Antonio di Campi Working Through Hiroshima
This book presents a series of reflections that aim at proposing innovative interpretative hypotheses about a text written by Arata Isozaki in 1962 entitled City Demolition Industry, Inc., a text conceived as a short story and drawn up according to the canons of a literary narrative. An inquiry into this short text allows us to understand some dynamics characterizing modernism experimental endgames that flourished worldwide during the 1960s and to highlight the formation of an Eastern idea of “postmodernism of resistance” associated with the image of ruin and with the concept of destruction intended as the metaphor of ultimate design control.
ISBN 978-88-430-7558-4
€ 13,00
Antonio di Campli, Ph.D, is researcher at the Senescyt, Quito, and professor in Urban Design at the Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja. He has taught at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, at the Politecnico di Torino and at the universities of Camerino, Pescara, Bogotá and Tirana. His research focuses on postmodern theory and practice of urban design, and on contemporary postcolonial urbanism. He is the author of Forme di comunità. L’abitare condiviso a Ibiza, Skopje, Hiroshima (Carocci, 2013), La ricostruzione del Crystal Palace. Per un ripensamento del progetto urbano (Quodlibet, 2010), and Adriatico. La città dopo la crisi (List, 2010).
Working Through Hiroshima Arata Isozaki’s Destructive Visions Antonio di Campli
Carocci editore