The Beat 13 September 2013

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13 September 2013

A bad week on the roads

The two cars that collided near Klein Kariba on 4 September 2013. Photo: TK Mashaba. Story on page 4...

Department of Education reorganizes schools

Pg 4

Spring celebration

floods park

Pg 7

Siwelele FC promoted to SAB League

Pg 8

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13 September, 2013, Website:

Drivers robbed in Mookgophong due to rocks on the road Justin Steyn Police in Mookgophong have noticed a growing trend involving armed robbery on their roads. Warrant officer George Ledwaba, of the Mookgophong police told The BEAT that they had received a large amount of complaints where drivers who were travelling on the N1, on route to Mookgopong, were forced to stop on the side of the road as big rocks were blocking the vehicle’s path. “The police are investigating a lot of complaints coming from the public where

they have become victims of common or armed robbery as they travel towards Mookgophong. The victims told us that big rocks were blocking the path of their vehicles forcing them to climb out and move the rocks where they then get robbed” he said. It is suspected that the criminals who commit the crimes remain hidden in the long grass close to where the rocks are placed and as soon as the driver of the vehicle exits to investigate the matter a robbery is taking place. Ledwaba said that no arrests have been made as yet but the matter is under

intense investigation due to the growing nature of the problem. He also urges passengers to remain in their vehicles and to find an alternative route if any strange items such as tyres and rocks are found on the road. “When you are travelling on the road and large items are blocking your path avoid that road and find an alternative route as quickly as possible. It is vital that the police be notified of roads that have been blocked off so that we can conduct an immediate investigation” said Ledwaba.

Department of Labour and mining hope to curb unemployment Lizzy Bapela Residents of Mokopane can expect to benefit from a huge employment opportunity coming to their area in 2014. Plantreef Resources plans to open a new mine in the area. The company will be collaborating with the Limpopo Department of Labour in their quest to help fight the issue of unemployment in the area. Job seekers in the area are waiting in anticipation for this huge employment opportunity coming their way. The department indicated that there is growing confidence on the use of the Employment Services of South Africa (ESSA) system from both potential employers and job seekers as compared to previously. ESSA is the departmental system where job seekers register their Curriculum Vitaes (CVs) to be matched with employment opportunities registered by various employers. The company gave the department hope when they requested help from them in their mass recruitment drive. Deputy Director for Public Employment Services in the department Joyce Mathume said that the department’s officials have literally been living in their suitcases as they move between over 17 villages in and around Mokopane area since the beginning of August. These villages include amongst others Moshate, Madiba, Marken, Masodi and Mahwelereng. Mathume said that this was done in the department’s quest to register as many job-seekers as possible and also urge them to leverage on this opportunity. Job seekers were interviewed during the registration process and many praised the initiative, saying that it will be an answer to their dreams should it come to pass, as they have been looking for jobs for quite some time. One job-seeker said that this has come just at the right time particularly as he has just completed his studies in Mining Engineering and he will look no further in his job hunt. Earlier this year Statistics South Africa revealed that the unemployment rate in the country is sitting at 25%, most of which are young people with necessary qualifications and in job training. Limpopo provincial head of the Labour Department Albert Tshidavhu said that the figure is quite high indeed. He added that the situation is more dire if one zooms in the province but the project will make serious strides in the fight against unemployment. Mathume indicated that this goes to show that indeed the department’s ESSA system works properly. “We hope that other potential employers would see this as motivation and start to make use of it,” she said., Website:

13 September, 2013


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IEC registration underway this weekend TK Mashaba The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) is embarking on a campaign of targeted communication and registration over the weekend of the 13th to the 15th of September 2013 in preparation for the 2014 National and Provincial elections. The aim of the project is to target newly created voting stations and wards that have low registration figures. Fieldworkers have been appointed to conduct door-todoor registration in various areas. The targeted wards and voting stations are Ward 1, Ward 4, Extension 5, Extension 6, Extension 8, Ward 7 and Ward 9. Mafa Netshivhambe pleaded with citizens to cooperate with field workers during the registration process.

New Doctor in Town DR. TAC RAMASODI

GENERAL PRACTITIONER 17B Pretoria Road, between KFC and the Magistrates Office

Tel/Fax: 014 736 3801 /5126 CONSULTING HOURS: Monday - Friday: 08h30 - 17h00 Saturday: 08h30 - 13h00

13 September, 2013, Website:

Front page story...

Nine injured in crash near Bela Bela TK Mashaba th

On the evening of the 4 of September around 17H00, two cars collided between Klein Kariba and Emmarentia Geldenhuys. A mini Toyota truck from Clear Waters collided with a red Nissan bakkie and went off the road. The bakkie was apparently filled with workers returning from their jobs. Nine people suffered serious injury and

were immediately taken to Bela Bela Hospital. According to Constable Glenda Manamela the cause of the accident is not known yet and investigations are continuing. A case of reckless driving has been opened. In a separate incident, a girl between the ages of 16 and 17 was found dead next to the R101 with her bags.

According to Manamela, it is suspected that the girl was thrown from a car. The body was found by travelers who had stopped to relieve themselves. The girl was taken to a mortuary. She was found wearing a white shirt, blue jeans and white sneakers. At the moment her next of kin are still unknown.

Department of Education plans to

shut down over 100 schools Justin Steyn

The Limpopo Education Department plans to merge 301 schools and close down 176 others. This will affect an estimated 53 000 pupils and nearly 2 000 teachers. Limpopo Education MEC Dikeledi Magadzi told the media on Wednesday, 4 September, that the decision is due to low enrolment at most of the affected schools. She said that the merges were proposed by communities in some instances. Kaalleegte Primary in Mokopane, situated in the Waterberg District, has five pupils and two teachers. Two other nearby schools, Mokii Primary and Schaaphok Primary, each have fewer than 20 pupils and a total of five teachers. The three schools will be merged with Sterkrivier Combined School, which has 79 pupils. Last year it was reported that only three of the nine matriculants had passed at the combined school. This was an improvement from the zero pass rate in 2011, when nine pupils wrote matric. Malimuwa Primary, which has eight pupils and one teacher, will merge with Soutpansberg Primary School in the Vhembe district. Magadzi said that some of the schools with low enrolment were separated only

Department of Education MEC Dikeledi Magadzi announced the merging of schools in Limpopo. Photo Supplied by a fence. She added that the inadequate number of teachers, multigrade teaching and many streams were major challenges that hampered the quality of teaching and learning. Magadzi is confident the merger will reduce the workload on teachers and improve the quality of teaching. The department has committed itself to providing transport for pupils forced to

travel long distances as a result of the merger. Magadzi explained that the SA Schools Act allowed affected parties to make presentations about the proposed mergers. “The act provides an opportunity to the school governing bodies of the identified schools and any other interested persons, who must be given not less than 90 days to make representations from the date of receipt of the notice,” she said. Department of Education spokesperson, Phuti Seloba, said none of the affected teachers would lose their jobs. However, some of the principals would be stripped of their positions. “That is why we are saying even those principals, definitely they will not lose their benefits, except the titles, which are insignificant,” said Seloba. It is not clear what will happen to the buildings at the schools to be closed. Magadzi said Public Works was the custodian of government buildings. Spokesperson for the Public Works Department, Pat Kgomo, said that a decision regarding the empty school buildings would be taken only after a full briefing from the Education Department. Pupils were expected to vacate schools earmarked for closure in January next year.

Labour inspectors receive top-notch refresher training Lizzy Bapela The Department of Labour’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspectors have recently received topnotch refresher training. The rigorous three-day training took place at the Bela Bela Forever Resorts from Tuesday, 20 August to Thursday, 22 August. Limpopo’s Departmental Spokesperson Johannes Mokou said that the training

will enable the inspectors to be equal to the task during inspections and be at a comparable footing with the world class standards. He said that the training exposed inspectors to the incident reporting procedures and investigation training. Several applications of Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) are among the things that the inspectors were also exposed to. During his address to the OHS students, the Limpopo Provincial Head of the Department Albert Tshidavhu compared the training with an eagle that regularly sharpens its nails in order to continue surviving in the jungle. “Occupational injuries and diseases are our enemies because the lives of the people are at stake. Make sure that you acquire as much information as possible during this training that will enable you to stop these anomalies at all costs. The training should also arm you as inspectors with the skills and abilities to prosecute the non-complying employers who want to hide behind a stick, while employees’ lives are threatened,” Tshidavhu said. He said that the surest recipe of causing chaos in the country is by postponing the prosecution of an employer who is not prepared to comply with OHSA and COIDA.

Jacob Mpulwane from Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases unit in the department said that they have decided to add COIDA training as part of the program. He said that the two go hand in hand and one cannot have OHS without COIDA. Part of the training also touched on issues such as inspection report writing, incident investigations, setting-up of health and safety representatives at workstations, applications of occupational hygiene and prosecution procedures. Health and Safety Inspector in the department Peter Mangale said he hoped that the inspectors are taking this training to heart. “I hope you realise that the health and safety of the workers in Limpopo are in your hands because when they see you they see a messiah. If we fail to properly investigate an incident, we fail not only the department, but the workers, especially the most vulnerable,” he said. He further said that the department wants to avoid in totality a repeat of the four terrible fatal incidents that took place between June and July, during which workers’ lives were lost. He added that the best mode to do this is through the inspectors., Website:


13 September, 2013

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Photo of the week Be the change America’s first black president, Barack Obama, once said, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” He’s a man who knows a little bit about change, is Barack Obama. When he was born, man had not yet walked on the moon. That wouldn’t happen for another eight years. When he was born, Martin Luther King had not yet delivered his famous speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial — that was still two years in the future. Think about that for a moment. When Barack Obama was born, the United States of America was as segregated as apartheid South Africa. When Barack Obama was born, the Internet had not been invented. For that matter, the computer I am writing this on would have looked like something out of science fiction to the men (not women, because when Barack Obama was born, women were not allowed in the armed forces) who sent Armstrong to the moon. When Barack Obama was born, the world was a different place. It’s often said that the past is another country, and it is. It’s a strange country and, for the most part, not a very nice one. But this man came out of that past and now, he is the President of the United States of America. The most powerful man in the world at this moment is a black man. A man who, several decades ago, would not have been allowed to sit on the same park bench as a white man. He never let anyone tell him that he couldn’t do it. His election motto, in fact, was “Yes, we can!” It echoes the words of another great man, who said “Be the change you want to see in the world.” (Ghandi). With election season coming up next year it is time to think carefully about what we want for our future. Do we want to have the same things we have now? Do we want to go on as we are? Or is it time to say that we are the ones we’ve been waiting on, man up and make the change? Is it time to be a little bit brave and stretch out our hands for the better future that could be ours if we only had the courage to reach for it? You decide.

The BEAT wants to hear from our readers. If you have a great story or something that you want us to bring to light, please email or send an SMS to one of our reporters: Lizzy: 072 264 7740, TK: 076 756 9740 or Justin: 072 388 8568 We would also LOVE to see some of your weird and wonderful photos for our editorial page. Do not delay, just contact us today!

A Positive life in a negative world Bishop Silas Tlou

Granny kicking a soccer ball during Golden Oldies games at Sunfa stadium. Photo: TK Mashaba.

Tel: (011) 447-1264/5/6

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If you don’t determine your priorities, other people or circumstances will choose them for you. One way to record goals and evaluate your path is to make a life wheel. Draw a circle on a large piece of paper. At its centre, draw a smaller ring and write “God” within it. Then divide the outside circle into four even sections. Label these “Family,” “Social/Recreational,” “Business,” and “Spiritual.” Next, identify goals for each area of your life. Find photos of your family and friends, or cut out magazine pictures, that represent your goals. For instance, someone who wants to spend more time with his wife and children would include pictures of his family spending time together. Draw a picture if you can’t find an image that fits your goal After you complete your wheel, put it in a place where you can refer to it often, such as inside a closet door. B. Why make a life wheel? It can help in five ways: 1. Visualization: The wheel is based on the goodness of God. Remind yourself always that “the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord” (Ps. 33:5). Ask the Lord to rule over your imagination and to provide a glimpse of His plan for you as well as the blessings He desires to give you. List at least one instance in which the Lord’s will for your life was better than what you would have chosen for yourself. 2. Expectation: The life wheel is based on the promises of our heavenly Father. As you visualize and identify your goals, you are in a better position to ask God specifically for what you truly desire and then to look for His answer or provision. 3. Motivation: Aim to see your life as the Father sees it, and then act on what He guides you to do. Many people believe that God isn’t personally interested in their lives. But He is. Look at the wheel you made. How many of your goals were prompted by the Lord’s guidance? How many sprang primarily from your desires? 4. Meditation: The wheel centres on submission to the Father. As you meditate on His Word, you learn more about the goodness of God and His plan for your life. 5. Realization: The Lord will faithfully guide you into all truth. What things in your life do you think the Father will use for your ultimate good, even if you can’t see His final purpose right now? Take a few moments to pray. Ask the Lord to reveal how He wants you to cooperate with Him in bringing about His good purposes in your life.

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SMALLS SHEEP for sale, for slaughter (meat) or pregnant. Weights 35 -55kg from R1100 - Bela Bela. 081 598 3576 or 082 785 4776

LEGALS NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION (IMMOVABLE PROPERTY) IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) CASE NO: 67810/2012 In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED Plaintiff and GERT LOUIS COETZEE N.O. and MARITA PETRONELLA COETZEE N.O. IN THEIR CAPACITY AS TRUSTEES OF COETZEE FAMILIE TRUST REG NUMBER: IT8153/2003 Defendant In execution of a judgement of the North Gauteng High Court Pretoria (Republic of South Africa) in the above action, a sale as a unit wthout a reserve price will be held by the Sheriff 25 September 2013, at 11H00 of the undermentioned property of the Defendants on the Conditions to be read by the Auctioneer at the time of the sale, which Conditions will lie for inspection prior to the sale at the offices of the Sheriff Bela Bela at 52 Robinson Avenue, Bela Bela. BEING: Erf 1421 Warmbaths Extension 21 township, registration division K.R., Limpopo Province Measuring 1090 (one thousand and ninety) square metres Held by deed of Transfer No. T158499/2004 specially executable; Subject to the terms and conditions therein contained and especially to the conditions of the Fish Eagle Bay Home Owners Association Physical Address: Erf 1421 Fish Eagle Bay Estate, Bela Bela The following information is furnished regarding the improvements, though in this respect nothing is guaranteed: A dwelling consisting of (not guaranteed) Vacant Stand In terms of Regulation 32 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 potential bidders must register in the bidder’s

13 September, 2013 record with the Sheriff, prior to the sale, which registration must meet the requirements of the regulations in terms of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, 38 of 2001. Dated at Pretoria this 26th day of August 2013. DELPORT VAN DEN BERG INC. Attorneys For Plaintiff Glen Manor Office Park 138 Frikkie De Beer Street Building 5, Menlyn Pretoria Tel: (012) 361 5001 Fax: (012) 361 6311 REF:EDDIE DU TOIT/ DDK /AHL0441 NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA) Case No: 20349/2013 In the matter between: ABSA BANK LIMITED Plaintiff and MARIA GERTRUIDA WILHEMINA VAN HEERDEN ID No. (520609 0055 086) 1st Defendant Persuant to a judgement granted by this Honourable Court on 29 July 2013 and a Warrant of Execution, the undermentioned property will be sold in execution by the Sheriff of the High Court, Waterberg on Thursday the 26th day of September 2013, at 11H00 in front of the Magistrate’s Office, van Emmenis Street, Modimolle, Limpopo Province, to the highest bidder without a reserve price: Portion 171 (Portion of Portion 148) of the farm Buffelspoort No. 421, Registration Division K.R., Limpopo Province Street Address: Portion 171 (Portion of Portion 148) of the farm Buffelspoort 421, Limpopo Province Measuring: 1,0879 (One comma zero eight seven nine) hectares and held by Defendant in terms of Deed of Transfer No. T33493/2011 Improvements are: Vacant Land No warranties regarding description, extent or improvements are given. The conditions of sale to be read out by the Sheriff of the High Court at the time of the sale and will be available for inspection at the offices of the Sheriff, Waterberg, 50 Alfred Nzo Street, Modimolle, Limpopo Province. Dated at Pretoria on this the 23rd day of August 2013. VAN ZYL LE ROUX INC

Plaintiff’s Attorneys Monument Office Park 71 Steenbok Avenue First Floor, Block 3 Monument Park, Pretoria P O Box 974, Pretoria, 0001 Docex 97, Pretoria Tel: (012) 435 9444 Fax: (012) 435 9555 REF: MAT30728/E NIMAND/MN NOTICE Two applications for mining permits, for aggregate, in terms of section 27 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) were lodged at the office of the Regional Manager, Mineral Regulation, Limpopo Region, Private Bag x 9467, Polokwane, 0700 in respect of the farm Leeuwpoort 554 KQ, District of Thabazimbi. PARTICULARS OF APPLICANT: Applicant: BRAVOSPACE 33 CC Address: P O Box 1 Leeuwpoort 0486 Tel No: 083 303 8080 File Ref No’s: LP30/5/1/3/ 2/10364MP, and 10365MP Any comments with regard to the relevant applications should be forwarded to the above address within 14 days from publishing of this notice. NOTICE Three applications for mining permits, for aggregate, in terms of section 27 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) were lodged at the office of the Regional Manager, Mineral Regulation, Limpopo Region, Private Bag x9467, Polokwane, 0700 in respect of the farm Leeuwpoort 554 KQ, District of Thabazimbi. Particulars of applicant. Applicant: L E E U W P O O R T VERVOER CC Address: P O Box 1 Leeuwpoort 0486 Tel No: 083 303 8080 File Ref No’s: LP30/5/1/3/ 2/10360MP, 10367MP and 10368MP Any comments with regard to the relevant applications should be forwarded to the above address within 14 days from publishing of this notice. MODIMOLLE LAND USE SCHEME, 2004 Notice is hereby given to all


Former Absa Bank Manager returns

Former Bank Manager, Gerrit de Jong, which was the Bank Manager in 1998 and 1999 at Absa in Bela-Bela, returned to Bela-Bela to work as financial adviser at Absa. With 32 years of experience in the banking industry, he is just the right person to assist clients with their needs. He specialises in investments, life insurance, estate planning, retirement planning, and business insurance. For more information, contact him at tel. (014) 736-1674 or tel. 082 497 6201 or sent an e-mail to or visit them at Absa Bela-Bela where his offices are. Also on the photo is his wife and assistant, Anel de Jong.

whom it may concern that in terms of clause 23 of the Modimolle Land Use Scheme, 2004, I, (full name) SELEKA MAMOIMEDI JOSEPHINA intend applying to the Modimolle Local Municipality for special consent to: Tuckshop on property 8477 Ext 9 Phomolong and suburb also known as (street name and number) located in a Residential zone. Example : Residential 1, Business 2 etc). Any objection, with the grounds therefor, shall be lodged with or made in writing to: The Divisional Manager: Town Planning, Ground Floor, Modimolle Municipal Building, or Private Bag x1008, Modimolle, 0510, within 28 days of the publication of the advertisement in the Local newspaper, viz: 13 September & 20 September 2013. Full particulars and plans (if any) may be inspected during normal office hours (08:00 - 13:00 and 13:45 15:00) at the abovementioned office, for a period of 28 days after the publication of the advertisement in the Local newspaper. Closing date for any objections: 23 October 2013. APPLICANT Street address and Postal address 8477 Ext 9, Phomolong Modimolle 0510 Telephone: 072 127 0004. (13&20/09) NOTICE OF THE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS & INVITATION TO REGISTER AS AN INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTY Notice is hereby given in accordance with Regulations 54(2) (c) (i) of Government Notice R.543 of 2010 promulgated in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998) as amended that Phaki Phakanani Environmental Consultant have applied for Downgrading from full Scoping and EIA process to Basic Assessment Process. The proposed project will now undergo Basic Assessment process instant of the Full EIA process. The proposed project is for the demarcation of 500 sites at Mookgophong. The development will take place on portion 60 and 61 of the farm Grootvalley 530 KR within the Mookgophong Local Municipality, Waterberg District of the Limpopo Province. The proposed development will entails the following demarcation of sites: Residential - 492 sites Educational - 2 sites Churches - 2 sites Municipal – 1 site P.O.S – 1 site Business-2 sites The draft Basic Assessment report and will be made available for review and comment upon written request. A copy of the draft report will also be placed at the Mookgophong Local Municipality offices for public review. Interested and affected parties (I&APs) are hereby invited to register, provide written comments together with their name, contact details and an indication of any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which they have in the application to the contact person indicated below within 40 days of the publishing of this notice. For further information pertaining to the project, kindly contact Phaki Phakanani Environmental Consultant. Contact Person: PHAKI PHAKANANI ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT Mr. Kabedi Mashilo P.O Box 1198 Fauna Park, Website:

Lephalale Mayor denies allegations of conflict

The accused leaders of Lephalale, Mayor Jack Maeko and municipal manager Bob Naidoo denied allegations of corruption. Photo supplied mayor convinces the companies’ Lizzy Bapela employees to engage in protests Lephalale Mayor Moloko Jack Maeko against their employers. denies allegations that he is a ruthless The mayor said that Ledwaba pretends leader and an opportunist who will bend to be clean, whereas he has many the rules to suit himself, as he is acskeletons in his closet. He said that the cused. He approved the description that accuser left the ANC and contested the he is a fearless leader who works with party for councillor position and for the community. independently in Mogalakwena, where The mayor said this during an interview he originates from. Also that he was a with The BEAT, following accusations regional NAFCOC (National Federated made in the media recently. A Chamber of Commerce) chairperson in businessman from Lephalale, Justice the Waterberg District and he never Ledwaba, recently took on the mayor in submitted any financial statements to the media, alleging that he and the the board members ever since but ran municipal manager Bob Naidoo are away with their checkbook and moved to corrupt leaders taking advantage of Lephalale. community members in order to enrich Maeko further said that Ledwaba themselves. The two were interviewed on formed a black business forum after he a current affairs show on Thobela FM on had relocated to Lephalale, which he the morning of Tuesday, 27 August. serves as chairperson. Ledwaba Ledwaba reportedly said allegedly mobilized the that Maeko is on his way community at large to out, as the ANC in help the forum get a R4.8 I do not know Limpopo has decided to million tender at Medupi, replace him. The rumours whereby he promised of any corrupt of a mayor about to be them shares according to ousted also flew in their structural belonging activities within Mogalakwena about the and the shares are the current mayor Tlhalefi registered in his name. municipality Mashamaite recently, He is allegedly pocketing rumours which the the dividends. Apparently, and urge chairperson of the ANC he is also pocketing R70 Ledwaba to Provincial Task Team 000 a month from the Sello Lediga denied, Lephalale Site Service bring proof of saying that no such (LSS) company with his that to the decision has been made. self-appointed fore,... Ledwaba added that the chairpersonship and R90 mayor was occupying 000 for serving as someone else’s chair, president at the Moon persevering even when it is hot because Clouds company, totalling at R160 000 a he knows that the actual owner can month. The LSS was apparently come back at any time. established in January this year and got Maeko replaced the former mayor a R1 million performance bonus, and he Johanna Mojela, who was ousted in allegedly received 30% of the money. 2012. He denied the allegations of He also established a shareholding misconduct in the awarding of municipal company called Diatla Financial tenders and mobilising young people to Services, and allegedly claims to sell protest against those who fight with him shares and appointed himself as an in return of employment in the executive Chairperson. municipality. The mayor was also Maeko told the media that Ledwaba accused of also mobilising workers of appointed a security company and gets the Medupi Power Station to embark in four bodyguards on duty daily to protect unprotected strikes. him as his life is allegedly under threat. In his response to The BEAT’s Maeko said that he has nothing to gain questions, mayor Maeko said that he from disrupting companies’ operations does not have a problem with Ledwaba. and conducting any corrupt activities as “Anyone who has accusation about alleged. He added that there were many me, the municipal manager or any other benefits that Ledwaba was getting unfairly and that the public would know leader or member of the municipality about very soon. must follow the correct procedures and produce concrete evidence. I do not The BEAT’s attempts to get comment from Ledwaba failed, but readers are know of any corrupt activities within the municipality and urge Ledwaba to bring promised a follow up soon. proof of that to the fore,” he said. Ledwaba told the radio station that the mayor solicits donations from Medupi contractors and when they refuse, the, Website:

13 September, 2013

The number of people who came to Bela Bela’s Lehlabile Park. More arrived after sunset. Photo: TK Mashaba


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BBUWA and Light of Africa unite ‘Pregnant girls as young as fourteen years old have been seen in my community and we would really appeal to both young boys and girls to rather spend their free time at our centre, where they will be introduced to healthy and uplifting activities, instead of visiting local taverns’...

Park in Bela Bela flooded by celebrators TK Mashaba Bela Bela was pumping this weekend, as an influx of tourists came to celebrate spring on the 6 and 7 September. In Forever Resorts, people came from as far as Cape Town and Durban, and the other lodges also reported excellent numbers. Lehlabile Park, however, was the site of an enormous impromptu celebration, with hundreds of people flooding the park. Cars were reported in the restricted parking areas as well. Bela Bela Municipality is aware that this is the time where visitors like to come to the town to enjoy a relaxing time with friends, but are concerned about safety. “We are aware of the multitudes of visitors coming to our town, especially in spring and summer and this latest influx has been more to the point where we have to take

measures,” said Mabes Mothapo of the Bela Bela Parks and Recreational Board. “We will be engaging with business sectors and other stakeholder that we believe they can make a difference in channeling a good parking lot for all the cars who are coming to the park,” he said. Matome Sebelebele, municipal spokesperson, also added that they are aware and cautioned about the influx of people visiting the town with cars and parking inside the park. “We are planning to enclose the park, it must have a gate of access and control,” said Sebelebele. He added that the renovation “will benefit a lot of people as we are looking to employ security personnel at the parking lot especially on weekends when we knew we are expecting an influx of this magnitude.”

Local poet taking it to the next level TK Mashaba

Mapitso Nkomo behind the microphone during her session at BlagFaith studios. Photo: TK Mashaba

Local poet Mapitso Nkomo is ready to take her work to the next level. She is working on an as-yetunannounced project with Lesego Maponya, AKA Heurex Deep. The BEAT met up with Nkomo at a local studio where she was working on her next project with two of Bela Bela’s local producers. “It all started when I was about 12. They asked me to do a poem on a verse and I fell in love with poetry,” she said. “It has now grown in me and I love the fact that it gives me the freedom to play with words.” Nkomo added that she has always loved music and that her current project involves music and singing. “It’s a dream come true for me,” she said. “It comes from anything I can think of, anything I can see that will make sense,” she said when asked where she got her inspiration from. “Her voice is soulful and one of the rare voices,” said Heurex Deep, one of her current colleagues.

Rebecca Magobosha (right) with two students of Hoërskool Warmbad at a recent outreach. Photo: Supplied Justin Steyn The Bela-Bela United Women’s Association has recently teamed up with Light of Africa. Project manager for Light of Africa, Josias Ramalekana, told The BEAT that the decision in partnering with BBUWA was to strengthen community outreach in Bela-Bela. Ramalekana told The BEAT that the alliance between the non-profit organizations has made it possible to reach out to more than just those who they initially aimed to reach out to. “BBUWA and Light of Africa have come together in a way to help others in different situations and we are no longer only reaching out to one gender or situation” he said. Co-founder of BBUWA, Rebecca Magobosha, said that they will be working from the same facility, located in Extension 1 of the Bela-Bela Township, which is currently being renovated but should be completed by early October. “We are currently busy renovating the facility where we will be working from in early October where we can conduct our operations in a more versatile way” she said. Ramalekana explained that their current primary focus is in assisting the elderly in providing them with food and shelter as well as providing the youth with facilities in which they can interact with one another without resorting to criminal activities. He said that they have also received

support from the community especially students from Hoërskool Warmbad who help them on a regular basis with their projects. Magobosha shared her experiences some of her experiences in BBUWA regarding teen age girls who resort to substance and alcohol abuse in their free time. She added that she was alarmed to note the increasing amount of teen pregnancies in her community. “Pregnant girls as young as fourteen years old have been seen in my community and we would really appeal to both young boys and girls to rather spend their free time at our centre, where they will be introduced to healthy and uplifting activities, instead of visiting local taverns” she said Ramalekana said that although Light of Africa and BBUWA has merged their organization’s names will remain the same. He added that local supermarket, Spar, has played a large role in assisting them with their endeavours. “We have received tremendous donations from Spar who is currently helping provide food to the old age homes that we assist and they have even opened up a storage facility for us where anyone can place donations” he said. Both organizations are eager to partner with local businesses and those who would like to contribute may contact Magobosha on 083 532 7554.

It is time to vaccinate your pets against rabies free of charge Justin Steyn The community of Bela Bela will soon be given the opportunity to vaccinate their pets against rabies. This will be done on Wednesday 18 September at the Bela-Bela municipality between 06:00 am and 18:00 pm and is free of charge. Statistics show that Rabies causes about 55,000 human deaths annually worldwide. 95% of human deaths due to rabies occur in Asia and Africa and roughly 97% of human

rabies cases result from dog bites. The following methods can help reduce the risk of contracting rabies: Vaccinating dogs, cats, rabbits, and ferrets against rabies Keeping pets under supervision Not handling wild animals or strays Contacting an animal control officer upon observing a wild animal or a stray, especially if the animal is acting strangely. Symptoms of rabies include severe headaches and aggressive behaviour.

Two incidents of rabies were reported in the Waterberg and Capricorn districts last year. The provincial department of health spokesperson, Joe Maila, said that there was no need for panic as the disease was not confirmed to be widely spread and it was suspected that the virus was most likely passed on by infected cattle in the Gillemburg area outside Mokopane. “There are only two confirmed cases, so it’s not widespread and the infected people are in hospital. They are responding well to

treatment.” he said. Following the confirmation of the cases, an intensive investigation by officials from the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Social Development started, and susceptible livestock in the area were vaccinated by officials and owners Cases in dogs were also noted in LepelleNkumpi and Aganang and vaccinations were administered.

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13 September, 2013

Siwelele FC ready for the big time, Website:

Waterberg delivers subpar performance at provincial Golden Games

Some of the ladies playing pass the ball. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba

Siwelele FC of Mookgophong have been promoted to the SAB League. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba Mookgophong team Siwelele FC, winners of the Local Football Association championship in the 2012/2013 season, were promoted to the SAB League at the end of the season. The boys won 10 of the 14 games they played that season, drawing three and only losing one and ending with 33 points while the number two team, Tigers, stood at 30. The BEAT visited the team during their off season training session and had a brief chat with the team coach, Samuel Tlou. “We are glad to have made the SAB League,” Tlou said. “We know it is not going to be easy but we are ready for anything.” Tlou said that his team has added five new players ahead of the season — two defenders, two mid-fielders and a striker — in the hope that they will reinforce the team

in the tougher arena of the SAB League. He added that most of his team is still under the age of 21 and that that is how he is planning to groom the squad — SAB League teams are limited to five players over 21. Tlou put his teams’ success down to selfdiscipline, which allowed them to pass through all the trials and tribulations of the season with flying colours. “I taught my players that every time they play soccer they must concentrate on the game and forget about the referee’s decisions,” he said. Team member Tebogo Koka said that he was happy that his team has been promoted to the SAB League because it was a dream come true for all of them. Siwelele will be the third Mookgophong team to play in the SAB League, the others being Mookgophong All Stars and Real Madrid.

The much-anticipated annual Provincial Golden Games were hosted by the Waterberg district at Bela Bela’s Sunfa Stadium on Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 September. The hosting district turned in a distinctly lacklustre performance, however, coming in last place. Vhembe came in first place with 240 points and Capricorn was second with 226, while Mopani and Sekhukhune, with 206 and 197 respectively, held down third and fourth. Waterberg took the fifth and final place with only 156 points. Among the sports played on the day were jukskei, ring the stick, soccer and rugby throw ball.

Sports fans lost a hero “We’ve lost a jack of all trades,”

District School Games cancelled at the last minute

Circuit Committee member Mike Letlalo. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba The Waterberg District school games which had been scheduled for the 30th of August were cancelled at the very last minute. The cancellation was

so last-minute, in fact, that several schools apparently arrived in Bela Bela prepared to play. Mike Letlalo of the Circuit Committee expressed his disappointment in the organization of the event. He said that when he arrived at the community hall where the games’ official opening ceremony was to be held, he found that none of the organizers had yet arrived. The Waterberg District’s Pat Malete said that the event was organized by the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture. According to the information he had received from the district’s sports official, the event was cancelled on Thursday because the Department apparently did not receive presentations from all the participating schools. Malete said that he did not know when the games would be resuming.

The two-day games saw the five municipalities nearly filling up Bela Bela’s Elephant Springs Hotel and Pendleberry, as well as Modimolle’s San Rock accommodation. “These games are a way of promoting a healthy lifestyle among older people, and in a way it also builds friendship between district municipalities,” said Simon Musundwa during the opening ceremonies on Wednesday. “We are glad that we can still help make a difference in these people’s lives, the games played a big role in their lives,” he said. The games are held annually at rotating locations. The district that will play host next year has not been announced.

Elliot Banda, who passed away on Saturday 7 September. Photo: Supplied. TK Mashaba Bela Bela residents are still in shock after the unexpected passing of Elliot Banda, local athlete on Saturday, 7 September. The sad news broke after Banda, who had spent the day with friends at a local park, lost consciousness and started vomiting during the night. He was pronounced dead when

the ambulance arrived. According to sources, Bela Bela police have opened an inquest. “We’ve lost a jack of all trades,” said Thabo Molokomme, who had known Banda since their school days. “He played soccer, volleyball, softball and also volunteered in the Bela Bela Sports council Mandela hub from 2007 until his death,” he added, describing Banda’s death as a loss to the entire community of Bela Bela. “We are very sad that he is gone but his memory will always stay with us,” said Pat Seema, SAFA Second division manager. He added that it was a sad loss for sports in the Waterberg because Elliot was always hands-on. Mary Senosha, who was also part of the Bela Bela sports Council, described Banda as being like a brother to her. “My children have lost an uncle,” she said. Levy Thantsha of the Kamplits volleyball team described him as a stalwart friend who could always be relied upon. “I lost my dear friend and brother and also a great motivator,” he said.

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