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dickie white

Hi, I'm Dickie White, the guy to your left alongside my Jiu-Jitsu professor, Dennis. I used to struggle with how to get strong and powerful for wrestling until I got to college and learned both in the classroom and "in the trenches" at Cornell University the best ways to make wrestlers stronger. Since then I've opened my own gym where I've trained some of the top wrestlers in the country including a few NCAA Champions (Troy Nickerson, J.P. O'Connor, and Kyle Dake). To learn more about my system, visit my blog While you're there be sure to sign up for my Newsletter (under the "Free Programs" tab in the navigation section). By doing so you'll receive free programs as well as regular notifications when I post a new blog. Whether you're looking for wrestling training programs, wrestling-specific exercises, tips on how to cut weight easier, and mental training articles to help you be at your best when it counts; you'll find it at my blog
