2 minute read
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. But you can teach a scientist.
Help FRAME to find a better way than animal experiments.
There is no worldwide agreement that protects the welfare of animals involved in research and testing. FRAME is an independent charity dedicated to the development of new and valid methods that will remove the need for laboratory animals in medical and scientific research, education and testing.
Gifts of any size, small or large, will help FRAME find better methods. FRAME receive no funding from central or local government and rely on gifts and legacies to carry out our vital work.
We are grateful for every gift, however small.
Please remember FRAME in your will. For more information visit frame.org.uk/support-us/legacies or call: 0300 030 1016
FRAME Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments. FRAME is a charitable incorporated organisation with registration number: 1176266.
Help end the need for animal testing in medical experiments
FRAME (Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments) is working hard to eliminate the need to use animals in any kind of medical or scientific procedures. FRAME was founded in 1969 by Dorothy Hegarty, an animal lover who found the arguments of the antivivisection societies too simplistic and unlikely to achieve their purpose. She formed FRAME, a charity dedicated to promoting more reliable non-animal methods of medical research. FRAME receives no lottery or government funding and we depend on sponsorship, donations and legacies to continue our vital work.
Alternatives to animal testing
Today FRAME still believes human-based scientific research methods are more valid and have the potential to provide better answers than laboratory animals in medical and scientific research, education and testing. In the UK 3.4 million scientific procedures were carried out on animals in 2019, just a 9% drop over a decade. FRAME’s ultimate aim is to remove the need for laboratory animal use in any scientific procedures for the benefit of human health. Animals are still heavily used to investigate human disease and predict human responses to chemicals and drugs. Whilst a total end to animal use is not immediately possible FRAME believe the current scale of animal experimentation is unacceptable and unnecessary. Modern scientific methods that use human tissue, computer modelling and other new and innovative techniques, can provide data more directly relevant to human conditions and disease. Despite a legal requirement to use these ‘alternative’ methods where they are available their development and uptake remains slow.
How FRAME are bringing change
FRAME has helped achieve some significant milestones over the past 50 years including supporting the government in developing animal welfare legislation resulting in the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act in 1986 and the EU cosmetics animal testing ban in 2013. The FRAME Alternatives laboratory was opened at the University of Nottingham in 1991 and still develops human-based systems there today including research using in vitro skin and liver models.
Every small gift helps FRAME fund research, educate students, train scientists, develop and promote non-animal methods, and campaign for legislation change in line with scientific progress. A gift in your will to FRAME will be used to develop and share knowledge that will improve human health research and reduce animal suffering.