4 minute read
Pain Relief Foundation
1 in 10 people in the UK suffer from chronic pain – which does not go away. Over half of sufferers endure chronic pain all day, every day of their lives. Many sufferers say they can’t remember what it is like not to be in pain. Thousands of sufferers lose their jobs because the pain is so bad that they cannot work. Pain stops sufferers enjoying walking, shopping, sleeping; even playing with their children
Chronic Pain affects people of all walks of life, 43% of the population suffer from chronic pain. Research costs money, and there is always an urgent need to provide more funds for more research. The Pain Relief Foundation DOES NOT receive funding from the NHS or any other Government body. Instead, our vital work depends entirely on donations and the generosity of people like you.
PLEASE MAKE A DONATION TODAY Online at www.painrelieffoundation.org.uk OR LEAVE A LEGACY IN YOUR WILL.
For help and advice, contact us.
Pain Relief Foundation , Clinical Sciences Centre University Hospital Aintree ,Liverpool L9 7AL.
Telephone: 0151 529 5820 www.painrelieffoundation.org.uk E-mail: lorraine.roberts@painrelieffoundation.org.uk Registered Charity No. 1156227
Chronic Pain the Silent Epidemic
Most people do not think of pain until it affects them personally, or those close to them; yet an astonishing 43% of the population experience chronic pain.
Millions of adults are currently living with on-going discomfort including nearly one in three people of working age. Around 1 in 10 people suffer from such extreme levels of pain it is that is either moderately or severely disabling. Their pain becomes so consuming they are able to think of almost nothing else. In an ageing population these figures are set to rise.
The terrible scourge of chronic pain remains one of the last unconquered frontiers of medicine. Chronic Pain is defined as lasting for three months or longer, and can include conditions such as arthritis, cancer pain, neuralgia, shingles, diabetic neuropathy, painful strokes, pain following limb amputation (phantom limb), Complex regional syndrome (CRPS), back pain and headaches
Chronic pain is the silent epidemic because it isn’t as visible or as measurable as other conditions, despite the fact that it can have a devastating impact on quality of life.
Chronic pain is costly at an individual and societal level; we need to challenge these conceptions. It is only through the research and educational work carried out in our Pain Research Institute that progress can be made in improving knowledge of chronic pain and its relief, and in training the specialists who will carry it out. But that depends entirely on YOUR support and the support of the public.
Published by Amra Media Solutions 2nd Floor, Tring House 77 High Street, Tring, Herts HP23 4AB
Email: info@amramediaco.uk www.legacyyearbook.co.uk
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Dear Readers Welcome to the 2021 edition of ‘The Legacy Yearbook’. We hope that this publication will provide an ideal reference point when choosing one or more charities to leave a legacy to. Also within the magazine you will find various articles, for example, why it’s so important to make a will, as well as the most common will-making mistakes and how to avoid them, custody rights as grandparents, and more. Legacies account for a major part of the income of charities, however small, and we are sure you will find your chosen charity with The Legacy Yearbook. 2021 brings us to our 23rd year of this publication and our website www.legacyyearbook.co.uk has now been running for over ten years. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the charities who have been with us over the years, many have remained with us since the launch. Finally, please help them to continue their important work by remembering the charity of your choice in your will. You don’t’ have to be rich and famous to make a contribution that can make a difference. We can all do something amazing for the world just by leaving a gift in our wills to charity.
2 Pain Relief Foundation 7/OBC Marie Curie 8 Grace & Compassion Benedictines 8 Little Sisters of the Poor 11 Royal College of Surgeons 13 BREAK 13 Scottish Veterans Residences 15 Blood Pressure UK 16 Bransby Horses – Rescue and Welfare 18 FRAME 19 Lord Whisky Animal Sanctuary 21 Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital 22 Redwings Horse Sanctuary 23 Catastrophes Cat Rescue
4 The most common will-writing mistakes – and how to avoid them
Errors to watch out for and advice on how to avoid them when making a will.
9 Making a Will
The importance of making a will and the various options available.
12 Your custody rights as a grandparent and what to do if you are refused access to your grandchild
Grandparents can be an important part of the family unit. Here are some of the main factors to be aware of if your time with your grandchildren is cut off through relationship breakdowns.
19 Providing for pets in your Will:
What are the legal aspects?
Drafting a will is the single most important step in ensuring family, friends and other loved ones are provided for following your passing –but how does this extend to our beloved pets?