7 minute read

3. We are all in it together Dr. George Varghese Page

Dr. George Varghese*

This is a statement. We, the homo- sapiens, all of humanity have missed the mark, all tainted with many colors of sin, all below the poverty line, all come short of the glory of God.


Sin came through one Man and invaded the whole race, except one Man among all men. The history of humanity both past and present reveals sin’s total control. Every day we are reminded about its reality. More than media and events, our own hearts condemn us about our state of existence.

Yes, we are all in this cesspool of sin together. Something is wrong, deep within. The Bible doesn’t hide this truth. We are infected and we infect one another. This fallenness is our collective inheritance. We are left with a distant memory of a lost home where we were innocent, joyful and care free.

All longings from time immemorial are the cry of our souls to get back to sanity. We are insane and we are lost. We know this pathetic truth in all our dealings. Our knowledge of our predicament is our biggest depressing factor. Our helplessness to master ourselves and reach a stage of bliss, only pushes us deeper into further darkness. Yes, we are in this mess together. We are prisoners in the prison called Life. We are not free to break free. Our deeds and words are saturated with substandard values.

Our collective suffering is the knowledge itself. We see it in others more than in ourselves. Life in the prison is the only kind of living we know. We are like the unborn baby in the darkness of its mother’s womb. It doesn’t even know that there is a life beyond the womb.

Then comes the voice crying out in the wilderness about Hope. There is a way out for all. This voice will be suppressed and killed by other lesser voices. If people come out of their tragic ignorance, it will be bad for business. So there are forces within and without that try to suppress the lone voice. All other voices only make the situation worse. Their voices are like pacifiers, short lasting relief to the aching heart. They can numb and dull our longings and encourage us to go on with the status quo.

The voice in the wilderness is for all to listen to. It is an invitation to repent, to turn around and look at the Man, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. So there is a way out of our predicament. All can receive it. This Man, Jesus of Nazareth, offers a solution to our dilemma. His solution is foolish to the majority. He includes everyone in Himself. He became the sin bearer and takes us with Him to the suffering at Calvary and brings us out of the tomb. He identifies with us in our predicament and offers to take our burden. This entire act is a divine initiative. If sin came into Human race thru one man (in Adam all have sinned), Life also came thru one Man for all. This act of God will always remain as an enigma. To accept this enigma is called Faith. We are called to believe in this act of God in time and space and make it our own experience and reality.

We all died. We are all in this death together, but its effectiveness comes to those who believe and align their lives to the after effect of death. Resurrection is the success story, not death.

God, the author of Life, gives Life to all who choose His ways. God, who sees the end from the beginning, who watches and sees the choices Humans make at any given time, knows from the beginning those who will choose to believe. He includes them in the resurrection. No one knows their names.

To these He gives the Spirit and calls them to a way of life called the Kingdom of God. It’s a call to radical resurrected life in all its fullness. God not only shows the way but indwells in those who believe and continue to seek the mysteries of the kingdom. The Resurrected Life is hungry for truth, it’s hungry to love, forgive and serve. This kingdom life is almost like the hungry caterpillar to take in all the goodness of God and move towards a real fruitful and free life. We are given eyes to see and ears to hear. We can refuse to use these faculties to ask, knock and seek. This responsibility is given to us. We can remain stunted in our growth towards perfection which will be a sad end to a good beginning.

All who are choosing the resurrected life and believe in the historical events of the cross and empty tomb and its significance, see life from another perspective. All are given this freedom but only a few choose it.

All are invited but only a few come to the banquet. All are loved but only a few feel loved and love back. In one way we are all in it together. In another way many we are not. Nobody knows except God. Those who know the choices they have made come together to live out the life at a different plane. They discover another dimension of living. Jesus already spelt out the radicalness of this life in the Spirit. It’s a partnership with the Triune God. We are called to be partakers of His life and live it out with Him. We are given the responsibility together with Him to redeem the world and reclaim all that evil destroyed and will continue to destroy since the beginning. We have a job to do. We are laborers in His vineyard. We are in the salvation story together. Inspiration comes from Him, obedience which is the manifestation of love comes from us. We become vessels to carry His life and His Message. We become His body walking and talking His life. We are empowered with a wonderful imagination to see the world as God sees it.

God desires that we all enjoy this life with Him together. But the reality is that only a few desire this alternate life. The question that ought to haunt us is whether we are in it or not. The choice to belong is given to all. The Invitation is given to all.

The end of human history will reveal or manifest those who choose. We all can be in it together. That’s the plan, but… Millions are in the valley of decision, looking for a familiar face who is living out the kingdom life. Those who are in the faith community, alive and active, will bear witness to the transformational power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They will be a minority. This remnant matters to God and He will accomplish His purposes through them. Light ought not to be hidden. Salt ought not to lose its saltiness. So there is a need for constant introspection to know whether we are living in the truth and walking with HIM as a community and as individuals.

This atoned, redeemed and reconciled community is recreated as the Temple of the Living God from where worship and prayers for the nations rise. We are in this Temple together with all others to declare the wonder of God’s generous love towards all. We become peace makers and messengers of mercy and home coming.

The lonely voice continues to cry out to repent, return and overcome. He who has ears let Him hear.

*Dr. Dr. Geroge Varghese (Laji) and his wife Dr. Sheila Varghese dedicated their whole life to the service of rural communities in the foothills of the Himalayas in the North Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, please read their testimony in the October, 2021, issue of the FOCUS, Vol.9 (3), p8-12 The World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee elected the WCC executive committee on 8 September during the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe. Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Mar Paulos Episcopa was selected to the WCC executive committee. Thirumeni received his doctorate from Boston University in Christian Education. He provided laudable leadership as Chairman of the Sociopolitical Commission of the Church, as member of CMC Ludhiana Director Board and SHIATS University Director Board, Vice President of Bible Society of India, Delhi Auxiliary and Chairman of Dharmajyothi Vidyapeet. Thirumeni is an outstanding orator and scholar in addition to being a friend of the children and youths. He served in Chengannur – Mavelikkara Diocese and as head of Thiruvananthapuram – Kollam and Mumbai Dioceses. Presently he is serving as Diocesan Bishop of the Diocese of Adoor. Thirumeni considers his call as God’s Commission, for hard work and commitment; he finds strength in God’s mercy and love of the members of the Church. As he cares for humanity and systematic work, Thirumeni is always busy to know the people more and more and do some good for them. He takes special care to make the activities in the Parishes lively. FOCUS congratulates Thirumeni and prays that God may keep Thirumeni in His providence to continue the faith journey of Mar Thoma Church and also to reach the wider ecumenical world to glorify His name.

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