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Notes from the Principal's Office
It’s September, and school is back in session. In this year when all things seem to be different from any time before, the familiarity that goes along with the academic calendar is welcome. So, even though many of our kids will be home schooled, or learning remotely over the internet, we can take a moment to be glad that some semblance of routine is returning to life. It may not be the old routine, but it is routine, nevertheless.
So, this issue of Diecast Racing Report will be honoring the return to school. You’ll notice that our department headings are not as usual. Instead, we’ve named them after parts of the educational experience and the school day. This Editor’s Note works as an example: today it’s the “Principal’s Office”. I could have made it “Headmaster’s Office” for our international readers, but as I am in the USA, so I went with American terminology.
Speaking of our international friends, this issue marks our third to focus on the greater world of diecast racing across the globe. You will find coverage of three Southern Hemisphere tracks in our “Geography” section.
We’re welcoming a new contributor to the staff from England. His work won’t be found in Geography, though. Emile Abed is a science educator in real life, and you’ll find him in his Physical Science classroom in this issue. Emile’s looking at an unexpected side of weight dynamics.
Ali has set-up her Visual Arts studio in the Quick Tips section this issue. Decals are the topic at hand.
And in an issue dedicated to education, it only seems right that Josh stops by the Teachers Lounge to talk about the act of teaching and how much it means to share one’s diecast racing know-how.
Previously, we’ve primarily covered leagues that resemble 3DBotMaker’s in that they are performative and have a storytelling element to their presentation. Those leagues will remain in their own section. This month it is dubbed the Media Center. This month we launch coverage of other leagues which are strictly racing for racing’s sake. Normally we’ll be calling that section “Tournaments”. Today, they are “Intramurals”.