Discovery Care for a hike?
Pat is home again. She lives in Canada. After she visited her family and friends, she decides to go hiking. She loves to be outdoors and Canada is famous for its wonderful national parks. Going hiking and camping is not for everyone, however …
1 Watch the video about the camping stereotypes and answer the questions below.
a Complete the categories of camping stereotypes that are mentioned in the video.
1 the exit 2 the caller 3 the spot guy
4 the expert 5 the singer
6 the guy
b Explain the following terms in your own words. You can also do this in Dutch.
1 glamper
2 whittler
3 slacker
4 noob
c What was the reaction when someone suggested to go hiking?
d Why did they react like that?
e Why was the man spraying himself?
f What was the reaction when one of the friends started playing the guitar?
g What was the camper going to eat?
potato chips a painted bunting ants
a soft shell turtle
h One guy thought he had found a basil plant. What did he actually eat?
thyme poison ivy rosemary stinging nettle
i What is the main purpose of this video? to
j What is a stereotype? Explain in your own words.
2 As you learnt from the video: not everyone is made for hiking. Are you? Take this quiz and find out! Read the questions and mark the answers that you think are correct.
The least likely places to find hiking trails are:
A national forests and parks
B state parks and wildlife areas
C farms and ranches
D wildlife shelters
For the safety of wildlife and other visitors, hikers should avoid:
A wearing red socks
B leaving food behind
C skinny dipping
D eating chocolate
Which of the following is NOT one of the 10 essentials that should be in your hiker’s pack?
A money
B headlamp
C extra clothing
D water
The most reliable defence against a grizzly attack is:
A pepper spray
B .357 Magnum pistol
C 100% bug repellant
D bear spray
The safest refuge in a lightning storm is:
A under a tall tree
B in a car
C in a boat
D under a rock ledge
A factor known to trigger wolf encounters is:
A hiking with unleashed dogs
B eating barbecue flavoured crisps
C wearing Chanel N° 5
D building campfires
When meeting horseback riders on a trail, a hiker should:
A walk faster
B yell and wave arms
C step off the trail, if possible
D turn and run away
What should every hiker do before heading out on a trek?
A check the weather forecast
B check for road and trail conditions
C leave a trip itinerary with a friend or with family
D all of the above
Now check the chart to find out whether you are a real hiker or not.
You are ready to go into the wild! Nature has no secrets for you. You were born to hike!
Maybe you should stick to walks in a park … and camp in your garden.
It’s obvious that you are someone who enjoys a documentary of nature on TV more than seeing it in real life. Find a safe hobby, like needlework or collecting bottle tops.
3 Answer the questions orally.
1 Do you agree with the result of the quiz? Why (not)?
2 Do you like camping or hiking?
3 What do you like/hate about it?
4 Look at the memes below and discuss them. Why are they funny?

Prepping for the long trail
Pat has to prepare well before she leaves on her hike. She needs to take the right equipment with her.
1 Read the article and answer the questions below.
Hiking for beginners
Hiking is a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the outdoors. Transported by your own two feet and carrying only what you need for the day on your back, you can discover the beauty of nature at whatever pace you’re comfortable with. And, with a little planning and preparation, it’s an activity that almost anyone can do. If you’ve dreamed of hiking, but have yet to try it, it’s time to get out there. Just follow these steps:
1 Find a hiking partner
If you have friends who hike, ask them to take you on a trek. Most people are happy to share their expertise, let you borrow gear and introduce newbies to their favourite trails. If you don’t know any hikers, many cities and towns have hiking clubs that regularly plan outings. Online groups are also a great way to find hiking buddies.
Hiking alone can give you a sense of freedom and adventure that is hard to find elsewhere. But it can also be intimidating and lonely at times. If you’re new to hiking, we recommend finding a companion to keep you company. That person will also be there to lend a hand if you happen to get hurt. If going alone really is your only option, then start out with short trips to popular hiking destinations and make sure someone always knows where you’re going and how long you plan to be gone.
2 Choose a hiking route
There are several easy ways to find a hiking trail that will meet your needs:
• guidebooks and websites
• word of mouth
• talk to locals
Before you start your search for the perfect hike, it’s helpful to think through a few things, such as:
• How much time you have: Do you have a couple of hours or a full day? The amount of time you have can determine where you go. Don’t forget to factor in how long it takes to get to and from the trailhead.
• Your fitness level: Honestly assess what kind of shape you’re in. You want to have an enjoyable time out there rather than suffering through a long, strenuous hike that you’re not prepared for. If you’re not in the shape of your life, don’t be dismayed: there are hikes for everyone.
• Distance: Think about how many miles and hours you’re comfortable hiking. An average walking pace is about 3 mph, but your hiking pace may be slower than that depending on terrain, elevation gain and how much weight you’re carrying on your back.
• Elevation gain: The amount of elevation gain on a hike is one factor that determines the difficulty. With a little experience, you’ll come to know how much elevation gain you can comfortably handle and what is too much. For a point of reference, if a trail gains 1,000 feet in one mile, that is considered quite steep. Also, a general recommendation is that for every 1,000 feet of elevation gain, add one hour to your trip.
• Time of year and weather: Some trails won’t be accessible in early spring because they’re covered in snow. If it’s fall and the sun is setting earlier, plan accordingly so you’re not caught out after dark unexpectedly. Always check the weather forecast before heading out so you can dress and pack appropriately.
• Logistics: Certain hikes require a bit more planning. For instance, if you end up doing a hike that starts and finishes at different places, you’ll need to shuttle cars to your start and end points.
3 Choose your hiking gear
One of the wonderful things about hiking is that you don’t need a bunch of high-tech gear to get out there. With a few essential items for the trail and a sense of adventure, you’re ready to head into the wilderness.
The Ten Essentials
Start by making sure you’re carrying the Ten Essentials. This is a collection of gear and clothing that all hikers should carry whenever they step onto the trail. The collection includes items for navigation, sun protection, insulation, illumination, first aid, fire, repairs, nutrition, hydration and emergency shelter.
Hiking footwear
Footwear is one of the most important items you need to choose, and it’s a very personal choice. Some hikers prefer supportive over-the-ankle boots, while others enjoy lightweight trail-running shoes. The terrain you’ll be walking on can also affect your decision
Whatever you choose, make sure the boots or shoes are well broken-in and comfortable for long distances. And wear wool or synthetic socks, not cotton.
What to wear hiking
Choose clothing made of quick-drying, moisture-wicking fabrics, such as wool or polyester. Avoid cotton, which takes a long time to dry when wet.
Food and water
As a beginner hiker, it can be tough to know how much food and water you need, A good general recommendation for how much to eat is 200–300 calories per hour. For water intake, about a halflitre per hour of moderate activity in moderate temperatures is a good starting place. These amounts depend heavily on several factors, such as the intensity of your hike, the weather, your age, your sweat rate and your body type. As you gain more experience, you’ll get a better sense for just how much you need. It’s always a good idea to carry a little extra food and water in case your trip takes longer than anticipated.
to immerse to absorb, to plunge (onderdompelen (in)) expertise competence, knowledge (deskundigheid) newbies beginners (nieuwelingen) to determine to have an influence on (bepalen, vaststellen) trailhead beginning of a trail (beginpunt van een route) to assess to evaluate, to analyse (beoordelen, inschatten) strenuous difficult, tiring (vermoeiend, zwaar) recommendation advice, suggestion (aanbeveling) to affect your decision to influence your decision (je beslissing beïnvloeden) well broken-in worn to make more comfortable (goed soepel gemaakt) moisture-wicking quick drying (vochtafvoerend) moderate medium, not excessive (matig, gemiddeld) rate degree, proportion (tempo, hoeveelheid)
a Explain in your own words:
• word of mouth: dismayed:
• elevation gain:
b Answer the following questions.
• How can you find a person to join you on your hike?
Where can you find information about which hiking trail you can take?
• Why will your choice of hike depend on the season?
2 Read the statements and decide if they are true or false. If false, give the correct answer.
You should always wear heavy and sturdy boots when hiking.
You must drink about 1 litre of water per 2 hours of moderate activity.
Hiking is like walking. Everyone can do it. You can easily do any hike.
You should never hike alone.
3 Go through this hiking checklist. Do you know all the words? If you could only take 10 items on your hiking trip, which ones would you choose? Discuss.
Hiking Checklist
rainproof pack cover
trekking poles
emergency shelter sleeping pad sleeping bag
NAVIGATION map compass route description GPS smartphone apps (AllTrails, Strava …)
long sleeve shirt lightweight jacket gloves
rainwear neck gaiter moisture-wicking pants, shirts and underwear
first-aid kit
pain medication phone ID antibacterial wipes emergency whistle

FOOD AND WATER water energy bars freeze-dried meals instant coffee/tea
sunscreen sunglasses (with straps)
sun hat or cap
SPF-rated lip balm
toilet paper hand sanitizer
insect repellent
menstrual products
towel soap toothbrush and toothpaste
TOOLS knife or multitool
gear repair kit
lighter or matches
spoon or spork
water bottle
camping shovel
pot/pan flashlight
hiking boots/sandals
hiking socks
Word box (1)

hiking boots
first aid kit
toilet paper
energy bar
1 Look at the pictures. Which items do you recognise from the word box? Write the words next to every picture.

2 Use the correct words from the word box in this exercise.
a Pat is expecting a lot of bugs, so she will be wearing a (1) (to protect her arms from bites) and spraying some (2).
b The weather is going to be sunny: she will need (3) and a (4).
c During her last hike, she was a bit late and it got dark. She will definitely need a (5).
d During a trek you can always get a scratch from a tree or stone, so a (6) is absolutely necessary.
e Sometimes nature calls, and then Pat likes to use real (7) instead of leaves to clean her bottom.
f All her stuff has to fit into a (8).
g To help her keep her balance when she walks, Pat uses (9). Her mother says she looks like a skier.
h She will be walking on rocky roads, so she is taking her best (10).
Something went wrong
Pat forgot her jacket for rainy weather in Canterbury. Actually, she thinks someone borrowed it and forgot to return it. That is why she ordered a new one online. Unfortunately, she got the jacket in the wrong size! Pat is a small, but the one they sent her is XL. It looks like she is wearing a tent. She decided to send a letter of complaint.
1 Read Pat’s e-mail.

Subject: order number MV707297
Dear Sir or Madam
I am writing to you concerning my order (MV707297) of a Southface All-Weather Raincoat – size small.
Today I received the package but it was the wrong size. The coat was an XL. Obviously, I cannot use this during my hike. An employee must have order picked the wrong item, because as you can check on my order, I clicked on size small. This is an enormous inconvenience as I was planning to go on a hike at the end of the week.
Is it possible to send me the correct coat (size S) before Friday 14 October? If you cannot send it to me in time, I would like to have a refund ($120).
Please contact me as soon as possible with your solution, so I know if I have to look for an alternative in a local store.
Thank you in advance for your help and for a quick reply to this e-mail.
Yours faithfully
Pat Crawford
2 Answer the following questions orally.
a How much does the coat cost?
b What is meant by ‘an alternative’?
c What is the name of the company Pat ordered at?
d When is Pat leaving on her hike?
e Does she know the people who work in customer service?
f Why is an XL coat not good enough?
g Is this e-mail friendly?

Hoe schrijf je een klacht?
Refer to the (number of the) order. I am writing to you concerning … I am writing in connection with … I want to complain about …
Explain the exact problem. I have not received my order yet. It was the wrong size.
Some pieces were missing from my order. My new … arrived broken.
Suggest what might be the problem. An employee possibly order picked the wrong item.
Perhaps the package got lost on its way here.
The package was damaged during delivery. Explain how you feel about this problem. This is an enormous inconvenience. I am very unhappy that … This situation has caused me to …
Suggest a possible solution and/or indicate what you expect.
Please send a new package as soon as possible.
I would like a refund.
I will return the broken item by mail. I will purchase the item somewhere else. I hope you can take steps to make sure this does not happen again.
Thank your addressee and call them to action.
Thank you in advance for your help.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
3 Mark the structure of a complaint in Pat’s e-mail. Write the words ‘opening’, ‘middle’ and ‘close’ next to each part.
4 Read this e-mail by Pat’s uncle, Christopher. Then follow the instructions below.

The food on the plane was disgusting. I asked for the chicken, but I got a dish that was practically vegetarian. I found one piece of chicken. Also, I am quite tall, and I couldn’t fit in my seat comfortably. Finally, a kid on the other side of the aisle kept vomiting. I almost got sick hearing this kid. This was the worst experience in my life.
Chris ticketing@CanadianAir.cn complaint
a Which mistakes can you find in this e-mail? Discuss orally.
b Rewrite this e-mail and correct the mistakes Chris has made. Use the template ‘Writing a complaint’. It might be necessary to leave out or change certain information.
Pat met a few interesting animals during her hike. Read the text and mark the verbs that describe what Pat was doing, when something else happened.

She was walking along a path during her hike, when a skunk came out of the bushes. Fortunately, it just passed by. Later on, she arrived at a beautiful lake. As the weather was very nice, she decided to go for a dip. However, while she was swimming, a racoon stole her socks. It will definitely have warm feet next winter. During the next day, Pat was eating a biscuit when a magpie (= ekster) flew down and took the cookie out of her hand. Pat was utterly amazed. This had never happened before. Finally, when Pat was sleeping, a snaked crawled into her tent. That gave her quite a scare! The snake was very small, though, and not poisonous. When she returned home, Pat had some great stories to tell her friends about Canada’s wonderful wildlife.
Toolbox p. 22
5 Fill in the missing verbs. Choose the past continuous or past simple.
a Pat (1, to pitch) her tent when it (2, to start) to rain.
b She (3, to look) at the sunrise, when a bear (4, to appear) on the other side.
c Pat (5, to cross) a river when her phone (6, to fall) in the water.
d Pat’s parents (7, to enjoy) their lunch, when the courier (8, to ring) the doorbell.
e While Pat (9, to prepare) her dinner, another hiker (10, to arrive) at the camp site.
f Pat (11, to put on) her pyjamas, when a snake (12, to crawl) out of her sleeping bag.
g She (13, to eat) a biscuit, when a bird (14, to swoop) down and (15, to steal) it from her hand.
h Pat and another hiker (16, to talk) when a medical helicopter (17, to fly) by.
i Pat (18, to read) her book, while she (19, to fish) by the lake.
j Her mother tried to phone Pat, but she didn’t answer. Pat (20, to take) a shower.
The supply chain
When you order something online, there is always a whole supply chain behind the product. The product gets to your house or to a store through a system of logistics.
Pat has a lot of experience in logistics as she worked at Max Clothing in Canterbury.
1 Last year, we talked about logistics. Look for the 10 words in the word search below that you learnt back then. The words can be found horizontally, vertically and from left to right and right to left.
2 Do you sometimes order products online? Why (not)? Explain.
Yes I do/No I don’t, because …
3 How do products or goods reach their destination? How are they carried and transported?
Goods or products can be delivered by …
To transport goods or products, we make use of …

1 Write the correct word from the word box under each picture. Choose from these words:
freight train - packaging - reefer - container - cargo ship - truck/lorry - barge - mopedloading bay - van - cargo plane - pipeline

2 Read the explanations below. Write each number in the circle next to the correct picture in exercise 1.
1 These are materials used to wrap or protect goods when they are transported. This can be cardboard, paper, plastic …
2 A lot of goods get transported by sea because this vessel can take a lot of cargo and it is quite safe and economical.
3 This is used for the last miles of the supply chain. It is easier to get around the city. The packages that are delivered are mostly not so big.
4 It is cheaper than air or ship transportation, and most frequently used. As there are a lot of roads, this way of transporting goods is easy, as you have access to a lot of areas.
5 This is used in cities, but only for smaller packages and food delivery. With this mode of transportation, you can get through traffic more easily than by car or truck.
6 This is a special container to transport goods that must be kept cool. It is mostly used for food.
7 This is a very quick and easy way to transport fluids (like oil) or gas over a long distance. The advantage is that you can get a constant supply without interruption.
8 This is an area at the side of a building where goods are loaded onto and unloaded from vehicles.
9 This transportation is quick and can travel over long distances. You can fly to all parts of the world. It is expensive though and has limitations in what you can transport.
10 This is used to transport goods through rivers and canals. It usually has a flat bottom.
11 Transportation by rail offers a way to carry heavy goods and is also perfect for bulk cargo like coal. You need to be located near a railway network to use this.
12 This is a sealed, strong, reusable metal box used to hold goods that have to be transported by vessel, truck or rail.
Delivery talk
Pat sometimes has to receive goods that arrive at the firm. She has to welcome the truck drivers and make sure everything arrived in good order.
1 Read the conversation.
Pat Good morning. How can I help you today?
trucker Good morning.
I have a delivery from DBC in Minneapolis. My company is Great American Transport.
Pat Alright.
Can you hand me the documents? You can go to loading bay A.
I will be there to help you, once I have checked everything on the computer.
While one of Pat’s colleagues is unloading the truck with a forklift, Pat returns with some signed documents. She starts a short conversation (small talk) with the American truck driver.
2 Read the small talk conversation between Pat and the truck driver.
Pat So how long was your journey here?
trucker It took me about one day to get to Minneapolis, and then another two and a half days to get here.
Pat That was a pretty long haul.
trucker It sure was. We deliver here about once a month.
Pat What was the weather like?
trucker Mostly rain. Although around the lakes there was a period of sunshine. I stopped for a half an hour to catch some rays. I have a foldable chair in my truck, so I got comfortable.
Pat What was the traffic like?
trucker Not too bad. There was a traffic jam at the border between the States and Canada. But there always are.
Pat Are the checks by customs still strict?
trucker Yes, they are pretty thorough.
Pat You said it took you a day to get to Minneapolis. Where did you come from? trucker From Chicago, the Windy City.
Pat Chicago has pretty good sports teams. Are you a fan?
trucker I love the Bears, the American Football team. But they haven’t been playing that well.
Pat Well, we’re almost finished unloading. Feel free to take a cup of coffee over there if you want to. Nice to meet you.
trucker You too.
By the way, can you sign this for the delivery?
Pat Sure. There you are.
Have a safe journey back.
trucker Thanks. See you next month maybe.
Speak up!
Een levering ontvangen
Greet the carrier.
Ask how you can help.
The carrier informs you about the delivery and the delivery company.
Ask for the documents.
Good morning – Good afternoon – Good evening
Hello – Hi – Morning – Hey (informal)
How can I help you?
How may I assist you?
Is there something I can do for you?
Need help? (informal)
I am from ... (delivery company) and I have got a delivery from ... (name of the seller).
I have a package here for ... (name of the receiver) from ... (name of the seller).
I have got a delivery from ... (name of the seller). My company is ... (name delivery company).
Can you give me the documents?
Where do I sign?
Can you sign this for delivery?
Assist the carrier to the place to unload. You can go to loading bay A.
You can go to the back / the side of the building.
Please leave the package at the gate.
When interacting with persons who come to your place of business, it is always nice to have a short and polite conversation about things that are not too important. We call this small talk.
3 Can you think of some topics for small talk? Write them down around the picture.

4 Work in pairs and act out a situation where a logistics worker receives a delivery. Use the structure that is outlined in the Speak up!
If you feel like it, you can put in some small talk at the end.
Trends in logistics
Logistics is constantly evolving. New ways of delivering goods are being developed.
1 Watch the video fragment and answer the questions.
a Which new vehicle is being introduced here?
b Where are they being used?
c Which three advantages are mentioned by the FedEx worker?
d What kind of video is this? Tick off the correct answer. a documentary a news item an advertisement a vlog
e Why did one of the people interviewed have another accent?
f What are the problems these couriers are faced with? Tick the correct answers. winter weather no parking places government rules e-cargo bikes are expensive
2 Watch a second film fragment about trends in logistics and discuss the questions orally.
a What kind of video is this?
b What is the innovation here?
c How many different types of this vehicle did you see?
d In which country was this filmed?
e What do you think of this vehicle? Is it useful?
A courier is not the same as a carrier. Couriers are best for small shipments. They deliver small parcels, documents or pizza, if you like, right to your doorstep. Carriers typically transport large shipments over long distances, using trains, trucks, planes ...
De past continuous van regelmatige werkwoorden
We gebruiken de past continuous als we iets willen uitdrukken dat we in het verleden aan het doen waren. In het Nederlands kun je het vertalen als ‘aan het + infinitief’.
Hoe vorm je de past continuous?
Je vormt de past continuous door de verleden tijd van ‘to be’ te vervoegen in de juiste persoon, gevolgd door de ing-vorm van het werkwoord.
I worked. I was working.
You worked. You were working. He worked. He was working. She worked. She was working. It worked. It was working. We worked. We were working. You worked. You were working. They worked. They were working.
I was working. I was not working. I wasn’t working.
You were working. You were not working. You weren’t working. He was working He was not working He wasn’t working
She was working She was not working She wasn’t working It was working It was not working It wasn’t working
We were working. We were not working. We weren’t working. You were working You were not working You weren’t working They were working They were not working They weren’t working
Was I working? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.
Were you working? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
Was he working? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.
Was she working? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.
Was it working? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.
Were we working? Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.
Were you working? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t. Were they working? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.
I want to complain about …
You are going on a camping trip for three days, so you need to make sure you are well-prepared. But preparing takes time and sometimes not everything goes according to plan …
Step 1 Choose a situation: a hike, a trip with the youth movement, a music festival …
Step 2 On page 8 you ticked 10 hiking items you would take on a hiking trip. Would you still choose the same items now? If not, make a new list of 10 things.
Step 3 Look for the 10 items in an online shop. Make a note of their:
• name
• colour price
• Step 4 Choose one item. Decide which kind of problem you have with its shipping/delivery. It can be too late.
• Parts can be missing.
• It can be broken.
Step 5 Write a complaint e-mail using the steps in the Speak Up! Don’t forget to add an e-mail address and a subject. Be clear about your product. Give a good description. Begin and end the e-mail appropriately.
Step 6 Reread everything carefully. Use a spellchecker to check for possible mistakes.
Be careful!
Use at least two verbs in the past continuous.

het onderwerp, de hoofdgedachte en relevante informatie uit informatieve, narratieve en prescriptieve teksten halen.
de woordenschat in verband met trektochten en kamperen gebruiken.
een goede klachtenbrief (via e-mail) opstellen.
… regelmatige en onregelmatige werkwoorden vervoegen in de past simple.
regelmatige en onregelmatige werkwoorden vervoegen in de past continuous.
het verschil in betekenis tussen een past simple en een past continuous herkennen.
de woordenschat in verband met logistiek en vervoer gebruiken.
een gesprek voeren met een transporteur bij een levering.
kijken schrijven luisteren handeling spreken tip gesprek word box
lezen toolbox
In deze module leer je een klachtenbrief via e-mail opstellen.
Auteur Michael Velasco
Illustrator Koen Aelterman - Design & Lay-out die Keure
Eerste druk 2024 SO 2024/300 - ISBN 978 90 4864 937 2
Bestelnummer 96 401 0120 (module 2 van 8)
KB D/2024/0147/181 - NUR 117 - Thema YPCK21
Verantwoordelijke uitgever die Keure, Kleine Pathoekeweg 3, 8000 Brugge
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