Women Who Rock with Success-Women Travel Month

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Colleen Kelly is t h e h ost , co-cr eat or an d co-execu t ive pr odu cer of t h e popu lar n at ion al pu blic t elevision ser ies, Family Travel With Colleen Kelly. As an Em m y-n om in at ed execu t ive pr odu cer , f am ily-t r avel exper t , an d en gagin g t elevision per son alit y, Colleen is sou gh t -af t er f or h er exper t ise in t h e ar ea of t r avel. Sh e h as been a f eat u r ed speak er at h igh -pr of ile t r avel in du st r y even t s an d h as appear ed in n u m er ou s r adio an d t elevision br oadcast s pr esen t in g t h e lat est an d gr eat est t r avel t ips, pr odu ct s, ser vices, an d h ot el/ vacat ion deals f or all t ypes of t r avel, in clu din g cou ples, f am ilies an d m u lt i-gen er at ion al.





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Hi! I'm Alyssa, a solo traveler with an extreme sense of adventure and sarcasm! I like hanging my feet over cliffs and chasing waterfalls, and I take my GoPro everywhere with me to prove it! My goal is to help and inspire you to travel, so if you have any questions, send 'em over! If you'd like to know more about how I became a full-time travel blogger, please check out the About section above! Safe and many travels!

1. M ac St u dio Fix Pow der + Fou n dat ion Instead of using a ton of different products for my face, I just use Mac Studio Fix since it?s sort of like a combination of foundation and powder. It?s seriously magical, and it instantly smooths and evens everything out on my face, and typically stays on all day as well. This is the most expensive travel make-up product I own by a long-shot, but since it lasts me six months or more, I think it?s totally worth it.

2. M aybellin e Gr eat Lash ?Lot s of Lash es? Here it is! My big secret to how I make my eyelashes look so long! And you can find it right at your local drugstore in most places! I?m no makeup expert, but in my opinion all mascara is the same, it?s the brush that makes the difference. The reason why I swear by Maybelline Great Lash, is because the brush is teardrop shaped, and with comb-like bristles instead of a brush. Both of those aspects help separate and coat every single eyelash, which is what makes mine look so full and long! NOTE: Make sure you get the one with the little heart on the tube that says ?Lots of Lashes?!

I also carry the waterproof version of Maybelline Great Lash, BUT! I put one coat of the regular mascara on first and then brush the waterproof one over it so that it kind of seals it in. I do this because the brush of the waterproof one sucks so I get the look I want, then lock it in with the waterproof stuff. Tr avel M ak e-Up t ip: If you?re running low on your favorite mascara when you?re traveling, clean the wand and keep it to use with the liquid of any other mascara. Another tip is to dab baby powder on your lashes before applying mascara; it will make your lashes instantly appear thicker!

3. Tar t e Eye & Ch eek Palet t e by Gr av3yar dGir l In all honesty, I was just searching for an all-in-one compact that had both a cheek contouring kit, basic eyeshadow, and lip gloss in it, and this was the closest one I could find. It?s made by a YouTuber named Grav3yardGirl (which reminds me, I really need to get on that YouTube shit), and so far it?s been all I need for my cheeks and eyes! It?s also a bit on the pricier side, but so far I think I?ve gotten my moneys worth. I?m seriously going to make my own travel make-up palette like this one day, but in the meantime, I recommend this one, or any other similar ones you can find. Please feel free to share if you find an awesome one similar to this one!

4. E.L.F. Eyelin er Usually I try not to wear a ton of eyeliner when I travel, but I am a fan of a subtle top wing. I don?t go crazy over certain brands of eyeliner since I don?t use it that often, but I do like the E.L.F. brand that?s cheap and works well. I usually carry a liquid version and a crayon version. Tr avel M ak e-Up h ack : If you forget eyeliner, or run out, either dab some dark eyeshadow on your eyelash rim, or use your fingernail to spread a tiny bit of mascara along your lid.

5. Eyebr ow Pen cil I?ve tried every possible method of eyebrow shaping you can imagine (I have thick Cuban eyebrows), and so far I?ve found that a pencil works best for me. Crayons tend to get a dull tip which makes it hard to really shape the edges, and brushes just seem to get the makeup all over my face. It?s a pain having to constantly sharpen pencils, but at the same time super refreshing when you get a perfect line.

6. M E Tr avel Br on zer I bought this randomly at a travel trade show two years ago, and still carry it in my travel makeup bag because it tends to come in rather handy. It?s one of those products that?s a brush with powder already built in it, so all you have to do is shake it a little then brush it on. It works really well if you?re in a rush, or if you?re like me and just really love bronzer.

7. LIPGLOSS If you ?ve ever w at ch ed m y Sn ap-ch at or seen an y ph ot o of m y act u al f ace, you ?ll pr obably n ot ice t h at I ALWAYS h ave lip gloss on . Th at ?s becau se I?m obsessed w it h it , bu t also becau se I f eel lik e it gives t h at t ou ch of color or sh in e t h at can m ak e you look pu t -t oget h er , even if you ju st got of f of a r ed-eye. M y lip gloss is r at h er lar ge, an d r an ges f r om ch eap dr u gst or e br an ds lik e NYX, t o pr icier br an ds lik e Har d Can dy. I?ll list t h e on es I u se, bu t w ill also say t h at m y lip gloss cr it er ia is u su ally based on w h at ?s ?st ick iest ? so t h at it st ays on lon ger !

8. OPI M in i Polish Som et h in g you also m ay h ave, or n ow w ill n ot ice abou t m e, is t h at I ALWAYS w ear w h it e n ail polish . It ?s t h e on ly color I?ve w or n f or t w o year s n ow becau se it ?s w h at I w as w ear in g w h en I f ir st st ar t ed t r avelin g! Th at bein g said, I alw ays m ak e su r e t o t r avel w it h an OPI m in i ver sion of m y f avor it e polish , Alpin e Sn ow , bu t t h eir m in i collect ion s also com e w it h a lot of ot h er gr eat color s!

9. Tr avel M ak eu p Rem over Wipes Of course when you travel, you won?t always have your own sink to wash your makeup off in at all times, which is why I also always carry travel makeup remover wipes. They?re also great if you?ve had a long day and don?t feel like going through your normal beauty routine, or if you?ve just woken up on a plane and are in serious need of a refresh!

Alyssa is a self-made, full time travel blogger who loves adventure and typically travels the world solo. She's been to 53 countries and 6 continents so far, and believes she has mastered the art of chasing waterfalls, traveling solo, wine drinking, and making budget-traveling look good. Curious to know how she started this career? Check out the About section above!

Af r ica All In clu sive Vacat ion s Un der $500 a Day

h t t p:/ / abam bot r avel.com t el:+14083357597

For t h e sam e pr ice t ag as t h e t op all in clu sive beach r esor t s, it ?s possible t o go on a f u lly in clu sive saf ar i at som e Af r ica?s gr eat est lodges an d cam ps. This isn?t a late April Fool?s joke. We know an African safari holiday can look like an expensive vacation at first glance, but here?s what you need to know ? there is A LOT included in the price of your stay. Like twice daily game drives, one in the morning and afternoon when the animals are most active.On the topic of game drives, expert guides who love their jobs and are darn good at them.Gourmet breakfasts, lunches and dinners in some of the most unusual and beautiful scenic spots.Communal and private plunge pools to cool off in between safari outings. Accommodation options that won?t compare to any hotel you?ve ever stayed at.Time spent with the lodge owners, managers, guides and the friendly local staff. More outdoor activities such as bush walks, boat cruises, fishing, stargazing and sundowners (we?ll let you find out why ?sundowners?is categorized as an activity)

You?ll find that a safari lodge or camp is much more tailored to your family or travel group than say your typical all inclusive beach resort in Mexico or the Caribbean. The properties are generally family own and run and tend to sleep less than 20 guests at a time. The best part is that you can have all of it, every last bit, for under $500 a day.

Her e ar e Af r ica?s gr eat est all in clu sive vacat ion s t h at don?t com pr om ise on exclu sivit y an d r em ain r eason able on t h e w allet : 1. Gar on ga Saf ar i Cam p, Sou t h Af r ica From $320 per person/per night

h t t p:/ / abam bot r avel.com

WHAT?S TO LOVE? Garonga Safari Camp?s holistic philosophy is to offer a ?safari for the soul?in an unhurried and intimate environment in the Makalali Conservancy, just west of the renowned Kruger National Park. The camp has seen a recent upgrade at the end of May 2016 and calling the new camp color ?wet elephant?, which is extremely fitting as the resident elephants are often found indulging in a mud bath by a nearby riverbed. The sleep out deck experience is at the top of our lists and provides guests a truly wild and remote slumber under the stars. We also love their sister camp, Little Garonga, which can be booked exclusively for a large group or family with children over the age of six.

I hate when I see a delicious-looking recipe I don?t have the equipment to make. For the longest time, grilled foods were on that list. Some things just aren?t I made this using this grill pan , which I have blabbed about on here a zillion times. It?s seriously upped my cooking came, though. Possibly the best $30 I spent last year! Directions Gr ill-Pan Aspar agu s Ingredients 1 lb asparagus, trimmed Cooking oil spraygarlic powder to taste Sea salt & pepper to taste Juice of 1 lemon

Spritz cooking oil spray on grill pan. Heat grill pan to medium.Place asparagus on grill pan.Cook until asparagus is tender, turning several times for even cooking.Remove asparagus from grill pan. Toss with garlic powder, sea salt, pepper, and lemon. Serve hot or cold. Are there any types of cooking you feel left out of? Jessica Cor din g

Get t in g Dow n t o Bu sin ess (Class) ? Par t I Let?s be real: Flying business class domestically sucks. It?s the airline equivalent of choosing which disease you rather get. Thankfully, million-mile flyers like me have decent business class options to choose from when flying internationally.

Before you write me off as some spoilt #RKOI trust fundee, hear me out: The most important reason I fly Business is because it?s the best way of collecting stories. Yes, the seats are nice, the food less microwaved, and the air marginally fresher, but it?s an environment ripe for harvesting unique flight experiences ? Which brings me to why I?m here. There?s enough internet literature about the ?Best Business Class?(if there is such a thing) to fill up an A380, so I?m not here to compare the pitch angle of the lie flat seats of United vs.

American, the in-flight shower experience of Singapore vs. Emirates, or the lounge atmosphere at Heath-row vs. Doha. Rather, I?m here to offer a more nuanced scoop: My Top Three Unique Business Class Experiences. Because no one can, or should quantify experiences, the following three part stories are offered from my entirely subjective, biased, and unique point of view; in no particular order, of course. running 2 hours behind, which meant I only had 15 minute transfer window for another

international flight across one of the largest airports in the world. Fate had picked me to be its victim when my Ethiopian Airlines flight to Doha transiting to Abu Dhabi then Istanbul ran late. I had factored in a comfortable 2 hour buffer before my next flight, but failed to account for ?African time?. Great.

As I glanced up from my phone, Ahmed had paved a way through security for me at one of Doha?s notoriously stringent checkpoints, somehow requisitioning us an escort of two additional transfer agents. This is what Clooney must feel like when he travels #ballsohard. Still, even a baller needs a boarding pass, and I cursed myself for not checking in online.

As soon as we landed, I started stretching out like a sprinter ready for the hurdles and set my iPhone: I prepared to disembark like a bat out of hell, only to find a smiling Etihad transfer agent named Ahmed waiting patiently for me. He had been dispatched to escort me to my next flight. As we hustled through the labyrinth that is Doha?s Hamad International Airport, he was calm and collected while I freaked out inside: What about security? What about my check-in bag? Oh and? What about the boarding pass?

?Ahmed, how far away is our gate??

10 minutes.

?About a 10 minute walk, sir.? I looked down at my phone: 5 minutes. Uh-oh. I needed haven?t worried though, because as soon as that sinking ?missed flight?feeling all travelers know and fear set in, Ahmed had begged, borrowed, or stolen a golf cart and was beginning to back it up. At the moment, I had never been so happy to hear the classic ear-piercing golf-cart beep in my life. I likened

it to the liberation one feels as a surgeon?s defibrillator whines up after the heart flat lines. As Ahmed put the pedal to the metal and we raced to the Etihad gate, things finally looked optimistic. 1 minute. As soon as I hopped off, the dreams of catching my flight plummeted to earth. ?I?m sorry sir, the check in counter is closed. We can?t get you a boarding pass.? Right as he uttered the sentence, I saw the last passenger board and the ground crew retract the gate. I knew that despite our best efforts, I was done. We?d given it our best shot. As I envisioned the next 6 hours wandering around Doha, all dreams of catching both connecting flights evaporated faster than an ice cream in the Qatarian desert. Suddenly, another agent named Nabil ran up. A few rapidly barked orders later, he made an executive decision: He would write out my boarding pass. Wit h a pen . ?What about my check-in bag??, I asked, still in shock over the audacity of his idea. ?Give me your phone number, we?ll take care of it?, came the stoic reply from Nabil, who might as well have been Don Corleone from The Godfather.

The looks were nothing short of incredulous as the ground crew halted the aerobridge and allowed this disheveled traveler with a handwritten boarding pass to board. A few raised eyebrows later and we were finally airborne over the Arabian gulf, with Doha but a speck in the receding background. As I slumped in my seat and heaved a sigh of relief, my phone pinged. It was a text from Nabil, telling me the reference number for my bag: They would have it expedited separately to my last destination.

The text from Nabil aka the Godfather of Doha. As I recounted the journey in my head, I wondered how many American carriers would have done the same. Not many, especially not for free. Both Ahmed and Nabil each turned down a hefty tip I?d offered, merely stating that it was their duty to help. True to his word, my bag was waiting for me in Abu Dhabi by the time I touched down. As we lifted off on my next flight on an Etihad Airbus 340 bound for Istanbul (with fantastic seats, I should add), I marveled at Etihad?s fantastic customer service. Like the flight attendant on my new flight who volunteered to indulge my picture-taking tendencies (see below) and added me on Facebook later to provide travel tips for Istanbul, they didn?t just do it because they had to, they did it because they knew that going beyond the call of duty for me would mean I had a great story to tell everybody ? Like I am now. They weren?t wrong!

by Nast asia Dam jan ovic So, that?s it! Congratulations! You decided to go on a backpacking trip all around the world. You?re excited about leaving, but here comes the worst part: deciding w h at clot h in g t o pack f or a lon g t r ip cr ossin g dif f er en t clim at es.

Well, as I am actually crossing the Americas, backpacking from the southernmost to the northernmost point of each continent, I?ve decided to share my travel checklist for clothing with you.

How do I plan m y t r avel ch eck list f or a lon g t r ip t h r ou gh dif f er en t clim at es? Let?s face it, as you will travel for a long time, you don?t want to carry tons of extra weight. Get rid of that extra pair of shoes or that fancy suit. You. need. to. pack. light.

To solution? Pack m ou n t ain eer in g gear . It?s usually light, versatile, and can face hard conditions. It also dries faster than common wear!

Her e?s m y t r avel ch eck list f or clot h in g: 1 pair of t r ek k in g pan t s t h at con ver t in t o sh or t s ? Apart from being really light, you save space in your backpack!1 pair of w ar m er pan t s (can be trekking pants too)Th er m al w ear ? This is what you wear under your other clothes to keep you warmer in case of really cold weather, and it is also useful as pajamas when you?re camping!2 pair s of ever yday sock s ? I personally use trekkings socks because they are reinforced on strategic points that will avoid blisters1 pair of special M er in o w ool sock s for cool days or camping nights ? Merino keeps your body temperature. It?s light, warm, and doesn?t trap smells!A few pairs of u n der w ear for sure? 2 or 3 T-sh ir t s1 t r ek k in g t ech n ical t op ? This is not too warm; some prefer Merino, and some synthetic.1 polar f leece or Merino sweater, depending on your budget Tu bu lar

h ead-w ear (such as BUFF) ? It?s really THE multiple-use accessory to pack: it will be useful around your neck when you?re cold, or on your head as a hat on a sunny day1 M er in o zip sw eat er jack et 1 dow n jack et , compressible to 700 Cuins or more The pros: it is warm and light. The cons: it?s not waterproof. Which is why you need? 1 r ain jack et ? This will protect you from rain AND wind. Rain pr ot ect ion f or you r back pack ? If your backpack doesn?t have one already, buy one. It will protect it during long trips, sometimes small buses put it on the roof!1 pair of h ik in g w at er pr oof sh oes1 pair of san dals or flip flops1 bat h in g su it 1 m icr of iber t ow el Note that all of t h at can f it 60L back pack , with some space for hygiene items, and camping gear!

If you n eed ext r a clot h es w h ile t r avelin g, you h ave sever al solu t ion s: Buy it once you get there (usually it is cheaper), and sell when you go. Buy second hand Exchange your gear with other travelers on the way !

That?s it folks! That?s all the clothes you NEED to pack for a long trip with different climates. Everything else is extra-weight!


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Business Goals Anyone looking to be extraordinary in this changing world can no longer afford the tough, angry, brittle facade of fear-based leadership. In order to achieve personal and professional goals, the verdict is out: this antiquated model of leading human beings just doesn?t work anymore. That abrasive mindset only gets you short-term gains ? in the long term, it won?t help you to achieve your true potential. Her e ar e t h e t op 3 M UST Dos For Ach ievin g Per son al an d Bu sin ess Goals 1. Au t h en t icit y. Being the raw, real you. Leaders often emulate other leader ?s styles. Authenticity has roots in how YOU are specifically unique, and for this it will require consistently showing up as yourself ? with levels of transparency you?ve probably never hit before. Raw honesty is what the world desperately needs, and friends and family understand it?s the only way to lead an authentic life ? being true to yourself. 2. Com passion . When you have and display concern for others, you build better, stronger human connections. Extraordinary icons of today are shifting towards this model in droves to create a sense of shared unity of empathy. A little more compassion goes a long way for the relationships you wish to build to create the impact you want to make in the world.

perspective from a different lens. These 3 MUST DOs are vital for you to thrive ? and if practiced consistently, will create 3. Adapt abilit y. Things are shifting at a fast rate. Technology is moving, the workplace culture is evolving, there are so many updates that sometimes it?s hard to keep up with. We need to embrace flexibility ? and work on detaching from the results. Focus on your openness to growing different aspects of you to problem solve for yourself. It?s hardly ever black and white, and you need to be flexible in leaning into the shades of gray that you may have once shunned or weren?t open to prior. This is the juiciness of you as your best self, opening up exponential possibilities when you change your profound, positive and long-lasting effects in your business and personal lives.


Avital Tours uses their culinary experience partners to provide corporate catering.

SoMa StreEAT Food Park and Roaming Hunger are two San Francisco companies that can help facilitate getting the trucks to your event.

As a company that cares a lot about food, we strive to make sure that every meal is as delicious and interesting as possible. The catering options at private events can get boring. These five innovative catering ideas for your next private event will make your next event more exciting, and tasty.

But Bi-Rite does event catering in the same local and seasonal way they stock their stores.

Local catering company Guerilla Catering will set up a Margarita, Blood Mary, or Mojito bar in the office or in your living room.

choose a kind of cuisine that matches your event theme, like dinner catered by Brenda?s French Soul Food

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Wh er e t o bu y t h e best lu ggage f or t h e w ay you r t r avel When is comes to finding the ideal luggage and travel accessories for your upcoming trips ? the best place to look may be right around the corner at your local specialty luggage store.

everything from rollaboards to currency converters, they were even able to update his passport photo right in the store.

Secu r e Tr avel w it h Ally Ban k

Th e Jet Set in t er view Lisa Niver

To locate your nearest specialty luggage, leather, gift and travel goods retail location, visit

http://www.mosaictravelworld.com We sent Gailen into the independent luggage store in his area to prepare for an upcoming trip. Not only did he find List en t o Lisa's Kn ow ledge Bow l

Wh ich h ot els accept pet s?

Lisa Niver currently serves at The Jet Set?s Adventure Travel Correspondent. Niver has established a following through her written and video content following her journeys to nearly 100 countries, garnering over one million video views on YouTube, Amazon Fire Tv, Amazon Short Video and Roku. Niver is the founder of a top 100 travel blog, We Said Go Travel, that reaches more than 200,000 annually and is in the top 1/8 of the top 1% of all sites in the United States. In her tri-annual international travel writing competitions, she has published nearly 2000 writers from 75 countries. Niver ?s approach blends her world-class travels in an entertaining and educational style to create custom video content to highlight a location or a brand. She was invited to the United Nations as a Champions of Humanity ambassador, to the red carpet at the Oscars with United Airlines and did product promotion for American Express Starwood Hotels in New Orleans. She has contributed to Luxury Magazine, Delta Sky Magazine, USA Today, Wharton Business Magazine, the Jewish Journal and National Geographic, among others. Niver is verified on Twitter and was a 2012 nominee for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching and a 2014 nominee for the Charles Bronfman Prize. Tr avel M edia Br oadcast in g

h t t p:/ / w w w.t h er ealh ipm om .com


Plan n in g a f am ily r oad t r ip? Her e ar e ou r f ive su ggest ion s f or m ak in g t h e k ids h appy, k eepin g you r car clean an d m ain t ain in g you r san it y! 1. Tr avel Bin der : To keep the kids busy and entertained, create a travel binder for them. Gather fun printable activities like Finger Twister and other road trip games and place them in a three-ring binder inside page protectors. Bring along dry-erase markers, so the kids can write all over the games again and again. Also add a few blank sheets of paper and a three-ring pencil pouch filled with crayons so they can color pictures of their own. In addition, include a map and your trip itinerary so everyone can monitor

the road trip?s progress and be prepared for what?s coming next. 2. M u f f in lin er s: This one is a life saver! We all know how dirty and sticky cup holders can get in our cars, especially after a long trip. Silicone muffin liners are the perfect tools to keep your cup holders clean and your little knick-knacks organized. 3. Sh ow er Caddy: Shower caddies can organize your crafts and activities for the kids, toiletries and any cleaning supplies for the car all in one neat place. The caddies are also great for holding your food in the car. Place your burger, fries and drink in the little compartments to keep from spilling food all over your lap.

4. Ar t Su pply Con t ain er s: Speaking of food, purchase one or two art supply containers to store some of your favorite snacks for the ride. The multiple compartments will allow you to organize different snacks for the kids to choose from. It beats having chips smashed in bags all over the floor of the car. 5. Cer eal Con t ain er : With all the snacks and treats that your kids will be munching on throughout the road trip, they will probably compile a lot of garbage. A plastic cereal container can be used as a mock garbage can. Line the container with a plastic bag and put the lid on. Open the top of the container when you need to throw some trash out.

WHY DO YOU DETOX? h t t ps:/ / livealivef it .com

by Mary-Caroline Craig

So m u ch t alk abou t det ox?s an d clean ses w it h t h e st ar t of t h e n ew year . Have you ever t r ied on e? Do you t h in k it did an y good? I believe t h e k ey t o a good ?det ox? is t o r ealize WHY you ar e doin g it . If you KNOW you need to detox from caffeine, sugar, or inflammation foods, then do it! If you are trying it, just to try it, proceed with caution and make sure you are checking in with your health coach or physician to make sure you are aren?t depriving yourself of key nutrients while you remove others! Support both in inside your body and out (community) are what will bring you success. So, bot t om lin e, r em ove a f ew t h in gs t h at ar en?t ser vin g you , an d add a f ew gr eat t h in gs t h at w ill su ppor t you , in side an d ou t !

I have tried a few but they were very targeted and I knew that they would help me specifically. A sugar detox ? great for all since sugar is so toxic and it is snuck into many foods we eat ? and liver detox ? another that ALL could benefit from by myself especially since I don?t have a gall bladder so put added duties on my liver to perform at a higher level! We have amazing bodies and yes, our Kidney?s and Liver are amazing natural detoxifiers for our bodies, but with the chemical burdens we place on them each day, they need some support. Not on ly ar e t oxin s in gest ed in t h e w at er w e dr in k an d f ood w e eat bu t also in t h e air w e br eat h e. When I travel to a place that doesn?t have as clean of air as Seattle, I am constantly reminded, and grateful, for where I live!

In 2010 it was estimated that the average US resident has a toxic load of 212 compounds and metabolites (what they break down into.) Of those, 75 found new since their last study 5 years prior. Some include: pesticides, heavy metals, plastics, air pollution, cosmetics, sun block, hand sanitizer, some antibiotics and more. Our homes are filled with things that can harm us so we need to do our part to educate ourselves on what is healthy and what is not. For ideas on how to make your home healthy, I like the book?The Healthy Home? by Dr. Myron Wentz. A f ew of m y f avor it e Liver / In f lam m at ion DETOX & CLEANSE Her bs t o add t o you r sh oppin g list ! Gar lic Bu lb: One of it?s many qualities is that it protects the liver against heavy metal damage. It also removes mercury, lead, and cadmium from your liver that can build up and not allow your liver to function properly. Who doesn?t love baked garlic or sautĂŠed garlic with onions and used to make a simple and tasty, Tu r m er ic Root : The yellow color in Turmeric comes from curcuminoids. They scavenge free radicals and regular your immune system as needed.1 It is also an anti-inflammatory.2 Cool huh. Okay, I know there is a lot of talk about this root and some of you have still never tried it. Ground, you can add it to many meals and hardly notice it is there. Ask your produce person where to find it fresh and how to use it!

Dan delion Root : This is a great one because it truly supports a healthy liver. Not only does it help manage blood sugar, it holds inflammation at bay and reduces your risk for tumors. Bam. It can even fortify the liver against alcohol toxicity but boosting antioxidants.3 There is even some research that shows it can help heal liver fibrosis by encouraging liver cells to regenerate.4 For those who want to try dandelion in an easy to use form? try this drink mix you just add to water. It is even a great coffee substitute with NO caffeine. When I make changes in my life, they are rarely short term. I believe t h at if som et h in g is w or t h doin g, it is w or t h con t in u in g t o do. Think about it. If our body needs a sugar or alcohol detox post holidays, don?t you think we should consider continuing this throughout the year? Not saying ?never ? but keeping the idea that ?a lit t le goes a lon g w ay!? Not to mention ? if you m ak e a lon g-t er m com m it m en t t o you & you r h ealt h , you ar e m or e lik ely t o k eep it ! YOU ar e w or t h all t h e am azin g t h in gs you do f or you r body t oday! So what is holding you back? Get out there and try something new. You r body w ill love you f or it ! We all Deserve to Live Alive, Healthy & Fit! Let?s get started! Love & Light,

Makeup brushes feel so soft and plush when they?re new. Over time, wear and tear on your brushes can take that feeling away. Caring for your brushes doesn?t have to be a chore, and it can extend their life for years. Good quality brushes turn ordinary makeup application into something almost magical. When I have that special brush in my hand, I just feel like I know what I?m doing? like a true makeup artist. If you?ve ever bought a good quality makeup brush, you know just how expensive they can be. And they won?t last long if you don?t take care of them. The one thing that all makeup brushes have in common is that they?re a breeding ground for bacteria. Yuck! Think about the oils and germs that gather on your face. And then think about how those undesirables get transmitted onto your brushes every time they come into contact with your skin. If that?s not enough to make your skin crawl, nothing is.

Her e ar e m y t op t ips f or k eepin g you r m ak eu p br u sh es f eelin g lik e n ew. Clean you r m ak eu p br u sh es on a r egu lar basis

If you wear makeup all the time, then clean your makeup brushes once a week. Wear makeup less regularly? Clean them at least monthly. I find that it?s best to wash makeup brushes at night before you go to bed, so they?ll have the opportunity to dry before you next use them. Be sure to lay them flat to dry. If you dry them standing up, water will seep into the brushes at the ferrule (the fancy name for where the bristles meet the handle). When this happens, the water can weaken the glue where the bristles are bonded and your brush will start to lose its hairs. Gr ab a bar of soap

There?s no need to waste your hard earned money on special makeup brush cleansers. You can give your brushes a really great cleansing with plain old unscented white soap. You can also use gentle shampoos that are sulfate free, or even baby shampoo. The gentler the better. If you really want to get a special makeup brush cleaner, then be sure to read the label and don?t purchase any cleansers that contain alcohol. Those will only dry out the brush hairs and eventually cause breakage. In my opinion, it?s just not worth it when a little old bar of soap will do the same trick. 1. Get your brush completely wet using lukewarm water. 2. Once your brush is saturated, swirl your brush onto a bar of soap until it lathers, or apply shampoo to a sponge and simply swirl your brush on the sponge until you create a nice lather. It?ll totally gross you out when you see all of the makeup colors coming out of the brushes.

3. You may have to rinse the brush and continue the same swirling technique a few times to clean all the old makeup off your brush. 4. Once you think all of the makeup, oils and gunk have been removed from the brush, rinse it in lukewarm water. If the bristles feel slippery or slimy, then you?ll need to continue rinsing to ensure all of the soap or shampoo has been removed. If your brushes have a metal band on them, try not to get this area wet. It can lead to rust and eventually may destroy your brush. 5. Give your brush a gentle squeeze to remove the excess water and leave to dry flat on a clean towel. Your brushes should dry in about 6 to 8 hours, so cleaning them before you go to bed is the ideal time. Don?t f or get abou t t h e h an dles

You can simply clean the handles with a soapy cloth. If you?re a real germ freak, use a bit of rubbing alcohol. This way you can clean and disinfect in one quick step. Pr eser ve t h e n am es an d n u m ber s

If you really want to keep your brushes in tip-top shape, put a bit of clear nail polish over the name or number on the brush handle. Names and numbers will eventually wear off, and with regular washing you?ll notice them starting to disappear. A quick coat of polish will definitely protect the brush information, so you won?t forget just which brush is used for what. Con dit ion you r br u sh es

If you notice that your brushes are feeling a bit stiff over time, try massaging a tiny bit of hair

conditioner into the bristles and rinse in warm water. Dry them flat as you normally would to bring back that soft, luxurious feel.

Being a serial entrepreneur, Carrie has been the Founder and CEO of four companies prior to One Touch Law. She is also the current Founder and CEO of BLK24 which focuses on mobile marketing and technology consulting for large corporations. Prior to One Touch Law and BLK24, she founded TXT4CRM/3Seventy, one of the first text messaging and mobile development companies in the US. Carrie has been recognized as Top 100 Female Founders in the US, Top 40 Marketing Executives Under 40 in the US and has been published in many magazines and publications as one of the market thought leaders in mobile marketing strategies, call centers and SaaS technology. Chitsey?s passion is technology innovation to change the way we do things today! Carrie is a die-hard Longhorns fan, loves to cook, paint, play poker and spend time with her husband and son.

I am obsessed with strawberries this season. I could not have cared less last year, but this time around, I cannot seem to get enough. I?ve been finding ways to add them to all kinds of foods. I don?t usually dig fruit in my salad, but I made an exception for this: This salad combines the sweetness of strawberries with tangy goat cheese and creamy avocado. Enjoy as a summer side or add tempeh to make it a full


h t t p:/ / w w w.jessicacor din gn u t r it ion .com

2 cups arugula5 stalks cooked asparagus, sliced1 Persian cucumber, sliced1/2 cup strawberries, sliced1/4 avocado, sliced2 tablespoons goat cheese1 serving tempeh (optional)2 teaspoons red wine vinegar1 teaspoon olive oil

Directions: Toss greens, asparagus, cucumber, strawberries, avocado and goat cheese with oil and vinegar.Transfer salad to a plate. Arrange tempeh on top, if using. (serves 1)

Dian e: Thanks for taking the opportunity to be our featured photo cover on Women Who Rock with Success. Colleen : Thank you for the opportunity to be featured, Diane. I am thrilled and I love that women like your magazine support other womens? successes! It truly is amazing and we need more women who support each other in this world, like you all do! So, thank you again! Dian e: Tell u s abou t Colleen Kelly Colleen : Well, I am the Executive Producer and owner of my own production company, Kelly Media Productions, LLC. It is a nationally certified WBE aka women-owned business. We are a production company that works with national and international clients but we are mostly known for our national travel shows. Our number one and flagship show is our national

PBS series, ?Family Travel with Colleen Kelly? (FamilyTravelCK.com) which airs to 95% of the USA on 459 stations reaching 17 million viewers. And, yes, I am also the host of this show! Because of this show now being on 5 years, I am also now considered a Travel Expert and Brand Influencer, so I work with national travel brands, as an influencer and on social media projects, etc. In addition, we have our latest series, called, the ?Trip Sisters? (TripSisters.com). This series I am the Co-Host, along with my Co-Host and sister, Catie Keogh, who is an Emmy award-winning television host in her own right. This show is a travel show and is based on the girlfriend getaway concept. We travel together as sisters and show the viewers what to do, eat, see in cities all over the world. This show has a huge buzz around it and I truly believe it is because almost every one of the travel shows on air today are male focused. So, the need for a travel show that women could relate to , was

long over due. After all, who makes the majority of the travel and household decisions? The women, in my opinion! But the best part, is I get to travel with my sister and that is amazing. They last for 5 years so that is about $20 per year and you sail through the TSA Precheck line, saving you valuable time and stress. Plus, you don?t have to take out your

laptop or take off your shoes or jacket. Sometimes those little inconveniences can add to the stress of travel, so NOT having to do this cuts down on standing in line and gives you extra bit of time in the airport before your flight. I would also advise this summer to arrive 3 hours before your flight if it is international and if you are at a larger airport, allow 2 hours. It is going to be a very busy

summer with travelers so the more time you have to get through security, the less stressed you will be. If you are taking a road trip, this summer is going to be a great time to do so. I love road trips because with several people in a family, buying tickets can be expensive. o-special . And, road trips can be just to head out of town about an hour or 10 hours. It is not about spending a lot of money, but it is about being together, exploring a new location and just getting away from the daily errands and work we all do everyday.

And, maybe if you are lucky, you can get those kids off all of those electronic devices and get them into nature. I struggle with that with my own kids but if I get them off those iPhones, they really get into the outdoors and that?s what it is all about!

Dian e: Wh at com pelled you t o lau n ch t h is t r avel n ich e f or bu sin ess? I saw a need that was not being fulfilled. Prior to my national PBS ?Family Travel? show I had a show with my sister on NBC. It was a Chicago based entertainment show, called, ?24/7?. After working on that Chicago-based show, I knew I wanted to start a travel show. But so many people want to start a travel show, right? So, a friend of mine, who was a producer, said you need a niche, a hook. Well, I had two children, and a husband, so I thought; there must be many, many, travel shows about traveling with your family. But when I researched, I only found one, ?Travel with Kids?, run by another family who are now my friends. Other than that, a family /multi-generational travel show, had not been done. I pitched it to PBS who loved the concept and took it national. Now, after 5 years and 44 episodes this

show airs on 95% of the USA on 459 stations to 17 million viewers. It also airs internationally in Asia and Europe and several airlines. When I started this show, I had no idea we would ever hit these kinds of numbers. But the public, and I believe, women, mothers, grandmothers and even dads and kids responded to the need for a show that focused on family travel destinations. It was a need to that needed to be filled. Of course, the work behind the scenes was non-stop and unbelievably overwhelming but when you believe in something and you work hard, it is truly a labor of love. I?m thankful to all of those viewers too who believed in the show. It is a wholesome show, rated G, and on PBS and it shows that good, informative shows are still popular but what I love most is that kids can sit with their parents or grandparents and watch the show together. As I said, it is a wholesome show and hopefully will inspire families either to watch the show or go out on a getaway themselves and just spend time together. Dian e: Wh at w as you r car eer lik e bef or e ?Family Travel?? Colleen : I sold drugs and alcohol. Just kidding! I actually did sell beer, as one of my first jobs out of college was to work for Heineken USA, the brewery out of Amsterdam. I was a District Manager of Sales for them and while working for them; I went back to school to get my Masters in Marketing. So, it was a great job to balance both of these initiatives. After Heineken, I

became a pharmaceutical sales representative working for the drug rep, Schering-Plough and selling Claritin, the allergy medicine. So, my joke is I sold alcohol and drugs prior to this job, but of course, that is just my sense of humor. With working so hard these days, you?ve got to have that sense of humor! After both these jobs, I knew I wanted to be in television, so I went back to the drawing board of my local cable company and learned how to edit and all the behind the scenes of producing a show. Then, I created the entertainment show, ?24/7?, with my sister. It was a celebrities, food, dining show all about Chicago. We pitched it to NBC Chicago and they put it on air. Five years of producing that show, and several Emmys later convinced me that I had to produce the travel show I had always dreamed of doing. After gaining the years of experience with our NBC show, I was ready to create a show and go national and the timing just worked out perfectly. Dian e: Traveling is something which we all look for each year and throughout the year. We all search for more creative ideas for travel. How do you keep your fans returning for this great trend? Colleen : Well, on this show the first two years, we had some amazing locations. Some were big cities and some small towns. We?ve done camping episodes; beach focused episodes, historical episodes and also traveled internationally. I think the key is to remember that everyone has a different idea of what the ideal vacation looks like.

So, some folks might just want to head to the beach, like the Keys, and hang out there all week, while other families want to go to a historical location like Shenandoah Valley Virginia and really get into the culture. That said, we try to focus on all different types of getaways and we also try to find something in each location for different age groups. After all, what a teenager wants to do is most likely, completely different to what a 2 year old or perhaps a grandparent wants to do, so we try and highlight a little bit in each location for every generation, so they can find something they relate to. And, we always try to find things to do for free for families. After all, traveling with a bunch of people can add up!

Dian e: Having your own media production can be quite busy. There are lights, camera, and then action. How do you decipher your time from the camera and travel life? Colleen : Good point, Diane! I do a lot of the work behind the scenes but I do have an amazing team, so I am very blessed. Then, I take off my Executive Producer hat and jump in front of the camera and of course that is my other role, that of host. With Executive Producing, hosting and then throwing in travel, it is a lot of juggling. But, as mentioned I have an amazing team back in the office and then the on location production crew is fantastic, so I rely a lot of their skills and try to also just let them do what they do best.

In order to balance it all, I try to let people do their jobs and trust them, so I am not interfering in their day-to-day jobs. But ultimately, as the CEO and Executive Producer, I do need to approve most projects before they are delivered. It is my reputation overall if a production is not the very best so with that said, I do work a lot and I have high expectations to deliver the very highest quality product or presentation for each client and location. As for traveling, I absolutely love it! I am in my happy place when I travel. I get to travel the world, explore amazing cultures and meet new people, discover new foods and learn new things. And, most of the time, because I have a show about family travel, I get to take my kids and husband on the shoots. So, I feel very blessed to be able to bring my family. And, when I?m not traveling for business or with the family, I get to travel with my sister for our ?Trip Sisters? series. I?ve worked hard for this success and created these shows so I would be able to take my family and sister on these adventures! Of course, they are still working and shooting a show, but we are all traveling and there together and that is truly a blessing. Dian e: What tips would you give to the readers for travel this summer? Oh that is a great question! The world has changed a lot and I?ve had so many viewers ask me this question. From a safety standpoint, I would say if you live in the USA and want to travel abroad to check the state department?s site for any warnings on various

countries. If there is no warning, then feel free to get out there and explore. Terrorism is rare but it is a real threat so be vigilant and keep your wits about you when traveling. Still, it shouldn?t stop us from exploring the world. Travel is about learning new things and hopefully, spending time with loved ones, and getting away from the daily grind. So, enjoy the time to travel, explore, learn and connect with family and/or friends or even by travel by yourself! Travel helps us to open our minds and feed our souls, so if you get a chance, take that time to get out there and explore. Travel is the gift of memories and that is precious. One vary useful tip if you are flying (and you tend to fly more than 3 times per year) is to sign up for the TSA Pre-check and/or Global Entry Card. The TSA Pre-check iis about $85 and the Global Entry is $100. Global Entry also gets you the Pre-check so if you travel out of the country, this is the card I would get, as it covers both domestic and international travel for only $15 dollars more. Also, start using more apps! If you have a smart phone, there are tons of travel apps out there to help you navigate a new location, save money and keep all of your information in one spot. Waves is one of my favorite navigation apps as it not only helps you to go from point A to B but also finds out if there is construction that might delay you and sends you on another route. It saves a lot of time when traveling. To save money, sign up for the Groupon app in the location to our traveling to.

So, if you are from Boston but traveling to Chicago in the next couple of weeks, sign up for Groupon deals in that city you are vacationing in. This can save a lot of money! Also, I love Apple Wallet. I keep my flight reservations, frequent flyer information, event tickets and a lot more stored here. It is much easier to keep it all on your phone, but of course, a paper back up is always recommended, as you never know. Dian e: Tell the readers how they can find your shows. Colleen : Fam ily Tr avel w it h Colleen Kelly air s on PBS n at ion w ide on 95% of t h e cou n t r y. Ch eck you r local PBS list in gs f or t im es an d days it air s in you r ar ea. Go t o Fam ilyTr avelCK.com t o ch eck ou t t h e t im es f or t h e sh ow , an d explor e ou r t r avel blogs an d get t r avel t ips. We h ave season s 3 an d 4 an d 21 n ew episodes com in g ou t t h is year , so h opef u lly r eader s w ill cat ch an episode or t w o! As an exam ple, t h e episodes t h is year r an ge f r om Qu ebec t o Scot lan d in t er n at ion ally t o Flor ida, Ten n essee, Calif or n ia, Vir gin ia an d m an y m or e. If t h ey h ave Am azon Pr im e, you can also cat ch season s on e an d t w o on Pr im e. Ch eck ou t ou r n ew est ser ies, ?Tr ip Sist er s? on Tr ipsSist er s.com . Follow u s on Facebook @Th eTr ipSist er s an d @Tr ipSist er s on In st agr am . Th is ser ies w ill lau n ch n ext Jan u ar y 2018. Ch eck t h e w ebsit e an d ou r social m edia f or m or e in f or m at ion on u pcom in g dat es an d t im es. Colleen :

Dian e: How can t h e f an s of Wom en Wh o Rock w it h Su ccess con n ect w it h you ? Colleen : I w ou ld LOVE t o h ear f r om f an s of Wom en Wh o Rock su ccess! Th e best w ay t o con n ect is by f ollow in g m e on Facebook , In st agr am or Tw it t er @Fam ilyTr avelCK an d @Colleen KellyTr avels Or dr op u s an em ail at in f o@t r avelf ilm pr odu ct ion s an d it w ill be f or w ar ded t o m e or w h om ever else in t h e com pan y t h e r eader s w ou ld lik e t o con n ect w it h ! I love t h is m agazin e an d w om en h elpin g ot h er w om en ! Isn?t t h at w h at it is all abou t ladies?

w w w.w om en w h or ock w it h su ccess.com

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