This Annual has been edited by the Prairie Smoke Staff of North Dakota State Teacher's Col lege at Dickinson.
— 2—
MR. QUAIN JAHRMAN Acting Chairman of Agriculture Home Economics, and Industrial Arts Division
Wise Is The Man Who Knows His Ability
— 8—
The Magic of Numbers
The Power of Thought
MR. HAROLD MURPHY C h m ., Division of Science and Mathematics
MR. JOHN MEIGHAN Physics and Mathematics
DR. ARTHUR SELKE C hm ., Division of Social Science DR. E. C. BLACKORBY History
— 9—
MRS. MILDRED CHRISTENSEN Secretarial Assistant
MR. P. O. AASMUNDSTAD Business Manager and Registrar
Good People Handle Our Affairs MISS EDNA KONO Bookstore Custodian MRS. BEVERLY ALEX Bookkeeper
MISS CAROLINE DUKART Secretarial Assistant
MISS MAUDE KLINEFELTER Secretary of Correspondence and Extension MR. L. G. PULVER Dean of Men
— 10—
Knowledge Shows on You
DR. EARL DUNGAN Psychology, Director of Student Personnel
DR. GORDON OLSON Chairman of the Division of Education
MR. VAUGHN RHODES Supervisor of Rural Education
MR. ROLF RASMUSSEN Education; Principal of Campus High School
MR. CHARLES E. JOHNSON Supervisor of Elementary Education
Enjoy Yourself It’s Later Than You Think MRS. HILDEGARD CONNELL Nurse
MR. ROBERTA. TRACY Physical Education
MR. HARRY J . WIENBERGEN Chairman, Division of Health and Physical Education MISS LORAINE SCHUMACHER Physical Education
MR. O. T . BELSHEIM Chairman, Division of Fine Arts MR. DWAINE NELSON Music
— 12—
Reading Reveals The Wide World DR. KENTON F. VICKERY Chairman, Division of Language and Literature MR. W. FERRON HALVORSON Speech and Public Relations
MR. ALFRED J . DOLWIG German and English
MRS. EVE WIENBERGEN Assistant Librarian
— 13—
W ho's Who
— 14-
David Hedger Dickinson
Robert Wagner Richardton
One of the highest honors a student may attain at D .S .T .C . is to be included in Who's Who in Colleges and Universities. They are chosen from the Junior and Senior classes by the Faculty and Student Coun cil . The criteria for selection are scholarship, effective par ticipation in extra-curricu lar activities, character, and promise of future usefulness as a citizen. Angeline Ehlis Wandler Dickinson
Larry Bares Beach
Norman Smith Dickinson
— 15—
Bob Schneider, Secretary-Treasurer; Norman Opp, Vice-President; Pete Kramer, President.
Senior Class Officers
Curtis Weiss Senior Class Representative
— 18
ROGER H. ALTENBURG, New Salem . Major: Physical Education. Minors: Mathematics; English. Activities: Men's Union, Football, Track, "D" Club, and M .S .M . MARJORIE ANDERSON, Reeder. Major: Physical Education. Minors: English; Social Science. Activities: Alpha Sig ma Alpha, W. R. A. and Women's League.
WILLARD AUCH, Mott. Major: Com posite Science. Minor: Social Scien ce. Activities: Lambda Delta Lambda, Men's Union, I .R .C ., Choir, German Club, and Representative of German Club to Student Council. JO ANN BAIRD, Belfield. Major: Social Science. Minors: Chemistry, English, and History. Activities: Women's League, W .R .A ., I.R .C . (Publicity Chairman), L .S .A ., and Prairie Smoke.
JERRY BENDER, Dickinson. Majors: Eng lish and Social Scien ce. Minor: Com m erce. Activities: Men's Union and "550" Club. STUART D. BOHN, Carson. Majors: English and Social Scien ce. Minor: His tory. Activity: Men's Union.
That must have been a startling state ment, Jerom e.
It just has to be there someplace, Duane!
You must remember that the doctor prescribes eight hours per night, B ill.
20 —
WALTER BOHN J R ., Carson. Majors: Elementary Education and Social Scien ce. Minors: English and Geography. Activ ity: Men's Union. JOHN DeFEA, Dickinson. Majors: Eng lish and Industrial Arts. Activities: Men's Union.
JEROME J. DUKART, Manning. Major: Industrial Arts. Minors: Agriculture and Social Scien ce. Activities: Men's Union, I .R .C ., Newman Club, German Club (Pres.), I.R .C . (program Chairman). ANGELINE EHLIS, Dickinson. Major: English. Minors: German and Biology. Activities: Princess, I.R . C ., Who's Who, Women's League, German Club.
DUANE D. EMCH, Leith. Major: Music. Minors: English, Music. Activities: Men's Union, Art Club, I . R . C . , Choir, MENC (Treasurer), 550 Club, Band. WILLIAM J . FERDERER, New Salem . Ma jor: English. Minors: Biology, History, Latin. Activities: Men's Union, 550 Club.
— 22—
MILTON FUCHS. Hebron. Major: Com posite Commerce. Minors: English, So cial Science. Activities: Phi Sigma Pi, Men's Union, U .Y .F ., "550" Club, Prairie Smoke. DAVID A. HEDGER, K illdeer. Major: Composite Music Major. Minor: Speech. Activities: Choir, Men's Union, M .E .N .C . "550" Club, Band, Chief. Offices: Pub licity Chairman, "550" Club.
DON HJELMSETH, Mandan. Major: So cial Science. Minors: Music. Activities: Band, Chorus, I . R . C . , M .E .N .C ., Men's Union. THOMAS C . HUSCHKA, Dickinson. Ma jor: Social Science. Minors: English, Geography. Activities: Men's Union, I .R .C ., Newman Club, "550" Club, Ger man Club.
FRANK HATZENBIHLER, Center. Majors: Industrial Arts and Physical Education. Minor: Biology. Activities: Men's Union, "D" Club, Newman Club, "550" Club, I.R .C . NORMAN A. JESPERSON, New England. Major: Social S cien ce. Minors: English and Geography. Activities: Men's Union.
For once she’s filling it, not using it . — Right; Clara?
Preparing your side of the argument, Pete?
Well— what have we here? Caught you this tim e, Evelyn.
Jim --th e guy who never forgets his sm ile!
KAY M. JOHNSON, Fairview, Montana. Major: Music and Elementary Education. Minor: English. Activities: M .E .N .C ., Women's League. CLARA ROLLER, Glen Ullin. Major: Biol ogy. Minors: Chemistry and Social Sci ence. Activities: Lambda Delta Lambda, Women's League, I .R .C ., W.R. A ., New man Club, Who's Who.
PETER L. KRAMER, Strasburg. Major: Composite Commerce and Social Science. Activities: Phi Sigma Pi, Men's Union, I .R .C ., Newman Club, "550" Club, Slope Teachers Staff (co-editor), Who's Who. Offices: President, Senior Class; V ice Pres. Phi Sigma Pi. EVELYN LARSON, Fairfield, Montana. Ma jor: English. Minors: Social Studies and Speech. Activities: Alpha Sigma Alpha, Women's League, I .R .C ., M .S .M .
JOYCE LARSON, Almont. Major: Elem entary Education. Minors: Physical Educa tion and English. Activities: I .R .C ., Wo men's League, L. S .A ., Rodeo Club. JAMES McGEE, Rhame. Major: English. Minors: Geography and Music. Activities: Phi Sigma Pi, Alpha Psi Omega, Men's Union, I .R .C ., Choir, M .E .N .C ., Prairie Smoke.
That looks like shorthand to us, Norm
Presenting "Boots” , champion dishwasher of D
Consulting your little black book, Jim ?
Rosie, you shouldn’t come to the library to sleep, even if you are pretending to study.
26 —
CLARENCE W. NAMENUK, Gorham. Ma jors: Physical Education and Mathematics. Minor: Industrial Arts. Activities: Phi Sigma Pi, Men's Union, I .R .C ., Baseball, "D" Club, Newman Club, Slope Teacher Staff, Prairie Smoke. BEVERLY ODLAND, Beach. Major: Elem entary Education. Minors: Music, Art. Activities: Women's League, Art Club, Choir, W .R .A ., M .E .N .C ., L .S .A ., Prairie Smoke.
NORMAN OPP, Hebron. Major: Com posite Commerce. Minor: Social Science. Activities: Men's Union, Baseball, Ten nis, "D" Club, "550" Club. JIM PETERS, Mandan. Major: Industrial Arts. Minors: English and Social Science. Activities: Men's Union, I.R .C .
EDWARD RIEDL, Dickinson. Major: So cia l Science. Minors: English and His tory. Activities: Men's Union, I .R .C ., "D" Club, "550" Club. ROSIE ANN RIDL, Dickinson. Majors: English, Physical Education. Minor: So cial Science. Activities: Alpha Sigma Alpha, Women's League, Student Council, W .R .A ., Newman Club, Slope Teacher Staff, Radio News and Public Information. Offices: Chaplain Alpha Sigma Alpha, President, W .R .A ., Women’s League Representative to the Student Council, Who’s Who.
And THEN you should see what he did I Are you sure it was that way, Cal? Now in retrospect— — — - — -why so serious, Lawrence? Guess who told the joke. your chin, Oscar.
Wipe those canary feathers off
Bob and Norm— — preparing for their next class. Oh, Oh I Shirley looks grouchy— must have missed your 7:45 again.
CALVIN SAILER, Hazen. Major: Com posite Commerce. Minor: Physical Ed ucation. Activities: Men's Union, Base ball, Tennis, "D " Club, "5 5 0 ” Club. Offices: Secretary of "D " Club, C o-captain of the tennis team . LAWRENCE SAILER, Hebron. Major: Commerce. Minors: Social Science, English. Activities: Men's Union, I .R .C ., Baseball, U . Y . F . , Prairie Smoke.
KENNETH SCHATZ, Hebron. Majors: Physical Education and Industrial Arts. Minor: Social Science. Activities: Men's Union, "D" Club, "550" Club. OSCAR SCHNAIDT, Bismarck. Major: Chemistry. Minors: Social Science, Mathematics, Industrial Arts. Activities: Phi Sigma Pi, Lambda Delta Lambda, Men's Union, Student Council. Offices: President of Lambda, Delta Lambda, Men's Union Representative to the Student Council.
ROBERT SCHNEIDER, Hebron. Majors: English and Social Science. Minor: Phy sical Education. Activities: Phi Sigma Pi, Men's Union, I . R .C ., "D" Club, U .Y .F . Offices: Secretary-Treasurer and Publicity Chairman of the Senior Class, President of Men's Union. SHIRLEY SCHUMMER, New England. Ma jors: English and Music. Minor: History. Activities: Alpha Psi Omega, I .R .C ., Choir, M .E .N .C ., Newman Club, Band.
Come on Cyn, sm ile.
Don’t take it out on the food.
Come on Norm, give out with that Colgate smile-----and music, music, music. Thought you only slept in class, BuzzI Now what was that you said, Willy? Wow I Look what just walked by.
— 30—
Was she cute, Bob?
ROGER SCHULTZ, Glen Ullin. Major: Social Science. Minors: Physical Educa tion and Industrial Arts. Activities: Men's Union, ”550" Club, Chess Club. CYNTHIA SCHUTZ, Hebron. Major: Composite Music. Minor: English. Ac tivities: Women’s League, Choir, W .R .A ., M .E .N .C ., U .Y .F ., Band. Offices: Secretary W .R .A ., Secretary M .E .N .C ., Program Committee Chairman for U .Y .F .
NORMAN SMITH, Dickinson. Majors: Music, English. Minor: Music. Activ ities: Phi Sigma Pi, Men's Union, Choir, Student Council, M .E .N .C ., U . Y . F . , Band, Who's Who. Offices: President of Student Council. KENNARD THOMPSON, Watford City. Majors: Composite Commerce. Minor: Social Science. Activities: Phi Sigma Pi, Men's Union, I .R .C ., Track, Base b a ll, "D” Club. Offices: Vice-president Men's Union; Secretary-Treasurer Phi Sig ma Pi.
WILLIAM UECKERT, Beach. Majors: Composite Commerce and Physical Educa tion. Activities: "D ” Club, Football, Basketball, Baseball, Men's Union. ROBERT WAGNER, Richardton. Majors: Composite Music. Minor: English. Ac tivities: Phi Sigma Pi, Men's Union, Choir, M .E .N .C ., L .S .A ., Band, Slope Teacher Staff, Prairie Smoke, Who's Who. Offices: President of Phi Sigma Pi.
Monica Warren, "This is coffee?"
Curt Weiss, —
at 7:45 a .m .
Doug W iley, Trying to swallow that cigarette,Doug?
Adolph Wutzke, A serious conversation in the cafeteria?
— 32—
MONICA WARREN, Grassy Butte. Majors: Physical Education and Social Science. Minor: History. Activities: Women's League, W .R .A ., Newman Club, Prairie Smoke, Cheerleading, Rodeo Club. CURTIS WEISS, Kalam a, Washington. Ma jor: English. Minors: Speech and Social Scien ce. Activities: Men's Union, Cue Club, I .R .C ., Choir, Student Council, Tennis, "D " Club, L .S .A ., Radio News and Public Information, Prairie Smoke. Offices: Senior Class Representative to the Student Council, Co-captain of the tennis team.
ADOLPH WUTZKE, Elgin. Majors: Eng lish and Industrial Arts. Minor: Speech. Activities: Men's Union, Baseball, L .S .A ., "550" Club.
— 33—
Junior Class
"Some Juniors Do Drink"
ROW 1, left to right: Bob B ares, Beach; Je r r y Bauer, Zap; Irene Bell, Ralph, South Dakota; Eugene Bogner, Glad stone; Conrad Dietz, Sentinel Butte. ROW 2, left to right: Anton Dinius, K illdeer; L a rry Eckroth, Mandan; Lewis Getz, Rhame; Howard Hunke, Taylor; Deraid Jone s , Mandan.
ROW 1, left to right: Don K aiser shot, Dickin son; David Karsky, Dickinson; Irvin Ketterling, Elgin.
ROW 2, left to right: C harles Kordonowy, B elfield; Lloyd Kuehn, Elgin; Eugene Kuntz, Hebron.
ROW 3, left to right: Je r r y Kuntz, Dickinson; Lauren Larson, Alexander; Jean Lillibridge, Fairfield .
ROW 4, left to right: John Lukens, Dickinson; Dale Magstadt, Taylor; Bob M esser, Dickinson.
ROW 5, left to right: Bob Olson, Bism arck; Owen Pagel, Reeder; George Peterson, Mandan.
"Juniors Dreaming of Graduation"
ROW 1, left to right: Claudia R ichards, Bism arck; Gary Sauter, Mandan; Shirlee Smith, Belfield; Harlan Sayler, Hebron; Henry Schank, Dickinson. ROW 2, left to right: Bill Schwab, Mandan; Ed Sigl, Dickinson; E rnie T ru jillo , Spenard, Alaska; T e rry Trzynka, Dickinson; W illis Trzynka, New England.
ROW 1, left to right: Loren T u rbeville, Ekalaka, Montana; Harlan Wash, Ekalaka, Montana; C lar ence V etter, Hebron.
Sophomore Class ROW 1, left to right: Ken Annex, Watford City; Bob Arm strong, Dickinson; Ramona Bai足 ley, Bism arck; A1 Bauman, R eeder; Kenneth Beaudoin, Dickinson.
ROW 2, le ft to right: Paul B lickensderfer, Mott; Henry Blood, South Heart; Yvonne Boehmsen, T aylor; Alma Bohn, Carson; L a Vonne Burch, Mandan.
Left to right: M argie Colness, Bism arck, V ice-President; Karen Larson, Mandan, S e c re ta ry -T re a s u re r; Gayle Zastoupil, New Eng足 land, Publicity Chairman; Bob Armstrong, Dickinson, President. ROW 3, left to right: Jan Campbell, Dickin足 son; M argie C olness, Bism arck; Hazel Davis, W erner; A lbert Degele, Gladstone; Marvin Dietz, Elgin; Tom Gunderson, Dickinson; Sylvia Haas, Mott; M arlene Hayden, Fairview , Montana.
ROW 4, left to right: C arol Dronen, D riscoll; Faye E n g esser, Rhame; Bruce Erickson, Hettinger; M arlene Fasching, Wibaux, Mon足 tana; Bernice F isc h e r, D risco ll; Keith Henke, Dickinson; M arleen Herman, Beulah; Dan Hertz, Mott.
ROW 5, left, to right: John F leck, Selfridge; M rs. Pauline Frank, Belfield; Pete F red rick s, Halliday; Don Fuchs, Hebron; Paul Gilbert, Dickinson; M arie Hertz, Mott; Roland Huber, Dodge; Wilbur Huber, Hebron.
ROW 1, left to right: Dale Hurt, Belfield; Marlene Kamrath, Leith; Joe Kisch, Dickin son; Marv Knoll, Mandan; L ucille Knutson, F airfield .
ROW 2, left to right: Mary Koppi, Gladstone; Bertha Kostelecky, Dickinson; Ronny K o stelecky, Dickinson; Viola Kovaloff, K illdeer; Viola Kranich, Elgin.
Karen Upgren Student Council Representative
ROW 3, left to right: Janis L a m sters, New Leipzig; Carol Larson, F airfield ; Karen L a r son, Mandan; Bob L a sa ter, Ekalaka, Montana; Ronald Leinius, Bowman; Dale L ittle Soldier, Golden Valley; Josephine M aier, Beulah; Bar bara M ayer, Hebron.
ROW 4, left to right: M rs. Pearl M iller, Golden Valley; M argie Middle stadt, Killdeer; Leona Monson, Almont; Jam es Muck, Hettin ger; Otto Muecke, Gladstone; Bob Neas, New Salem; Ardean N ester, Dickinson; Irene Neu man, New Leipzig.
ROW 5, le ft to right: Je rry Nichols, Reeder; Lois Nodland, Dickinson; Ivan Opp, Hebron; Clement O ster, Dickinson; Allan Polensky, Belfield; Ray Pelton, Dickinson; M r s . Ruth Peterson, Beach; Arlyce Roemmick, Mott.
ROW 1, left to right: L a rry Roemmich, Mott; Vernon R einhiller, Elgin; M arlene Rustan, New England; C arol Sahr, Dickinson; Laverde S c a rr, Alamo.
Robert Arm strong Working Sophomore ROW 2, left to right: H arriet S ch eerer, C ar足 son; Sussie Sch eerer, Carson; Lucy Schm eling, Belfield; Joanne Schmitz, Bism arck; Jeanne Schneider, L efo r.
ROW 3, left to right: Reiny Schneider, He足 bron; Lina Schow, F ort Clark; Elnora Schulz, Jamestown; Richard Schwartz, Regent; Julia Sense, Bowman; Ray Steckler, Manning; Ruby Stern, Zap; Je rry Strom , Beulah.
ROW 4, left to right: Lyla Strum, Beach; Sandy Suchy, Mandan; Rodney Thompson, Dunn Center; Karen Upgren, Bism arck; Har足 old Voight, Rhame; Harry Wandler, Dickinson; V irginia Weil, Beulah; W illiam W einberger, C arson.
ROW 5, left to right: -Elna W eisenberger, Halliday; Rita W eisgerber, Bism arck; Eileen Wilhelm, New England; Jam es Wilhelm, Dick足 inson; Gayle Zastoupil, New England; Ruth Zuem , Hazen; Ed Mack, Dickinson.
ROW 1, left to right: M aurice Aird, Medora; Howard Altenburg; Judson; Carol Alton, Wat ford City; Agnas Aman, Hebron; M ary Banton, M andaree.
ROW 2, left to right: Leo Bares, Beach; Margie Bares, Beach; Gary Barnaby, Wibaux, Montana; Gerald Bauman, Golden V alley ; Russel Beyers, Dickinson.
'Freshm en take their stand.
ROW 3, left to right: Darleen Biffert, H alliday; E rn est Biel, Dickinson; Lynn Birdsall, Gladstone; Dennis Bobb, Taylor; M iles Bobb, Taylor; M rs. Elda Bolke, Hebron; Gerald Braun, K illd eer.
ROW 4, left to right: Robert Bren, Dickinson; Clyde Brewer, Ekalaka, Montana; Deanna Brown, Beach; Bernard Buresh, Manning; Ray Burwick, Dickinson; G loria Chinn, Mandaree; Fay Connell, Dickinson; Clarence C om eil, M arm arth.
ROW 5, left to right: Leo Czywczynski, Gas coyne; L a rry Dschaak, Dickinson; D orrit D ietrich, Carson; D oris Dietz, Sentinel Butte; Beverlay D ilse, Scranton; T h eresa Dobrowski, Beach; Eugene Doll, New Salem; Daphne Doty, Belfield.
— 46—
ROW 1, left to right: Donna Eckelberg, Dunn Center; Jane E hlis, Dickinson; Judy Elm quist, Dickinson; Sherman Everson, Bucyrus; David Erhardt, C enter.
"Shirlee looks in tere ste d ." ROW 2, left to right: JoAnn Evinger, W erner; Mae F a m e r, Bowman; Janet Feland, Almont; Edwin F icek, Dickinson; Jonnes F e tte re r, E l gin.
ROW 3, left to right: M arlys Froehlich, Dick inson; JoAnn F ren zel, Dickinson; M argaret G artley, Dickinson; Barbara Gatzke, New Eng land; Loyd Gibbons, Thunder Hawk, South Dakota; E v erett G ilbert, Dickinson; Ellen Goetz, Lefor; Susan Grendahl, Carson.
ROW 4, left to right: Elaine G ress, Dickinson; Steve Gulka, Dickinson; Gary Hagler, Mott; Cleione Hanson, Belfield; Jam es Haverlock, South Heart; Philip Havnvik, Belfield; Margie Hawk, Lake Bronson, Minnesota; Jim Hecker, Belfield.
ROW 5, left to right. Alma Heid, New Salem; Bob Heinemeyer, Hebron; Donna Heinle, Richardton; Roswell Henke, New Salem ; Joe Hlebichuck, Belfield; Lila Hokenson, Hettinger; Marlene Huber, Beulah; John Huck, Dickinson.
— 47-
ROW 1, left to right: Darlene Huether, Dick inson; W illis Heinrich, Ashley; Darlene Hledik, Dickinson; M aurice Hunke, T aylor; Angeline Hurt, Belfield.
■Recognize Anybody?" ROW 2, left to right: M argaret Jakubowsky, Belfield; W illiam Jakubowsky, Belfield; M ar jo rie Je ffe rs, Bucyrus; Laura John, New Salem; E inar Johnson, Fryburg.
ROW 3, left to right: Harlan Johnson, Bucyrus; R obert Johnson, Rhame; Dennis Kadrm as, Dick inson; Don Kadrm as, Dickinson; Daphne Kalanek, Dickinson; D elora K allis, New Leipzig; Ken K areen, Anchorage, Alaska; Mildred Karsky, Bel field.
ROW 4, left to right: Eileen K eller, Dickin son; Yvonne K eller, Dodge; M ark Kempenick, Rhame; Wilda Ketterling, Heil; Audrey Kleih, New Salem ; Amelia Klein, Dodge; Cecelia Klein, Dodge; D elores Klein, Hebron.
ROW 5, left to right; E rnest Klem, Belfield; Louella Klemm, Dickinson; Dennis Klewin, Amidon; Jerom e Knopik, Belfield; Harold Knudtson, Fairfield ; Rozella Koffler, Bowman; Wayne Koffler, Taylor; Evelyn Kostelecky, D ickinson.
-4 9 -
ROW 1, left to right: Jim Kostelecky, Dickin son; Pete Kostelecky; Dickinson; Tom Kraft, Judson; C ecelia Krom arek, Scranton; Janice Kromarek, Scranton.
"L a rry gets special attention. " ROW 2, left to right: Darwin Kunze, Regent; Marlene Larson, Beach; Lorene Linninger, Bowman; Joyce Loehrke, Judson; Linda Loritz, Hebron.
ROW 3, left to right: Robert Luger, Fort Y ates; Shirlee McCarthy, Dickinson; Adeline McConnell, Dunn Center; Geraldine McLaugh lin, Hazen; Shirley Magstadt, Taylor; Janice M arsh, Dickinson; L aV em e M artin, R ichardton; Jerom e Mattison, A m egard.
ROW 4, left to right: Bernice M ayer, Hebron; Melvin M ayer, Gladstone; L illian M attem , Strasburg; Darlene M eissel, Halliday; Betty M essm er, Halliday; Judy M iller, P rairie du Chien, Wisconsin; L ucille M iller, Hazen; Don Murdy, Dickinson.
ROW 5, left to right: Rodney M eyers, M edora; Luella Nagel, Linton; Herman Nauman, Taylor; Kenneth Nauman, Taylor; Colleen Nichols, Scranton; Mavis Norton, New Salem; Mary Ann Opp, Hebron; Bob Palanchek, Bel field .
— 51—
— 52—
ROW 1, left to right: Elko Palaniuk, Belfield; O rest Palaniuk, Belfield; Audrey Pavlicek, Dickinson; E a rl Peterson, Dickinson; Margie Petryszak.
"Students take a b r e a k ,"
ROW 2, left to right: Raymond Polensky, Bel field; Irving Raab, Gladstone; W illard Rehm, Hebron; Phillip R esn er, R eeder; Robert Ridenhower, Sentinel Butte.
ROW 3, left to right: Laura Rakusek, Burt; Dennis Roscoe, New Leipzig; Betty Rud, Scran ton; Ruth Rutledge, W illiston; Mary Lou Ryden, Killdeer; Barbara Sasse, Beulah; Donna Sch eele r, Dickinson;Ray Scheetz, Sanger.
ROW 4, left to right: Diana Schmidt, Center; Evelyn Schmidt, Belfield; JoAnn Schmidt, Dick inson; Joann Schm itz, Golva; Raymond Schnei der, Hebron; R osalie Schneider, Lefor; Dar lene Schock, Elgin; L ucille Schock, Leith.
ROW 5, left to right: Bruce Schwartz, Mott; Jane Silbernagel, Rhame; JoAnn Silbem agel, Rhame; Tom Sluiter, Savage, Montana; M ar vin Smith, Bowman; Sharon Spoer, Hebron; Tom Sponsel, Haynes; Ellen Stafford, New England.
"And then th e re 's the 'A' students 1" "How did it get h ere?"
ROW 1, left to right: Helen Suckerman, Dick inson; Charles Snyder, NewTown; M arlene T ern es, Raleigh; Judy T iso r, Medora; Bill Thompson, Backoo.
ROW 2, left to right: Judy U lfers, Wagner, Hettinger; Dennis Weber, Mary Pat Weber, Dickinson; Joann Golva; Arloween Weiland, Regent; L ark .
Beach; Paul Dickinson; Wehrman, lone W erner,
ROW 3, left to right: Kenneth W erre, Elgin; M arilyn Whiting, Dickinson; Arlene Wiedrick, Beulah; Roger Woodley, Gascoyne; Dorothy Wutzke, Elgin; Barbara Wruck, New Leipzig; Robert Yohe, Bucyrus; Henrietta Herauf.
— 55-
Cafeteria and Maintenance
Mrs. Elva Swanson
LEFT TO RIGHT: Mrs. Gladys Lobsinger, Mrs. Emma Ficek, Mrs. Ruby Keniston, Mrs. Edna Foreman, and Mrs. T illie Ficek.
Dominic Staudinger
LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. Isadore Sikora, Mr. Nicholas Hipsak, Mr. Jacob Dukart, Mr. Frank Dukart, and Mr. Herbert Steffes.
— 5o—
"A ce" Harlan Wash Honorable Mention
ROW 1: left to right; Ervin Kessel, A1 Bauman, Kenny Kareen, Gerald Nichols, Vernon Reinhiller, Leo Bares. ROW 2: Fred Duckwitz, Den nis Klewin, Pete Kostelecky, Willis Heinrich, Marvin Smith, Jim Wal ker. ROW 3: Bob Scott, Bob Lasater, Larry Bares, Larry Rafferty, Dick Kessel, Lloyd Gibbons. ROW 4: Bernard Buresh, Harlan Wash, Dale
"A ce" Mokey Dinius All-Conference Marvin Smith-C
Vernon Rienhiller-G Bob Scott-HB
— 58—
Bill U eckert-T Loyd Gibbons-G
"A ce" Larry Bares Honorable Mention
Hurt, James Muck, Tom Gunderson, Mokey Dinius. TOP ROW: Kenny Beaudoin, Manager, Head Football Coach, Bob Tracy; W illiam Ueckert, Lauren Larson, Harry J . Wienbergen, Athletic Director; Marvin Knoll, Manager, Co-captains 1957 season Larry Bares, Beach; Harlan Wash, Ekalaka, Montana. MISSING: Herb Herauf, Assistant Football Coach.
Jim W alker-T Pete Kostelecky-G
Ken Kareen-G Richard Kessel-E
— 59—
"A ce" Bob Lasater Honorable Mention Lauren Larson-T
A1 Bauman-T
Dennis Klew in-T
Tom Gunderson-QB-HB
1957 Foot 1957 Season Record DST C
Black Hills T .C .
Valley City T. C.
Bismarck J . C .
D S T C 20 Larry Rafferty-E
D S T C 13
Fred Duckwitz-T
— 60
Minot T . C .
Mayville T .C .
James Muck-T
Jerry Nichols-G
Dale Hurt-T
Erv Kessel-QB
ball Team 1957 Co-Captains L arry Bares, Beach Harlan Wash, Ekalaka, Montana
1958 Co-Captains Mokey Dinius Bob Lasater Leo Bares-HB
Won 2 - Tied 1 - Lost 4
Willis Heinrich-FB
Bernard Buresh-E
— 61—
V* e^C >\.e>’
— 62—
I . * i J y
0x > ^ V > v
LEFT TO RIGHT: Calvin Sailer, Norman Opp, Curt Wiess, Joe Kisch. NOT PICTURED: Cordell Christenson, Jack Uecker.
1957 Tennis Team —
Left to right, BOTTOM ROW: Bob Lasater, Ray Burwick, Phil Kahler, Bob Rude, Paul Wagner, Harlen Wash. TOP ROW: H. J. Wienbergen
Mary' Knoll, Willy Ueckert, Larry Bares, Dick Janigo, Leo Bares, and Manager. Mokey Dinius.
Rah! Rah! Girls
Student Council BACK ROW, seated: Bob Messer, Rose Ridl, Marie Hertz, Lloyd Kuehn, Bill Schwab, Miss Woods, Dean of Women; Nor man Smith, President; Shirlee Smith, Larry Bares, Karen Upgren, Curt Weiss, Oscar Schnaidt, Ray Burwick. FRONT ROW, Seated: Boris Namenuk, Ernest Trujillo.
M en 's Union Officers LEFT TO RIGHT: Jerry Strom, Kennard Thompson, Robert Schneider. Oscar Schnaidt.
Women's League Officers LEFT TO RIGHT: Rose Ridl, vice-president; Miss Woods, Dean o f Women; Lois Grimm, president? Lynne Birdsall, Treas urer; Judy Elmquist, Secretary.
Alpha Sigma Alpha ROW 1, left to right: Rosie Ridl, Eileen Wilhelm, Shirlee Smith, Irene B ell, president, Karen Upgren, Miss Leila Woods, advisor, Margie Anderson, Sylvia Haas. ROW 2: Barbara Mayer, Sandra Suchy, Yvonne Boehrnsen, Bernice Mayer. Marie Hertz, Evelyn Larson, Lynne Birdsall, Jean Lillibridge, Carol Larson.
Phi Sigma Pi ROW 1, le ft to right: B ill Schwab, Charles Kordonowy, Lloyd Kuehn, Pete Kramer, Robert Wagner, president, Kennard Thompson, Robert Schneider. ROW 2s Milton Fuchs, Larry Eckroth, Lloyd Hendrickson, Norman Smith, James McGee, Paul Blickensderfer, Jerry Kuntz, Otto Muecke, Larry Rofferty, Ronald Kostelecky, Albert Degele.
German Club ROW 1, left to right: Jerome Uukart, Thomas Huschka, Joe Kisch, Willard Auch, Shirley Schummer. ROW 2; Don Evinger, John Hauk, Adolph Wutzke, Reiny Schneider, Larry Sdchaak, Mr. Dolwig, Faculty Adviser.
Art Club ROW 1, left to right: Shirley Schummer, David Sahr, Carol Sahr, Clara R oller. Jim M cGee, Evelyn Larson, Beverly Odland.
ROW 2: Elaine Gress, JoAnne Baird,
Chess Club SEATED, left to right: Lucy Schmelling, Carol Larson, Gary Sauter, Bill Jakubowsky, George Peters, Sylvia Haas. STANDING, left to right: Jim Hecker, Jim Davidson, Darrel Jones, Jan Campbell, Jerome Knopik, Jim Peters, Alvi Mootz.
Lambda Delta Lambda
SEATED, left to right: Mr. Thompson, Faculty Adviser, Clara Koller, Mr. MacDonald, Faculty Adviser; Oscar Schnaidt, President; Joe M iller, Ron Kostelecky. STANDING: Willard Auch, Charles Kordonowy, Paul Gilbert, Paul BlicKensderfer, Larry Rafferty, Richard Kessel, Mr. Murphy, Faculty Advisor; Mr. Meagen, Faculty Adviser.
S.E.A. ROW 1, left to right: Carol Dronen, Laura John, Mr. Rhodes, Faculty Adviser* Wayne Granfor, Mavis Norton, Betty Messmer. ROW 2: Ellen Goetz, Marlene Fasching, Geraldine McLaughlin, Darlene Meissel, Jo Ann Schm itz, Margaret Jakobowsky, Adeline McConnell. ROW 3: Marlene Rustan, Darlene Biffort, Lyla Hokenson, Agnes Entzel, Vonnie K eller, Lu c ille M iller. ROW 4: Joann Wehrman, Marilyn Duckwitz, Marjorie M ittelstadt, Mildred Karsky, Joyce Loerhke, Donna Mae Heinle.
ROW 1, left to right: Beverly Odland, Mrs. Heid, adviser, O. T . Belsheim, Irene B ell, Howard Hunke, Cynthia Schutz, secretary, Larry Eckroth, president, Karen Larson, Shirley Schummer. ROW 2: Karen Upgren, Don Hjelmseth, Daphne Doty, Robert Bares, Maurice Hunke, Bruce Schwartz, Gary Barnaby, Carol Sahr, Duane Emch. BACK ROW: Dave Hed ger, Robert Wagner, Jim M cGee, Norman Smith, Robert Armstrong, Otto Meucke, Gene Hersrud, Robert Bren, Jim Ridenhower, David Sahr.
I.R.C. ROW 1, le ft to right: Beverly Odland, Dr. A. C. Selke, Joann Baird, Eileen W ilhelm, secretary, Lloyd Kuehn, president, Thomas Huschka, Jerome Dukart, Dr. E. C. Blackorby, adviser, Judy M iller. ROW 2: Clara Roller, Lillian Mattem, Shirlee Smith, Lavonne Burch, Audrey K leih, Carol Larson, Shirlee McCarthy, Jean Lillibridge. ROW 3: Daphne Doty, Diana Schmidt, Rosie Ridl, Evelyn Larson, Sylvia Haas, Joyce Larson, Gayle Zastoupil. ROW 4: Stanley Schneider, Joe Kisch, Tony M iller, Jan Campbell, Willard Auch, Robert Neas, Pete Kramer. ROW 5: Jim Peters, Kennard Thompson, Jim M cGee, Roswell Henke, Ray Knoell, Robert Polanchek.
ROW 1, left to right: JoAnn Frenzel, Rosie Ridl, Marleen Herman, Miss Schumacher, Irene Bell, Cynthia Schutz, Laura Rokusek. ROW 2: Faye Engesser, Gloria Chinn, Carol Dronen, Lina Schow, Barbara Mayer, Bernice Fischer, Clara Rol le r, SMrlee Smith, ROW 3: Marjorie Jeffers, Donna Mae Scheeler, Jean Schneider, Beverly Odland, Jean Lillibridge, Judy M iller. ROW 4: Lucille Schock, Marie Hertz, Angeline Hurt, Daphne Doty, Diana Schmidt.
" D " Club
ROW 1, left to right: Larry Bares, Calvin Sailer, Lloyd Hendrickson, Harlan Wash, Nick Anton, Leo Bares, Jerry Nichols. ROW 2: Bob Schneider, Richard Ressel, Willis Heinrich, Rennard Thompson, Tom Gunderson, Vernon Reinhiller, Marvin Rnoll. ROW 3: Mr. Wienbergen, Bernard Buresh, Albert Bauman, Larry Rafferty, Lloyd Gibbons, Curt Weiss. ROW 4: Maurice Aird, Jim Muck, Bmce Birdsall, Charles Robinson, Bob Lasater, Roger Altenburg, Mr. Aasmundstad, Mr. Tracy.
ROW 1, le ft to right; Dr. Vickery, Darlene Biffert, Marlene Hayden, Sharon Spoer, Bernice Mayer, Otto Muecke, Reiny Schneider, Cynthia Schutz, Shirley Magstadt, Delora K allis, Dr. Blackorby. ROW 2: Mavis Norton, Donna Mae Heinle, Marie Hertz, Linda Loritz, Sylvia Haas, Darlene Shock, Laura John, Marilyn Duckwitz, Dorrit Dietrich. ROW 3: Kenneth Schatz, Norman Smith, Jerome Strom, Raymond Schneider, Lynne Birdsall, Mary Ann Opp, Yvonne Boehrnsen. ROW 4; Dale Magstadt, Milton Fuchs, Lawrence Sailer. Dennis Roscoe, Harlan Sayler.
M .S.M . ROW 1, left to right: Carol Sahr, Raymond Pelton, Darlene Huether, Carol Larson, Daphne Doty, David Sahr, Angeline Hurt, Mary Banton. ROW 2: Bruce Schwartz, Earl Jorgenson, Thomas Sluiter, Bill Thompson, Dr. Dungan, Faculty Ad viser; the Rev. Kenneth W iley, chaplain, Douglas Wiley.
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Newman Club
ROW 1, left to right: Faye Engesser, Judy Ulfers, Joann Schm itz, JoAnn Frenzel, Mr. Dolwig, Faculty Adviser, Bill Schwab, Treasurer: Joanne Schm itz, Secretary, Bob Bares, President, Howard Hunke, V ice President, Father Walsh, chaplain, Mar gie Colness, Judy Elmquist, Sandra Suchy, Shirley Schummer. ROW 2: Barbara Sasse, Marlene Ternes, Clara Roller, Lil lian Mattern, Deanna Brown, Margie Bares, Elaine Gress, Judy M iller, Bernice Fischer, Ellen Goetz, Jonnes Ferderer, Luella Klem, Margaret Jakobowsky. ROW 3: Joann Wehrman, Francis Krehlich, Doris D ietz, Joanne Schmidt, Jeanne Sch neider, Evelyn Kostelecky, Jane Silbernagel, Jan ice Marsh, Eileen K eller, Rosalie Biel, Marjorie M ittelstadt, Evelyn Schmidt, Luella Nagel. ROW 4: Don Evinger, Herman Naumen, John Huck, Eugene D oll, John Fleck, Diana Schmidt, Rose Ridl, JoAnn Silbernagel, Donna Mae Scheeler, Leo Bares, A1 Polensky, Thomas Huschka, Jim Hecker. ROW 5: Don Kaisershot, Tom Sponsel, Peter Kramer, Bill Jakubowsky, Jerome Knopik, Henry Blood, Jerome Dukart, Joe Hlebichuk, Jim Haverlock, Maurice Hunke, John Shank, Gary Bamaby.
ROW 1, left to right: Barbara Wruck, Ruby Stern, Leona Monson, Mr. Belsheim, Faculty Adviser; Wayne Granfor, Karen Larson, Elnora Schulz, Irene Neumann, Laura Rokusek. ROW 2: Darlene Meissel, Vonnie Keller, Betty Messmer, Mar jorie Jeffers, Marlys Froelich, Barbara Gatzke, Vergene Wolf, Lucille M iller, Marlene Rustan. ROW 3: Lyla Hokenson, Lavonne Bursch, Audry K leih, Joyce Loehrke, Arlyce Roemmich, Agnes Entzel, Lina Mae Schow, Carol Dronen. ROW 4s Larry Roemmick, Ronnie Huber, Lucille Schock, Ruth Rutledge, Janice Feland, Joyce Larson, Lloyd Kuehn. ROW 5: Bob Wagner, Larry Rafferty, Charles Snyder, Gerald Bauman, Jim Muck, Richard Schwartz, Curt Weiss.
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" 5 5 0 " Club
ROW 1, left to right: Donald Fuchs, Adolph Wutzke, Robert Lasater, Robert Messer, Jerom e Strom, Nick Anton, Bill Jor gensen, Kenneth Werre, Albert D egele. ROW 2: Myron Haugse, Loren Turbiville, Willard Rahm, Peter Kramer, Kenneth Beaudoin, Ervin Ketterling, William Mund. ROW 3: Larry Rafferty, John Lukens, Rodney Myers, Milton Fuchs, David Karsky, Larry Bender, David Palachuk, Jerry Bender. ROW 4s Paul Blickensderfer, Jerry Kuntz, Henry Schank, James Muck, Dennis Roscoe, Marvin D ietz, Edward Sigl.
Rodeo Club
ROW 1, le ft to righti Geraldine McLaughlin, Yvonne K eller, Marlene Larsen, Larry Transtrom, Dale Little Soldier, Luc ille Schock, Elnora Schulz, Mr. Housen,_ Faculty Advisor. ROW 2: Mary Pat Weber, Betty Messmer, Darlene Meissel, Elaine Gress, Jan ice Marsh, Joyce Larsen," Henrietta Herauf, Leona Monson. ROW 3; Herman Nauman, Myron Haugse, Loren Turbiville, Willard Rehm, Clyde Brewer, Melvin Mayer. ROW 4s Bernard Buresh. Gerald Bauman, Max Wilson, Rodney Myers, Miles Bobb, Harold Knudtson, Don Evinger, Kenneth Nauman.
"Queen� Kay and "finances"
"Winner take a ll ."
-7 9 -
"P ra irie Sm oke" Staff
SEATED, left to right: Monica Warren, Editor-in-Chief; Shirlee Smith, Assistant Editor; Colleen Nichols, Lawrence Sailer, Robert Neas. STANDING, left to right: Diana Schmidt, Curt Weiss, Business Manager; James M cGee, Milton Fuchs, Dr, K. V ickery, Faculty Adviser; Joe Kisch. NOT PICTURED: Beverly Odland, Art Editor.
Slope Teacher Staff
Radio News and Public Information
SEATED, le ft to right: Mr. Halverson, Faculty Adviser; Marlene Hayden, Shirley McCarthy. STANDING, left to right: Adolph Wutzke, Dave Hedger, Raymond Schneider, Eileen W ilhelm, Coleen Nichols.
SEATED, left to right: Margaret Gartley, Karen Larson. STANDING, left to right: Shirlee McCarthy, Elaine Gress, Pete Kramer, Karen Upgren, Joe Kisch, Howard Hunke, Bill Schwab.
Choir ROW 1, le ft to rights Delora Kallis, Arlyce Roemmich, Virginia W ell, Beverly Odland, Shirley Schummer, Evelyn Kos telecky, Carol Sahr, Daphne Doty, O. T . Belsheim, director, Helen Suckerman, Karen Upgren, Lucille Schock, Cynthia Schutz, Shirlee Smith, Mary Pat Weber, Arloween Wieland, Sandra Suchy. ROW 2: Bem ice Mayer, Marjorie Hawk, Lin da Loritz, Delores Klein, Darlene Schock, Janet Feland, Lynne Birdsall, JoAnn Silbernagel, Sylvia Haas, Irene Bell, Lina Schow, Margie Bares, Darlene Huether, Marlys Froehlich, Karen Larson, Donna Scheeler. ROW 3: James Davidson, Er-
Band BACK ROW, le ft to right: Darleen Huether, Dwaine Nelson, director, Raymond Polensky, Norman Smith, Dennis Roscoe, Roswell Henke, Ray Kovash, Gene Hersrud, Margie Bares. ROW 3: Shirley Magstadt, Jim Ridenhower, Jerome Knopik, Bruce Schwartz, Bob Bren, Maurice Hunke, Ray Burwick, David Hedger, Earl Jorgenson, Diana Schmidt, David Sahr, Douglas W iley, Karen Upgren, Paul Gilbert, Duane Emch, Robert Wagner, Keith Henke, Howard Hunke. ROW 2: Judy
nest Biel, Bruce Schwartz, Maurice Hunke, Robert Armstrong, Curtis Weiss, Larry Eckroth, Howard Hunke, Robert Wagner, James M cGee, Don Hjelmseth, Everett Gilbert, Robert Bares. ROW 4: Keith Hunke, Otto Muecke, Janice Lamsters, Pat Hosman, Lawrence Sailer, Norman Smith, Douglas Wiley, David Hedger, Roger Altenburg, Allan Polensky, Duane Emch, Thomas Sponsel, Larry Roemmich, David Sahr.
Ulfers, Paul Wagner, Everett Gilbert, Delores K lein, Janis Marsh, Daphne Kalanek, Darlene Hledik, Don Flem m er, Elaine Gress, Herman Nauman, Shirley Schummer, Mae Farner, Linda Loritz. FRONT ROW: Larry Eckroth, Otto Muecke, Gary Bamaby, Cynthia Schutz, Marlene Larson, Karen Larson, Marlene Hayden, Robert Bares.
Student life
Chief Dave - Princess Angie
Chief Dave dances around Princess Angie.
Braves do the honor dance around new Chief and Princess.
In the falling year, as the haze hovers over the prairie, the braves and squaws of long past moons assemble for the Pow wow. Then the young men and young women of the tribe place the war bonnet and beads on the new chief and princess and smoke the Pipe of Peace. So was it also in the year of the Dog (1957, the year of Muttnik). On the morrow, when the medicine was strong, the w arriors went forth to victorious battle against the tribe from the Southland. Then came the Feast of Victory, the Reading of the Winter Count, and the Scalp Dance.
Braves join the group after escorting the Chief.
Chief Dave salutes the four directions.
One last war whoopl
The "Great White Father" (Theodore Roosevelt) is depicted in this Campus High School float.
Eileen Wilhelm and Barbara Mayer on the Alpha Sig ma Alpha sorority float.
Floats lining up for Homecoming parade. In the foreground is the ”D” Club float.
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The Homecoming festivities were brought to a glorious end for the Savages when they de feated the Bismarck Mystics at the annual Homecoming game.
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Now you see it...............the Freshman non cooperators get "the w orks." At a party just after Homecoming, sentences of a kangaroo court were executed on the Freshies who had refused to cooperate during the initiation period. Fo r example, they were expected to learn the "Alma Mater" and sing it on demand. Some didn'tl They were expected to wear dis tinctive garb and war paint. Some didn'tl So they were tried, convicted and punished. And howl
A poster used in the Slope-Teacher sponsored Ugly Man Contest, proceeds from which went to the March of Dimes.
Several participants in the Ugly Man con test.. . .Sm ile pretty, boys!
Mr. Rasmussen is admiring the uniforms worn by Pete and Norm or are you boys MP's?
The last-m inute rush to check assembly seat assignments and /or the m ail list.
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Some people "snooze" even in the lounge!
Setting for the Candyland Ball, Alpha Sigma Alpha formal.
Howard and Keith make melody. Dave and Larry do it too. Carol and Beverly plan for the ugly man. Daphne sings at the Homecoming dance. Dave, Dwaine and Doug chew the fat.
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MAUDE KLINEFELTER HALL.. . . the home away from home for many girls.
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SCOTT GYMNASIUM, the home of the Savages, Braves and Midgets. Wienbergen Court is constantly in use for games all winter long and for two class "C " and three Class "B” tournaments.
STICKNEY HALL This dormitory is used by the men in the fall, winter and spring, and by the women during the summer. Mrs. Phyllis Aas is the housemother.
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The Word of God
In 1957, the Newman Club were hosts to their fellow students during Religious Em phasis week. The guest speaker was the Reverend Father Hovda of Berlin, North Da kota, who delivered several lectures before student assemblies on the theme chosen by a student committee, "Is Religion Practical. " His message was that we are in e rro r to think of religion as something for us to use for our own purposes. In addition to the assemblies, there were devotional meetings and a panel discussion. LEFT TO RIGHT: Father Walsh, President C . E. Scott, Wil liam Ferderer, Bob Bares and Father Hovda.
Father Hovda addressing an assembly.
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panel discussion.
The Big Day For Seniors Before
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la appreciation for her long and distinguished service as a member of the faculty and staff, the students of Campus High School dedicate their portion of the 1958 Prairie Smoke to Miss Matilda Stoxen, librarian. When Miss Stoxen came to DSTC as librarian in 1926, the school was not new to her for she had been one of the first students, having received her Standard diploma in 1920. After teaching for several years, she matriculated at the University of Minnesota where she re  ceived her Bachelor of Science degree in Library Science. She has since done graduate study at the University of Minnesota. Miss Stoxen is active in local and national library and music organizations, and has won recognition as an excellent speaker and w riter. Miss Stoxen has been particularly helpful to us in teaching us how to use the library and in making materials available to u s. We hope that through this dedication we can show some of the appreciation we feel for her many services to us.
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Among the many outstanding happenings of the year 1957-58 two major events In the history of our school will stand out in our memories a new name, Campus High School, and a new principal, Rolf Rasmus sen. When M r. Hnottavange announced that he would not be returning for another year, we felt that we were losing a counselor, a friend, and a staunch supporter. M r. Ras mussen has proven to be all of these. Through his leadership, school activities have been increased and prestige has been built up for the school. Major accomplish ments have been the acceptance of our in vitation to be host to the 1959 State Student Council Convention, and the change from a mimeographed Smoke Signals to a printed paper. Before coming to Campus High, M r. Rasmussen taught in Killdeer, North Da kota, and in Fairview, Montana. He holds a B .S. degree from DSTC and a M aster's degree in School Administration from the University of Minnesota.
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Campus High School Class of 1958
LA DONNA MARIE VAN VLEET, Grassy Butte, Student Council 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; F .H .A . 1 ,2 ; Chorus 2 ,3 , 4; Speech and Dramatics 1 ,2 ,3 ; G .A .A . Secretary 4; Class Presi dent 1 ,3 ; Class Vice-president 2; Class Secretary 4; Smoke Signals 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Co-editor 4; Rodeo Club 4; Pep Club 1 ,2 ,3 ; Girl's State 3; Betty Crocker Award 4; D .A .R . Good Citizen Award 4; Radio News
PAUL R. BUZALSKY, Dickinson, Vice-President of class 3 ,4 ; Stu dent Council 3, 4; Track 3; Smoke Signals 4.
BORIS NAMENUK, Gorham, Prair ie Smoke 1 ,2 ,3 , Editor 4; Choms 1 , 2 ,3 , 4 ; Band 1 , 2 ,3 ,4 ; Boys Quar tet 3 ,4 ; Student Council 1 ,2 ,3 , President 4; Class President 2; Class Secretary 3; Smoke Signals 3 ,4 ; Rotary Club Representative 3; Science Club 4; Dramatics 4; Pep Club 4; Football 4; Track 3; Basketball 1 ,2 ,3 .
LAWRENCE BLACKBURN, Grassy Butte, Chorus 1 ,2 ,4 ; Smoke Sig nals 3 ,4 ; Science Club 4; Treas urer Rodeo Club 4; Pep Club 4; Football 4; Basketball 1; Track 1, 3 ,4 .
JANETTE DOWHANIUK, Dickin son, Chorus 1 , 2 ,3 ,4 ; Pep Club 1, 2 ,3 ; Co-editor Smoke Signals 4; G .A .A . 1 , 2 ,3 , 4 ; Student Coun cil 4; Cheerleader 4; Class Presi dent 4.
-9 9 -
STEVEN DEMANIOW, Belfield, International Relations Club 1; Secretary of class 2; President of Science Club; Rodeo Club 4; Stu dent Council 2; Pep Club 1 ,2 ,4 ; Basketball 3; Football 4; Track 1, 3 ,4 .
LUELLA L. HUTMACHER, Dickin son, Chorus 1 , 2 ,3 , 4 ; Pep Club 2, 3; Smoke Signals 4.
WILLIAM CHRUSZCH, J r ., Bel field, Band 1 , 2 ,3 , 4 ; Rodeo Club 4; Smoke Signals 4.
CLAUDIA L. SCHEELER, Dickin son, G .A .A . 2; chorus 1 ,2 ,4 ; Alternate for G irl’s State 3; Pep Club 1 ,2 ,3 .
JOHN M. FRANCHUK, Dickinson, Chorus 2 ,3 ,4 ; Band 1 ,2 ,3 , 4; Smoke Signals 3 ,4 ; Football 4; Track 3 ,4 ; Pep Club 2 ,3 ; Radio Club, V ice-pres. 4; Basketball Manager 4.
SCEONE CAROL THORESON, Bent' ley, Band 4; G .A .A . 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Chorus 1 , 2 ,3 , 4 ; Music Club 4; Science Club 4; Rodeo Club 4; D ram atics'4; Pep Club 1 ,2 ,3 ; Smoke Signals 4; F .H .A . 1 ,2 ,3 .
ELIZABETH ANN BILLICK, Gor ham, F .H .A . 1 ,2 ; Music Club 4; Mixed Chorus 1 ,2 ,4 ; Smoke Sig nals 4; Girls Chorus 4 .
MARVIN G. HANEL, Dickinson, Track 3; Basket ball 2 ,3 ,4 . HILARIA SCHEELER, Dickinson, Chorus 1 ,2 ,4 ; G .A .A . 2; Smoke Signals 4; Pep Club 1 ,2 ,3 .
RAYMOND G. HANEL, Dickinson, Track 3; Bas ketball 2 ,3 ,4 ; Smoke Signals 4. ALBERT WEIDNER, Dickinson, Basketball 3.
THEODORE MICHAEL MESSER, Hebron, Band 1, 2 ,4 ; F .F .A . 3; Pep Club 4. ARTHUR J . SCHLOSS, Gladstone, Chorus 2 ,3 ; Pep Club 1 ,2 ,3 ; Smoke Signals 4.
RONALD JAMES MUTH, Dickinson, Pep Club 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Radio Club 4.
— 101
Nea Paulson President
Joe Haverluk
Ida Mae Gresser
Lee Froehlich Vice-President
Edith Franchuk Secretary
Robert Enge
Viola Ridl
Victor Wanner
Gertrude Chruszch
Frank Heiser
Loretta Kostelnak
Allen Kostelecky
— 102 —
Elaine Hanel Alvin Kudma Vivian Wock Alphonse Dukart
Sharon Nelson L arry Marquaret Karen Jacobson Eugene Ridle
Kathleen Muth Eleanor Kuchynski Ruby Lundin Adeline Muth
Raymond Namyniuk Vinette Dutchuk M arilyn Karsky Marilynne Wock
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Sophomore Class
ROW 1, Left to Right: Miss Tucker, class advisor, Don Hedge, Carla Steig, Margie Symionow, David Demaniow, Elaine Dukart, Secretary, Harvey Heiser, Mary Ann Petryszak, Patricia Hanson, and Ronald Kovash. ROW 2: Ronald Decker, Kathleen Messer, Dennis Karsky, Coroavee Scott, Vaun DaLee Rhodes, President, Diana Lamprecht, Vice-President, Car ole Lee, Dale Smith, Betty Jilek , and Clifford Scheeler. ROW 3: Jane Scott, Sharon Burkhardt, James K lein, Judy Reisenauer, Robert Klemm, Emily Oe, Edwin Wanner, Karen Kubik, and Lorraine Franchuk. ROW 4: Robert Hanel, Lawrence Ewoniuk, and Arthur Wanner.
ROW 1, Left to Right: Herbert Decker, Agnes Oster, Vincent Kostelecky, Ardyce Burian, Gerald Kainz, June Semerad, Secretary, Linda Marucheck, President, Sharon Schopp, V ice President, Richard Dvorak, Rose Petryszak, Frank Thernes, Ellen Franchuk, and Victor Demaniow. ROW 2: Jean Semerad, Roland Olsson, Jane Franchuk, Alan Roffler, Joyce Lar son, Donovan Kubas, LeRoy Burwick, Connie Hartman, W illiam Macemon, Barbara Heiser, Gene W itt, and Marlys Burwick. ROW 3: Miss Henderson, class advisor, James Franchuk, Shirley Wock, A lice Frafjord, Harry Kanski, Elaine Pribyl, Jeanne Hauck, Dorothy Sands, Jeanette Koffler, and Walter Bonner.
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Student Council
SITTING, Left to Right: Elaine Dukart, Linda Marucheck, Sharon Schopp, Paul Buzalsky, Lee Froelich, Robert Enge, Boris Namenuk, President, Vaun Dalee Rhodes, Secretary, Donna Van V leet, June Semerad, Diana Lamprecht, Janette Dowhaniuk, Edith Franchuk. STANDING: Mr. Rasmussen, Principal, and Norman Smith, advisor.
Annual Staff
LEFT TO RIGHT: Diana Lamprecht, Boris Namenuk, Editor, Sharon Schopp, Alphonse Dukart, and Miss Tucker, Advisor.
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Smoke Signals Staff
ROW 1, Left to Right: Miss Tucker, advisor, Co-Editors, Janette Dowhaniuk, Donna Van V leet, and Norman Smith, student advisor. ROW 2: Edith Franchuk, Luella Hutmacher, Halaria Scheeler, Sharon Schopp, Sceone Thoreson, and Patricia Hanson. ROW 3: Diana Lamprecht, Marilynne Wock, Elizabeth Billiek, Vaun DaLee Rhodes, Karen Kubik, Emily Oe, and Nea Paulson. ROW 4: Ronald Muth, John Franchuk, Boris Namenuk, Alphonse Dukart, Ray Hanel, Frank Heiser, Lawrence Blackburn, Arthur Schloss, Paul Buzalsky, and D ale Smith
T widgets
ROW 1, Left to Right: Ronald Kovash, Dennis Karsky, Ronald Muth, Alphonse Dukart, Dale Smith, Alan Roffler, and John Franchuk. ROW 2: Edwin Wanner, Ardean Nester, Mr. Jahrman, advisor, Jim Muck, Vernan Reinhiller, Jerome Dukart, and Gene Witt.
— 10fr—
ROW 1, Left to Right: Emily Oe, Sceone Thorson, Karen Kubik, Karen Jacobson, Jane Scott, Sharon Schopp, Maryls Burwick, Barbara Heiser, Connie Hartman, Dale Smith, Walter Bonner, Agnes Oster, and Patricia Hanson. ROW 2: Ray Kovash, Doug Wiley, David Hedger, Student Directors, W illiam Chruszch, James Franchuk, Cordavee Scott, Theodore Mes ser, Ronald Kovash, Donovan Hedge, John Franchuk, Dennis Karsky, Allen Roffler, Donovan Kubas, Frank Themes, and Boris Namenuk.
ROW 1, Left to Right: Miss Shirley Schummer, Student Director, Eleanor Kuchynski, Vivian Wock, Sharon Schopp, Kath leen Messer, Claudia Scheeler, Frank Thernes, Dale Smith, Walter Bonner, Kathleen Muth, Ida Mae Gresser, Elaine Du kart, Marilyn Karsky, Margie Symionow, and Miss Cynthia Schutz, Student Director. ROW 2: Luella Hutmacher, Janette Dowhaniuk, Mary Ann Petryszak, Gertie Chruszch, Edith Franchuk, Donovan Kubas, Don Hedge, Robert Enge, Carole Lee. Emily Oe, Sceone Thoreson, Patricia Hanson, and Mr. Belsheim, Director. ROW 3: Hilaria Scheeler, Loretta Kostelnak, Betty Jilek , Carla Stieg, Nea Paulson, Elaine Hanel, Judy Reisenauer, Alan Roffler, Alphonse Dukart, Billy Macemon, Karen Kubik, Karen Jacobson, Diana Lamprecht, and Lorraine Franchuk. ROW 4: Adeline Muth, Vinette Dutchuk, Marilynne Wock, Gene Witt, Dennis Karsky, John Franchuk, Lawrence Blackburn, Lawrence Ewoniuk, Boris Namenuk, Joe Haverluk, Viola Ridle, Sharon Burkhardt, and Elizabeth B illick . — 107—
Music Club
ROW 1, Left to Right: Emily Oe, Secretary, Sharon Schopp, Vice-President, Marilynne Wock, President. ROW 2: Miss Schummer, advisor, Vivian Wock, Cordavee Scott, Nea Paulson, Sceone Thoreson, Agnes Oster, and Miss Schutz, advisor. ROW 3: Hean Semerad, June Semerad, Jane Scott, Dorothy Sands, Karen Kubik, and Karen Ja c obson. ROW 4: Connie Hartman, Jeanne Hauck, Patrica Hanson, and Elizabeth B illick . ROW 5: Victor Demaniow, Walter Bonner, James Franchuk. Alan Roffler, Gene Witt, Don Hedge, Dale Smith, and Frank Thernes.
Girls Chorus
ROW 1, Left to Right: Shirley Schummer, Director, Eleanor Kuchynski, Vivian Wock, Sharon Schopp, Kathleen Messer, Claudia Scheeler, Edith Franchuk, Margaret Symionow, Ardyce Burian, Kathleen Muth, Ida Gresser, Elaine Dukart, El len Franchuk, Gertrude Chruszch, and Cynthia Schutz, Director. ROW 2: Joyce Larson, June Semerad, Luella Hutmacher, Janette Dowhaniuk, Mary Petryzak, Jane Franchuk, Elaine Hanel, Diana Lamprecht, Elaine Pribyl, Lorraine Franchuk, Jean Semerad, and Shirley Wock. ROW 3: Halaria Scheeler, Loretta Kostelnak, Betty Jile k , Adeline Muth, Carta Stieg, Vinette Dutchuk, Nea Paulson, Marilynne Wock, Judy Reisenauer, Elizabeth B illick , and Jean Hauck.
Camohico Club
ROW 1, Left to Right: Steven Demaniow, President; Sharon Nelson, Vice-President; Marilynne Wock, Secretary; Boris Namenuk, Social Director. ROW 2: Victor Demaniow, Elaine Hanel, Nea Paulson, Sceone Thoreson, Kath leen Messer, Marlys Burwick, Walter Bonner. ROW 3: Gertie Chruszch, Patricia Hanson, Vaun Dalee Rhodes, Bar bara Heiser, Karen Kubik, Jane Franchuk. ROW 4: Clara R oller, Advisor; Frank Themes, Gene Witt, Lawrence Blackburn, Paul Buzalsky, Gerald Kainz, David Demaniow.
ROW 1, Left to Right; Margie Symionow, LaDonna Van V leet, Emily Oe, Marilynne Wock. ROW 2: Marlys Burwick, Ellen Franchuk. Agnes Oster, Gertie Chruszch, Nea Paulson, Rose Petryszak, Ardyce Burian. ROW 3: Rosie Ridl, advisor; Eleanor Kuchvnski, Betty Jilek , Adeline Muth, Carla Steig, Vinette Dutchuk, Diana Lamprecht, Janette Dowhaniuk, Car ol Lee, Jane Franchuk, Sharon Burkhardt, Patricia Hanson, Joyce Larson, advisor. ROW 4: Edith Franchuk, Mary Ann Petryszak, Sceone Thoreson. A lice Frafjord, Barbara Heiser, Elaine Hanel, Karen Kubik, Kearn Jacobson, Viola Ridl, Elaine Pribyl. Lorraine Franchuk. — 109—
Pep Club
Left to Right, ROW 1: Linda Marucheck, Jean Semerad, June Semerad. ROW 2: Mary Ann Petryszak, Carol Lee, Edith Franchuk, and Eleanor Kuchynski. ROW 3: Marlys Burwick, Ellen Franchuk, Agnes Oster, Gertie Chruszch, Rose Petrys zak, Diana Lamprecht, Jeanette Dowaniuk, Ardyce Burian, Kathleen Messer, Patricia Hanson, Sharon Schopp and Shirley Smith, advisor. ROW 4: Vivian Wock, Shirley Wock, Sharon Nelson, Elaine Hanel, Jane Franchuk, Connie Hartman, Vaun Dalee Rhodes, Emily Oe, Karen Kubik, Lorraine Franchuk, Margie Symionow, and Elaine Dukart. ROW 5: Adeline Muth, Vinette Dutchuk, Nea Paulson, Marilynne Wock, Boris Namenuk, Steven Demaniow, Lawrence Blackburn, Theo dore Messer, Ronald Muth, Elaine Pribyl, Viola Ridl, Sharon Burkhardt, and Carla Steig.
A Team
ROW 1, Left to Right: Ronald Kovash, Marvin Hanel, Frank Heiser, Raymond Hanel, and Rob ert Hanel. ROW 2: Coach Robert Tracy, Lee Froehlich, Lawrence Ewoniuk, Joe Haverluk, Donovan Kubas, Dale Smith, and Kenneth Schuatz, Assistant Coach.
— 110 —
Dale Smith
Frank Heiser
Marvin Hanel
Joe Haverluk
Donovan Kubas
Ronald Kovash
Robert Hanel
Raymond Hanel
Lee Froehlich
Lawrence Ewoniuk
— ill—
A and B Team
ROW 1, Left to Right: John Franchuk, Manager, Harvey Heiser, Vincent Kostelecky, Ronald Kovash, Marvin Hanel, Frank Heiser, Raymond Hanel, Bob Hanel, Ray Namyniuk, Robert Enge, and Allen Kostelecky. ROW 2: Coach Bob Tracy, Dennis Karsky, Alan Roffler, Lee Froelich, Lawrence Ewoniuk, Joe Haverluk, Donovan Kubas, Dale Smith, Ed win Wanner, Harry Kanski, and Kenneth Schatz, Assistant Coach.
Football Team
ROW 1, Left to Right: Lee Froehlich, Lawrence Blackburn, Frank Heiser, James Maupin, and James Klein. ROW 2: Da vid Demaniow, Boris Namenuk, Steven Demaniow, Donovan Kubas, and Robert Enge. ROW 3: Raymond Namyniuk, Law rence Ewoniuk, John Franchuk, LeRoy Burwick, and Joe Haverluk.
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D ial 4711
Shop the Modern K -G Way 18 W est V i I lard
D ial 3821
D O N 'S CAFE G atherin g Spot for C o lle g e Students F in e Food
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G a s o lin e - O ils Com plete L u b ric a tio n T ire R e p a irin g Battery C h a rg in g
24*Hour W recking Se rvice — Phone 3601 Downtown D ick in so n
— 115—
F o r the B e s t In T -V V ie w in g
KDIX-TV Channel 2
T u n e in to Channel 2
C o n g ra tu la tio n s and B e s t W ish e s T o A ll the G rad uatin g Students
THE FAD K o ste le c k y Brothers M en’s F u rn ish in gs
116 —
O SBO RN 'S STUDIO T h e Home o f F in e P o rtra its Second Avenue W est
D ick in so n , North Dakota
DICKINSON MUSIC COMPANY Downtown D ic k in so n E ve ry th in g in M u s ic
Norm an Iverson, Ow ner
T -V M u s ic a l Instrum ents D ick in so n . North Dakota
— 117—
Horstm an's P h o to gra p h s
A re Beautiful
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