THE LAWS OF PROCRASTINATION Many things on our to-do list will become joggled around. We place many of our tasks on the shelf or just wait to another date to get it accomplished. But the longer we wait we procrastinate on things which may bring us earlier results than usual. Starting a business can be a wonderful goal for women to achieve and pursue. It brings many rewards. Their are always peaks and valleys with anything. But if we allow negative thoughts and slothfulness to compass our minds; we will result in procrastinating over what we should be doing and pursuing. Never allow your thoughts to captivate the moment when you know where you should be verses where you are at the present moment. We cannot operate a vehicle unless we fuel it with petroleum. We cannot expect our pets to grow unless we feed them. Our plants will not survive unless we keep them watered and given much sunlight. If we procrastinated on all of these daily essentials of what we need; then they will starve and strive to live and grow. This is the same concept for those whom procrastinate on the what if, the how, the when, and the why. Jump start your future now, by moving in the direction of where you desire to be today so that you can thrive towards success for your future of tomorrow.
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Are you planning on investing in Google Adwords? In his article I will give you the advantage points of the number one advertising tool for small and medium businesses, Google Search, Contact Google Ads.ca for fantastic small business Ad management. So?
ÂżWh y Googl e A dw ords? The Ads found in Face book, Twitter o Linkedin are shown on the time-line of users an on blogs.. Adw or ds Ar ds ar e displayed t o u ser specif ically sear ch in g f or som et h in g on t h e lar gest sear ch en gin e: Google, and millions of websites and programs associated to the network. This increases considerably the possibility of getting impressions and clicks, fundamental if you have growth an objective for you business.
1. Com plim en t you r SEO st r at egy It is clear that the ideal is to take the podium top positions in organic positioning - Directory- finder. The economic cost is zero and visibility is high but requires work in content marketing, social media and technical factors controlling the web. SEO provides long-term results and a stable investment of resources but does not have to be the only option for a company. The ideal is to combine SEO with SEM and launch campaigns in key business success that favor short-term positioning dates. 2. More conversions then on Facebook and Twitter Although social networks are an ideal place to connect with users environment they are also a medium that generates certain rejection advertising. It depends on the circumstances and the product but keep in mind that through Adwords ad samples in the search engine Google, which guarantees two things: greater coverage and reach predisposed to receive commercial information or to purchase users. At the end of the day that translates into greater profitability and conversions.
Well your SEM strategy focuses on social networks or users will generate rejection 5. You can connect with customers who are looking for you! Users buy and search for information of all kinds in Google. With your ads showing to the right users, its easier and are more likely to connect with you. You will be visible for all those who search with words of your industry, business, product or service. 6. There are no limits or boundaries If you have an international company Google Adwords also offers benefits because you will have access to people anywhere in the world. You can also configure personal preferences language and location. 7. You have segmentation tools at your fingertips If something is Adwords are options to segment and choose the options that best fit what you need. geographical orientation, language, display ads on other devices, select extensions map, phone, public, keywords, ad types, are often some of them. The secret is to set your campaign up well and choose the right approach for your business. 8. You can measure your progress from minute 1 Normally, you need only one or two days to begin receiving information on the progress and results of your ads and keywords. You have access to a visual control panel where different ratios and percentages as well as performance reports and conversion of your campaign. 9. If you follow the steps no guarantee of success An increasing number of companies and SMEs that decide to invest in Adwords is greater. After a process of adaptation and optimization is rare that the campaign
does not get any benefit. There are also new alternatives such as re marketing is causing furor among advertisers.
10. Adwords fits you not the other way around In this aspect you can rest assured that you will not receive any pressure by the program. The degree of commitment you put your setting your budget and are not subject to anything if you do not want. 11. Detailed information and free documentation
This is one of the great advantages. Besides providing the platform for use there is a large section of documents and information on how to optimize and use all the features in Google Adwords Support
AdWords Help 12. Videos and explanatory graphics A part of the text information you have available material video format and also various charts and diagrams to better assimilate the concepts. It never hurts because sometimes the text can be monotonous. Besides entertaining, combine the two options is more effective. 13. Short-term results Since it is a means to achieve short-term goals, it can be used to promote new products as yet unknown in the market and also to highlight campaigns in a given period of time. A push $ investment in a key moment can give results.
23. A method of secure payment The system ensures safety at all times of the transfer of money and have access to all spending, income and current balance in the billing section. 24. Google Analytics cross-Settings A key part of the reports and measurement results is to link your Analytics account and your Adwords account. So you can have absolute control over the people who visit your website and the relationship they have these visits with managing your ads. 25. Training and official exams Google Adwords For if there is little training and parallel to the ad program that lets you get after passing 4 exams, full and official title of Google Adwords certification. It can be an ideal place for you, your employees or for anyone who wants to deepen the concepts and demonstrate expertise complement. Contact us at GoogleAds.ca, we look forward to creating a successful camapaign for your small business.
14. Advice for the Adwords team For questions, optimization and receive expert advice you have to hand contact Adwords support team or management services for small to medium businesses at GoogleAds.ca. In addition, when they notice that there has been a strange or radical change in your campaign they can make sure your getting the best cost per click and conversion rates. 15. Money can not buy ...a better quality advert Well, no. Adwords Money is not everything. To get a good ranking with your ad besides bid on the keywords you've chosen, you have to optimize the other factors that make your proposal convince Google. I think it's an advantage for advertisers humblest and a feature that puts us all alike. In Adwords Money is not everything, choose your keywords well and optimizes the quality level 17. It is a good channel for Web traffic There may be more than one goal in a campaign. Maybe you are interested in receiving traffic to your site because it is part of an SEO strategy or because you have other reasons to get a direct sale. If so, with Adwords you can get visitors to your website and redirect to the page you want. 19. Adjustments and modifications in real time Imagine once you realize that you made a mistake or do not like the meaning of a text. Its not a massive problem, nothing happens because you can change the ad and in few second the changes are updated immediately. 20. Diversity and great coverage There are three main channels or broadcast networks: network search, display and network specific videos on Youtube. No shortage of options and can cover a wide range of spaces that will increase the chances of clicks and impressions. 21. A good showcase to attract new customers If for some reason your business fails by traditional means you can try Adwords and attract a new audience. It can be a turning point and test new forms of action. 22. Control over the budget. From the beginning you can put a cap on the budget. Just take into account individual keyword bid, the daily budget and calculate the total budget per month.
SPI RI TUAL L I FE We all know that a healthy lifestyle is beneficial for everyone. Making healthy choices in the life, creating a positive mental state, eating healthy food and doing regular physical activities are all very vital factors for overall well-being. When you maintain a balanced life that includes a healthy mind, body. And soul, you will find that the external events of your life have much less effect on your happiness and success in life. Your health does not just make your body look better and help toward off disease and disorders, it provides a solid foundation to the reality that you can create a better life and it doesn?t have anything to do with what is happening outside of you. Taking control of your health is most effective when you take a look at yourself with a holistic perspective. The holistic approach to health takes into account the complete person, their physical, psychological and social needs, which directly relate to their spiritual selves. Basically, you would improve your overall well-being by integrating aspects of every part of yourself and by not just eating right and getting exercise. Your mind needs stimulation, you need social interaction and solid relationships, and you need to nurture your spiritual side along with honoring the operation of your body?s physical aspects. When someone desires to improve their health there is always a much more long-term commitment. when they have made a whole lifestyle change rather than just deciding to try a new diet for 2 weeks. You really shouldn?t restrict foods or participate in a rigorous exercise regime for short periods of time. Although it seems to be a popular trend to try out the next new diet or be a part of the next ?exercise craze?, it isn?t these short bursts of diet and exercise changes that provide lasting health benefits. You will be much better served by taking the time and effort to truly look at your whole self, preparing yourself mentally, and gaining lots of knowledge about healthy living, gradually adding positive habits and slowly eliminating harmful habits, and discovering ways to nurture your inner self as well.
As you are looking at the areas of your life involving food and exercise, don?t leave out a vital component of a complete life- your spiritual health. Nurturing your mind, body and spirit is a package deal. You can?t connect with your Page 2 of 3 true self and commit to a renewed life of health without nourishing your spiritual side. Now you will thing what is spiritual life and how to nurture it? here I say! That we are all on a journey in this life to do great things. These great things are big and small and can have an effect on millions of people or just one person. It is a lifelong quest to figure out what your life purpose is. Discovering what rally motivates you and gives you the energy to be always growing is a part of your spiritual path. It doesn?t matter what religion you follow or where your beliefs lie, there are certain elements to FOCUS on to find your place and discover what significance your life plays in the world around you. Your inner growth is the most important growth in your life, not only because it is what forms your perspective (which gives you a positive or negative take on your surroundings), but also because it is how you will discover what you were created for. There is nothing more peaceful than knowing that you are living your life the way you were designed to. The five areas you need to focus on to live a life of purpose and meaningful.
1. Have faith in your personal power: This can be related to one?s faith in a specific religion, but faith is not limited to religion. Believe that you have been given special qualities and that there is a universal source that connects one to all. Believe that you are capable of doing great and satisfying things and that you will get through all those ups and downs in life. The most important things have to be believed to be seen. 2. Have patience in your wait for the right things at the right time: Patience is a virtue and not easily come by, which makes for lots of opportunities to grow in this area. We want things right when we thing of them. Instant gratification is mainstream in society and it seems that it should be that way in our spiritual life too, but unfortunately we are not here to make the rules, we are here to discover ?The Good Life?.
3. Generate love continuously about everything: To love under any circumstances really is the greatest achievement of all and it is really not that hard, once you have few years of practice under you belt. Love does make the world work right and feeling love in difficult situations will make your inner world a much happier place, love for yourself and other. 4. Develop a prayer practice: Don?t worry about all those rules out there about how to pray. You just need to have the intention to connect with your creator and be aware of what you are thankful for, what you did like in your life and what you did like for others. Say it out loud, think it, or even write it down in your very own prayer journal. Just put it out in the universe and be in comfort that you have been heard.
5. Be aware of creation: Nature is all around us, providing, nurturing, and sharing. Take time to spend quiet moments in natural surroundings and be aware of how perfectly nature lives. You will soon strengthen your faith in the gifts and abilities that have been given to you live a truly blessed life.
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Dr. Medina Pulling is an international conference speaker, Pastor, preacher, wife, mother, mentor, entrepreneur, television host, fashion designer, song-writer and teacher whose life is reaching many around the world. Having matriculated at John Jay College, Bethel Bible Institute, and F.I. Christian University obtaining a Bachelors in Christian Education, Masters in Biblical Counseling, a Doctorate in Ministry and a Doctorate of Divinity; Dr. Medina is not only a voice to the kingdom of God, but a voice to the socioeconomic systems of the world.
Medina Pullings Dr. Medina along with her husband, Bishop Pullings are the co-founders of United Nations Church International; one church in multiple locations. Most recently Dr. Medina accepted her God given mandate as Senior Pastor of United Nations Church of Richmond, VA and shares the co-pastorate of United Nations Church of Charlotte, NC. Included in this sphere of influence as a national voice is the international television broadcast ?Faith Charge Now?; appearances as a frequent host on TBN?s Praise the Lord program, and as a guest on multiple Christian television networks such as Day-star, The Church Channel, & The Word Network. Her impact on the kingdom of God has favored her to grace the cover of Gospel Today Magazine, Epitome Magazine, and Ladies First Magazine. As the CEO of Medina Pullings Ministries and frequently affectionately referred to as ?Jesus Girl?, she has established such ministries as The Princess club; an organization focused on mentoring young girls. The epitome of maximized potential she has reproduced her grace, poise, and style as a fashion designer into the ?Jesus Girl clothing line & accessories?, and opened the successful ?Style & Grace Boutique?. Dr. Medina?s many philanthropic sacrifices has found her being awarded by the FDIC, and again as a progenitor, co-founding the Youth Empowerment Zone in Charlotte, NC She and her husband Bishop Pullings share the joy of parenting five children; Orrin Jr., Elijah, James, Zaccheus, and Medina; and a myriad of spiritual sons and daughters across the world.
R.E.G.S. Books LLC is now under the umbrella of Regina Mixon Enterprises as REGS Books Publishing. Its mission remains the same; one of helping aspiring writers bring their works to manifestation; to serve in helping one publish, promote and market their written works. Believing that everyone has a story to tell, REGS Books Publishing serves as yet another venue for those desiring to share their stories. Partnerships were established along the way with some that have been very instrumental in helping us achieve our objective. Some of which include:
Dr. Netreia Carroll is a woman that wears many hats. As founder of Affordable Publishing in addition to several other non-profit and for-profit businesses, she is an author of many books in her own right. Her assistance with this company has proven to be invaluable. Read what she has to say?
DR. N ETREIA CARROLL h t t p:/ / w w w.sh aback .n et
?For the longest time I wanted to share my life experiences, hurts, pains, and joys that shaped my being. This is a true statement of change. I am an artist exploring the world and when I am not acting, singing, creating, or sharing the Love of Jesus with others, I am refashioning my spiritual DNA in order to become better. Better with my words, thoughts, interpretation of life...a better servant, me. As Hamlet once said, ?? there is much music in this little organ and I must play it though I am no pipe.? After living a life of hearty laughs hidden behind gapped teeth, and disappointments, I have come to grips that people like myself are meant for extraordinary things and I must understand that I will never fit into the concept of normality. It is okay to break society and culturally set rules and be diverse. That is my statuette, unique in Christ. I wonder how much easier life would be if ordinary was enough and ?fitting in? was an option. Understanding the reason why I exist I have learned it?s more than occupying space. I have a space that is designed only for me to fit in. With this thought in mind, we should remind ourselves daily that being who we are is everything to our purpose. The amazing feeling of being one in a million, of knowing no one out there is quite like me, can do it like I do, or see what I see, give me all the reasons to celebrate the essence of my true womanhood. Breaking the rules, fighting, and being angry with one another is easy. Hearing the criticism is difficult. Look around, we are all essentially equivalent: we all want to be loved. The residency of love can only reside comfortably within us only if its trueness derives from the only true loving source, Jesus. The Power of His love defines us all, even me.
Today I rediscover myself. Tomorrow and each day after, I will revisit the thought of me again. I expose some of myself to you. Every word written removes another layer of dead skin and concealed esteems. Lives lost, bickering, and killing offends me. Can we get over together? Can we walk in the dreams of Martin Luther King? Can we love others more than ourselves? Become assured in who you are. We are designed from the character of The Most High. My assurance of my identity can be easily mistaken for bragging or as appearing to be ?all that?, when truthfully I am all nothing that makes me something. Jesus said, ?The first shall be last and the last shall be first.? I write to share with the world, thin-skinned moments. In every word, my soul listens and my heart speaks. The Truths in my writings has given unknown colors to my life. Colors created by God that others must see. The intensity of His color rays has corrected the world?s vision of me. Today I live free. Today, I honor every trial and tribulation. Yes, they hurt. The motivations behind my writings are to challenge you and your thinking, your efforts, your desires to become a better you. Seek and find you and once you have unearthed your reason for existing, share it with the world. Your existence plays a great part in my destiny? a little more inspiration and a little more? uniqueness. Just Dare to be you or should I ask, ?Who are You??
Netreia D Carroll Pastor, Servant, and Friend for 22 years. ?I Am The Kings Daughter ? Books published include: Let the Tobacco Go Jesus Make Me Fit Satan Get Out of My House All I See I Do Love You Blissed Misfortune on Cloud 9 Let the Liquor Go Obtain more information about her books at https://www.amazon.com