Are All Stars the Same? Written by: Hannah McTavish Illustrated by: Diedre Brennan
This book was created as part of Introduction to Design in the fall of 2015 at St. Norbert College. It is typeset in PT Serif Caption. Some illustrations were hand drawn and collored with marker then digitally edited, while others were digitally created.
Are All Stars the Same? Written by: Hannah McTavish Illustrated by: Diedre Brennan
Look at the stars! Aren’t they lovely? There are so many stars, and they all look the same. But are all the stars the same?
No! The stars only look the same becasue they are very, very far away. When you look at them closer, closer, closer, you’ll see that they are actually very, very different!
Protostars are babies. They are just big clouds of gas. One day, all of that gas will come together to make a big star!
Some stars are large and hot. These are called RED GIANTS. These stars are like teenagers. They even have growth spurts like teenagers!
White dwarfs are stars that are old and cold. These stars are also very small next to the size of other stars.
Some stars are ENORMOUS! These are called supergiants. They are very energetic, and use a lot of fule very, very quickly.
Some of the stars we see at night aren’t even stars! Some are planets. They are much smaller than stars, but we can still see them becuase they are so close to Earth.
Some are big and made of gas, and others are small and made of rock.
Even though the stars look the same from Earth, they are all very different. When you look at the stars up close or far away, they are still beautiful.
Do you know what else is beautiful from up close or far away?
People! When you don’t know a person, you might think they are just like everybody else.
But when you look a little closer you’ll see that everyone is different! Just like the stars. And like the stars, everybody is beautiful.