Girls W HO ROCK WIT H Facts of Cyberstalking
SUCCESS Streaming demos inside
Communication Skills Building for Parents of Preteen Girls
Featuring Teen Actress Monique Coleman
Publisher & Editor of Girls W ho Rock with Success - Diane Winbush
Girls W ho Rock wit h Success makes endless opport unit ies come t o fruit ion for ent repreneurial girls
TEENSUPERSTARANDACTRESSMONIQUECOLEMAN I love the idea that somebody is going to compare me to my character or think that I am like my character when they see me. I feel like that is a role that I am willing to fulfill.
Dwight values an inclusive and diverse community. Our rich and long-standing New York presence, combined with an international focus, has allowed us to develop our community and celebrate diversity in all its forms. We understand that our School?s community is enriched by its members?varying backgrounds, including those of age, cultural tradition, ethnicity, gender, nationality, physical ability, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socio-economic position. We seek to enroll families who will work in partnership with the School to embrace the challenging ? yet rewarding ? situations borne from
diversity; furthermore, we will support and advocate for our community, recognizing that different perspectives are valued. We recognize that our community includes our families, faculty, staff, and alumni ? all of whom contribute to the tapestry of Dwight. As an International Baccalaureate World School, Dwight is committed to a strong sense of global understanding. We recognize that diversity as a concept continues to evolve, and that we ? as a community ? will evolve with it. Our dedication to this effort shall be ongoing.
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In 2008, eleven year old Megan Maloney lost three family members to cancer in less than 12 months. Megan?s father was about to test launch an online travel business, when Megan came to him with an ?aha? moment. ?Dad, is there any way to fight cancer with your new travel site, can we raise money to help fight this disease?? That was all it took. After some lengthy discussions & re-development, Charity Pro Travel was founded just in time to become a partner with Stand Up 2 Cancer. As word spread, Megan was contacted by local & national media, giving interviews to the likes of CNN & Ellen Show Producers. Her story and photo even made the front page of the Travel/Entertainment section of the Los Angeles Times. Less than a month later she was off to L.A. for the live broadcast of the first
Stand Up 2 Cancer telethon featuring over 100 celebrities & 40 entertainers. Shortly after a successful test launch, the economy took a turn, the travel industry took a hit and Megan had to return to school, leaving restricted availability and participation. So, the Maloney?s decided to put the project on the shelf? . until now. Fast forward? June 2017. With her continued passion to make a difference, Megan, a college marketing & business student, has dusted off the project and has put together an impressive team. She first partnered with Keith Hudson, a family friend and father of pop star Katy Perry, as the CEO. Next, they pitched the concept to Priceline and have joined forces with the Priceline Partner Network to power and provide all the travel related products. With
additional strategic partnerships in marketing and brand development, Megan?s unfortunate story has now become her future to see the problem and work to find a solution. As a growing millennial population has a desire to inherently better the world, Megan will help provide the collective an opportunity by connecting hearts around the world, one trip at a time. 1 in 2 men, 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer, 1 person every 8 minutes under 40 will be diagnosed with cancer in US.
Megan Maloney
Car e. Con n ect . Cr eat e. Ever yon e n eeds a h elpin g h an d.
M om Em at ch is an on lin e, lif est yle plat f or m t h at m at ch es f am ilies w h o n eed an ext r a h an d, w it h sk illed an d depen dable car e pr ovider s w h o w ill best su it t h eir n eeds. At M om Em at ch , ou r car e pr ovider s ar e f lexible en ou gh t o m eet an y sch edu le an d ar e diver se en ou gh t o assist in var iou s aspect s of lif e, su ch as: M eal Pr ep Hom ew or k Help
At, we believe that every family deserves a helping hand with meal preparation, laundry, carpooling, childcare , etc? Our company connects moms who need this help, with other local moms who can provide it. We value the experience, wisdom, and nurturing that only a mother can offer.
OK so w e lit er ally m ade som e on e of ou r ch ildh ood dr eam s com e t r u e ju st r ecen t ly. You k n ow t h e m ove " Clu eless" ? We'll w e've w at ch ed t h at m ovie m aybe 20 t im es, an d t h er e is t h is on e su per icon ic scen e w h er e t h is su per icon ic son g is playin g. We u sed t o h ave SO M ANY dan ce par t ies t o t h at son g. An am azin g am azin g w om an , Jill Sobu le, w r ot e t h at son g.
Pop-duo Carly and Martina launched into their music career at the young age of 13, with their first recording contract for original debut single "Make Me Happy." The 16-year old twins from Chicago carry mind-blowingly strong vocals, bold-albeit daring harmonies, and such sweet versatility to their sound it comes as no
surprise that they have amassed an international, loyal fan base in such a short amount of time. No stranger to the stage, the two have blessed the stages of many a notable music venue across the US. Their on stage, almost telepathic chemistry is something only the twins themselves can truly grasp, however its undeniable
presence is what makes their live-performances so entertaining. Ordinary is not a word that can be used to describe Carly and Martina as musicians as the girls write all of their own lyrics, musical arrangements, and are almost always found buried deep into the post-production process of their creative genius.
Right now, you?re trying to figure out h ow t o st an d ou t f r om t h e cr ow d so you can get in front of more potential clients and customers and grow your business. You want to write for national publications, be quoted in newspapers and magazines and appear on television and radio ? but you have n o idea h ow t o st ar t lan din g t h ose oppor t u n it ies. Sound familiar? I?m Kristi Dosh, and I h elp en t r epr en eu r s an d au t h or s posit ion t h em selves as exper t s an d becom e m or e visible f or t h at exper t ise so t h ey can ach ieve t h eir bu sin ess an d r even u e goals. What do I know about becoming an expert and getting more visible? I began my career as a corporate attorney who happened to have a little blogging hobby. Since I began that blog eight years ago, I?ve landed two book deals, countless guest blogs, feature articles with major publications likeGlamourandMen?s Health, dozens of (paid!) speaking engagements all over the country, and numerous national radio and television interviews. I even got hired away from my law practice by ESPN to be a sports business analyst five years ago, and now I write for Forbes on sports business and for Fast Company on entrepreneurship. You can check out more about my story in this TV appearance on The Chat:
HOW I USE FACEBOOK GROUPS TO GROW MY BUSINESS Eleven months after I started my own business, I found myself fully booked and in a position to pay myself a salary equal to what I was making as a VP at the marketing agency I?d left. And I owe virtually all that success to tapping the power of Facebook groups. Before then, I used Facebook the way most people do? as a tool for keeping in touch with friends and family, sharing life updates, and taking a break from work. LinkedIn and Twitter, on the other hand, were my business development tools. That started to change when I signed up for a group coaching program for online entrepreneurs and was invited to the coach?s Facebook group. I couldn?t have known at the time that Facebook would become the referral source for 95% of my new business leads and 85% of my current clients.
FINDING THE RIGHT FACEBOOK GROUPS Most Facebook groups I?ve come across for entrepreneurs are ?private,? meaning you need to click a button to request access and wait for someone to approve you. Don?t be put off by that. Some groups might have a few baseline requirements for entry, usually by interest area, field, or identity, and others are dedicated to paid training. There are groups for women entrepreneurs, for instance, and others you?re asked to join when you sign up for a paid coaching program.
So while the first Facebook group I joined was the latter sort, I was soon emailed an invitation to join another after downloading an e-book on an entrepreneur ?s site. For independent workers and ?solopreneurs? like me, private Facebook groups offering exclusive content and networking are becoming more common. Watch for those mentions in any emails you receive from someone after downloading their free offer.
That?s not the only place to look, though. Facebook?s algorithm is good at suggesting groups you might like?you just need to get started. If you?re on the desktop browser version of Facebook, you?ll see suggested groups on the right sidebar when you?re already inside a group. That can be a good place to find other groups whose members have similar interests.
Amanda Goldman-Petri, founder of Market Like a Nerd, filled her business with one-on-one coaching clients just 30 days after she began actively participating in Facebook groups. And she says that within 90 days, she booked $120,000 in new business, 90% of which came from her own Facebook group. Goldman-Petri has three important tips when it comes to finding the right group to build your own business: 1. Don?t join a group run by a direct competitor in your space. 2. Stick to groups with 500?10,000 members. This way it?s big enough to be worth your time, but not so big that you get lost in the shuffle. 3. Make sure members in the group are actively engaged. If it?s simply a place where people drop in promotional posts and then leave, it isn?t worth your time. WHAT TO DO ONCE YOU?RE THERE The biggest mistake I?ve made with Facebook groups is simply spending too much of my day posting and answering questions. You want people to notice you and engage with you, so you soon find yourself everywhere, all the time?not the most effective strategy. When you?re inside a group, there?s a search box. Use that to search for keywords around your product or service. For example, I search things like ?publicity,? ?PR,? and ?public speaking.? I try to stay in my lane, so to speak, and only engage on topics that are central
to my business in order to effectively manage my time in the Facebook groups I?ve joined. I only actively participate in three groups outside of my own, [but] in the beginning, I joined at least a dozen groups where I thought my ideal clients might hang out. There are a few other guide rules I?ve given myself. I only actively participate in three groups outside of my own. In the beginning, I joined at least a dozen groups where I thought my ideal clients might hang out, and then I essentially tested them out to decide which got me the most bang for my buck. Since you can?t tell much about a group until you?ve been approved to join, I start out by scrolling through the group?s main news feed right after I?m approved. That helps me get an initial feel for whether or not I was right about it being a good spot to find my ideal clients. For example, I once ended up in a group with perfectly lovely women, but the majority appeared to be involved in multilevel marketing. That?s not my ideal client, so I quietly left the group. If I read through a dozen or so posts and think the group is a good fit, I?ll write a post introducing myself and my business and then gauge the response. If people leave positive comments and ask me questions, that?s a promising sign that it?s worth getting more engaged.
From there, I?ll search the group for my keywords and respond in a few threads. I?ll also start posting every few days about a topic related to my business and attempt to teach the audience something?or just provide some value however I can. For me, that might mean giving a few tips on the best places for people to find their first speaking gig.
What happens after I start posting tips and answering questions in these Facebook groups? Sometimes it?s as simple as someone sending me a private message and saying that they saw my post and are interested in learning more about my services. Other times, they?re intrigued enough by my content to ?like? my business page and then join my own group, where I can market to them more openly. If people leave positive comments and ask me questions, that?s a promising sign that it?s worth getting more engaged. Either way, you?ll want to keep a lookout for hard results like these. As every business owner (not just marketer) knows, if you can?t ultimately turn engagement into revenue,
it?s not worth much. My business is 16 months old, and I?ve been booked solid with retainer clients since month 11, thanks in large part to my participation in Facebook groups. And it?s not just me who is seeing this kind of lead generation from this approach. Emily Hirsh, an online marketing strategist whose business is on track to do $250,000 in revenue this year, says 80% of her clients come from a wide range of Facebook groups where she maintains a presence. But you don?t have to be an online entrepreneur to tap the power of Facebook groups. It?s fertile ground for a variety of independent consultants as well?including in local niches. Stephanie Melish, a certified business coach who often works with local clients, tells me she?s landed two coaching clients, a speaking engagement, and several business collaborations by participating in a Facebook group that focuses on women in the Charlotte, North Carolina, area. It allows me to build my credibility in my local marketplace and secure referrals,? says Melish. ?For example, I was able to secure one of my coaching clients because they saw a post where someone had asked about local business coaches, and several other members had listed me in the comments.?
Having previously tried to generate leads through LinkedIn groups with absolutely no results, I was skeptical that Facebook would work any better. Less than a year later, I?m thrilled to have proven myself wrong. Kristi A. Dosh is a publicist and the founder of Guide My Brand. Formerly a finance attorney, she is also a nationally recognized sports business analyst and a published author.
M EET LAYLA & M YA SugaBabes| SugaArchitects| LaylaandMya Wearetwosistersandtheproudcreatorsof SugaBabes! Wehadanidea. Wetoldour mom.Our mom madeour ideaareality! Weareinbusiness! Lik e m ost you n g gir ls w e love bat h an d body pr odu ct s. We love su gar scr u bs, lot ion s an d gr eat sm ellin g soaps. We w ou ld u se ou r m om s scr u bs an d lot ion s an d sh e w ou ld alw ays t ell u s t o "st ay ou t of m y st u f f !" So, w e t h ou gh t , w h y n ot cr eat e ou r ow n st u f f an d w e did, t h is w as t h e begin n in g of
Su ga Babes! We cr eat ed pr odu ct s w it h ou r f r ien ds in m in d! We cr eat ed an all n at u r al bat h an d body pr odu ct lin e w h er e w e u sed on ly pr em iu m in gr edien t s. Ju st r ecen t ly (Novem ber 2017) w e cr eat ed a sign at u r e lin e of pr odu ct s
Layla an d M ya ar e t w o sist er s r u n n in g a sw eet bu sin ess, Su ga Babes. Th ey decided t o st ar t t h eir ow n bu sin ess af t er alw ays u sin g t h eir m ot h er s bat h pr odu ct s. In st ead of sayin g let 's go an d bu y ou r ow n , t h ey said, let 's m ak e ou r ow n ! Apr il 2012, Su ga Babes w as in bu sin ess. Th ey cr eat ed all n at u r al, vegan based bat h an d body pr odu ct s. Th eir lin e in clu ded: su gar scr u bs, body lot ion , m u scle jelly, an d body m ist s. Today, t h eir pr odu ct lin e h as expan ded an d t h ey h ave m ade som e ch an ges. Th ey h ave a n ew sign at u r e lin e, le su ga spot t e. Th e lin e con sist s of w h ipped su gar scr u bs, w h ipped body bu t t er s, lot ion bar s, lip balm s, t -sh ir t s, k ey ch ain s, jou r n als, w at er t u m bler s an d cof f ee t r avel m u gs. Layla an d M ya n ot on ly sell gr eat pr odu ct s t h ey also r u n a m obile spa bu sin ess. Th e h ost par t ies f or gir ls ages 5-13. Th ey com e t o you an d con du ct t h e f ollow in g m in i ser vices: m an i, pedi, an d f acials. Th e best par t of t h eir bu sin ess is t o be able t o in spir e ot h er you n g gir ls t h at t h ey t oo can live t h eir dr eam s n o m at t er h ow you n g t h ey ar e! Th ey h ave h ost ed over 300 par t ies an d at each par t y t h ey en cou r age t h eir you n g gu est s t o live t h eir dr eam s! Layla an d M ya ar e beyon d w h at societ y deem s su ccessf u l becau se t h ey ar e leavin g a posit ive im pact on m an y you n g gir ls lives! Layla is n ow 16 an d M ya is n ow 11!
an d accessor ies, le su ga spot t e. le su ga spot t e is w h er e ever yt h in g is sw eet ju st lik e u s! Ou r sign at u r e pr odu ct lin e con sist s of w h ipped su gar scr u bs, w h ipped body bu t t er s, lip balm s, lot ion bar s, jou r n als, t -sh ir t s, k ey ch ain s, w at er an d cof f ee t u m bler s, an d ch ar m s. Not on ly do w e h ave a sign at u r e pr odu ct lin e w e also do m obile spa par t ies! Yep, you r ead cor r ect ! M obile Spa Par t ies f or gir ls! ages 5-13. Now h ow f u n is t h at ? Th e best par t abou t ou r par t ies is t h at w e com e t o you an d br in g ever yt h in g w it h u s. Ou r ser vices in clu de: m in i m an i, m in i pedi, an d m in i f acials. We br in g ever yt h in g w it h u s t o con du ct you r par t y, w ell m aybe n ot t h e k it ch en sin k :) Su ga Babes is a dr eam com e t r u e! Ou r m om h as h elped u s t o br in g ou r ideas t o r ealit y! Su ga Babes n ot on ly pr ovide except ion al ser vices t o ou r clien t s w e also pr ovide a m essage of in spir at ion an d m ot ivat ion ! You ar e n ever t o you n g t o st ar t livin g you r dr eam ! We ar e a
per f ect exam ple of w h at it m ean s t o st ep ou t on f ait h an d believe t h at you can do an yt h in g! If God gives you t h e vision He w ill m ak e t h e pr ovision s! Th er e ar e n o lim it s an d n o bou n dar ies t o w h er e you can go in lif e w h en w e pu t God f ir st ! Look at u s, ju st on e idea h as t u r n ed in t o som et h in g SPECTACULAR! BTW: We ar e n ot su ccessf u l an d spect acu lar becau se w e sell a lot of pr odu ct s or book par t ies, w e ar e su ccessf u l becau se w e ser ve ot h er s! So, ou r w or d t o you is, SERVE OTHERS an d t h at is t h e def in it ion of su ccess!
Please see below som e of t h e or gan izat ion s w e h ave been h on or ed t o par t n er w it h : -
Ch r ist Holy San ct if ied Ch u r ch of Am er ica, In c., Nat ion al Wom en's Depar t m en t Texas Bapt ist Ch ildr en's Hom e Oper at ion Ch r ist m as Ch ild Ar r ow Ch ild an d Fam ily M in ist r ies Wh en an d Wh er e I En t er , In c. Cyn iqu e Evou le - Hou st on Doct or s on t h e Ru n w ay Spar k les of Lif e SW Con su lt in g Th e Pu r ple Gir l Sh ow St ar of Hope 40z Rock Tot al Beau t y Ladies Even t s Car t er 's Kids Wor ld Vision Th e Gr idir on Classic Cou r ageou s Fait h Ch r ist ian Cen t er Gideon In st it u t e In t er n at ion al Jen esse Cen t er -Calif or n ia Gen esis Hou se of New Begin n in gs Spau ldin g f or Ch ildr en Adopt ion Agen cy
Isabel an d Car olin e Ber caw
I t all st ar t ed w it h a bat h . Growing up, we always loved using fizzing bath bombs. But we couldn't help but feel a little bit sad when a bomb finished dissolving because, well... it was gone.
So w e decided t o cr eat e ou r ow n lin e of bat h bom bs t h at each con t ain a f u n su r pr ise in t h e m iddle! Now isn't t h at w ay m or e excit in g t h an a bat h bom b t h at ju st disappear s? (We t h in k so!) We also w an t ed t o k eep ou r bom bs as n at u r al as possible, so w e m ak e t h em ou r selves u sin g ju st a f ew sim ple, h igh qu alit y in gr edien t s. Da Bom b Bat h Fizzer s ar e in cr edibly popu lar w it h k ids an d adu lt s alik e! Sin ce w e cr eat ed t h em in 2012 (w h en w e w er e ju st 10 an d 11 year s old), t h ey 've been f lyin g of f t h e sh elves at r et ail st or es all over t h e cou n t r y, an d ar e available r igh t h er e on ou r w ebsit e f or pu r ch ase. All ou r bom bs ar e h an dm ade in t h e USA. We u sed t o m ak e all t h e bom bs ou r selves bu t , du e t o in cr easin g dem an d, w e even t u ally h ir ed som e people t o h elp u s. Even ou r lit t le br ot h er , Har r y, h as been k n ow n t o con t r ibu t e. (He's t h e br illian t m in d beh in d t h e Nin ja Bom b, by t h e w ay.)
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Sabya Clarke
Sabya is 18, and I'm a virtual reality screenwriter and director. I just completed a successful Kickstarter campaign for my VR movie,To Patch A Broken Star(for release in 2018). Here is a short article on how to create a successful brand. One of the best ways to create a successful brand is to offer something in an emerging market. For example, my production company Cinema gick does not produce traditional films. We produce virtual reality films. A virtual reality experience is not a 360 video. With VR, the world is built from scratch, and
the characters in the film are animated and rigged. You can view the story looking up, down, to your left or to your right. It?s an amazing form of entertainment.You no longer just watch a movie. You can experience it. My VR movies will eventually incorporate smells, a special chair and a vest that you can wear. Why a vest? Imagine watching a scene and feeling the vibration of an earthquake that?s happening in the movie. Imagine smelling the meal that the protagonist is preparing next to you in the kitchen.
Virtual reality is truly immersive, and there?s an amazing opportunity to grow with the technology. That?skey for building a successful brand. Find opportunities for growth. Another tip for creating a successful brand is to leverage diversity. Cinema gick is a B Corporation, whose mission is to help those underrepresented in film and technology gain more access. These include women, minorities and persons with autism. My movie, To Patch A Broken Star, is currently in production. After raising funds successfully using Kickstarter, I was able to hire a virtual reality world builder to help me make my movie. As the director,I am
also responsible for casting voice actors, and hiring other cast and crew. The actress for the pilot of my movie, Joy Ogke bene is Nigerian. The lead actor,Devin Justice, is Puerto Rican. My production partner is from Liberia. Ad-iverse team and crew is helping me to build a successful brand as a virtual reality director, writer and producer.
Actress Monique Coleman
Monique Coleman was born on November 13, 1980 in Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA as Adrienne Monique Coleman. She is an actress and producer, known for High School Musical (2006), High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008) andHigh School Musical 2 (2007). She has been married to Walter Jordan since February 14, 2012.
Facts About Stalking
St alk in g is r epeat ed con t act t h at m ak es you f eel af r aid or h ar assed.
Someone may stalk you by following you or calling you often. Stalkers may also use technology to stalk you by sending unwanted emails or social media messages. About one in six women has experienced stalking in her lifetime. 1. Women are twice as likely to be stalked as men are. 2 Stalking is a crime.
Stalking is any repeated and unwanted contact with you that makes you feel unsafe. You can be stalked by a stranger, but most stalkers are people you know ? even an intimate partner. Stalking may get worse or become violent over time. Stalking may also be a sign of an abusive relationship. *
Someone who is stalking you may threaten your safety by clearly saying they want to harm you. Some stalkers harass you with less threatening but still unwanted contact. The use of technology to stalk, sometimes called ?cyberstalking,? involves using the Internet, email, or other electronic communications to stalk someone. Stalking is against the law.
Exam ples of cyber st alk in g in clu de: -
Sending unwanted, frightening, or obscene emails, text messages, or instant messages (IMs) - Harassing or threatening you on social media - Tracking your computer and internet use - Using technology such as GPS to track where you are
Exam ples of st alk in g m ay in clu de: Following you around or spying on you Sending you unwanted emails or letters Calling you often Showing up uninvited at your house, school, or work Leaving you unwanted gifts Damaging your home, car, or other property Threatening you, your family, or pets with violence
Communication Skills Building for Parents of Preteen Girls
All parents can benefit from building healthy communication skills with their children. In this section, you will follow the lives of the Davis family as they go through five child-parent issues and learn better ways to deal with them. The family includes: -
Tina Davis, a single mom who has separated from her husband, Darren Davis Daughters, Kyla (13) and April (10), who are quickly growing up.
Beginning with the Facilitator 's Guide, use the following tools to help parents and caregivers communicate better with their daughters. -
Facilit at or 's Gu ide w it h Plan n in g Ch eck list - For leaders, the Facilitator 's Guide offers suggested questions about each topic to help encourage a rich discussion among parents and caregivers.
On lin e videos- The online videos offer real examples for parents and caregivers to follow to help them talk openly to their daughters about what they may be going through during adolescence. The mother, Tina, is in each of the videos; however, the situation and communication skills presented are useful for all parents and caregivers.