The Professional Pastors

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Leader sh ip Developm en t

Bu sin ess & Lif e Coach Ch r ist ian Au t h or


THISISHOWI FAST Our church used the month of January as a fasting exercise. It was connected to a much bigger project but each of us was expected to participate by choosing one day during the month to fast. A calendar was passed around and I chose January 31st. The instructions were fairly basic, ?fast?yourself from something that keeps your attention that you can go without for a day. Also, pray for one another and the church.

My wife, Brenda is a very serious studier. I am much less so, but I did pay attention to her discussions about fasting. She chose to fast from food but only from sun up to sundown, as per Biblical study material she had used for reference. I chose to fast from the Internet. As my home-based business is 100-percent dependent on the world-wide web, I decided something like that I would actually

by Geor ge Elliot

feel and notice. I actually stayed off the Internet for a complete 24 hour period from 9:00 PM January 30th to 9:00 PM on January 31st. I spent the day hanging out with Bren. We spent the entire day watching DVDs and relaxing. While she was still ?connected?to the Internet, she didn?t spend time on line in my presence and did me a favor by not telling me anything she had been reading on her news feeds. It was a big help to me.

But I wanted to look into fasting a bit deeper. With some of my freelance writing work I have written a number of articles on fasting diets ? intermittent eating programs as they are often called. I know that restricting your food intake for an extended period of time is not good for our health so that is why I chose to fast from the Internet on my chosen day. In fact, there is

nothing in Scripture that commands Christians to fast.

the item to pull myself away from for a day. It actually was much easier than I thought explains it well it would be with this and it showed statement: me something ?Too often, the else. I am now focus of pulling myself fasting is on away from the the lack of Internet more food. Instead, frequently the purpose of during an fasting should average day. be to take Sure, there are your eyes off days when I the things of need to spend this world to a full day in focus the home completely on office on God.? That was writing why I used the projects, but I one thing that don?t have the more or less computer controls my connected to working day as the ?net when

I?m doing that. Now I basically do a series of ?checks?on line of matters that either concern or interest me and leave it at that. In a way, I am still fasting and trying to put more of God in that place.

Geor ge Elliot h t t p:/ / w w w.dailydevot ion alebook .com /

How To Cr eat e Fin an cial St abilit y by Jan e Hw an gbo

Let ?s look at a scen ar io. Girl goes to school so that she can become whoever she wants to be. Girl gets degree. Girl has to get a job where priority #1 is how much she gets paid, thus implicitly letting go of the ?whoever she wants to be? part for now. Girl is talented and smart. She becomes successful at said job, and gets compliments from her peers and family. She can?t stop not being ?whoever she wants to be? now. She?s too invested in being someone else. Girl creates financial stability. Girl begins to hate herself. She starts to feel the insincerity of her days. She shows the hurt to others as anger and impatience. She?s accidentally put her own life on hold.

En d u p doin g w h at you love all t h e t im e. Get t o Level 4. M ak e it h appen Spr ead t h e w or d by h it t in g t h e h ear t ! ? Tak e ou r class, M ission Over M on ey: Th e Fu n dam en t als of St r on g M on ey M an agem en t , an d cr eat e t h e k in d of f in an cial st abilit y t h at allow s you t o becom e w h o you w an t t o be.

Girl is the story of everyone?s financial life. What girl does at this point determines whether she creates a financial future that?s filled with happiness, or one that?s about covering shame. She will think it?s easier to keep going down her current path, becoming more and more exhausted from the pressure. At some point, she will disconnect to survive. From herself and the people around her. All financial stability is not built the same. One is built around who you really are. The other a mis-fit, and ironically in the end, harder to

sustain. Th e r ealit y is t h at t h er e is a u n iver sal h ier ar ch y (or ?pat h?) t o h ow w e bu ild ou r r elat ion sh ip w it h m on ey. 1st level?? ? Fin an cial st abilit y. We must know with certainty that we will be able to pay our rent, pay our bills and our debt obligations, and put food on the table. This is our first goal. 2n d level?? ? Fin an cial u n cer t ain t y. We must know that after having created financial certainty, we can have some fun! You can take an unplanned vacation if you want to. Or buy something nice

for yourself without financial calamity. This second level is about financial surprise and joy. 3r d level?? ? Gr ow t h . After becoming worthy of the confidence that comes from having achieved the first two levels, like a butterfly in a chrysalis, you feel the need to expand your financial capacities. You want to learn how to grow your money, which means investing. With financial stability and fun now firmly established, you can emotionally and financially afford to take risks. You cannot skip Level 1 and Level 2 to get here.

You?ll crash if you try. 4t h level?? ? Fu lf illm en t . The first three levels of financial hierarchy can be reached with just financial knowledge alone. But you can?t reach the stage of fulfillment without having learned who you are and begun to financially support doing what you love (your purpose) so that your time, money, and talents are all aligned to make the greatest impact on the world. It?s the ?damn, I?m happy? stage. How do you get t o Level 4? You st ar t by get t in g t o Level 1?? ?fin an cial st abilit y. Level 1 requires learning skills that most people don?t have.

Th u s, m ost people n ever get t o Level 1. It ?s a sh am e, becau se lear n in g n ew sk ills su r r ou n din g m on ey isn?t h ar d on ce people get over t h eir f ear s. People t r y t o cr am t o Level 3 (Gr ow t h ), bu t t h ey f in d t h eir lives f illed w it h f in an cial boom s an d bu st s. No u pw ar d dir ect ion . Even people w h o m an age t o cr eat e f in an cial st abilit y of t en spen d m an y ?pr odu ct ive? year s get t in g t o Level 3 (Gr ow t h ) in w ays t h at ar en?t t r u e t o t h em selves. Th ey becom e u n h appy. Th ey don?t k n ow w h at else t o do, so t h ey ju st k eep sw im m in g, lik e Dor y in Fin din g Nem o. Th eir f ocu s slow ly sh if t s t o pr ot ect in g t h em selves r at h er t h an givin g t o ot h er s. Th eir per son al r elat ion sh ips su f f er . Lik e a Cat ch -22, t h e car eer t h at w as m ean t t o h elp t h em m ain t ain f in an cial st abilit y ir on ically begin s t o sh ow cr ack s, bu t t h ey h old on t o t h e bit t er en d. You see it all t h e t im e. Th e people w h o appr oach m e w it h t h e deepest f in an cial ch allen ges ar e t h ose w h o h ave w alk ed t h is ver y pat h . Th ey t r u ly f eel t h at t h ey can?t get ou t . Th e on ly alt er n at ive t h at w or k s. Fr om t h e begin n in g, cr eat e you r f in an cial st abilit y in a w ay t h at is t r u e t o w h o you w an t t o be. Hold t h at goal an d n ever lose sigh t of it . Lear n t h e basic f in an cial sk ills you don?t h ave n ow , an d u se t h e sk ill set as a com pet it ive advan t age f or ever yt h in g in you r lif e. Dr eam s becom e r ealit ies t h is w ay.


PRACTICINGDAILYGRATITUDE It seems no matter where you turn, you can find advice on how to get the things you want?? ?how to make more money, how to score a better job, how to land a better relationship or obtain a killer bikini body. But what about being grateful for the things we already have? I truly believe that being mindful of gratitude can change your whole way of thinking, the way you see the world, and the way you interact with people on a daily basis. Practicing gratitude?? ? especially in an actionable way like

writing a Gratitude List?? ? has always had a way of making me feel different, changing my heart for the better. Wh at do you t h in k of w h en you h ear t h e w or d gr at it u de? Gratitude is simply thankfulness. You can be thankful for anything you see, have, or experience that brings you delight, happiness, contentment, peace, or makes your life easier, etc. Gr at it u de isn?t on e of t h ose t h in gs t h at you can set -an d-f or get . Gratefulness is an active thing that needs to be exercised just like a muscle. My favorite way

By Blair Cr itch to practice gratitude is to take time before bed to say my prayers and give thanks for all the things that day brought me, all the lessons I learned that day. But don?t limit your gratitude practice to the end of the day only! During your busy day, why not stop and allow yourself to take inventory of the joy you already have (no matter how tiny) and be grateful for the moment? You can do this by making a quick gratitude list (dow n load you r f r ee Gr at it u de List Wor k sh eet h er e) or for the tech lovers out there, try downloading t h is app.

I am lovin g t h is Gr at it u de App t h at h as been f eat u r ed in For bes an d even

en dor sed by Opr ah ! Ever y day, t h e app pr om pt s you t o post 5 t h in gs you ar e gr at ef u l f or . You can even add pict u r es! Accor din g t o t h e app cr eat or s, a 5-m in u t e daily pr act ice of gr at it u de h as t h e pow er t o act u ally r ew ir e you r br ain . By pr act icin g aw ar en ess of t h e posit ive t h in gs in lif e, w e f igh t of f t h e br ain?s n at u r al t en den cy t o scan f or an d spot t h e n egat ives. As a r esu lt , w e t r ain ou r br ain s t o be m or e posit ive an d t h u s h appier . ?? ?h t t p:/ / get gr at it u So w h et h er you ar e at you r son?s baseball gam e an d t h an k f u l f or h is h om e r u n , or you scor e an ext r a f ive m in u t es of su n sh in e on you r lu n ch br eak , or you h ave a f abu lou s con ver sat ion w it h an old f r ien d, you can post it all u sin g t h e Gr at it u de App. It ?s on ly a m at t er of t im e bef or e you r posit ivit y w ill st ar t t o sh ow an d spr ead lik e w ild f ir e. Can you im agin e h ow m u ch m or e pleasan t t h e w or ld w ou ld be if w e w er e all ju st a lit t le m or e gr at ef u l? Tak e a f ew days t o t r y t h e gr at it u de pr act ice, an d see h ow you r m in d f ocu ses im m ediat ely on all you r blessin gs big an d sm all, in st ead of all t h e n egat ive, com plain -ey ju n k . Th is is all abou t livin g you r lif e in color an d allow in g ot h er s t o as w ell.

h t t p:/ / w w w.pu m /

h t t p:/ / w w w.pu m /

TyiaCunningham-Sumter h t t p:/ / w w w.t h elif ean dlovecoach .com /

It can be challenging knowing you want change, but not quite knowing what that change looks like. I was working with an advertising agency when I finally discovered my passion, and advertising wasn?t it. I had been working for over 10 years before I decided this isn?t what I really want to do. But sometimes we can be stubborn and have to be pushed in the direction of our dreams. I probably would have stayed in the advertising job if it wasn?t for the lay off. That layoff was the best thing that happened to me. Although, I cried when I was let go, it forced me to do things I had only been talking about doing. I?m now pursuing my passion of writing, training and coaching. If you are feeling stuck and not quite sure what your passion is, here are a few suggestions: Th in k abou t t h e sk ills you alr eady possess an d det er m in e w h ich on es you en joy u sin g t h e m ost . Is it working with people? Is it working independently?

Do you enjoy using your hands? Do you like creating? Do you get a thrill out of organizing things? Do you love working with numbers? Does working with children inspire you? Spend some time really thinking about what you enjoy and why? Your why is your passion. Wr it e it dow n . Every skill you recognized in the first suggestion, write it down. Don?t limit yourself here, everything you thought about should be written down. Don?t allow negative thinking to creep into this process. Don?t worry about the how right now, just write down every thought that comes up. Pr ior it ize you r list . Out of everything you?ve written, rank them in order of significance to you. This one might be challenging because you do really enjoy using each of the skills you have listed, but do your best and narrow it down. Which gets you the most excited? Now it ?s t im e t o t h in k abou t t h e car eer s t h at r equ ir e t h at par t icu lar sk ill. Now don?t be surprised if you come to the realization that your passion is only going to come through starting your own business. That?s something you need to know and might make you even more excited than before. Next to every skill you?ve listed write the career or job title that matches it. Last , it ?s t im e t o st ar t in vest in g in you r passion . This will include researching different careers or entrepreneurship. You may have to go back to school or take a couple of classes. You may have to set up a few coffee dates with professionals in your field of interest to learn more. Be prepared, because this is when your passion will begin to manifest. If it is truly your passion, believe me none of this will feel like work. Bolder Sist er s, you r passion is w ait in g on you t o u n lock it . Do t h e sou l sear ch in g r equ ir ed an d get bu sy pu r su in g. Good lu ck ! As alw ays I can?t w ait t o h ear w h at you discover . Please sh ar e in t h e com m en t sect ion below. lifenlovecoachFebruary 20, 2017blogs for overcoming shyness, Blogs for shy girls, discovering your passion, pursuing your passion

By Shelley Najby j ar

This is a continuation of the 4 St eps t o Accom plish in g You r Goals series, a walk-through of the process I use to accomplish many things throughout the year. I?m also highlighting stories from people who?ve accomplished big goals in their life or business. Today is Step 2: Plan and Take Action. We?ll go through a process to define all of your action steps, and ensure you don?t miss something obvious. I?ll also help you create a timeline (even if you?re not a ?schedule person?) and find the right person to share your goal

with. Then, you?ll use your plan to get started on the goal! If you haven?t read it already, I recommend catching up on Step 1: Assess and Clarify before continuing on to this second step. Keep reading to learn more about Step 2 and then come back next Tuesday (Jan 24) to read Step 3: Break Barriers and Collect Small Success. The four steps each also have worksheets that help you walk through this process. If you want them, be sure to answer Yes!! on that section on the Insiders signup form (if you?re already signed up, you can

Sh elley Najjar

update your profile by using the same email you used before). St ep 2: Plan an d Tak e Act ion

Make your action steps Without a plan, you might as well be wishing the goal will happen on its own. Get your clarified goal (from Step 1) and list all the things that you?ll need to do to accomplish it. Even if this seems redundant from Step 1 when you made it specific and actionable, there?s probably still work to do. I?m guessing that even if you originally started with a larger goal and already broke it down into smaller action-oriented goals (way to go!), you?ll still have other

steps to take in order to accomplish each subgoal, so take this time to do break them out now. Sometimes it?s a bit nebulous as to when Step 1 stops and Step 2 begins, so if you?re ahead of the class on this that?s totally fine. Just make sure you think through this process anyway to make sure you didn?t miss anything. Also, if your goal is already very tiny, then Step 2 will go much faster and may be almost automatic. If you your goal isn?t that specific or actionable after doing Step 1, now?s your chance to correct it. You can use this process to help you think through what action steps

should be included: Wh at ?s t h e f ir st t h in g you n eed t o do? Is t h er e an yt h in g t h at n eeds t o h appen bef or e you can do t h at , or w ou ld you be able t o st ar t im m ediat ely? (Th is h elps you t h in k abou t w h et h er t h er e?s som et h in g obviou s t h at w ill pr even t you f r om get t in g st ar t ed) Wh at ?s t h e n ext t h in g you n eed t o do? Will you be able t o do t h is im m ediat ely af t er t h e f ir st , or is t h er e an yt h in g t h at n eeds t o h appen bet w een t h ese st eps? (Keep goin g u n t il you h ave all t h e st eps ou t lin ed.) (If you don?t know

what action steps need to be included, one of your first steps is probably asking for outside perspective/advice and researching how other people have accomplished similar goals.) After you finish that outline, you should also consider these questions that are easy to overlook: I f r equ ir ed, did

you in clu de an act ion st ep t o t alk w it h an yon e else in volved w it h or af f ect ed by you r plan ? Did you in clu de st eps t o lear n t h e in f or m at ion an d sk ills you don?t alr eady h ave? Does each desir ed par t of you r m en t al im age of w h at su ccess look s

lik e h ave a cor r espon din g st ep in you r cu r r en t plan ? Did you in clu de a plan f or ch eck in g you r pr ogr ess on t h e act ion st eps t h at w ill t ak e a lon g t im e? Create a timeline Assign deadlines to each action step for when it will get done. This doesn?t have to be a minute-by-minute plan, but it should have major milestones on it. Schedule each action step into your calendar or use whatever other method you prefer to commit to doing these action steps at specific times. If you?re a person who rebels against schedules, plan action steps for a specific day or week instead of a specific time of day. If you?re a person who rebels against schedules,

Financial Broker Kerri Moriarity

plan action steps for a specific day or week instead of a specific time of day. Be careful! To make this flexible method work, the action steps need to be priorities for the time period they?re assigned to, or they?ll likely keep getting postponed instead of getting accomplished.

Be accountable Think of someone who you want to tell the goal to, and then share the goal with them in the next two days. It?s up to you to decide whether you want to share details of the plan or just the overall goal, but you should

share it with someone who will be supportive. If you?re looking for an accountability partner along the way, be sure to share your timeline too, so they know what progress to expect and how to encourage you at each point in your plan. I know there?s debate on whether it?s better to share goals or to not share them, but in my experience, it?s better to share with at least one person? if you choose the right person! They need to be someone who can support and encourage you, and won?t give you too

much attention just for saying you?re planning to do something (rather than actually doing something). If you don?t have anyone like this in your daily life, there are plenty of options to find a mentor, accountability partner, or understanding community online.

small step) will make you feel much more connected to this process and goal, make it easier to achieve.

Take action ? Get started now! You can have the perfect plan, but if you never follow it, it won?t help.

You could do something today that gives you more time tomorrow to work on the goal, like doing one extra errand.

Use your plan and the excitement of starting something new to give you motivation. Taking action on the goal now (even if it?s a

You could also spend some time learning about something related but not essential to the goal, or get inspired by watching

Even if your timeline says the first action step will be done tomorrow, there?s probably an extra action you can do today to gain some momentum.

a video or r eadin g a st or y of som eon e accom plish in g you r goal. On ce you ?ve st ar t ed t ak in g act ion , con t in u e u sin g t h e plan t o k eep you r f or w ar d pr ogr ess goin g over t h e n ext w eek , an d t h en com e back n ext Tu esday (Jan 24) t o r ead St ep 3: Br eak Bar r ier s an d Collect Sm all Su ccess. Want the worksheet to help you through this process? Sign up for the Insiders list and answer Yes!! on that section of the signup form to let me know to email it to you. (If you?re already signed up, you can update your profile by using the same email you used before).


Wh at I lear n ed f r om LAUGHING t h r ou gh m y PAIN?

2016 / Volume 1 / Issue 1

by Ron n ik a William s

Life happens. We can all agree with that. Honestly my dad used to always warn about those unfavorable moments as an adult. Those moments when you watch your credit score plummet from 700+ to about 500. Or, when you have to gather yourself after a serious accident sets you back. What about the time that you had to sit out of graduate school for a year because of a mistake that you didn?t correct in enough time. Wait, I almost forgot one, the event of losing a parent before they were able to witness the wins in your 30s.

Over the past month I?ve been reminded of the moments that I spent with my father after my serious burns accident. The posts that I shared on social media were rooted in laughter. My dad was one of the funniest guys that I?ve ever known. I?m not just saying that because he was dad. He was absolutely hilarious. The days that I spent with him during that journey of my life were unforgettable. He encouraged me in his own little way to laugh through my pain. He reminded me that things would get better.

They did. Everything is a process. No one can tell you how to cope with certain things that happen in your life. For example, no one can tell you how to grieve. I?ve had plenty of people ask me how did you keep pushing after the everything you?ve been through. Laughter I find laughter in every

situation. I can remember at my dad?s funeral. I was sitting at the end of the pew with my head down, and all of a sudden I heard the choir singing. You would think that I

would be moved to tears, because they were singing a song of encouragement. I don?t remember the lyrics because the A and B selection was so terrible that it took everything in me not to burst into tears from laughing. One thing that I?ve learned within the last seven years is the way that I respond to certain situations in my life can inspire others. SAY WHAT?! Yes, my response to those dark moments in my life was encouraging someone else. You mean someone was watching me?


* * THERE IS ALWAYS SOM EONE WATCHING YOU!* * I t h ou gh t I t old you t h at bef or e?! Well, t h is w eek en d I w as r em in ded of h ow I im pact t h e lives of t h ose ar ou n d m e t h at w it n essed m y h igh s an d m y low est of low s. On Su n day, I w as ask ed abou t m y h ope du r in g a ph ot osh oot . Wh at do I h ope t o accom plish w it h t h e docu m en t ar y pr oject s, ch ildr en?s book ser ies, an d t h is plat f or m of bein g t h e gir l beh in d t h e len s.

2016 / Volume 1 / Issue 1

Hom em ade Gr ah am Cr ack er s Gr ah am cr ack er s f r om t h e st or e can n ot on ly be so expen sive bu t also f illed w it h som e t h in gs you 'd r at h er n ot m u n ch on . Lu ck ily t h ey ar e on e of t h ose t h in gs t h at ar e su per easy t o m ak e f r om scr at ch ! I m ade m in e a lit t le t oo t h ick an d t h ey cam e ou t lik e sof t t h in cook ies bu t m y h u sban d loved t h em ! So eit h er w ay you m ak e t h em , cr u n ch y or sof t , I t h in k t h ey w ou ld be good! Th is r ecipe is per f ect w it h su m m er cam pf ir es com in g u p soon ! Hom em ade Gr ah am Cr ack er s In gr edien t s: 1/ 2 cu p w h it e f lou r 1 3/ 4 cu p w h eat f lou r 1/ 2 cu p w h it e su gar 1 t .easpoon bak in g pow der 1/ 2 t easpoon bak in g soda 1/ 2 t easpoon salt 1/ 4 t easpoon cin n am on 1/ 2 cu p cold bu t t er , cu t in t o pieces 2 Tablespoon s h on ey 2 Tablespoon s m olasses 1/ 4 cu p cold w at er 1 t easpoon van illa

4Low-Impact ExercisesThat Deliver BigResults Joint pain is an issue for millions of Americans, with 10 million people experiencing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and 1 percent of the world suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis. That?s not all ? low back pain was found to affect 1 in 10 people around the world. If you?re one of the many

people living with joint pain, the reality is that your body needs low-impact exercises. Luckily, many of these movements, like rowing and TRX squats, also deliver big results, allowing you build strength, reduce pain and learn new skills in the process. Here are a few low-impact exercises

to try during your next workout. FOREARM PLANKS

The plank is a great exercise for building core and shoulder strength, and with so many variations, you can use it to target other areas of your body like your glutes and obliques.

by Jessica San der s

However, the plank movement can be challenging for people with wrist pain, which makes holding the weight of your body extremely painful. Alleviate weight in your wrists by staying on your forearms, rather than being in a full pushup position. From here, you can still perform a variety of variations including plank jacks and hip dips. If your wrists can stand some weight, try blocks or dumbbells to help take some pressure off of your wrists. ROWING Rowing is a great way to improve your cardiovascular endurance while building full-body strength and reducing pain in your ankles and knees. ?The movement can be linked to the same joint mechanics as a squat and deadlift in that the ankles, knees, and hips go through flexion at their respective joints,? says James Shapiro, owner of Primal Power. He continues, ?In addition to working the legs, the core becomes engaged and the final part of the concentric motion includes using back musculature.? Most gyms, even smaller ones, will have at least one rowing machine available, so getting access to one should be relatively easy. Use this video to learn proper rowing technique before your first rowing session. TRX LUNGES AND SQUATS TRX is an amazing tool for every athlete, especially those who need low-impact exercises. While it takes some of the strain off your knees, it brings a new challenge to your arm, chest and back muscles, allowing you to reduce any potential pain while improving upper body strength. A few exercises to try, include: Forward, backward and alternating lunges Squat, 1-leg squat Split squat Skaters

Most gyms have TRX bands hanging in the functional fitness area. If not, consider purchasing a set yourself. With an anchor, you can use them anywhere, including your house and backyard. ROCK CLIMBING Rock climbing is not only a more social exercise experience, but it challenges your body in new way ? that?s probably why it was voted the #2 most popular indoor hobby in 2016. The best part is that it?s ideal for people who need low-impact options. Rock climbing builds strength in your entire body, right down to your fingers and toes. However, it?s easy on your joints, with minimal jumping or jerky movements. The goal is to glide from one point to the next, slowly scaling the wall while staying in control of your body and movements.


Jessica San der s Look online to find a local rock climbing gym and ask for an introductory session. They?ll teach you how to use proper form and technique, which is critical for safe training.

Jessica has been writing for more than ten years and is currently a full-time blogger. She is also an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, NASM Certified Fitness Nutrition specialist, and the owner of her own personal training business, Honest Body Fitness in San Diego. She?s written for Shape, Reader ?s Digest, AARP, Snap Fitness, 24 Hour Fitness, and more.


WhenFear andFaithCollide by Lyn n e Raat z Numbers 14:9 ?Only do not rebel against the Lord; and do not fear the people of the land, for they will be our prey.? This past week was the first time in nearly two years I did not publish my weekly blog post. While I love to stay on top of my writing, my husband and I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Ensenada, Mexico to build homes for families in need. While I could write a book on our time there and all of the ways God worked, I would love to share one key lesson God impressed on my heart through the trip. To give a bit of backstory, a dear friend of our family?s has organized this trip for several years now. My husband went with the group last year while I stayed home with our boys. Blown away by the experience, my husband was beyond excited for the two of us to go together this year. Hearing his stories, I readily committed to going. Looking forward to the trip throughout the year, I was certain my excitement to go would only increase as the time to go drew closer; however, that is not exactly what happened. As our departure date came nearer, rather than feeling eagerness and joy, I began to feel fear and worry. As I typed pages of notes for the Grandmas regarding our boys, discussed safety concerns shared by a friend who was also going on the trip, and watched as our youngest came down with a stomach-bug just before leaving, I began to think it would be better for me to stay home.

That it would be easier on everyone, including myself to simply not go. As I discussed my concerns with my husband, we both agreed Satan was attacking me and doing his best to keep me from following through on an amazing opportunity God had placed before me. No doubt Satan is the master of attacking us where we are most vulnerable. While still feeling anxious, we boarded our flight and headed south. What happened from the time we landed to the time we boarded our return flight is truly beyond words. From the relationships formed with team members and the

missionaries who we partnered with, to spending time with and praying for the families who received homes, there is just no way to articulate all the ways God worked in our midst. How do you explain what it is like to share smiles and tears with a single mom who at age 20 has experienced more heartache and abuse than I can begin to fathom? I would not trade the memories I now have of her and the ability to pray for her by name for anything. There is truly nothing like being apart of what you know God is doing. As I reflected on the trip and all God did, I realized how much I would

have missed out on if I had given into my fear and worry and not gotten on the plane. Considering this idea, I was reminded of the 12 spies Moses sent to recon the promised land. In Numbers chapter 13 we pick up the story. After a year at Mount Sinai, the Jewish people packed up their belongings and reached the long awaited promised land. Selecting 12 men to scout the land and report back their findings, after 40 days they delivered their verdict. While Joshua and Caleb, 2 of the spies, remained firm in their belief God would deliver the land into the Israelites?hands,

the other 10 spies essentially reported entering the land would be a suicide mission given the size of the inhabitants. Allowing fear, rather than faith to dictate their actions, they lost out. Hurt by their lack of faith, God decreed the Israelites would wander in the wilderness for 40 years and that of all the men of Israel, only Joshua and Caleb would one day enter the promised land. Just as God said, history played out Like the spies, the same is true for us. When we allow fear rather than faith to dictate our actions, we lose out. As such, when fear and faith collide, we must choose faith. .

i don?t know what has you feeling fear and worry today, but whatever it is, let me encourage you to trust God and move forward. Like my time in Mexico, God has great things in store for you, but you will not experience them if you do not follow Him in faith. As Elisabeth Elliot once said, ?Sometimes? fear does not subside and? one must choose to do it afraid.?While I often struggle to get this right, let?s remember the example of Joshua and Caleb and choose to boldly walk the path God has placed before us in faith. Let?s not hesitate, let?s just do it, even if we are afraid.

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