Holidays are coming
When December is getting closer, people all over the world start thinking about the upcoming holiday season and how they will celebrate this year. However, not everyone celebrates the same holidays and not everyone celebrates them in the same way. Some countries have heart-warming holiday traditions. Other countries’ traditions might come off as a bit strange ...
1 Watch the video about the top ten Christmas traditions around the world. Fill in where these traditions come from and answer the questions.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Dinner
Is Kentucky Fried Chicken popular all year round in this country?
Hide the Brooms
Why do people hide their brooms on Christmas Eve in this country?
Day of the Little Candles
What are these little candles made of?
How many LED-lights fill the square and Christmas tree in this city?
Cavalcade of Lights

Saint Nicholas’ Day
What happens to the naughty children on Saint Nicholas’ Day in this country?
Red Candle on the Window
What meal accompanies this tradition of putting a red candle in front of the window in this country?
Almond in a Porridge
Why do some families hide more than one piece of almond in the porridge?
Gävle Goat Display
What other absurd practice has this tradition led to?
When do people begin counting down for Christmas in this country?
What happens to children that are caught by Krampus?
Giant Lantern Festival
2 Go to the website and discover fifteen typical Christmas dishes from around the world. Write the correct country under each dish.

Sopa de galets
Ponche Navideño
Malva pudding
Rooster doro wat
Pan de jamón
3 What are your holiday traditions? Answer the questions orally.
a Do you celebrate Christmas?
Yes, I celebrate Christmas. No, I don’t celebrate Christmas.
b How is Christmas celebrated in your home country?
On Christmas, we …
c What other holidays are celebrated in your home country?
In my home country, we celebrate …
… is a traditional holiday in my home country.
d Which holidays do you celebrate with a typical dish? What do you eat then?
On …, we traditionally eat … I would like to try …
e Which of the dishes from exercise 2 would you like to try?
… looks delicious.
Christmas down under
Many people associate the holiday season with short days, long nights and cold weather. In Australia however, Christmas is celebrated in summer.
1 Watch the video about Christmas in Sydney, Australia. Which Christmas traditions were mentioned in the video? Tick all correct boxes.
Children receive Christmas presents at home.
People go shopping for Christmas presents.
People have a picnic in the park or by the beach.
People prepare hams, studded with cloves.
A Christmas lunch is organised for homeless people.
People spend Christmas swimming and suntanning on Bondi Beach.
People visit a Christmas market in the sun.
Children wear paper crowns.
The Wiggles sing Christmas carols at the children’s hospital.
The seasons in the Northern Hemisphere are the opposite of those in the Southern Hemisphere. This means that in countries below the equator, such as Australia, Christmas is celebrated in summer.
2 Look up three other countries where Christmas is celebrated in summer.
3 Would you like to celebrate Christmas in summer? Why (not)?
I would like to celebrate Christmas in summer, because …
I wouldn’t like to celebrate Christmas in summer, because …
This year for Christmas Eve, Kylie wants to make a classic Christmas trifle for her family. She found a recipe online that she will be trying out today. She starts collecting all the ingredients and kitchen utensils she will need. She will have to do some shopping though, because there are some things that she doesn’t have at home. She makes a list of everything she needs.
4 Watch the video and complete the lists of ingredients that Kylie needs for this recipe.
• 85 g red
• 250 ml thickened
1/4 cup sugar
• 1 tsp essence
• 300 g roll
60 ml cream
1 cup
• 1 cup
• 1 cup
600 g custard
5 Watch the video a second time. Which kitchen utensils does Kylie need for this recipe? Tick all correct boxes.

cutting board
chef’s knife
measuring cup spatula wooden spoon ladle
mixing bowl strainer tray whisk rolling pin mixer
6 Read the written instructions for this recipe. Mark all verbs and complete the sentence.
1 Make the jelly as directed on the box.
2 Once set, use a knife to cut the jelly into 3 cm chunks.
3 Place the thickened cream into a bowl and whip until very thick.
4 Add the icing sugar and vanilla essence.
5 Cut the jam roll into slices of 2 cm thick and layer into a large glass bowl.
6 Pour in some liqueur or alcohol of choice.
7 Allow to soak for 10 minutes and cover with berries.
8 Dollop berries with the cream and custard.
9 Add the jelly on top and then repeat the process with the cream and custard BASED ON: HTTPS://SEASONSLIVING.COM.AU/
7 Write the correct verbs from exercise 6 under the photos. The verbs in a recipe are in the , because they give instructions.

Word box

Christmas tree
soup spoon fish knife dinner knife
dessert fork
dessert spoon
butter knife
bread plate
salad fork
dinner fork
red wine glass
white wine glass
water glass
candy cane
cutting board
colander strainer whisk
spatula baking tray mixer
chef’s knife
wooden spoon ladle
blender measuring cup
bake to cook to rinse to melt to squeeze to pour to grate to strain to drain to stir to cut to chop to add to whip to layer to dollop to cover to peel to soak

1 Write the correct number next to the photos. wreath (1) – ornament (2) – stocking (3) – candy cane (4) – present (5) – ladle (6) –whisk (7) – spatula (8) – colander (9) – rolling pin (10) – measuring cup (11) –cutting board (12) – baking tray (13) – blender (14) – mixer (15) – strainer (16) –mistletoe (17) – mixing bowl (18)

2 Name the elements on this set table.

3 What are these people doing? Write the correct verb under each photo.

Please join us for …
Kylie is writing and sending out invitations to her family for their Christmas party.
1 Read the invitation and answer the questions orally.
Dear aunt Libby and uncle Drew
My parents and I are very happy to invite you to our Christmas party.
This will take place 24 December 2024, 7 o’clock in the evening in our very own backyard. We’re celebrating with a cosy barbecue and a series of board games.
It’s going to be a warm and sunny evening, so bring a cold drink of your choice.
Please RSVP by 10 December.
a Who is organising the party?
b What kind of party is it?
c When will the party take place?
d Where will the party take place?
e What will they be doing at the party?
f What will the weather be like?
g What does ‘Please RSVP’ mean?
Did you know that ‘RSVP’ comes from French and is short for ‘Répondez s’il vous plait’?
Speak up!
Hoe schrijf je een uitnodiging?
name organisers
the Jones’s my parents and I
invitation are very happy to invite you to … please join us for …
what kind of event our Christmas party John’s birthday party
date and time
Tuesday, twenty-four December two thousand and twenty-four at six o’clock in the evening 24 December 2024, 6 o’clock in the evening 24.12.2024, 6 p.m.
location our family home
RSVP details
dress code
The Forest Clubhouse
Please RSVP by … Kindly reply by …
Festive attire requested. Come as you are.
Wear the ugliest Christmas sweater you can find. what to bring
Bring your favourite dessert. Bring a wrapped present to exchange.
activities for a cosy candlelight dinner for a fun and exciting game night
2 Kylie received some responses to her invitation from her family members. Read the responses. Who is accepting and who is declining the invitation? Tick the correct boxes.
Speak up!
Dear Kylie. I’m so sorry, but I can’t make it to your Christmas party. I already agreed to spend Christmas at our neighbours. Hope to see you soon! Jessie
Hi Kylie! Thank you so much for the invitation. We’ll be there! Granny and Grandpa accepting declining accepting declining
Hello! That sounds lovely, count me in! Say hi to your parents from me. Aunt Susan accepting declining
Hoe aanvaard je een uitnodiging en hoe wijs je een uitnodiging af?
That sounds lovely/great, thank you. Dat klinkt super, bedankt.
We’ll be there.
We zullen er zijn. Count me in!
I’d love to come to your party.
I can’t make it. I have to work.
Ik doe mee!
Ik zou heel graag naar je feestje komen.
Ik kan er niet bij zijn. Ik moet werken.
I’m busy tomorrow. Can I take a rain check? Morgen ben ik bezet. Een andere keer misschien?
That’s very kind of you, but I already made plans to …
Dat is heel vriendelijk van je, maar ik heb al plannen om …
I’m sorry, but I already agreed to … Sorry, maar ik heb al toegezegd om …
‘Taking a rain check’ betekent dat je nu niet op de uitnodiging in kan gaan, maar dat je het graag tegoed houdt voor een later moment. Uitstel is geen afstel!
3 Work in groups of three. Write an invitation to invite the others to your birthday party.
• Mention what you will be celebrating.
• Mention when and where the party will take place.
• Give at least two extra details: dress code, what to bring, activities … Ask for an RSVP two weeks in advance.
4 Write a response to your partners’ invitations.
a Kindly decline an invitation, because of one of the reasons below.
You promised your brother that you would go watch his basketball game.
• You already made plans to go to your grandparents for dinner.
• You have to work at your student job.
b Kindly accept the other invitation.
5 Reread the invitation from exercise 1. Mark the verbs that refer to a future activity and write them in the correct place in the table below.
future simple pure future going to future an intention / prediction present simple / present continuous a fixed schedule
Toolbox p. 22
6 Place the words in the correct order to form sentences. Use the correct forms of the future.
a at 8 a.m. – exam – (to start) – My – tomorrow – .
b grandparents – Kylie’s – Sydney – (to travel) – . – from – Christmas – for
c I – on – (to go shopping) – . – Sarah – Saturday – and
d . – for – us – (to join) – He – dinner
Harpal is in town.
e show – a – in – comedy – January – ? – we – (to attend)
7 Complete the text with the correct forms of the future.
Tomorrow, Kylie (1 – to go) to the mall to buy some things for her family’s Christmas party. It (2 – to be) a warm summer day, but she (3 – not to go) by bike. She (4 – to take) the bus there, to make sure that she can carry all her purchases. The bus (5 – to leave) at 10.15 a.m. Her mother (6 – not to join) her, because she has to work. Kylie (7 – to decorate) the house for Christmas tomorrow evening, so she (8 – to look for) some decorations. She (9 – to buy) some ornaments for the Christmas tree and a wreath to hang on the front door. It (10 – to look) so cosy!
Merry Christmas to you too!
Kylie is back home from doing some Christmas shopping when the phone rings. It’s her aunt Libby.
1 Listen to the telephone conversation and answer the questions.
a What is the telephone conversation about?
b Why can’t aunt Libby make it to the Christmas party? Tick the correct box.
It’s her father’s birthday.
It’s her father-in-law’s birthday.
It’s her husband’s birthday.
c How will they spend his birthday?
d Why does Kylie have to make some adaptations to her trifle recipe?
e What book will Kylie buy Sarah?
f Complete Kylie’s birthday card for Anthony with birthday wishes. Be careful! She said she would also write a riddle on it.
g Complete Drew’s Christmas card for Kylie with holiday wishes. Be careful! He wrote his wishes in rhyme. HiAnthony!
hi Kylie!
aunt Libby & uncle Drew
Wat schrijf je op een wenskaart?
new year
wedding anniversary
good luck
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Season’s Greetings
Happy New Year
Happy birthday
Congratulations on your baby boy/girl
A cradle full of best wishes for your new born baby boy/girl
With deepest sympathy
My deepest condolences
Congratulations on your wedding day
Best wishes for a happy life
Happy anniversary
Get well soon
Good luck
Fingers crossed
2 Write a card for the following situations. Write three lines on each card.
a Your teacher is getting married next weekend.
b Your best friend’s dog passed away last week.
A Christmas story
Kylie is babysitting her six-year-old cousin. She reads him a Christmas story before bed.
1 Read the short story and answer the questions.
Tomorrow would be Christmas, and even while the three of them rode to the rocket port the mother and father were worried. It was the boy’s first flight into space, his very first time in a rocket, and they wanted everything to be perfect. So when, at the customs table, they were forced to leave behind his gift, which exceeded the weight limit by no more than a few ounces, and the little tree with the lovely white candles, they felt themselves deprived of the season and their love.
The boy was waiting for them in the terminal room. Walking toward him, after their unsuccessful clash with the Interplanetary officials, the mother and father whispered to each other.
“What shall we do?”
“Nothing, nothing. What can we do?”
“Silly rules!”
“And he so wanted the tree!”
The siren gave a great howl and people pressed forward into the Mars Rocket. The mother and father walked at the very last, their small pale son between them, silent.
“I’ll think of something,” said the father.
“What…?” asked the boy.
And the rocket took off and they were flung headlong into dark space.
The rocket moved and left fire behind and left Earth behind on which the date was December 24, 2052, heading out into a place where there was no time at all, no month, no year, no hour. They slept away the rest of the first “day.” Near midnight, by their Earth-time New York watches, the boy awoke and said, “I want to go look out the porthole.”
There was only one port, a “window” of immensely thick glass of some size, up on the next deck.
“Not quite yet,” said the father. “I’ll take you up later.”
“I want to see where we are and where we’re going.”
“I want you to wait for a reason,” said the father.
He had been lying awake, turning this way and that, thinking of the abandoned gift, the problem of the season, the lost tree and the white candles. And at last, sitting up, no more than five minutes ago, he believed he had found a plan. He need only carry it out and the journey would be fine and joyous indeed.
“Son,” he said, “in exactly one half-hour it will be Christmas.”
“Oh,” said the mother, dismayed that he had mentioned it. Somehow she had rather hoped that the boy would forget.
The boy’s face grew feverish and his lips trembled. “I know, I know. Will I get a present, will I? Will I have a tree? Will I have a tree? You promised —”
“Yes, yes, all that, and more.” said the father.
The mother started. “But —”
“I mean it,” said the father. “I really mean it. All and more, much more. Excuse me, now. I’ll be back.”
He left them for about twenty minutes. When he came back, he was smiling. “Almost time.”
“Can I hold your watch?” asked the boy, and the watch was handed over and he held it ticking in his fingers as the rest of the hour drifted by in fire and silence and unfelt motion.
“It’s Christmas now! Christmas! Where’s my present?” “Here we go,” said the father and took his boy by the shoulder and led him from the room, down the hall, up a rampway, his wife following.
“I don’t understand,” she kept saying.
“You will. Here we are,” said the father.
They had stopped at the closed door of a large cabin. The father tapped three times and then twice in a code. The door opened and the light in the cabin went out and there was a whisper of voices.
“Go on in, son,” said the father.
“It’s dark.”
“I’ll hold your hand. Come on, Mama.”
They stepped into the room and the door shut, and the room was very dark indeed. And before them loomed a great glass eye, the porthole, a window four feet high and six feet wide, from which they could look out into space.
The boy gasped.
Behind him, the father and the mother gasped with him, and then in the dark room some people began to sing.
“Merry Christmas, son,” said the father.
And the voices in the room sang the old, the familiar carols, and the boy moved slowly until his face was pressed against the cool glass of the port. And he stood there for a long, long time, just looking and looking out into space and the deep night at the burning and the burning of ten billion, billion white and lovely candles…
rocket port a place where rockets can take off and land (rakethaven) customs table a checkpoint at an airport (douane) deprived lacking something important (ontnomen) pale light in colour or shade (bleek) flung thrown forcefully (geslingerd) headlong very quickly, head first (halsoverkop) porthole a small window on the outside of a ship or aircraft (patrijspoort, luik) abandoned deserted, left behind (achtergelaten) dismayed concerned, distressed (ontzet) feverish having or showing the symptoms of a fever (koortsig) trembled shook involuntarily (trilden) loomed appeared vagely or shadowy (doemde op) carols Christmas songs or hymns (kerstliederen)
a What is the story about?
b When does the story take place?
c Where is the family at the beginning of the story?
d Where are they going?
e What can’t they bring with them in the rocket? Why?
f What did the boy’s father arrange in the cabin?
g What are the lit candles the boy sees?
h Was the boy happy with his gift? How do you know that?
i What did you like about the story?
j Do you know other Christmas stories? Which ones? I liked …
Yes, I know …
No, I don’t know any other Christmas stories.
De toekomende tijd
Als je wil zeggen wat er in de toekomst zal gebeuren, kan je dit op verschillende manieren uitdrukken.
a De meest voorkomende manier om de toekomst uit te drukken is ‘to will’ + infinitief. We noemen deze werkwoordstijd de future simple.
Kylie will send out her invitations today. Will they meet up at the restaurant?
I won’t join you at the party tonight.
b Je gebruikt ‘to be’ + ‘going to’ + inifinitief om een voorspelling uit te drukken of om te spreken over iets dat al eerder vastlag.
Sarah is going to call you tonight. Is it going to rain today?
We’re going to take the bus to school.
c Je gebruikt de present simple of de present continuous om te spreken over iets dat deel is van een vast schema.
The movie starts at 9 p.m., so we’d better hurry! Marlon has to work late, so he isn’t coming back soon.
I’m visiting my grandparents next Sunday.
You’re invited to …
You’re organising a party for a special occasion, and you want to invite your classmates. Write an invitation to send to your classmates. You will also respond to the invitation of a classmate’s party and write him/her a card.
Step 1 Decide for what occasion you are throwing a party: Christmas, your birthday …
Step 2 Write an invitation for your classmates. Use the digital template to write your invitation. Make sure you include the following things:
• Mention your name or your family’s name.
• Mention what kind of event it is. Mention when and where the party will take place.
• Give RSVP details.
• Add at least two extra details: dress code, what to bring, activities …
Step 3 Respond to the invitation of a classmate. Explain why you accept or decline the invitation. Write at least three sentences.
Use the digital template to write your response.
Step 4 Write a card to your classmate. Write at least three sentences on the card.
Use the digital template to write your card.
Step 5 Reread everything carefully.
Use a spellchecker to check for possible mistakes
Be careful!
Use the sentences you learned to write an invitation (Speak up!).
Use the sentences you learned to accept or decline an invitation (Speak up!).
Use the wishes you learned to write on a card (Speak up!).
Use at least three sentences in the future.

het onderwerp, de hoofdgedachte en relevante informatie uit informatieve, narratieve en prescriptieve teksten halen.
enkele typische tradities en gerechten voor de feestdagen uit verschillende landen opsommen. de woordenschat rond de feestdagen, tafelschikking, keukenmateriaal en kooktechnieken gebruiken. een uitnodiging schrijven. een uitnodiging aanvaarden of afwijzen. op verschillende manieren de toekomende tijd uitdrukken. een wenskaart schrijven.
kijken schrijven luisteren handeling spreken tip gesprek word box lezen toolbox
In deze module leer je iemand uitnodigen voor een feest.
Auteur Leonie Tavernier
Illustrator Koen Aelterman - Design & Lay-out die Keure
Eerste druk 2024 SO 2024/300 - ISBN 978 90 4864 937 2
Bestelnummer 96 401 0120 (module 3 van 8)
KB D/2024/0147/181 - NUR 117 - Thema YPCK21
Verantwoordelijke uitgever die Keure, Kleine Pathoekeweg 3, 8000 Brugge
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