Women Who Rock with Success

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Th e Best Diet Food t o St op Cr avin gs For ever





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Table of Contents


Tax Relief Tips


How to change your spending habits


Money Mgmt. over the Holidays


Hiring an Interior Designer?


Journalism At Its Best


Recipes to Trim the Fat


A Look back on Martin Luther King Jr.


Superbowl Women


You're in the right place for important information you can use when it comes to your taxes and your money. We're not going to give you convoluted tax jargon; this is Real Lif e t ax advice-- the explanations you need, so you can understand your taxes, and avoid costly mistakes with the IRS. The Real Life team will show you how to keep more of your money and stay off the IRS radar. Visit our Store for great new products to help you with your taxes, both personal and small business. Visit our site often for updates on products and information designed with YOU in mind. h t t ps:/ / w w w.r eallif et axadvice.com

* Don?t make these Holiday Mistakes with your Money:* 1) We all overspend this time of year. But you need to eat later in life too. Check your pay stub to see if you have maxed out your 401k contributions. Why? You want the tax break! It?s an immediate federal and state tax break. 2) Dipping into your emergency fund to pay holiday bills ? don?t wipe out your emergency

fund because you will regret it ? in August, when your central a/c goes and it?s 110 degrees out, you won?t even remember what you spent the money on. 3) Checking for coupons while you wait on line? Don?t use public wifi ? a thief can get into your phone. VPN software is available for your phone.

4) Spending big but counting on your bonus early next year to bail you out? Never count on money you don?t have. The company can have a downturn; you could be terminated. Pretend you don?t have it, and use it to pad your emergency fund. 5) Thinking about a 401k loan to pay the bills? If you are terminated and can?t pay it back, it?s a distribution subject to tax and penalty. Use this for major emergencies/last resort only. 6) Don?t open credit cards in the store. Unscrupulous employees will sell your information. Shoulder surfers can steal your personal information. Well-meaning employees may inadvertently leave your information around for someone to steal.

* 5 Tax Savin g m oves t o m ak e bef or e Decem ber 31st :* 1) Make your donations now. Discuss required record keeping. Clean your closets and make some $! 2) Max out your 401k for a federal and state deduction. You?ll like the bigger refund you get, for saving money so you can eat later in life! 3) Don?t wait until the new year to start getting your books and records together if you are self-employed. You should be working on this all year. Trying to get a year ?s worth of bookkeeping and organizing will make you very unhappy, and you will miss deductions when you are sloppy and rushing. 4) Company doesn?t offer a 401k? You have until 4/15 to fund a traditional IRA and receive a tax deduction. Start saving now so you can put away $5500. What a great tax break!

5) Did you have a change in filing status this year? If you married or got divorced, your tax bracket may change. Sit down with a tax pro now to do some planning. No one wants a surprise bill in April. * CEO, Choice Tax Solutions Inc.* * IRS Enrolled Agent (EA)* * Accredited Tax Advisor (ATA)* * Accredited Tax Preparer (ATP)* * Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor (CRPC)*

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On average, Americans plan to spend an estimated $663.96 each on gifts this holiday season. Of those buying gifts, on average, 54.4% will be using savings and 39.7% will be using credit card. In fact, over 2 in 5 spenders (40.2%) are solely

using their savings for gifts this holiday season, while over 1 in 4 (27.3%) will be using solely their credit card. Here?s how to avoid overspending at the season for giving:

Recent finder research found that 95.7% of Americans make an impulsive purchase either online or in store. Shopping without a plan is a surefire way to go over-budget or end up with purchase regrets. Start your gift shopping by


?Don?t be impulsive:

creating a holiday gift plan within a set budget. This will help set boundaries before you even step foot into a store. ?M ak e au t om at ic paym en t s" The best and quickest way to meet your present budget, and avoid putting

Say you?ve budgeted for $1000 to pay for all of your gift and expenses, this will equal approximately $20 a week, which is a very manageable amount to put away. ?Work with the sales: The savvy holiday shopper will have started early in the year or over the Thanksgiving weekend to make the most of discounts. However, even if starting now you can leverage the best deals by comparing gifts at different suppliers to find the best deal available. Online will help with quick price checks minus the footwork. ?Abstain from unnecessary: When shopping for others, it?s easy to get tempted by items that you might want for yourself. Stick to the tasks and gifts at hands and use a tool such as Icebox to put the items for yourself on hold for later. Icebox is a free Chrome extension that works by replacing the ?Buy Now?button on the Top 20 e-commerce sites and pop-up reminders on 400+ additional stores.

You can simply return to the item post holiday-spending when your funds are healthier, or if by some miracle you were left with a surplus in your budget.? Should you require any further commentary, please don?t hesitate to get in touch. I can be reached on 347-276-6617 or via jennifer@finder.com.

Leslie H. Tayn e, Esq. h as n ear ly 20 year s? exper ien ce in t h e pr act ice ar ea of con su m er an d bu sin ess f in an cial debt -r elat ed ser vices. She is highly accomplished in negotiation and settlements, and has gone up against large national banks, credit unions, collection agencies and multiple creditor legal representatives.

Her mission is to reshape the debt relief industry by giving clients a supportive and reliable environment built on experience, trust and results that will not only relieve clients of the stress from debts but also the burden of the never-ending debt cycle.A highly respected consumer and business debt-related expert, Leslie is often called upon by the media to comment on a variety of financial topics. She has written content for and been interviewed on a variety of national and local news outlets including Inc Magazine, Forbes, The Huffington Post, Fox News, CNBC, News day, The New York Daily News, as well as many, many more. M ost r ecen t ly, Leslie h as been select ed t o Su per law yer s an d t h e Tayn e law Gr ou p h as been vot ed Bet h page Feder al Cr edit Un ion?sbest debt con solidat ion ser vice f or t h e last 4 year s in a r ow. Leslie also is a r egu lar exper t blog con t r ibu t or f or SWAAY m edia, a plat f or m t h at deliver s visu ally-com pellin g or igin al con t en t t h at h igh ligh t s w om en at ever y st age of t h e en t r epr en eu r sh ip jou r n ey; Leslie is also a r egu lar con t r ibu t or f or t h e f in an cial w ebsit e, Cr edit .com .

Sign s You Need t o Ch an ge You r Fin an cial Habit s

You Ar e Un su r e of How M u ch M on ey You Have in You r Ban k Accou n t

Not knowing how much money you have in your bank account is a big red flag that may signal an unhealthy relationship with money. This also probably means that you don?t have a budget in place. Without a budget, you?re most likely to overspend. If you don?t pay attention to how much you are able to spend based on the amount you actually have in your account could leave you with hefty overdraft fees. Start balancing your checkbook and track your spending to avoid being thrown into a financial abyss that will be difficult to get out of. You r Avoidin g You r Bills

Debt denial is a serious matter. Leaving your bills unopened will not make them go away. Ignoring your financial responsibilities can result in severe consequences. For example, if you are delinquent on payments, creditors can file a lawsuit against you in attempt to recover the amount owed. Should a judgment be put against you, the creditor can request a garnishment of your paycheck through your employer until the amount is satisfied. You On ly Pay t h e M in im u m on You r Cr edit Car d

When you only pay the minimum amount on your credit cards you could be facing decades of payments. If you can?t pay your credit card balances in full, the totals could add up to double or triple the original balance.

Every credit card statement is required by the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act (CARD) to explain how long it will take to pay down your debt with just making the minimum payment. Take notice of this part of your statement. Knowing how long it will take you to pay off just one of your credit cards may be an eye-opener. If you have multiple credit cards in which you are only making the minimum, think about the magnitude of debt you could be incurring. You Use Balan ce Tr an sf er s Too Of t en

There are some benefits to balance transfers. Taking advantage of 0% interestor lower interest rates can be helpful if you intend to play by the rules and regulations to keep these perks. However, there can be some downsides.

If you are regularly using balance transfers, you could be racking up even more debt. Consider balance transfer fees which, depending on the amount you are transferring, could be exorbitant. For, example, the average balance transfer fee is 3%. If you have a $20,000 credit card balance it will cost you $600 to transfer. Balance transfers will not deter a spending problem. Moving balances from one credit card to another will only free up more credit. This may tempt you to use the card which creates more debt. Think carefully before deciding to transfer balances as it can become a vicious cycle of mounting debt! Recognizing the warning signs of unhealthy financial habits is the key to making changes on how you handle your money. For more information about getting out of debt and staying out, contact Tayne Law Group, P.C. Our debt relief lawyers are happy to answer any questions you may have.

h t t p:/ / at t or n ey-n ew yor k .com

M on ey M an agem en t over t h e h olidays: M y t op 3 t ips f or m ak in g sm ar t m on ey ch oices over t h e h olidays:

1. Don't go in t o a st or e w it h ou t a list ! - goin g in t o a st or e du r in g t h e h olidays is lik e goin g gr ocer y sh oppin g h u n gr y. It is easy t o leave w it h bu yer 's r em or se. No list - don't even go in 2. Pick at least 1 LAZY day - Over t h e h olidays, pr esen t s ar en't t h e on ly big expen ses. Th er e ar e n igh t s ou t , pot lu ck s, m ovies, et c. Pick on e day an d m ak e it you r lazy day. It 's t h e day w h er e you ar e sayin g NO. 3. En joy m om en t s - n ot st u f f - in st ead of h eadin g ou t t o an ot h er par t y, in vit e people over t o you r place t o w at ch a m ovie. Bu t on a Ch r ist m as classic, m ak e som e popcor n an d lau gh w it h loved on es.

Dean M ar y Pear son

Dean of t h e Sch ool of Bu sin ess at Sou t h er n Ut ah Un iver sit y, of f er ed a f ew t ips on h ow t o st ay on bu dget . h t t p:/ / w w w.su u .edu Financial stress has been referred to as the leading cause of depression and divorce. Practicing the principle of budgeting leads to financial freedom and personal growth. Budgeting helps individuals and businesses plan for current and future expenditures, providing a pathway to meet immediate and long term financial goals. A few tips to stay on budget: 1. Shop less: An individual who goes to the store without a budget, spends 20% more than anticipated. 2. Stop, then Shop: Practice the 10% rule: For every $100 item you want to buy, take 10 minutes to think about it before buying. For every $200 item you want to buy, take 20 minutes to think before buying. 3. Use cash: An individual who uses a credit card spends 25% more than they would if they used cash.

5 QUESTIONS TO ASK WHEN HIRING AN INTERIOR DESIGNER It is important when you hire an interior designer to ask essential questions to clarify your needs and the ability of the designer to meet those needs. The relationship you create with your designer is very intimate; you are inviting he or she into your personal space and allowing them to essentially alter your life. Jennifer Fisher likes to think of this process of hiring the correct interior designer for your space as the beginning of ?dating.? As a client, you need to make sure you and your designer have chemistry and you set the foundation for your relationship

1. TIM ELINE Sin ce t h is is you r h om e t h at you ar e livin g in or m ovin g in t o, it is im por t an t t o u n der st an d t h e t im e com m it m en t you ?r e m ak in g w h en you h ir e an in t er ior design er . If you ar e expect in g a sh or t t u r n -ar ou n d t im e an d t h e design er lik es t o t ak e lon ger on h is or h er pr oject s, t h is m ay n ot w or k . Th is also is im por t an t t o k n ow so you an d t h e in t er ior design can gau ge h ow r ealist ic you r t im elin e is w it h you r space. 2. STYLE What kind of color palette do they usually gravitate toward, where do they seek inspiration, what trends are they currently into, and what styles peak their interest? These are all important things to know when talking to potential designers. If their style is drastically different than your own, it may be difficult to work together. This is your space, so it is important that your style and personality shine through it rather than your designer ?s.

3. BUDGET Sticking to your budget and having your designer understand it, is vital. It is important to know what is the budget the potential designer typically works with and if what you are willing to put in is do-able for the designer. Also, knowing how they manage the project budget is important, which allows

4. PIECES If all the designer ?s purchases are one-of-a-kind customized pieces, a majority of your budget is going to go towards that. But, if your designer is a savvy shopper who frequents thrift stores and estate sales, you know that your budget will go much further. This is also important to know if you are seeking unique pieces and how big your project i is

5. COM M UNICATION Hir in g an in t er ior design er w h o w ill be able t o cat er t o you r com m u n icat ion n eeds is ext r em ely im por t an t . Fin din g ou t pot en t ial design er s?com m u n icat ion st yle an d pr ef er r ed m et h od of com m u n icat ion is a cr u cial decidin g f act or w h en dealin g w it h som et h in g so per son al as you r h om e ? t h e place w h er e you cr eat e you r m em or ies. It is n at u r al t o w an t t o be as in volved w it h t h e design pr ocess as possible so h avin g t h at open com m u n icat ion w it h you r design er is cr u cial. h t t ps:/ / jf ish er in t er ior s.com

Jessica Kantor graduated from University of Nevada, Las Vegas with a BA in Print Journalism. She minored in International Relations and Archaeology. During her undergraduate career she also attended American University in Washington, D.C. and UniversitĂŠ de Pau in France. Jessica's articles and photographs have been published in such print & digital publications as Healthcare Quarterly Magazine, Las Vegas Review Journal, Vegas Inc., The Addiction Blog, Vegas Seven, Vegas Rated, John Colton, and AWOL Magazine. ? Jessica has freelanced since graduation, spending her time working on long-form features and profiles. For the past four years she has been honing her public relation and media relation talents in two large positions for behavioral healthcare companies.




h t t ps:/ / w w w.st eph an iedodier .com

Sim ple Tu n a Salad Recipe: Lu n ch M ade Easy

In gr edien t s 1. 1 cu p of spou t s of ch oice 2. 1 cu p of ch opped par sley 3. 2 cu p of spin ach (or gr een of ch oice) 4. 1/ 4 cu p r ed cabbage, ch opped 5. 1/ 4 cu p color pepper , ch opped 6. 1/ 4 m u sh r oom (of ch oice), ch opped 7. 1t bsp sesam e seeds 8. 1 can of w ild cau gh t albacor e t u n a 9. 1/ 4 cu p of Ran ch salad dr essin g In st r u ct ion s 1. M ix all in gr edien t s t oget h er an d add t h e Ran ch dr essin g. 2. En joy!

Ingredients 1. 1/2 cup healthy mayo 2. 1/2 cup of full fat coconut milk 3. 1 tbsp dry dill or 3 tbsp fresh dill, chopped 4. 1 tsp granulated garlic powder or 1 glove finely chopped 5. 1/t tsp onion powder or 1 tsp. fresh onion finely chopped 6. 1/4 tsp sea salt 7. 1/8 tsp fresh cracked black pepper Ranch Dressing Instructions 1. Mix all ingredient together in a hermetic container such as mason jar and shake well 2. Enjoy on any salad.

What is THE BEST diet to stop food cravings? I know I?ve said that diets don?t work and that you should ditch the dieting mindset, but allow me to tell you why I?m going to talk about the ?D-word? today.

Wh y I Dislik e t h e Wor d ?Diet ? First, let me tell you why I?really don?t like the word ?diet.?Th e?M er r iam Webst er and Oxf or d dictionaries?define??diet??in?a number of ways. Here are three: 1. food and drink regularly provided or consumed 2. a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons. 3. to?restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight. For the vast majority of women,??diet??means?a temporary way of eating so they can achieve their respective goals, then going back to the way they ate before. That?s why?I?really?dislike the word ?diet.? If you?re looking for a way to stop your cravings, lose weight, or reduce emotional eating and/or overeating,?a temporary fix isn?t going to cut it. You must make lifestyle changes which will produce lifelong results.

Otherwise,?things will go back to the way they were before.?Why? Because a part of the reason you craved, gained?weight or overate?was because of your previous eating habits. So?although?I?ll use the D-word for the rest of this?blog post,?be sure to remember that I really mean best ?lifestyle change? to stop cravings forever. I?m sure you get my point.

So is Th er e a Best Diet t o St op Food Cr avin gs For ever ? You bet! Blood sugar regulation influences your sugar cravings. It also affects your hormonal health, brain health, gut health?etc. Your overall health is?impacted?by your blood sugar. The best diet to stop food cravings forever is the r eal f ood low car b lif est yle.? Yes,lifestyle,?NOT diet? Eat real food (food?that once grew, flew,?ran or swam) that are low in carbohydrates.?This is the type of lifestyle that I strongly recommend in the Crave Cure Program.

Best Diet t o St op Food Cr avin gs: 3 Tips t o Help You Get St ar t ed

I recently had Dr . Adam ?Nally on The Beyond The Food Show podcast for The Crave Cure Series.?Dr. Nally, a.k.a. Dr. Muscles, is a family practitioner and a doctor of osteopathic medicine

During my interview with him, he shared 3 tips on how to get started on the?best diet to stop food cravings, sugar cravings,?and binge eating. 1. Un der st an d t h e pr in ciples of low -car boh ydr at e or k et ogen ic lif est yle.Dr. Nally says that a low carb lifestyle should be principle-based. This approach is simple and based on the mantra, ?Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.? You can read Dr. Nally?spost on his blog to learn more about the foundational principles of a low-carb lifestyle. 2. Don?t beat you r self u p.If you?re overweight, you shouldn?t feel guilty about it. Obesity is a metabolic issue caused by hormonal imbalances. Overcoming obesity is a matter of relearning how to use your hormones. Also, if you?re trying to lead a ketogenic lifestyle and you fall off the wagon, it doesn?t mean you can?t start again. Just get back up! Do som e f in e-t u n in g.You can do this by modifying your protein intake, balancing your hormones (thyroid, leptin, estrogen, and testosterones), and exercising. 3. To learn more about the low-carb lifestyle and its impact on cravings, listen to my interview wit Dr. Nally h er e or you can play the audio or video file below:

Ingredients 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1 tsp organic dried turmeric* 1 tsp organic powdered ginger* * Juice of 1 1/2 fresh lemon Dash cayenne 2 cups of filtered water 5 drops of stevia or 1/2 tsp raw honey

Instructions 1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for 1 minute. 2. Serve with ice cube and enjoy!

St eph an ie Dodier

Notes 1. * QUICK NOTE: You can also use fresh turmeric root and fresh ginger root. Simply place 1? ginger root chopped and 1? turmeric root chopped in 2 cups of water and bring to a boil for 15 minutes. Let the mixture cool for 30 minutes then strain the roots and mix in remaining ingredients in blender for 1 minutes. Serve.


You want to stand out, change the world, go to bed at night KNOWING in your heart of hearts that you have given it your all and made the difference you are MEANT to make in the world?

Th en st op bein g so m ot h er -f r eak in g van illa w it h w h at you say, h ow you pr esen t you r self , w h o you ar e. You can take your pretty website and shove it for all I care if that website is not in fact (and I really do wonder!) revealing the real you. Are you trying to be just another ?successful coach?or entrepreneur? Are you trying to make sure everyone loves or at least likes you? Are you writing about stuff that you?re sure will get you good Google love, that ?solves problems?and is ?topical?and is based on what you see your competitors or others around you doing? If so, t h en I got t a t ell you ? You?re boring me to tears. And I suspect you?re boring yourself to tears as well. Worse still, I think we both know that deep down you are a mix of ashamed, frustrated and mighty PISSED off that you?re not really letting rip with the energy, glory and perhaps even terror of who you really are. Nobody needs another business, life, weight loss, wellness, balance, healthy living, money, success coach or whatever. The world does not need more vanilla. Katrina

Nobody needs another business, life, weight loss, wellness, balance, healthy living, money, success coach or whatever. The world does not need more vanilla. If I want to read stock-standard stuff on any of the above topics I?ll go to an aggregate blog and find endless repetitive loops of the stuff. If you don?t stand for something? You stand for nothing. I?m not talking about being contrived, you know that.I?m not talking about deliberately stirring up controversy if in doing so it is not also based on how you actually think and feel. But that?s the thing, isn?t it? If I look at your stuff, read it, look at your site, do I KNOW how you really think and feel or am I seeing a carefully planned version of what YOU think you need to present to the world in order to succeed. The world needs you to be you. So stand up, take a stand, stand for SOMETHING, and if they wanna hate then let ?em hate. There is literally NOTHING you can share about who you really are, what you?ve really done, how you really think, that will scare off your ideal clients. And that?s who you want, isn?t it?


You want your tribe, your cult, your people who love you because they love the way you THINK, because they love your honesty, because you give them hope and massive inspiration for who they can become. The ones who are scared off, horrified, appalled at your so-called skeletons, your opinions, the stuff you talk about, laugh at, HOW you talk about it or laugh at it ? To h ell w it h t h em .They?re not your people, never will be, and you can try all you like to please them but you will never truly be ABLE to if you are actually being YOU. So you can spend your days trying to be all things to all people, being careful not to piss anyone off, talking only behind the scenes to your BFFs and Mastermind buddies about what you REALLY think about business and life, and attracting a boring mix of boring people with boring ideas and minds who will moan anytime you dare to slip up on your perfect polished persona, or You can come out, guns a-blazing, as the incredible, fabulous, amazing, demanding, driven, unbelievably AWESOME woman you are. You can keep playing it safe, running scared that if people find out the truth about your money, your business, how you think, your background, your self sabotaging issues or whatever that they will hate you and think you a sham OR ? You can r ecogn ise t h at w h en you let t h at st u f f r ip you f in d you r t r u e people. You can create products, programs, offerings that aim to fill a gap in the market and you can make a few bucks and get a nice warm fuzzy feeling in your belly, OR Katrina

You can cr eat e som et h in g t h at t h e vast m ajor it y of people w ill n ot get , w ill be scar ed by, or ju st t h in k is plain r idicu lou s or even of f en sive bu t t h at you r TRIBE w ill do an yt h in g t o get t h eir h an ds on . You can be just another coach, consultant, woman trying to make a few bucks online to live some sort of lesser version of normal, OR ? You can st ar t a r evolu t ion , t h r ow f or t h a call t o ar m s, m ak e it cr yst al clear t h at you don?t give a f ^&k w h o lik es or agr ees w it h you t h at you ar e goin g t o be n ot h in g if n ot br u t ally br u t ally h on est an d r eal. So which is it gonna be? Selfish people who says what she thinks, shouts it loud and proud and does not CARE if it causes people to run scared or even think she?s a bad person, or boring old vanilla cupcake shoved into a dusty corner of the internet and hoping someone will come and love her? I think we both know what you have to do here. And if you?re not sure where to start with this, if you GET it but you?re thinking OMG but how? As in ? how do I do that without confusing myself, but also, literally ? how do I actually stand up and figure out WHAT I stand for? Then baby what YOU need is some self-belief. You need to train yourself to be strong enough, empowered enough and god-damned confident enough in who you are to stand up and yell your message from the rooftops. www.KatrinaRuth.com

I m ages by Pixabay

I m ages by Pixabay

Im ages by Pixabay

By Ch r ist oph er Klein 1. Kin g?s bir t h n am e w as M ich ael, n ot M ar t in . The civil rights leader was born Michael King Jr. on January 15, 1929. In 1934, however, his father, a pastor at Atlanta?s Ebenezer Baptist Church, traveled to Germany and became inspired by the Protestant Reformation leader Martin Luther. As a result, King Sr. changed his own name as well as that of his 5-year-old son.

2. Kin g en t er ed college at t h e age of 15. King was such a gifted student that he skipped grades nine and 12 before enrolling in 1944 at Morehouse College, the alma mater of his father and maternal grandfather. Although he was the son, grandson and great-grandson of Baptist ministers, King did not intend to follow the family vocation until Morehouse president Benjamin E. Mays, a noted theologian, convinced him otherwise. King was ordained before graduating college with a degree in sociology.

3. Kin g r eceived h is doct or at e in syst em at ic t h eology. After earning a divinity degree from Pennsylvania?s Crozer Theological Seminary, King attended graduate school at Boston University, where he received his Ph.D. degree in 1955. The title of his dissertation was ?A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman.? 4. Kin g?s ?I Have a Dr eam ? speech w as n ot h is f ir st at t h e Lin coln M em or ial. Six years before his iconic oration at the March on Washington, King was among the civil rights leaders who spoke in the shadow of the Great Emancipator during the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom on May 17, 1957. Before a crowd estimated at between 15,000 and 30,000, King delivered his first national address on the topic of voting rights. His speech, in which he urged America to ?give us the ballot,? drew strong reviews and positioned him at the forefront of the civil rights leadership.

5. Kin g w as im pr ison ed n ear ly 30 t im es. According to the King Center, the civil rights leader went to jail 29 times. He was arrested for acts of civil disobedience and on trumped-up charges, such as when he was jailed in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1956 for driving 30 miles per hour in a 25-mile-per-hour zone.

6. Kin g n ar r ow ly escaped an assassin at ion at t em pt 7. Kin g?s last pu blic speech f or et old h is deat h . a decade bef or e h is deat h . King had come to Memphis in April 1968 to support the strike On September 20, 1958, King was in Harlem signing of the city?s black garbage copies of his new book, ?Stride Toward Freedom,? in workers, and in a speech on the Blumstein?s department store when he was approached by Izola Ware Curry. The woman asked if night before his assassination, he was Martin Luther King Jr. After he said yes, Curry he told an audience at Mason said, ?I?ve been looking for you for five years,? and she Temple Church: ?Like anybody, I plunged a seven-inch letter opener into his chest. The would like to live a long life. tip of the blade came to rest alongside his aorta, and Longevity has its place. But I?m King underwent hours of delicate emergency surgery. not concerned about that now ? I?ve seen the Promised Land. I Surgeons later told King that just one sneeze could may not get there with you. But I have punctured the aorta and killed him. From his want you to know tonight, that hospital bed where he convalesced for weeks, King issued a statement affirming his nonviolent principles we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. And I?m happy and saying he felt no ill will toward his mentally ill tonight. I?m not worried about attacker. anything. I?m not fearing any man.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.? 8. M em ber s of Kin g?s f am ily did n ot believe Jam es Ear l Ray act ed alon e. Ray, a career criminal, pled guilty to King?s assassination but later recanted. King?s son Dexter met publicly with Ray in 1997 and argued for the case to be reopened. King?s widow, Coretta, believed the Mafia and local, state and federal government agencies were deeply involved in the murder. She praised the result of a 1999 civil trial in which a Memphis jury decided the assassination was the result of a conspiracy and that Ray was set up to take the blame. A U.S. Department of Justice investigation released in 2000 reported no evidence of a conspiracy. 9. Kin g?s m ot h er w as also slain by a bu llet . On June 30, 1974, as 69-year-old Alberta Williams King played the organ at a Sunday service inside Ebenezer Baptist Church, Marcus Wayne Chenault Jr. rose from the front pew, drew two pistols and began to fire shots.

One of the bullets struck and killed King, who died steps from where her son had preached nonviolence. The deranged gunman said that Christians were his enemy and that although he had received divine instructions to kill King?s father, who was in the congregation, he killed King?s mother instead because she was closer. The shooting also left a church deacon dead.

Chenault received a death penalty sentence that was later changed to life imprisonment, in part due to the King family?s opposition to capital punishment. 10. Geor ge Wash in gt on is t h e on ly ot h er Am er ican t o h ave h ad h is bir t h day obser ved as a n at ion al h oliday. In 1983 President Ronald Reagan signed a bill that created a federal holiday to honor King. The holiday, first commemorated in 1986, is celebrated on the third Monday in January, close to the civil rights leader ?s January 15 birthday.


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The snow has started falling and the mountains are calling! Why should you come out of winter hibernation and join Swell Women in hitting the slopes in beautiful Whistler this February? If you aren?t already sold on the idea of a stunning backdrop of the Coastal Mountains covered in white powdery snow, luxe, cozy accommodations, healthy, gourmet food, relaxing yoga and spa time, and a week spent zipping down the slopes then here are a few more reasons for joining us!

INCREASE YOUR PHYSICAL AND M ENTAL WELLNESS I know, it?s obvious right? When you are heading down the slopes, you are carrying the weight of your entire body in the lower half of your body so it is a great workout for your legs and lower back as you strengthen joints and bones! Let?s not forget about that heart as well which is getting an incredible workout all day long.

However, along with the workout you may not realize how much brainpower goes into a day of balance and coordination on the slopes! There are so many slight movements and positions of your body that you must be conscious of to ski/board well, which build not only your mental awareness but also your appetite for all those delicious après and dinner options Whistler has to offer!

INCREASE YOUR SOCIAL AND EM OTIONAL WELLNESS Waking up at the crack of dawn in the freezing cold may not seem appealing to those of you ?winter hibernators? but add a group of new friends, a morning yoga class watching the sun rise from behind the mountains, a quick warm up in the hot tub and a hearty breakfast made especially for you by our private chef, and you?ve got one heck of a good start to the day!!

On this retreat not only will you join a great group of women having a fantastic time; you will also have an amazing motivational team that encourages you to challenge yourself physically and mentally to conquer those mountains both on your skis or board and in your life! FRESH M OUNTAIN AIR, CRISP

SNOW AND THE M A JESTY OF THE M OUNTAINS There is an abundance of research that cites the positive effects of fresh air, sunshine and nature on both Seasonal Affective Disorder and overall mental wellness. Not only will we feel and be well by riding all day but there is also so much we can learn from the mountains as they majestically offer strength to our bodies and feed our souls!

They are grounding yet elevating, intoxicating yet soothing, wild yet serene. They keep us on the edge but still have the ability to wrap us in safety; such beautiful contradictions that have the ability to speak into our lives in so many ways!

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I grew up as the oldest of three girls; therefore, my father (an entrepreneur and basketball coach of high school and college teams) raised us to be independent Kat h r yn women and become whatever we desire to be. His entrepreneurial spirit that was St ar k s displayed in the many businesses his built as well as his competitive nature and success were present when he encouraged me to start my own business. I was a second grade teacher with a BS in elementary education and Master ?s degree in literacy and culture and my first published children?s book. I had no business experience but a lot of books in my apartment to sell; my dad simply told me to start a company. My father being an avid reader provided me with countless articles, books, and quotes from renowned business leaders as well as personal advice along the way. As a coach, he only provided me with feedback on how to get better in sales, marketing, and public speaking. My celebrations became his victories while a global literacy educational company (now twelve years old) was created. He knew that I could develop a company that highlighted my strengths-teaching, children, literacy, and education. He also showed me and instilled in me the importance of becoming the best version of myself in my field. In business, you can work with a lot of different personalities. By far, my favorite individual to work alongside is my dad. He is a business leader, mentor, supporter, loyal fan, and family who has definitely made the largest impact in my own business.

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