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DE-2 innovate: craft design innovation

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DE-2 innovate

craft design innovation


Every craft has its own processes and applications. However there is always scope for innovation. Innovation is about finding a better way of doing something. Innovation can be viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, in-articulated needs, or existing market needs. A definition consistent with these aspects would be the following: “An innovation is something original, new and important in whatever field that breaks into a market or society”.

Craft innovation is all about bringing about innovation in the field of craft. Craft innovation is a two way learning process, where the craftspeople as well as the others who are a part of it, learn more about the craft, its current situation and its future potentials. The vision is to use knowledge and resources of fields like design, innovation and technology to contemporarize the craft for today’s context so that its livelihood and continuity is assured.

Being the most important part of the training program, Craft Design Innovation was carried out in two sub stages - Experiment and Make.

Craft Design Innovation was done through collaboration between the two craft families from Gundiyali village and two designers from DICRC, CEPT University, Ahmedabad. The Craft Design Innovation resulted in two new products in the field of Architecture and Interiors namely, Aadh- a partition system and Tarkash- a cladding system.

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