Top Car Seats reveals its hottest car seats
For the first time ever, we’re revealing our best-selling car seats. Our million-plus customer base has spoken with their wallets — check out the Top 10 lists below, then go to to see current pricing for both 2010 and 2011 models.
View Top 10: infant car seats > convertible seats > toddler seats > booster seats >
Car Seats 101 Infant seats are rear-facing only and can take your child from birth up
to 35 pounds. They can often be used with certain strollers to create a travel system. A convenient handle lets you carry baby from the backseat to the stroller without disrupting nap time. And, you can use the same car seat for two different cars with the simple addition of an extra base.
Convertible seats start off rear-facing and eventually can be positioned forward-facing. Industry experts recommend kids remain rear-facing until they’ve reached the maximum height/weight allowed for that model. Compared to an infant car seat, the convertible seat will accommodate your child longer (although it can’t be removed from the car as easily as an infant seat).
Toddler seats/5-point harness combination boosters are forward-facing only. This option lets your child use a 5-point harness restraint — considered safer than an adult seat belt — longer. After your child reaches the weight limit for the harness, the seat can be used as a belt-positioning booster with your car’s seat belt. Some options can accommodate your child up to 120 pounds.
Booster seats utilize your car’s seat belt and are meant for kids who
Special Picks Compact Cars: Sunshine Kids Radian (fit 3 across the backseat) City Dwellers/Cabs: Safety 1st Go Hybrid Booster (installs in under a minute) Long Life Span: Recaro ProSPORT (fits 20-120 lbs.); Safety 1st Alpha Omega Elite (fits 5-100 lbs.) Preemies: Chicco KeyFit, Britax Chaperone & Safety 1st onBoard (fit 4-lb. babies)
have outgrown toddler seats, but aren’t yet big enough to use the adult seat belt alone.
Travel easily with baby through airports. Consider products like the
GoGo Babyz Travelmate, a wheeled frame with handle that can be attached to your car seat, or the Lilly Gold Sit N’ Stroll which converts from seat to stroller.
Life spans of most car seats are 5 to 9 years from the date of manu-
facture. A car seat with 2010 in its name might not expire until 2019. You may be able to save a few bucks by shopping for a car seat manufactured in the previous year — some retailers will mark down the prices on those products.
Check out your state’s car seat safety requirements here. *Rankings based on 2010 sales.