11 January 2013
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11 January, 2013
What you should know about micro-dotting
Micro-dots contain a unique code and this code, along with that specific vehicle’s information, is captured on the National Traffic Information System. Photo: Supplied As from 1 September 2012, it became compulsory for all new vehicles and vehicles requiring a police clearance in South Africa to be micro-dotted. This follows amendments to the Road Traffic Act, in March 2012, with the aim of reducing vehicle-related crimes and aiding the police in tracing the owners of stolen vehicles and vehicle spares when recovered. What is micro-dotting? It is an added vehicle-security feature where about 10 000 data dots are sprayed onto various locations on a vehicle. These dots, which are almost invisible to the naked eye, contain a unique code and this code, along with that specific vehicle’s information, is captured on the National Traffic Information System (e-NaTIS). The micro-dots are viewed with the use of a UV light. Who is responsible to pay for micro-dotting? Since the introduction of the new regulations, members of the public want to know whether micro-dotting is also compulsory when buying a second-hand vehicle. Who is supposed to pay for the service; the dealership or the client? What also upsets members of the public is that no fixed pricing system for microdotting appears to exist. One complainant, a farmer who wanted to buy a tractor, said he received micro-dotting quotes from dif-
ferent dealerships and agents ranging between R850 and R2 500. New vehicles, coming in from the manufacturers, are already micro-dotted and those vehicles’ floor price is the selling price. Some dealerships have new vehicles on their showroom floors that they received before 1 September 2012 that are not microdotted. In these cases, dealerships have the vehicles micro-dotted at their own expense. Dealerships confirmed that they are not required by law to have second-hand vehicles micro-dotted. Should a buyer wish to have a second-hand vehicle micro-dotted, it will be at his or her own expense? Some dealerships, however, indicated that they had already started micro-dotting all their second-hand vehicles as this will eventually also become law, possibly as early as February this year. The negotiated dealership prices for micro-dotting averages between R1000 and R1 200. Bear in mind that this is a dealership price and not the price an individual would necessarily pay. It is understandable, working on the principle that price is determined by supply and demand and that dealerships have to micro-dot 20 or 30 vehicles per month and will pay far less than an individual only wanting to have one vehicle micro-dotted. Sadly, for the buyer, there is no fixed price when it comes to micro-dotting and an agent or dealership can charge what it wants. It would therefore be wise to shop around and negotiate a better price with an agent or dealership. As far as could be determined, the only fixed price when it comes to micro-dotting is when a police clearance certificate is needed. Here the price is R850. Which vehicles presently require micro-dotting? All new vehicles, including cars, bakkies, trucks, motorcycles, tractors, trailers and caravans, but not quad bikes). All vehicles of which the existing information on the e-NaTIS system has changed (for example when a new engine was fitted); All vehicles that require a police clearance certificate and all vehicles intended for any type of import or export. Members of the public must make sure that the micro-dotting done to their vehicles complies with the requirements of standard specifications, SANS 534-1. If the dots fitted do not comply with this standard, the dots must be refitted. (LiN News /Zoutpansberger)
Four dead in Bela Bela Lizzy Bapela Police in Bela Bela are investigating a case of culpable homicide following an accident that happened on the N1 close to Brahma Stop next to the Caltex garage. Lieutenant-Colonel Abel Phetla, of the Bela Bela police, said that two cars collided head-on, killing two people instantly. He added the rest of the occupants from both the vehicles were taken to the Bela Bela Hospital after sustaining slight injuries. Bela Bela police have opened two
dockets of inquests following the deaths of two middle-aged women. Phetla said that, in the first incident, a woman was found dead at her home and the children only noticed, when they tried to wake her up, that she was not responding. The incident took place in the old location. In the second incident, another woman was also found dead at her house in Spa Park. Phetla said that the police are waiting for post mortem results to determine the cause of the two women’s deaths. He said that the post mortem would be conducted on Thursday, 10 January.
If you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others. Tryon Edwards We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own. Ben Sweetland
tbeat3@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
ANC Youth League congratulates Matriculants
The ANCYL congratulated the Class of 2012 on their matriculation results and called attention to some enduring problems in the school system that the league feels should be addressed. Photo: Supplied Lizzy Bapela Executive committee members of the ANC Youth League in Limpopo offered a congratulatory message to the Matric class of 2012. The league said that South Africa is a developing country that still lacks skills and qualities that need to be improved to develop the country. Provincial spokesperson for the league, Klaas Mabunda, said that the realisation of these ideals requires education as a building block; with balanced implementable vision. He said the country requires an academic excellent generation with determined instincts to pursue a generational mission in the creation of economically viable communities, where government is less depended on. “The learning and teaching commitment during the learning year 2012 has finally paid up, although results to are not yet completely satisfying,” he said. “Our schools require members of society to assist in the reinstalling of the culture of learning. They must ensure that our schools are not reduced to areas of declining moral values, considering the teenage pregnancy rate, the deteriorating relationship between learners and educators and the vandalism to school property,” he said. Missed classes and illiteracy Mabunda said major concerns are the looting of school furniture and missed classes, mainly due to drug abuse and child labour. The league feels that these problems lead to housebreakings and associating with random crime. Mabunda said that a life lived without
the ability to read or write leaves the people vulnerable to underdevelopment. He said that, considering the growing scourge illiteracy, and all the dangers it havens, it is important for all structures in the society to build in coalition with the South African Police Services. He said this is to ensure that every child due to go to school is made to do so and monitoring measures are put in place, throughout the year, to ensure that these children do not default from attending school. Tertiary registration The league welcomes the sterling performance of Grade 12 learners across the country, but also feels it is imperative that student bodies at universities should ensure that the admission and registration of students is made easy. Mabunda referred particularly to the South African Student Congress (SASCO) and branches of the ANCYL, saying they should ensure that aiding offices are accessible at all times. “We wish every learner well and urge them to continue working hard as the improvement of their socio-economic statuses are dependant on them not anybody else.” “We insist that the Department of Basic Education budget more for the compensation of employees in order to appoint more teachers. We also want the department to build quality schools to avoid depressing learning and teaching environments,” Mabunda said. The league called on the private sector to help with bursaries and the donation of school uniforms and stationery to all disadvantaged learners and to adopt needy schools and orphanages.
tbeat3@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
11 January, 2013
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Congress of the People on children’s deaths at hospital Lizzy Bapela
Limpopo MEC for Health, Dr Norman Mabasa, was reported to have visited the hospital unannounced. Mabasa has ordered a commission of inquiry into the deaths of the four babies at the George Masebe Hospital. Photo: Supplied
Congress of the People (COPE) in Limpopo expressed great concern about the fact that four children passed away at George Masebe Hospital in Mogalakwena, Waterberg District. The incidents were broadcasted during the SABC TV primetime news on Sunday, 6 January. Media reports indicated that the babies had died between Thursday, 3 January, and Saturday, 5 January, as a result of the shortage of doctors. Limpopo MEC for Health, Dr Norman Mabasa, was reported to have visited the hospital unannounced following the worrying incidents. COPE’s acting provincial chairperson, Patrick Sikhutshi, said that many of the people across the province are exposed to poor services by the various health facilities of the Department of Health in the province. He said that courageous health personnel, such as Dr Mashilo Kgathi, are commended for standing firm on their Hippocratic Oath.
“If all health personnel, doctors and nurses could stand firm and speak for the patients and the conditions under which they work, we hope this department can start to realise the important role played by these professionals.” “These children died from treatable diseases and their deaths could have been avoided if doctors did what is expected of them,” he said. COPE regards failing to visit children in their wards as a serious crime. Sikhutshi said that the affected families should open cases of negligence and manslaughter against the doctors, the Chief Executive Officer, the Hospital Board, the MEC and the premier. He said that COPE takes note that this exercise will not bring the deceased’s loved ones back to life, but it will bring the department to its senses so that all patients will be treated accordingly. “Life comes once and should be respected at all costs. The call by the Department of Health in Limpopo that they can not hold anyone responsible until investigations are conducted and completed
is uncalled for,” he concluded. It was reported in the national media that MEC Mabasa has ordered a commission of inquiry into the deaths of the four babies at the George Masebe Hospital. He was reported saying the commission should establish how many doctors were supposed to be on duty and how many were in fact on duty at the time of the deaths. The reports also states that MEC Mabasa interrogated the hospital management and demanded a detailed report indicating what had happened to each baby. He added the commission should find out if the deaths are linked to the shortages of doctors, negligence or diseases and the inquiry should be completed within a week. The hospital has 38 funded posts for doctors but has only eight doctors and MEC Mabasa pledged to find the underlying cause of the matter. On enquiry at the provincial Department of Health, The BEAT was told communications officials were attending a meeting at the hospital, apparently about the incident.
Dangerously neglected sports facilities has athletes worried
The uneven surface of the netball courts could lead to players being injured if they stepped in a hole during the heat of the game. Photo: TK Mashaba
TK Mashaba The sporting facilities in the Bela Bela Township are in a terrible state of disrepair that could threaten the safety of players. The BEAT visited the netball grounds at the Bela Bela Sport Centre this week. This is the training grounds of local netball team, Sizwe Stars. “The sport facilities have not been serviced in a long time and now poses a danger to the users of the facilities,” said Sizwe Mokgohloa, of Sizwe Stars. “We say we have councillors and lead-
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ers, but they do not care about sports at all, “he fumed. The netball courts are in a bad state. The fence is falling over because the poles, that are supposed to hold it up, are old and rusted. The pitch is so badly damaged and uneven, that players could easily be injured. “We have experienced many injuries on that court last year and we do not want a repeat of that in the coming year,” Mokgohloa said. The BEAT previously covered the decay of the sport facilities in 2012 and, at the
time, Matome Sebelebele, communica- the general public,” Sebelebele concluded. tions officer of the Bela Bela municipality, Mokgohloa believes that the municipalsaid that the repairs of the ity is failing the community. “We sports facilities were on the try to use sport as a positive back burner due to budgeting means to keep children from “The municiissues. pregnancy, alcohol and drugs. pality acSebelebele explained that Al we get in return is poor servthere was no money available ice delivery,” he said. knowledge for upgrading recreational facili“I do not remember ever seethe bad state ties and that the problem could ing a councillor taking the time that the only be addressed in two to visit the premises and to netball and year’s time. come and see how the children The BEAT spoke to are doing here. It is disappointtennis courts Sebelebele again this week ing,” Mokgohloa concluded. are in...” and he commented on the isSizwe Stars netball team is a sue. local team that is doing very “The municipality acknowlwell on provincial and national edge the bad state that the netball and level. Currently they cannot host any visitennis courts are in and we have identified tors at their home grounds due to the danthe upgrading of the facilities at the Sport ger posed. Centre at the Community Hall as a project for the 2013/ 2014 financial year.,” he said. Algemene Praktisyns / General Practitioners “We wish to assure the community that the facilities will Dr. V.G. Emslie Dr. T.M. De Jonge certainly be upNa-ure MB.Ch.B(Pret) MB.Ch.B(UP) graded and we call Nr. 0332747 Nr. 0380342 in people to refrain After Hours (014) 736-5616 (h) (014) 736-3019 (h) from using the facili014 736 2032/3 082 490 6242 082 450 8411 ties for now, as it ABSA Bosveld Pick ’n Pay Sentrum Tel: (014) 736-2032/3 Postnet Suite 80 poses a danger to
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Faks: (014) 736-4809
Privaatsak X1604 Bela-Bela 0480
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11 January, 2013
COSAS against result publication in newspapers
tbeat3@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Waterberg activist emerges as COSAS chair
“We had to deal with cases in the past, where learners committed suicide because their names did not appear among the other successful candidates in the newspapers...”
COSAS secretary for the Waterberg region, Abram Mohlake said that there are many other things that could be done with the money that the Department of Education use to publish the results in national newspapers. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba The Congress of South African Students (COSAS) voiced their objections against the publication of matric results in newspapers. The student organisation feels that the publication of results is a violation of the individual human rights of students. The BEAT spoke to the COSAS secretary for the Waterberg region, Abram
Mohlake. “We have come to the conclusion that the publication of results in the newspapers must stop, because it violates the student’s right to privacy,” he said. Mohlake said that there are many other things that could be done with the money that the Department of Education use to publish the results in national newspapers. “We still need curriculum advisers and, in that regard, I think the department should consider doing something pro-active, instead of wasting money on printed results,” he explained. Mohlake voiced the concern of COSAS about the dangers of escalating pressure on learners after they cannot find their names in the papers. “We had to deal with cases in the past, where learners committed suicide because their names did not appear among the other successful candidates in the newspapers. Later we found out that they did pass, but that their names were left out by mistake,” he said. Mohlake said that COSAS gave the Department of Education until February to respond to the memorandum that the organisation handed over. The BEAT asked Mohlake whether the delivery of textbooks were on schedule. He said that COSAS would conduct site visits to the schools in the district to see if the books arrived on time. “I have faith that things will go smoothly this year,” he concluded.
Tebogo Nkomane, from Vaalwater, was elected the new chairperson of COSAS in Limpopo. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela A Vaalwater based young political activist, Tebogo Nkomane, embraces
his appointment by the Congress of South African Students (COSAS) as chairperson of the organisation in Limpopo. Nkomane was elected during the organisation’s provincial elective conference that took place in December 2012 at the Mokopane FET College. He succeeds Shoki Masha, from the Sekhukhune District, who is now the organisation’s deputy secretary general. Nkomane thanked all the delegates who attended the conference and participated in the voting session. “I am thankful to all the members and delegates who saw the potential in me and elected me to chair the organisation in the province.” “I mostly thank members from my branch, Mabatlane in Vaalwater, and those from the Govan Mbeki (Waterberg) District,” he said. We will ensure the development of the organisation and the success of its activities, working with the outgoing committee. We will always engage them in the activities and seek f o r a d v i c e w h e r e n e c e s s a r y, ” Nkomane pledged. Nkomane also wished all the Matriculants who passed, especially those who passed with flying colours, well. He encouraged all the learners who failed to go back to school and work harder to make sure they succeed this year.
Learners of the first ever Grade R class of Little Darling Pre-School
Getty Manamela and Mathapelo Khoza boosted about how happy they are to start school this year. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
Heorapetse Langa and Adedamola Adebanjo feel proud and happy to start school. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
Kgothatso Ndlovu and Junior Manganyi looked like they know their story very well. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
Grade R learner Amogelang Ledwaba cuddled up her crying little sister who is in Grade 0. Photo: Lizzy Bapela
Nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose— a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye. Mary Shelley Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash. George S. Patton
tbeat3@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
11 January, 2013
Back to school, back to reality After a long and enjoyable summer holiday, it is time for everybody to return to school and work. Routine takes the place of leisure. It is no wonder that people tend to suffer from post holiday blues after the break. Although we feel rested and ready for work, somehow we would rather have one more day of rest. Plan something to look forward to. It will take your mind off the fact that the holidays are over, and it will give you something new to be excited about. At the beginning of each year, new learners walk through the gates of the primary schools to start their school careers. The first day of school is an important milestone in a child’s life, but it can also be a bit of an emotional roller coaster, both for parents and children. There is no escaping the fact that the first day of school can be crazy. If your child cries when you leave them, do not panic. An important note: do not disappear; always tell your child you are going and that you will be back. The teacher will advise you what to do and is very experienced in this regard. First year students will also begin the new phase in their academic careers in January. For many, this means leaving home and having to act like an adult. What you do in your first year of college or university can have a big impact on the rest of your learning years, not to mention on the rest of your life. A few missteps might be possible to undo later on, but too many wrong moves and you might well find it impossible to recover later. Blow off too many classes, for example, and your grades will suffer. Do poorly enough, and you might find yourself thrown out come the end of the school year. It does not have to be that way. Your first year does not have to be an endless drudge, either. What is important right now is not that you bury yourself in schoolwork until you sweat knowledge, but to establish a healthy balance of academic work, social activity, and living. Balance is the secret. When you get back to work, do not immediately throw yourself at the toughest, hairiest most complicated tasks you have. Ease into work by doing something easy and simple. Be kind to yourself and embrace the madness at the beginning of the year. Cheers to the New Year and another chance for us to get it right.
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After a long day of playing hard, there is nothing like a nap with your favourite pet watching over you. Photo: Supplied.
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Leadership we need in 2013 Bishop Silas Tlou God wants us to focus on responsibility not rights, on service, not power. God does not come to take sides, He comes to take charge. He wants to take charge in every area of our lives. Solomon’s teachings motivate us to grow and improve as a leader. Wisdom: Proverbs 8:15 – “By my power kings govern, and rulers make laws that are fair.” Proverbs 20:8 – “When a king sits on his throne to judge, he winnows out all evil with his eyes.” All leaders must have God’s wisdom. Jesus himself was filled with God’s wisdom and grace (Luke 2:40). Wisdom is different from mere knowledge. The wise leader can see farther than others. His spiritual discernment is what sets him apart as God’s leader. Integrity: Proverbs 16:12 – “Kings detest wrongdoing, for a throne is established through righteousness.” Proverbs 29:4 – “By justice a king gives a country stability, but those who are greedy for bribes tear it down.” Personal integrity is demonstrated by who we are and what we do when no one is looking. Choosing between your relationship with Jesus and large salary is a matter of integrity! Love: Proverbs 20:28 – “Love and faithfulness keep a king safe; through love his throne is made secure.” How we love is more important than what we know or achieve. The Pharisees in Jesus’ day were religious but unloving. People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. Self Control: Proverbs 28:15 – “A ruler who mistreats the poor is like a roaring lion or a bear hunting for food.” The leader who cannot control himself will not be able to command the respect of those he leads. Compassion: Proverbs 29:14 – “If a king judges the poor with fairness, his throne will always be secure.” Jesus is the ultimate model of taking time for the poor, the outcasts, and children. He was naturally drawn to the weak that needed an advocate. That is why James teaches us that pure faith is to look after orphans and widows in their distress. Seeking good advice: Proverbs 11:14 – “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure.” Proverbs 25:4, 5 – “Remove the dross from silver and out comes material for the silversmith; remove the wicked from the king’s presence, and his throne will be established through righteousness.” Every effective leader needs advice and seeks advice. The ability to listen to the advice of others is the mark of a great leader. Every great leader needs trusted advisers Awareness of influence: Proverbs 29:2 – “When the righteous thrive, people rejoice; when the wicked rule, people groan.” In almost every era, no country has been able to rise above its leaders. For better or worse, people become like those they follow. When Christ entered the world he said, here I am O Lord; I have come to do your will. This is the most important characteristic of a good leader.
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LEGALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of the late Gideon Francoise Maximillian Krause ID: 501009 5009 084 Formerly of Apiesdoring street 25 Bela Bela 0480 who died on 16 October 2012. ESTATE NO: 9512/2012 All persons having claims against the abovementioned Estate are required to lodge their claims with the undersigned within 30 (thirty) days after the date of publication hereof. ATTO R N E Y F O R E X ECUTRIX LANSER &WILLIAMS M J BEATSON 16 Sutter road, P O Box 18, Bela Bela, 0408. TEL: 014 736 2216/7 NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA ( N O RT H GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA) Case no: 35517/2012 In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED P L A I N T I F F a n d G E RT PETRUS JOHANNES GREYVENSTEYN 1ST DEFENDENT ID No:560602 5045 088 ADRIANA B E AT R I X GREYVENSTEYN 2ND DEFENDENT ID 551228 0024 083 Persuant to a Judgement granted by this honourable court on 20 September 2012 and a warrant of execution, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution by the sheriff of the high court, Waterberg on Thursday the 24th day of January 2013, at 11H00 in front of the Magistrate’s office, van Emmenis street Modimolle , Limpopo Province, to the highest biddder: Portion 84 (A portion of portion 13) of the farm Buffelspoort 421, Registration Division K.R. Limpopo Province. Street address: 84 Leopards Rock, Nylstroom, Limpopo Province Measuring: 1,6484 (one comma six four eight four) hectares and held by defendants in terms of deed of transfer no: T70603/2005 Improvements are: Vacant Land No warranties regarding description, extent or improvements are given. The conditions of sale to be read out by the sheriff of the high court at the time of the sale and will be available for inspection at the offices of the sheriff, Waterberg, 50 Alfred Nzo street, Modimolle, Limpopo Province. Dated at Pretoria on the 5th day of December 2012. VAN ZYL LE ROUX INC PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEYS Monument Office Park 71 Steenbok Avenue, First Floor, Block 3, Monument Park. Pretoria. P O Box 974, Pretoria, 0001 DOCEX 97, Pretoria. TEL: 012 435 9444 FAX: 012 435 9555 REF: 411216/E NIMAND/ MN NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR REINSTATEMENT OF COMPANIES Take note that I Mr Lucio Carrozzo intends to apply to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission for the re-instatement of Indabushee Game Lodge (Pty) Ltd 2002/031246/07 and Indabushee Investments 2003/031814/07 within 21 days after publication of this notice. Our reference Lucio Carrozzo. Te l : 0 11 4 1 7 7 9 0 0 , lucio@smac.co.za (18/1). ESTATE NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF THE L AT E H I L B E RT WELHELM DURRHEIM ID: 340228 5020 082 of Sekelbossingel 25 Bosveldsig Modimolle. Date of death: 25 June 2012 Estate number: 12181/12. Kindly take notice that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie
11 January, 2013 for inspection for a period of 21 days from date of publication hereof at the Office of the Master of the High Court, Pretoria and at the office of the Magistrate, Bela Bela. ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTOR/EXECUTRIX LANSER & WILLIAMS M J BEATSON 16 Sutter Road, P O Box 18, Bela Bela, 0480. Tel: 014 736 2216/7 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executores will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Registered number of estate 8035/10. Surname TLOAELA, Christian names SETENKOLA JACK. ID: 580714 5388 081. Christian names and surname of surviving spouse DIMAKATSHO ANNAH TLHOAELA. ID: 591107 0737 088. Description of account other than First and Final. First and Final Liquidation. Period of inspection other than 21 days 40 days. Magistrate’s Office Themba, Master’s Office Pretoria. MOLOTO ATTORNEY’S, P O Box 1173, Bela Bela, 0480. Tel: 014 736 4387. REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 APPLICATION FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE CONDITIONS OF TITLE OF REMAINING EXTENT OF THE FARM KLIPHEUVEL NO. 40, K.R., NORTHERN PROVINCE AND REMAINING EXTENT OF THE FA R M BUFFELSHOEK NO.41 K.R., NORTHERN PROVINCE Notice is hereby given that application has been made in terms of section 3 (1) of the Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967, by Kgama EcoRanch Proprietary Limited, Registration Number 1989/ 006354/07 (formerly Hartebeestspruit Saamstaan Boerdery Eiendoms Beperk), the registered owner of the abovementioned properties for the removal of the condition. Notarial Tie Agreement No. K3324/2006, which ties Remaining Extent of the Farm Klipheuvel 40, situated at Kgama EcoRanch, to Remaining Extent of the Farm Buffelshoek No. 41 K.R., Northern Province, in the following deeds T96551/2000 in respect of Remaining Extent of the Farm Klipheuvel No.40 K.R., Northern Province and T18243/2001 in respect of Remaining Extent of the Farm Buffelshoek No.41 K.R., Northern Province) to perment the sale and transfer of the remaining extent of the farm Klipheuvel no 40 K. R., Northern Province (separately from die Remaining Extent of the Farm Buffelshoek No 41, K.R. norther Province). The application and the relevant documents are open for inspection at the office of the Deputy DirectorGeneral, Limpopo Province, Department of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs, Hensa Towers, 3rd Floor, 20 Rabie Street, Polokwane, Limpopo and the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, O.R., Thambo Square, Harry Gwala Street, Modimolle until 31 January 2013.
tbeat3@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Why do we make New Year’s resolutions?
New Year’s resolutions are commitments that individuals make, at the beginning of the year, to improve their lives and boost their happiness. Photo: Supplied A New Year’s resolution is a promise that a person makes to reach one or more personal goals or to reform a habit. A crucial element to a New Year’s resolution, that sets it apart from other resolutions, is that it is made in hope of new beginnings. People committing themselves to a New Year’s resolution normally plan
to do so for the following year. was focused on good works: she resolved The tradition of making resolutions goes to become less self centred, more helpful, back thousands of years. The ancient a more diligent worker, and to improve her Babylonians made promises to their gods internal character. at the start of each year that they would At the end of the 20th century, the typireturn borrowed objects and pay their cal teenage girl’s resolution is focused on debts. good looks: she wants to improve her body, The Romans began each hairstyle, makeup, and clothyear by making promises to ing. the god Janus. That is where According to Frank Ra, au“Undertakings the month of January gets its thor of A Course in Happiness, are more name. “Undertakings are more sussustainable New Year’s resolutions are tainable when shared, both in famous for being broken. terms of with whom you share when shared, Most people start the year the benefits of your resolution, both in terms with the best of intentions, but and with whom you share the of with whom their willpower soon fails path of maintaining your resoyou share the them. A study the University lution. Peer-support makes a of Bristol, including 3 000 peodifference in success rate with benefits of ple, showed that 88% of those new year’s resolutions.” your resoluwho set New Year resolutions Pledges are a personal issue tion...” fail. and differ from individual to inThe nature of New Year’s dividual. They range from the resolutions has changed durphysical, like going on a diet, ing the last decades, with many resolu- to the spiritual, like praying more, and the tions being more superficial and appear- financial, like starting a business. ance-oriented than in previous times. Popular resolutions include eating healthy, A study by Joan Jacobs Bromberg, found exercising more, getting out of debt, spendthat, at the end of the 19th century, a typi- ing more time with the family and making cal teenage girl’s New Year’s resolution more friends.
Ratang Batho Home of Fun will tickle your ribs Tebogo Mphiwe was all smiles and ready for action on the first day of school. This little one is certainly ready to face the world at Mmamakwa Primary School. Photo: TK Mashaba.
Beautiful Tshepiso Mohlake poses for the camera on her first day of Grade R at Mmamakwa Primary School. Photo: TK Mashaba. Jan Baloyi and Lazarus Badimo are the founding members of Ratang Batho Home of Fun. Photo: Mzamane Ringane in drama, dance and poetry. Mzamane Ringane We have seven members The Beat had a chat with two who have great talent and our Modimolle comedians who dream is to be successful are part of a group formerly and to be known all over known as Jaiva Snajo, now South Africa,” said Badimo. The young comedians say dubbed Ratang Batho Home they are influenced by watchof Fun. Whenever the group per- ing other comedians who are forms in any event, their au- already in the industry. “I started performing comdience is always guaranteed edy while I was still in pria good laugh. Ratang Batho Home of Fun mary school, and people is a collective of local come- responded well to my perdians who are enthusiastic to formances. Comedy is my make it big in the world of life, everyday is a funny day for me,” said Baloyi. entertainment. The group is recognised Founding members, Lazarus Badimo and Jan by many local residents in Baloyi, told The Beat that the Waterberg region, and their main goal is to be rec- they have already performed outside the provognised countrywide. “Our group also specialises ince.
tbeat3@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
11 January, 2013
BBEAG give Bela Bela schools a thumbs-up
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Itireleng High happy with results
“We would like to congratulate the learners and teachers of Bela Bela High School for the dramatic improvement in their results,”
Tshepo Matjila, pioneer of the Bela Bela Education Advocacy Group. Photo: Supplied TK Mashaba The Bela Bela Education Advocacy Group (BBEAG) is proud of the 2012 matriculation results, especially those of the public schools in Bela Bela. Tshepo Matjila, BBEAG member in charge of marketing and sponsorships, told The BEAT that they are extremely excited about the improvement in results from Bela Bela High School. “We would like to congratulate the learners and teachers of Bela Bela High School
for the dramatic improvement in their results,” he said. Bela Bela High School boasts a 71% pass rate for 2012, compared to the 35% of the previous year. “This great improvement shows what is possible when learners and teachers are committed to a cause, with the foundations in place,” Matjila said. Matjila said that the BBEAG is also encouraged by the steady improvement in the annual matric pass rate at Raeleng High School. Raeleng achieved a 40% pass rate, compared to a 35, 7% pass rate in 2011. In 2009, Raeleng High School made headlines for all the wrong reasons when their matric pass rate for that year was 0%. “Congratulations to the learners who passed and to the personnel for all their hard work,” Matjila said. Matjila explained that the BBEAG also wanted to voice their concern over the performance drop that Maope Senior Secondary School experienced. “The drop to a 61% pass rate, from 73, 9% in 2011, shows that something is lost, that was gained in recent years. However, the BBEAG supports the leadership of principal, Naomi Sono, and we are confident in our absolute belief that she will turn things around this year,” he said. Matjila ended the interview with a message to all the students who were in Grade 12 in 2012. “Congratulations to the class of 2012. May they continue to work hard in the following years, after school, and make us proud. To those who did not make it, 2013 is a fresh opportunity to start again and make amends.”
Training in process for Sizwe All Stars netball team. This local team is sure to make waves in 2013 with their excellent skills. Photo TK: Mashaba
January is the peak time for exercising. Here are the Vikings Basket Ball players sweating hard at training. Photo: TK Mashaba
Itireleng High School learners celebrate after getting their matric results. Photo: Supplied TK Mashaba While the Class of 2012 celebrates the matric results, Itireleng High School, in Rooiberg, is particularly happy with their improved results. The small school, which had only ten learners in Grade 12 last year, pushed their pass rate up to 75% from the 73% that they achieved in 2011. Headmaster, Ali Pole, expressed his feelings about the previous year. He said that the school experienced a good year, even if they did not reach all the goals and targets that they set for themselves. “My learners found the extra morning classes, winter school classes and the
Karabo Makwela is eager to begin the first day of “big school”. Mmamakwa Primary School welcomed the Grade R learners into the fold. Photo: TK Mashaba
learning camp at Frikkie Meyer High School, in Thabazimbi, very helpful when preparing for the exams,” he said. “There is much to be done this year to reach our goals, because we are aiming at a 100% pass rate,” Pole explained. Nella Botha, Pontsho Mashaba and Edith Malapane achieved exemptions in Life Orientation. Nine learners achieved a pass in English, Accounting, Tourism, Maths Literacy and Life Orientation. The nine students who passed are Nella Botha, Pontsho Mashaba, Sello Mataboge, Annah Mmekwa, Joel Khoza, Stevens Molefe, Evelyn Mataboge, Bella Lefoka and Edith Malapane.
Martin Zimba takes his first day in Grade R, at Mmamakwa Primary School, very seriously. Photo: TK Mashaba. Poor little Phanuel Zimba could not stop the tears when he had to face the big world on his first day in Grade R at Mmamakwa Primary School. Photo: TK Mashaba
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11 January, 2013
tbeat3@gmail.com, Website: thebeat.linmedia.co.za
Run Boikie Run Sport Academy expanding to include swimming
Boikie Monareng with Arnu Fourie, Paralympics gold medal winner. Photo: Supplied
Sepeke Manamela (second from right) handed over a floating trophy to the winning captain, Absalom Phago (second from left). Ama-Tuks players Thokozani Sekotlong (left) and Aubrey Mngoma also graced the tournament. Photo supplied
Ama-Tuks congratulate tournament winners Lizzy Bapela
TK Mashaba Well known Bela Bela based medal collector and sport personality, Boikie Monareng, is an athlete with a passion for all sport. Monareng, founder of the Run Boikie Run Sport Academy, competes in running, cycling and swimming events. To add to his busy schedule, Monareng is now embarking on a project to build a swimming pool in the Bela Bela Township where children from disadvantaged households can learn to swim. Monareng told The BEAT that he is quite keen to add swimming to the sports activities at the Run Boikie Run Academy. “I have always wanted disadvantaged children to learn to swim from an early age,”
Two players from Pretoria University (AmaTuks) congratulated winners of the 2012 Sepeke Manamela Tournament. The team’s striker, Thokozani Sekotlong, and mid-fielder, Aubrey Mngoma, graced the charity games that took place at Modimolle’s Ephriam Mogale stadium from Monday 24- to Saturday 29 December 2012. The two accompanied their teammate, Sepeke Manamela, in awarding the winners, All Stars, from Modimolle, Manamela’s hometown. The games began with 16 teams playing against each other and in the first round Juventus beat Arsenal 3-2, All Stars beat Home Defenders 3-0 and Mamelodi Vultures beat Radium 5-2. Napoli drew 2-2 with Sosha Gasp ad won 4-2 in penalties, while Sosha Inspiration also drew 2-2 with Real Madrid and beat them 4-3 in penalties. Mpho Sports Academy beat Bela Bela FC 4-3, Manong FC beat Coke FC 3-2 and rolled and played again with Happy Boys, also beating them 3-2. In the quarter finals Mamelodi Vultures beat Arsenal 3-1 and All Stars beat Napoli 3-1. Sosha Inspiration beat Mpho Sports Academy 3-2, while Juventus also beat Manong FC 3-2. Sosha Inspiration
he said. Monareng is currently talking to the Bela Bela municipality to secure a piece of land where a swimming pool can be built. As soon as the pool is built, swimming lessons will start in earnest, he said. Monareng said that he is always very upset when he hears that a child has died due to drowning. “If children could learn how to swim, tragedies like that can be avoided,” he said. The Run Boikie Run Academy had a full year in 2012. The academy hosted a successful fun run in the township, a street boxing tournament and took a group of young athletes to the Comrades Marathon to experience this iconic race. Monareng said that he has many new projects in the pipeline. “I have secured a sponsorship from USN Training Products,” he said. “The new sponsorship boosted my morale and I also receive a lot of support from local businessman, Fred van Heerden,” Monareng concluded.
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gave Mamelodi Vultures a whipping of 4 goals to 1, while All Stars did almost the same with 3-0 against Juventus. Mamelodi Vultures drew with Juventus in the losers final and won 4-2 in the penalties. All Stars proved to deserve the champions’ title when they gave Sosha Inspiration a cruel whipping of 8-1 in goals. The 2012 champions All Stars walked away with a trophy, gold medals, soccer kit and R7 000. The runners-up Sosha Inspiration got silver medals and R3 500 and the number 3 team Mamelodi Vultures got bronze medals and R2 000. Captain of the champions, Absalom Phago, was honoured to be called to receive prizes for his team and interacted with the Ama-Tuks players. He thanked Manamela for the opportunity he gave them. Manamela also congratulated the winners and extended his gratitude to all the teams for honouring the invitation to participate in the tournament. “It makes me proud to receive support from my home town and I feel honoured to see teams from as far as Mamelodi and Soshanguve also coming to take part. We hope for such respond and even more in the next coming games, as we aim to help even more learners with the proceeds made from the tournament,” he said. Committee members of the Sepeke Manamela Foundation are expected to distribute donations of school uniform to learners from disadvantaged families in February.
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Man of the moment, Sepeke Manamela, in action. Photo supplied