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Officer arrested for
aiding escape Lizzy Bapela Modimolle police officer Warrant Officer Elias Mothloki (56) was arrested on charges of corruption on Thursday, 5 May. Mothloki is accused of aiding in the escape of thirteen prisoners awaiting trial who escaped from the Modimolle Police’s holding cells on Tuesday, 15 March. Nine of the thirteen prisoners have been recaptured so far, leaving four still at large.
Warrant Officer James Findlay, police spokesperson, said that the
recaptured prisoners accused Mothloki of helping them to escape. They said that the officer was paid R5 500 and R1 500 respectively, from two different groups of prisoners for his alleged assistance which included providing them with side cutters and saw blades used in the escape. Mothloki was released on R1 500 bail when he appeared before the Modimolle Magistrate’s Court on the day of his arrest. He was ordered to appear before the court again on Friday, 3 June. Findlay said that Mothloki is on leave pending internal investigations. He was arrested on thirteen counts of aiding and abetting, as well as two charges of corruption. Mothloki has been working at the Modimolle police station for more than 15 years. Because Mothloki’s cellphones and his personal vehicle were seized as part of the investigation, The BEAT was not able to contact him for comment on the situation. The search for the remaining four suspects continues. Given Mogashone, Dennis Jove, Forgive Mgube, and Collin Muleya were all originally arrested for armed robbery.
Warrant Officer Elias Mothloki of the Modimolle police was recently arrested for allegedly helping prisoners escape. Photo supplied
Fifth baby found at sewerage
13 May
Five men arrested
Page 2 illegal immigrants
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ANC holds rally in Vaalwater Page 4
Marathon runners not dismayed by winter chill
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