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Dielmann Sotheby's International Realty
8301Maryland Avenue | Suite 100
Saint Louis, Missouri | 63105
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CatherineSchaaf is a professional and tenacious real estate agent whohasbuilt hercareeraroundonesimplecommitment: totreat everyclient likefamilyandensuretheir experienceis unparalleledexcellenceandluxuryineverysenseof theword Having grown up in Saint Louis herself, what is closest to Catherine'shearthas,andwillalwaysbe,herfamily,whoalllive in various places throughout thecity. Her family tugged her heartintorealestate,whereshehasfoundahomeinthelivesof somanyclientsthat shehasbeensoluckytoserve.Thislove givesCatherineatalentedeyefor history,design,architecture, and soul, makingSaint Louis such awonderful placetolive Catherine has turned this admiration for her city and the selfless values of her family to build a client-first business markedbyclearcommunicationandunrelentingdedication.
Catherinehasauniqueandstrategiceyefor marketing,witha careful commitment to each home's noteworthy identity and story.Whilestillaproponent oftraditionalandclassicmethods like print advertising and open houses, Catherine is very
well-trained in the current market and knows the value of employing cutting-edge & modern approaches in today's competitiverealestatelandscape.
Catherineisaproudalumnaof Saint LouisUniversity,holdinga master'sdegreeinCounselingPsychologyfromtheUniversityof Missouri-Columbia. Sheappliesher academicknowledgeevery dayinher work,navigatingthehumanelement that makesher job so rewarding and interesting. Catherine's commitment to excellenceisevident inhercontinuouslearningfromherclients, brokers,andindustryleaders.
Ineverytransaction,Catherine'sclientsreceivemorethanjust professional service?theyexperiencethecareandattentionof someonewhotrulyseesthemasfamily.WithCatherine,you're not just buyingorsellingahouse;you'reembarkingonajourney guidedbysomeonewhotreasuresthestoriesbehindeverydoor andthepeoplewithin Trust Catherinetomakeyour real estate experienceexceptional,heartfelt,anduniquelyyours
Represented Buyer | $1,979,000
Represented Buyer | $129,900
Under Contract
As first-time home buyers Catherine's calm demeanor and knowledge of the process have been incredibly helpful for us. Catherine's communication skills and ability to answer our questions have been outstanding; she's always diligent and relays information accurately We've appreciated her approach: professional, honest, and always supportive.
We are so blessed to have met Ms Schaaf, and so very grateful for her helping us to find a place to make ours She helped us through the good and hard times and she understood our needs and didn't give up on us She's very patient and hung in there to the very end Thank you, So very much Ms Schaaf PS If this wasn't Ms Schaaf we wouldn't have done this review
I am delighted to share my wonderful experience with Catherine Schaaf From our very first meeting, she demonstrated exceptional professionalism, dedication, and a deep understanding of the real estate market. Catherine listened attentively to my needs and preferences, providing invaluable guidance and support throughout the entire home-buying process.
Catherine is always available to answer my questions, address any concerns, and offer insightful advice Her attention to detail and commitment to my satisfaction has made this entire experience seamless and enjoyable
I am incredibly grateful for Catherine?s hard work, patience and dedication as I continue to look for my dream home! I highly recommend Catherine Schaaf to anyone in need of a knowledgeable, trustworthy, and personable realtor She truly exceeds all my expectations!
GLOBAL SALES VOLUME 2023 $143Billion
Established in 1976, Sotheby?s International Realty is the only truly global luxury real estate company.Our unparalleled network works together to exceed your needs and expectations
A trusted heritage,the Sotheby?s International Realty® brand is built on the centuries-long prestige of the world?s preeminent auction house Our elevated standards and exemplary service and our unmatched reputation give our listings the best-in-class exposure and assures buyers they are working with a trusted partner.
Through our vast global footprint,local expertise, and powerful referral network,we ensure that the properties we represent receive the far-reaching and exposure they deserve.