your name should come to the top of the list. If you want to speak on branding, have you ever actually created a brand yourself? You will be competing with people who have created world class brands that are household names. Why would they choose you over someone who started a Fortune 500 company with a brand that?s a household name?

I?ve seen speakers who say they speak on the topic of social media who only have 300 Twitter followers and a Klout score below 40. Why would a meeting planner hire them to teach their employees about social media?

something that has to be earned.

If you look at the backgrounds of some of the top speakers, they have extensive knowledge, hands-on experience in the real world, media attention in their area of expertise, industry The first thing I look awards and years of at on a speaker ?s training. They?ve website is the ?about? earned the right to page. What kind of stand on a stage and background do you speak on that topic. have that qualifies The good news is that you as an expert in most of us have all of that topic? As an those things. It?s a audience member, matter of doing what why would I listen to speaker Joe Calloway you? Just because calls ?picking a lane?. I you?re passionate know I?ve used this about a topic doesn?t example before, but mean you?re the right Brene?Brown is a person to deliver that good example of a message. Your speaker who picks a credibility is lane. In fact, on the

home page of her site it says she has ?spent the past 13 years studying vulnerability When a meeting planner is looking for that topic, she?s at the top of the list. And she works? a lot. Another part of a Ju l i e Au st i n speaker ?s brand is in their delivery. If you look at comedians, someone like Jim Carey has a very different style from Steven Wright, Mitch Hedberg?s style was very different from Melissa McCarthy?s style. They all found their own audience, as you should do as a speaker. As far as style goes, there?s no right or wrong way when it comes to being a speaker, but it should always fit your comfort level. I would never feel comfortable lecturing from a podium with a lot of charts and grafts. But many meeting planners would rather have that style, and there are plenty of speakers who feel more comfortable giving them what they want. There?s no reason to fit a square peg in a round hole. Be who you are and the audience that?s right for you will find you, love you, and hire you over and over again. 7

Blu eber r y Gr een Sm oot h ie

In a blender, combine 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, 1/2 a frozen banana, 1 cup frozen spinach, 1 cup water, and 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder. The whole shake will run you 2.5g fat (0.6g saturated), 106mg sodium, 27g carbs, 4g fiber, 16g sugar, and 24g protein? all for under 220 calories. Sip from a tall glass or pour into a bowl and add a tablespoon each of chia seeds and sliced almonds for an additional 100 calories, 8g heart-healthy fats, 5g fiber, and 4g protein. Related: Healthy Green Smoothie Recipes


JessicaCording MS,RD,CDN

Cer eal w it h St ayin g Pow er

Pu t 1 1/ 4 cu p u n sw eet en ed sh r edded w h eat cer eal in t o a bow l an d add 1 cu p of 1% m ilk an d 3/ 4 cu p of blu eber r ies. Th e h igh -f iber ber r ies an d w h ole gr ain cer eal w ill k eep you sat isf ied u n t il lu n ch . For 363 calor ies, you 'll en joy a sat isf yin g br eak f ast t h at con t ain s ju st 4g f at (1.5g sat u r at ed), 108m g sodiu m , 74g car bs, 23g su gar (0g added su gar ), 10g f iber , an d 15g pr ot ein . See: 10 Healt h y Cer eal Opt ion s Wit h Wh ole Gr ain s an d Low Su gar

CEOof HymnsWellness HealthPractitioner VandanaBhalli www.hymnwellness.com

Ph oto Caption

by Ch r i st op h er W at t s The difference between pain and soreness in the gym. When training in the gym the body undergoes a variety of stimuli and stressors. Lifting weights and crushing grueling conditioning workouts can lead to the body feeling a few things the next day. But how can we distinguish what we?re feeling the day after a workout. Is what you?re feeling a good or bad thing or simply a normal process of exercise.

"You r legs h u r t ?

You ?r e n ot in pain . you ?r e ju st sor e.


Let?s take a brief look into what happens to the body after we exercise. When we weight train, the process of lifting weights actually causes small micro tears in our muscles. These micro tears are the catalyst for what will be the rebuilding process of new, stronger muscle.


In it ially t h e m icr o t ear s ar e accom pan ied by in cr eased sw ellin g t o t h e ar ea, also k n ow n as cell sw ellin g. Bodybu ilder s call t h is t h e ?pu m p?, t h e sw ellin g con t ain s t h e r em n an t s of oxygen at ed blood t h at w as t r an spor t in g n u t r ien t s t o t h e m u scle w h ilst exer cisin g an d is n ow poolin g ar ou n d t h e m u scle w ait in g t o slow ly dr ain via ou r vein s. Af t er a cou ple h ou r s post w or k ou t you r m u scles begin t h e r ecover y pr ocess. Ran ge of m ot ion w it h in t h e join t is st ill u n af f ect ed an d t h er e is n o act u al sor en ess exper ien ced.

Now let m e say, DOM S ar e com plet ely n or m al. An d alm ost u n avoidable if you ?r e n ew t o t r ain in g.Th e good t h in g is, it does su bside an d get s less an d less sever e t h e m or e you t r ain con sist en t ly.

So if that is an incentive to keep training, then use it! Unfortunately there?s nothing we can do to speed up the recovery process for DOMS but we can reduce the severity. Foam rollingStatic stretchingDark chocolate Now let?s move onto other feelings post workout.

Th e day af t er h ow ever , ou r join t r an ge of m ot ion is r edu ced, st r et ch in g ou r m u scles is dif f icu lt an d con t r act in g f at igu ed m u scle is qu it e u n com f or t able. Th is ph en om en on is called Delayed On set M u scle Sor en ess, or DOM S.

Pain . And how to recognize that you?re in pain and not just experiencing a severe bout of DOMS. Well firstly, DOMS don?t completely leave you unable to move (even though you may feel like you cannot walk, I promise you can) where as pain leaves you generally unable to move without sharp sensations. Whether its nerve pain, a slight tear or strain, pain is often associated with sharp, intense pains. Often described as electric shocks or a stabbing sensation. When you feel anything like this, it?s likely you?ve injured yourself and should get that checked out by a professional such as Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist.


There is a difference between post gym soreness and post gym pain. Understanding this will allow you to push thru and continue progressing and not skipping workouts unnecessarily.


How t o Eat You r In f lam m at ion Aw ay!

Poor dietary and lifestyle choices over a period of time can lead to a build-up of systemic inflammation. This type of inflammation is not as easily seen with the naked eye. It will not appear as swelling or redness, but nonetheless your body will began to break down. Inflammation is the body?s best defense for healing, however when it becomes long-standing and chronic, disease sets in. It has been speculated to be the underlying cause of many chronic diseases, including heart disease, strokes, hypertension, Parkinson?s disease, Alzheimer ?s, disease, and even cancers. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet will slow or reverse progression of many diseases. It will even slow the aging process and protect against disease. Wh y Does t h is Happen ? All food and lifestyle choice have either a net pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory effects your body. If you eat more pro-inflammatory foods and engage in a pro-inflammatory lifestyle, systemic inflammation will rise. This type of inflammation becomes chronic causing irritation and damage to the tissues, eventually causing disease. Can I Test f or Th is? Yes, there are general inflammation markers that can be tested in the blood. These include Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein. These are general markers for systemic inflammation and are elevated in many diseases.

h t t p:/ / w w w.dr scot t sch r eiber .com / These are not specific for any disease, but give the Doctor a clue and to the level of global inflammation. Just a note, inflammation can also be present without elevated ESR or C-reactive protein. How Can I m ak e m y Diet An t i-in f lam m at or y? Eating anti-inflammatory is more of a lifestyle than a specific diet. By consuming food that has a net anti-inflammatory effect, disease risk is reduced. Many people also state that they have more energy and lose weight while eating anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammatory foods provide an abundance of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, to go along with a healthy lifestyle. You also apply anti-inflammatory principals to your current recipes to reduce the amount of inflammation and still enjoy food that you like to make.

Stir together 6 ounces of plain, low-fat Greek yogurt with 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed. Top it off with 3/4 cup of blueberries, 1 tablespoon of sliced almonds, and 1/2 teaspoon of honey. For 296 calories you're getting 10g fat (3.5g saturated), 68mg sodium, 30g carbs, 22g sugar (3g added sugar, from the honey), 6g fiber, and 23g protein? a well-rounded meal. Greek yogurt can lighten up plenty of other recipes, too.




M ar y Car olin e Cr aig


BYMaryCarol ine Craig Su r r ou n d you r self w it h people w h o n ot on ly su ppor t you r dr eam s bu t also pu sh you t o con t in u e t h e f igh t , an d you WILL su cceed. The best friends keep us accountable with positive pressure, and know us well. Be willing to ask for help. At no point does asking a question or needing help mean that you are weak. Why, do we often tell ourselves this? Often

society can bring this on or could be perfectionist tendencies that many of us carry around with us. For m e, ask in g f or h elp is w h en I am sh ow in g t h e m ost st r en gt h . To say to another, that I need help, or to be shown the way, gives me the option to learn and decide what I will chose from. There will be times when we lose sight of what we believe in

and think we can?t go on. At those times, we need to call on others who believe in us and can remind us of what we are capable of. Think of someone who has seen you at your worst, but at the same time, can help remind you what you have already

accomplished. If you don?t have a close friend who has been through exactly what you are going through or hope


to accom plish , it can of t en be h elpf u l t o f in d a h ealt h coach t o k eep you con st an t ly m ovin g f or w ar d in t h e dir ect ion of you r dr eam s. I love w or k in g w it h people w h o h ave an yt h in g f r om sm all h ealt h qu est ion s t o gr an d goals. Eit h er w ay, w e all n eed a sou n din g boar d. Fin d som eon e t o h elp you get ever yt h in g ou t in t h e open by t alk in g t h r ou gh it all, an d begin t o st ar t m ovin g f or w ar d. No m at t er w h at you do du r in g you r day, all t h in gs sh ou ld poin t in t h e sam e dir ect ion . A coach or f r ien d can w or k w it h you t o su ccessf u lly n avigat e ch allen ges, r esist an ce, accou n t abilit y, an d plan n in g. Th ey h elp you discover w h at w ill allow you t o t r u ly Live Alive Fit ! JOIN M E f or Th e At h let e Upgr ade? click on ?Th e At h let e Upgr ade?m en u an d lear n w h at I am doin g t o h elp m an y, ju st lik e you ? u pgr ade t h eir lives an d t h eir per f or m an ce! We all Deser ve t o Live Alive, Healt h y & Fit ! Let ?s get st ar t ed! 10



Lakeisha McKnight Tell u s abou t Lak eish a M cKn igh t :

An sw er : As a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Teacher and Speaker, I have coached women, students and entrepreneurs for over 15 years. I serve nonprofit organizations, women's ministries, women-owned business teams, nonprofit organizations, and international leadership organizations by training, coaching and providing inspirational messages to their members. My general focus topics include leadership development, peak performance, sales and marketing, business development, and women's empowerment. My company called The ILEAD Company has served men and women throughout the U.S. and Africa helping me to be recognized as an 'Entrepreneur of the 2010-2011 year ' by Cambridge?s Whose Who as well as named the U.S. 2010 Ambassador for an international leadership organization

My passion to lead was recognized by Former President Bill Clinton, who gave me a presidential citation for my community service in 1999. A women's organization called Achi Magazine honored me with the 2014 Orator 's Award. In 2015, the 4th book that I published called The WAKE UP book obtained attention from major media outlets including Fox, ABC, and the International Business Times. These recognitions and


honors have truly helped me to reach leaders globally. Qu est ion : What compelled you to start your entrepreneurship path?

An sw er : I was encouraged to travel down the path of entrepreneurship when a fire birthed within me by God to turn my mess into a message and thus into a global movement. I wanted to empower other women to

lead boldly despite their past and to embrace their scars as a sign of resilience. Scars will remain there to keep us grounded as God elevates us into our destinies. This same fire birthed the Leadership T.K.O.? brand and the current women?s global leadership campaign. Qu est ion : Share with the readers some peaks and valleys as an entrepreneur?

An sw er : I have faced bankruptcy and foreclosure along with major health issues in my life. Those issues definitely had much to do with businesses that did not work and poor financial decisions. It was enough to make anyone throw in the towel but I embraced them as challenges. I knew other women would need to hear a story of triumph. I also wanted

t o share these teachable moments with my children. Ultimately, the lessons learned helped prepare me to cherish and know what success truly is. Despite facing those hardships, God has elevated me into positions where I spoke on the same platforms as high dignitaries of other countries including Zaire, Barbados, India, Thailand, and Switzerland. I have been honored with speaking and business awards. I have traveled internationally to speak at women?s conferences. My needs are met and desires are being honored in God?s time. I can?t ask for anything more.

Qu est ion : Why was public speaking a huge niche for business? An sw er : Everyone is born with a stronger gift among other things that we are capable of doing. My strength has always been speaking, although I did not acknowledge it initially. Those close to me, including my mother, recognized the gift and I begin to work on sharpening this skill. This gift is a huge niche for many leaders, especially entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs should aim to grow businesses that can run on autopilot or without its senior leader being its essential employee. An autopilot business is established through the implementation of effective systems. These systems enable the business to run but a steady flow of clients and the growth of business teams are activated through engaging in public speaking. Pubic speaking is a method used to take massive marketing action. Therefore, it is essential that every entrepreneur engage in some degree of public speaking to encourage his or her business growth.

Qu est ion : What three tips would you share with entry level speakers and business coaches? An sw er : 1. Speakers are encouraged to engage in results producing activities on a daily basis. If the activity does not lead to building more leads, closing speaking opportunities or building your brand, it might not be essential to the businesses growth. 2. Never ever try to operate the business on your own. Strategically recruit a contract-based or employee-based team. Operate your business on your own can not only lead to a sick burned our entrepreneur but also a sick self-employment type company.

?You are your message; perfect it daily.?

3. Never depend solely on a speaking engagement as a means to building a successful speaking business. You must establish passive income that can cover those moments where gig confirmation is slow and that will enable you to enjoy being there with your family (instead of constantly traveling, removing yourself the people you love).

Qu est ion : What quote would you leave with our audience for advancement for business?

An sw er : ?You are your message; perfect it daily.? Share any social networking opportunities for our readers such as how to follow you on any social platforms and or business contact.

Face book Fan page: www.facebook.com/leadershipkeynotespeaker Facebook Profile: www.facebook.com/lmcknightspeaks Youtube: www.twitter.com/lmcknightspeaks Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lmcknightspeaks/ Business Website: www.leadershiptko.com

HEALTHY HACK: Bat ch in g Bean s are imperative for anyone who is on a vegetarian or vegan diet, or if you?re just trying to reduce your meat consumption. Qu in oa is a good base for many meals, whether you?re feeling Asian stir fry, Mexican burrito bowls, or even sprinkled cold on a

salad for a little extra volume. We make a pot of each of these when we?re planning meals for the week, and having them on hand, already cooked, gives you a healthy option when you?re in a pinch and STARVING and just want to cook a frozen pizza. Try to resist!



Don?tWorkOut toLose Weight ByPLUSSIZEMODEL

Mel inda Parrish

We?r e en t er in g in t o t h e h oliday season . It ?s t h e t im e of year w h er e f ood-based gat h er in gs, celebr at ion s, an d r eligiou s cer em on ies abou n d. Th is t im e of year , m an y people st ar t f ixat in g on f ood, t h eir bodies, an d w eigh t loss. Th e gen er al cycle is t h at w e eat ou r h ear t s ou t f r om Hallow een t o New Year ?s, an d t h en u pon r isin g on Jan u ar y 1, w e all r esolve t o u n do t h e eat in g t h at w e did f or t h e past t w o m on t h s an d get in t h e best sh ape of ou r lives.



We?re entering into the holiday season. It?s the time of year where food-based gatherings, celebrations, and religious ceremonies abound.

This time of year, many people start fixating on food, their bodies, and weight loss. The general cycle is that we eat our hearts out from Halloween to New Year ?s, and

then upon rising on January 1, we all resolve to undo the eating that we did for the past two months and get in the best shape of our lives. Until Martin Luther King Day, when we?re snowed in and that New Year ?s resolve has worn off. At that point, we just cruise through winter until it?s time to get our ?beach bodies? back in March.

It?s vicious. It?s a cycle. It?s predictable, it?s repetitive, it?s often counter-productive, and for women and their bodies, it?s incredibly toxic.

But guess what? Participation in this cycle is also COMPLETELY

OPTIONAL. And in case it isn?t clear by now, I?m advocating that you OPT OUT.

Do not lose the next four months of your life to obsessing over your body. Do not allow others, and their expectations for how you should


When you fall victim to the cycle, your life?s mission becomes about losing weight, rather than about continuing on your quest to become the woman that you want to be. You know, the one who has more to offer the world than an ?After ? photo?

You don?t have to lose weight in order to become the woman that you want to be. But you do have to take amazing care of yourself in all ways. Moving your body is one of those ways.

But instead of dragging yourself to the gym with a cloud of expectations, and guilt, and reasons you?re not already good enough hanging over you, you can saunter into that gym and strut it out on the elliptical like it?s your own personal catwalk. And that?s exactly how you should approach it, because the point of exercise (or, as I like to say, ?showing your body love through movement?), is to make yourself feel amazing.

It?s not to make the scale budge. It?s not to melt away the luscious flesh around your midsection. It?s not to finally fulfill the standard of perfection you?ve measured yourself against since childhood (mine is Heidi Klum).

The only reason to put on your sneakers, or unroll your yoga mat, or even just stand up from your desk to do a lap around the office and get your blood flowing, is to show your body love. And if you approach it that way, then you?ll actually get to enjoy all the benefits of movement that you miss out on when your only focus is weight loss. We all struggle with trying to love our bodies, and allowing ourselves to live at full amplitude. But we don?t have to struggle alone! There?s a great group of women that are sharing with one another and supporting one another on this journey, and you can find them by joining the #healthyatanysize community.

We?ll be talking about this and other issues related to moving our bodies Friday, October 21st on my Facebook page at Noon EST. I hope we?ll see you there!

h t t p:/ / m elpar r ish .com

byHayley Wallit wedding dress, In Samoa, bridal dress is made from the bark of mulberry Every country in the world has different wedding traditions. How can such a common ceremony be so different around the world? Here is a list of some of the more unusual customs? . 1. Forget the white

tree. 2. In Kenya it is the custom; the month after the wedding, to have the groom wears women?s

?ECORA? and is made of goatskin, rubbed with tar, grease and red ocher. 4. The Surma tribe of Ethiopia has the girl remove her lower teeth, pierced lip and insert the

clothing to understand how hard it is being a woman.

clay disk in it. The fact is though the larger diameter of the disc; the more brides? dowry is

3. In Namibia, the bride wears a veil that is not made of white lace. It is called an

worth because it symbolizes the drive level of wealth of the bride?s family.

5. On the island of Java, the couple must pay the fee in rat-tails. 25 tails to get married! 6. The concept of the wedding night in Albania has a tradition that for three nights, the woman must resist her husband?s attacks in order to confuse evil spirits.

LOEA VEISIN H DTHEAIR LIN E byauthor 7. Th e Nen et s do n ot h ir e a ch ef t o cook ; t h ey ser ve r aw ven ison t o t h e gu est s.

8. In t h e Tr om br ian Islan ds you m u st sin g w it h you r f u t u r e spou se in f r on t of t h e t r ibe an d t h en a cou ple is m ar r ied. 9. Bali is in t er est in g becau se at t h e w eddin g t h e w om en ar e t h e on ly on es seen at t h e w eddin g

t able on ly. Th e m en ar e sleepin g becau se t h ey h ave been u p all day pr epar in g t h e f east f or t h e w om en t o en joy!10. In don esn ian w om en w ash t h eir n ew h u sban d?s f eet in f r on t of t h ou san ds of r elat ives an d f am ily. Th is is on ly af t er h e st eps on an egg! 11. Sk ip t h e ch am pagn e, Japan ese cou ples t ak es sips of sak e t o f or m alize t h eir u n ion . 12. In Jam aica ever yon e in t h e village goes t o see t h e br ide. An d sh e bet t er look h er ver y best or sh e cou ld be scor n ed. On e t h in g w e k n ow f or su r e? w eddin gs ar e m ean t t o celebr at e an d par t y!!! We k n ow h ow t o t h r ow a par t y t h e best !-

h t t p:/ / m edjs.com

SafetyChecklist for Showings The company I work for, Cobra-Defense, was founded by a veteran law enforcement officer who, in nearly a decade of active service in the streets, fought, arrested, and interviewed hundreds of violent criminals. We?re built on a background of insight into the minds and actions of bad guys, and there are some common themes regarding how they choose

their victims. That information has allowed us to develop a checklist for how to reduce the odds of being attacked. A lot has been said of the practice of meeting strangers at homes, and it?s true that it?s not the smartest way to operate. But it?s been a part of the real estate industry for a long time, and it?s not going to change overnight. So for agents who will still

by Joh n Gr aden do it, your office may have a certain protocol around safety, but this list can be your Agent Safety Protocol, or ASP, to administer in the field. It?s based on measures developed by people who have experience working in law enforcement.

Bef or e t h e Appoin t m en t When you?re on the phone setting up an appointment to meet a prospect at a home, tell the prospect that you?ll be arriving with a partner. Whether it?s true or not, this statement plants the seed that there will


be more than one person present? and that?s not good news for a criminal. Arrive at the appointment early, before your client has arrived, and make sure to Open t h e w in dow s. If you find yourself needing to make a fast escape but you?re not near a door, a window may be your only exit.Un lock all door s. You lose precious time if you have to fiddle with locks to get out.Open t h e lock box. The point here is to retrieve the key before your prospect shows up. That way, you won?t have to turn your back to him or her to get the key out.Wait in you r car w it h t h e door s lock ed. The danger here is that your car confines you into a small space, but in some cases, the weather dictates that you take shelter. Waiting in the car is still much safer than waiting in the property.Sen d a t ext t o you r of f ice. Alert someone to where you are and all of the information you have on the prospect. If you need help, that person will know pertinent information to give authorities.Keep you r h ead u p. Always be aware of your surroundings. Surprise attacks when you?re caught off guard make you more vulnerable. Wh en t h e Pr ospect Ar r ives Once your prospective client is in the space with you, pay very close attention to his or her behavior. Small details can clue you in to whether something is wrong: Watch for anything suspicious such as a man wearing a long coat on a hot summer day. He could be concealing a weapon. If it feels like something is awry, trust that feeling and depart ASAP.If everything appears OK at the start, exit your car but stay well out of arm?s reach. The odds of an attack are reduced outside the property rather than inside, but keeping a distance makes it even more difficult for an assailant to jump you.

Hold your phone up and say, ?I?m sorry, but my boss is really strict on safety. Would you please move over to your license plate so I can send in a photo?? Quickly take the shots and send them in. Bad guys will probably object, which is your cue to return to your car and leave. Law-abiding citizens will have no problem with it at all. Ask for a photo ID. Take the ID, keeping an arm?s length between yourself and the prospect, and then step back a few steps to take a photo of it to send to your office. Ideally, move to the other side of your car so there is a barrier between the two of you while you take the photo.

Joh n Gr aden Remember, do not trust or accept anything other than a photo ID. A business card could easily have a fake name, address, and phone number. It?s a common practice for criminals to give false information to mislead and get you to soften your defenses.Because the lockbox is open and the door already unlocked, say, ?I like for clients to enter the home alone as though you were coming home from work. Go ahead. You lead the way.? Give them about 10 seconds of lead time, but not so much that you lose sight of them.Once you enter the property, keep the prospect in your ?10 and 2? range of vision at all times.Position yourself close to a quick exit as much as you can. However, if your back is to the exit, the bad guy may have a partner who surprises you. Be aware.Remind the prospect that your partner is on the way. Again, this statement is a huge deterrent. The key to making this work is to use it consistently. Studies show that it takes 21 to 30 days to develop a new habit. Stick to the ASP for a few weeks, and like most everything in this business, it will become natural to you.

John Graden is the executive director of Cobra-Defense, a real estate-focused

self-defense and safety training company offering on-site and online courses. Visit them online at SelfDefenseRealEstate.com. Graden can be reached at johngraden@mac.com.

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