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Chapter 3: Satirical Narration

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Chapter 3

Satirical Narration


From the point of the magazine’s perspective the unpleasant society issues are narrated by using different media tools and platforms. In our perception, these tools define how the magazine carries out the approach of criticizing in the most effective way. Mimarlik editorial frames their unique ideological position through expressions of covers, cartoons, satirical rhetorics and public discourses with the newspaper-published press discourses.

chapter 3: satirical narration via covers

In Module 1 we mentioned about the different mood seasons of Mimarlik that we perceive in the analyzed decade. Here, we filter the cover contents according to the message they convey and we expose only those which refer to the listed urban issues. As observed, the covers’ content shifts from descriptive approach towards sensational attitude. This comment can be understood when we compare the issues 32 and 100. In parallel with the mood seasons, especially the last 12 covers that are highlighted mostly consist of satirical messages expressed by large subtitles, questionings and disturbing urbanistic images.

To describe a few, in the cover of the 100th issue, the problems are addressed at the organization authorities with the large sub title asking “Why are these master plans prepared for?” and the image shown has the contrasting cityscape of the slums and the high rise buildings. In the special issue dedicated for social housing, the issue 82, cover also reflects its focused content by itself. The initiative social housing project of Or-An (middle anatolia corporate housing) is put in the cover, which is deeply presented in this issue. Lastly, the disturbing chaotic photograph representing the squatter settlements is used in the cover of the issue 107. Sarcastically, while the photo reflects the clash of houses of people who had to build their own shelters, the large subtitle “HOUSING” creates a contrast with the photograph.

urban strategies

issue 32, 1966


issue 100, 1972

social housing

issue 82, 1970

squatters’ house

issue 107, 1972

CONTENT industrialization

population growth

urban strategies


social housing

squatters’ houses

chapter 3: satirical narration via comics

Introducing the comics in issue 75, D.C. has the foreword with powerful reflection upon the art of cartoons; “Let’s not forget that one of the most powerful works of humanity is satire and satire; is the strongest criticism. Cartoon, whose dictionary meaning is to “attack”, is, in our opinion, the most simplified and crystallized form of satire art. Now, this strength of cartoon art, which is well understood that there is no joke embellished with a line, clearly tells us the fact that we can approach the subject not with individual phenomenon criticism, but with collective criticism.”. 27

For example, Ferruh Dogan’s crushed human caricature between apartments can give a general criticism in a few lines, which cannot be easily explained through an essay. Again, the fact that only the determination of the situation by line is humor is an important witness to the power of this line art. The criticism of today’s cities and architecture activity with caricatures also confirms our judgment. In addition, D.C. points out a fact that it is not a coincidence that Steinberg, who is still considered the number one cartoonist in the world, is an Architect.

The criticism was one of the main orientations of the journal after the end of the 1960’s. This radical change in the attitude reflected also on the type of images and articles produced at that time. Since the main focus of an architect is to draw, the idea is to express the thoughts in a sarcastic way through comics. In the end of the 60’s high prices of modern houses were one of the issues that reflected on the drawings. There are also reflections of fast and unplanned planning of cities, urbanization problems, high rise buildings and concerns related to squatter’s houses. Also the political pressure on the cities and on social life are portrayed in a satirical manner in the comics.

Overall impressions message that the artists intended to exaggerate the inevitable results of population growth, mass construction and imbalance occurred on the city silhouette. From our perspective, the imagery of fast urbanization is mocked through line arts to evoke the disturbing rapid growth of cities that damages the cultural identity and threatens the human scale normals of that time.

27 D.C., “ <original> Imarname ”, Mimarlik, 1970, issue 75

comic by Steinberg issue 75, 1970

comics by Ferhun Dogan issue 75, 1970

chapter 3: satirical narration via press

For this specific theme, the publishings of the press are very effective for spreading the voice of Mimarlık and the chamber. While Mimarlık ongoingly expresses the chamber’s stance and their worry about the chaotic urban environment in Turkey, their efforts could not reach any positive results. Therefore, to increase their effectiveness Mimarlık used its opportunity to connect with the press in order to attract public opinion and support. On the other hand, in most of the articles we observed a tension between the chamber and the organizational authorities that occured because of their neglectful attitude.

The section called “the Chamber of Architects on Press” presents clips of several recent newspaper columns and headlines that published the professional statements of the chamber members. 28 In issue 74, some of the mentioned headlines and column titles from this section are; “the Rising Voice of the Chamber of Architects”, “Subway or the Bridge-Way?”, “It will be a pity to our millions..”, “Experts advise on the bridge way for Istanbul, they state that the construction of the subway will take many years and within this period, the city will return to the mole burrow.” “General Chairman of the Chamber of Architects Maruf Onal; changing the zoning plan for various reasons may have irreparable consequences in the future”

In another example, the magazine reflects the chamber’s public appearance concerning the subject of the slums and the unapproved laws for the slum settlements. As described, the radio bulletin of a press conference was released on the national radio in December 1965. The press conference was arranged by the chamber’s General Secretary Arman Guran, he stated “It is only possible to undertake adequate prevention work in the slum operation and to ensure that sufficient investment is made by the state and that technical power is included in this effort.” While speaking about many important facts and statistics, Guran drew attention among the urgent need of social housing to prevent the increase of slums. Later he concludes: “It is our duty to present to the public that the Parliament and the Government will be responsible for the slum problem....We expect this issue to be handled in a brand new way through national investments. In this sense, it is our second great goal to stand by the government that will engage in a study.” The article also presents other newspaper clips mentioning this press meeting and relatable news of slum incidents, with remarkable headlines and subtitles as listed below; 29 _President of Chamber of Architects Haluk Baysal: ”Istanbul is lingering” _President of Chamber of Architects stated slums cause 2 billion liras loss _According to the Turkey Chamber of Architects, who held 2 press conferences in Ankara and Istanbul, claimed that the first Five-Year Development Plan was implemented completely wrong. _12 million people are homeless _Workers’ dwellings will collapse at any time _Chamber of Architects explained: If any precautions are not taken, 12,5 million people will be homeless within 12 years _Chamber of Architects claimed: Planning is not capable of solving the Squatters House problem _According to General Secretary of the Chamber, government investment should take place in building construction _The squatter house collapsed, a 3 year-old girl died.

28 Mimarlik Editorial, “the Chamber of Architects on the Press”, Mimarlik, 1969, issue 74 29 the Chamber of Architects HQ, “Radio Bulletin about General Settlement and Slums”, Mimarlik, 1966, issue 27

issue 74, 1969 “Changing the zoning plan for various reasons may have irreparable consequences in the future”

issue 74, 1969 “Experts advise on the bridge way for Istanbul”

issue 27, 1966 “12 million people are homeless”

As these newspaper clips clearly show the effort of the chamber to inform the public, we can comment that the press spreads the voice of the chamber of architects and it contributes to inform the citizens and affiliated authority members about these national issues.

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