The Beat 16 August 2013

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16 August 2013

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16 August, 2013

Undertaker Mashishi sentenced for fraud

Modimolle police spokesperson Warrant Officer James Findlay confirmed the sentencing of a well-known undertaker, Malesela Jonas Mashishi. Photo: Lizzy Bapela Lizzy Bapela Modimolle police spokesperson Warrant Officer James Findlay confirmed

the sentencing of a local undertaker, Malesela Jonas Mashishi. Mashishi was sentenced when he appeared before the Mokopane Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 5 August. He said that Mashishi was arrested for fraud in November 2011 and was recently sentenced to four years imprisonment, a sentence which was suspended for five years. According to a reliable source, Mashishi tried to buy a car in Mokopane in 2011 and was declined due to certain circumstances. The source could not confirm whether the car was to be used for personal or business reasons. The source further said that Mashishi then bought a car at a certain dealership in Modimolle, which he financed through ABSA Bank. Apparently he mentioned in his application that he was divorced, which the bank picked up during their administration process and reported the matter to the local police. The police seized the vehicle and it is now in the bank’s possession. According to the police, Mashishi did not want the magistrate in Modimolle court to handle his case and preferred for it to be heard in Mokopane, where he was sentenced.

EFF talks after national assembly Lizzy Bapela The Economic Freedom fighters (EFF) commended over 1200 delegates, from across the country from provincial and regional structures, which constituted their national assembly. Spokesperson for the EFF Mbuyiseni Ndlozi said that the structures have been established already and heeded to the clarion call made on 11 June. He said that people from NGO’s, youth, workers, traditional leaders, activists, movements, NPO’s and churches form part of the party’s membership. He further said that other card carrying members of the EFF include intellectuals, academics, students, traditional chiefs, headmen and kings, independent councillors, internationalists and many others. The assembly followed the national policy forum held on 20 July that set the stage for the conversation about the different policy matters to anticipate the national assembly. A key outcome of a robust and fruitful conversation of the national assembly on what is to be done state that the EFF should be a radical, left, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist movement with an internationalist outlook that should contest power in South Africa. “Power must mean participating in electoral platforms, including contesting the general elections in 2014. However, in the main, it must go beyond and include participation in the various festivals of the oppressed and poor; protests, pickets, strikes, demonstrations and ideological battles for a total take-over in the realisation of economic freedom in our lifetime,” said Ndlozi. The National Assembly further adopted a Founding Manifesto, which sets out the key policy positions of the movement, beginning with cardinal pillars that have been already canvassed with society and used to set a conversation on what is to be done. The cardinal pillars include expropriation of South Africa’s land without compensation for equal redistribution; nationalisation of mines, banks and other strategic sectors of the economy, without compensation, and building state and

government capacity that will lead to abolishment of tenders and free quality education, healthcare, houses, and sanitation. Other pillars include massive protected industrial development to create millions of sustainable jobs including introduction of minimum wages in order to close the wage gap between the rich and the poor. Massive development of the African economy and advocacy for a move from reconciliation to justice in the entire continent and open, accountable, corruption-free government and society without fear of victimisation by state police are also among the pillars.The Assembly adopted a constitution that is inspired by the Communist Party of China’s constitution, with specific adaptations that ensure the formation a formidable people’s vanguard in South Africa. The structure of the EFF shall be constitutive of the national people’s assembly and the provincial, regional and branch general assembly. The EFF began the process of registration with the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) by end of July and has kick-started the process to register as a political party and founded a bank account. The movement had said that their website would be up and running from Monday, 5 August, with online membership registration system that will respond to the need of membership. Ndlozi said that the EFF will remain, nonetheless, a movement of the people for the realisation of “economic freedom in our lifetime”. The EFF is against the announcement by the President of the Republic, together with Minister of Higher Education that the much anticipated and long overdue universities of Mpumalanga and Northern Cape will enrol a total of 290 students. “It is no secret that the worsening situation of unemployment is directly linked to the question of access to higher education. The building of more universities in South Africa, with a focus on mass education and training, including research is the only solution to such a problem. Funding for massive expansion of universities has thus been the central problem since democratisation,” said Ndlozi., Website:

Department of Labour’s front line staffers to receive training Lizzy Bapela The Department of Labour in Limpopo has announced its intentions to transform its service delivery model by affording intense Basic Conditions of Employment Act training to its front line staffers, Client Services Officers. The department is expected to facilitate a week-long training, which started on Monday, 12 August in Polokwane. The department’s spokesperson, Johannes Mokou, said the training will see the officers receiving concentrated training on issues such as regulation of hours, child labour, particulars of employment, minimum wages per sector, sectorial determinations, termination of employment, leave, written particulars of employment and ministerial determination. Speaking aside before addressing a group of enthusiastic officers, the Deputy Director for Inspection and Enforcement Services, Phaswane Tladi, said that these staffers are the cream of the crop in the department. He said that any form of services rendered to the public is through them and they need to be well

informed. “If these staffers are well equipped on the act, we will be almost certain that they will deal with some of the enquiries without the interference of the inspectors. Many cases take too long to be solved because most of them are referred to the inspectors, who also have an enormous number of inspections to conduct on a daily basis. With this training, officers will definitely have an idea of which cases to be referred to inspectors and which cases to be solved on the spot,” Tladi said. The head of the department in Limpopo, Albert Tshidavhu, said that this is one initiative that forms part of many changes that they want to implement in the department for better service delivery. “Research teaches us that well-trained staffers are more likely to give better service delivery than those who are not and in the near future, we will expand these training opportunities to other staffers such as the Adjudicators, Occupational Health and Safety Inspectors and our Finance and Supply Chain Management personnel,” said Tshidavhu.

DA calls for investigation on dilapidated RDP houses Lizzy Bapela Concerns have been raised about alleged improperly built RDP houses. Ten houses, built only three years ago, are allegedly already on the verge of collapse. Charlotte Senosha, the local DA councillor, said that the party conducted a three week investigation around Mogalakwena recently. She said that they have discovered through the investigation that residents in Ga-Matlou village in Ward 17 are living in houses which were poorly built. Senosha said that other residents were left by the contractor without being completed. “These houses are now falling apart on a daily basis and several occupants may be forced to leave them but they have nowhere to stay. The residents are now living in fear and are risking their lives, as the houses might fall on them at any time especially now that the rainy season is approaching,” she said. The DA suspects that Ga-Matlou may not be the only village within the municipality that has the similar problems. The party believes that the contractor who

was awarded the tender must be called to account for the mess, citing that such poor service delivery is unacceptable. Senosha said that this is a pure shoddy work done by contractors who did not have experience and the necessary skills to build the houses. The party called for all the contractors awarded the tenders to be scrutinised before they are appointed to avoid putting the lives of the citizens at risk. They also urged the Mayor of Mogalakwena Thlalefi Mashamaite to investigate the issue and hold the contractor accountable for the shoddy work. The DA further requested MEC for Cooperate Governance and Human Settlement in Limpopo Ishmael Kgetjepe to establish a forensic audit to probe these RDP houses with immediate effect. The office of the MEC was unavailable for comment. Meanwhile, municipal spokesperson Malesela Selokela said he could not comment on the matter until he has spoken to all concerned parties. Councillor for the ward Tlou Kgaphole was also unavailable for comment.

Municipal officials surprise the mayor Mogalakwena municipal officials from the office of the Mayor Thlalefi Mashamaite flanked the “old man” on his birthday.

Lizzy Bapela The Mayor of Mogalakwena Local Municipality, Councillor Tlhalefi Mashamaite, received a surprise birthday gift from municipal officials on his big day, Thursday, 1 August. The mayor was coming from a charity event when he was told that the Limpopo MEC for Roads and Transport Lehlogonolo Masoga wanted to meet with him urgently. Mashamaite then rushed to Mokopane’s Oasis Hotel, where the meeting was scheduled to take place. On his arrival Mashamaite could not believe his eyes when he got an excited welcome from the officials, who shouted “Happy Birthday Mayor” to him. Mashamaite’s response was that he did not

see that coming but believed that the MEC was really waiting for him there. “I was angry at you, wondering how you could confirm a meeting for me with the MEC without my approval. Today you really got me but I thank you a lot for reminding me that I am growing old. I really appreciate the surprise you organized for me,” he told the officials. As he always encourages people to lend a helping hand, Mashamaite has conducted and taken part in a number of charity events since the start of his term in office, working with various stakeholders. He had just donated school uniforms to learners at Johannes Masibe Primary School on his birthday. Also, the Mayor donated blankets to the elderly and the needy community of Mogalakwena., Website:

16 August, 2013


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Bela-Bela residents join hands in mass action protest Justin Steyn Bela-Bela residents came together again to protest against the municipality on Tuesday 13 August. The march was originally arranged to be held the week before but was delayed. Escorted by police, township residents were seen marching from their homes into the town’s CBD making their way to the municipality. Trucks, cars and tractors were seen blocking Chris Hani Road, allowing protestors to gather in front of the municipality without traffic interference. This was reportedly arranged with the BelaBela traffic department by the Bela-Bela Taxpayer’s Forum (BBTF) beforehand. Members of BBTF, Bela-Bela Concerned Residents (BBCR), business and public sector each voiced their disapproval of management within the municipality. Protestors were demanding the dismissal of the municipality’s public relations councillors who, they say, are to blame for the alleged corruption. The protestors once again demanded the dismissal of Municipal Manager and Chief Financial Officer, Morris Maluleka, and said that councillors should tend to public affairs rather than internal affairs

BBCR member Peter Shibambo spoke out at the protest. Photo: Justin Steyn that do not have anything to do with them. “We are the tax payers and therefore the municipality works for us and not the other way around” they said.

Tragedy at building site Justin Steyn Tragedy unfolded in what was supposed to be the last day for building renovations at Liquor City in Potgieter Street in Bela-Bela on Wednesday 7 August. Abel Maluleka was working on a scaffold at the site that day when he fell several meters to his death. Witnesses said that the workers were trying to move the scaffolds when Maluleka tried to jump from the one scaffold to the other. One of the planks he stepped on broke, causing Maluleka to fall. One worker, Amos Maledu, shared what he had witnessed. “I heard the commotion from outside and when I came in I just saw Abel lying on the ground not moving,” he said. Paramedics were called in but Maluleka was declared dead on the scene. A woman, apparently Abel’s wife, arrived shortly thereafter, and police and paramedics helped to calm her down. The workers at the site were appointed on a contract basis with the Property Development Corporation and were supervised by building contractor, Philemon Mangara. The BEAT suspects that no safety harnesses were used while the workers were completing their work. It was said that the contractors decided not to use the Load Allcrane and used scaffolds instead. However this is not recommended for the height level on which work was conducted. According to Fred van Heerden of Century 21 and 2020 Developments they have had no problems with Mangara, who was in Pretoria attending to personal matters at the time, and Maluleka’s death came to a shock to everyone. “What happened to Abel is a tragedy. There will be stricter measures put in place and we will compensate his family for their loss,” he said. Van Heerden added that a room where safety gear is stored was made available but not used by the workers. An autopsy will only take place in the coming week in Mokopane as the practitioner in Bela-Bela is on leave. The matter is under police investigation.

Amos Maledu showed The BEAT where the tragedy had taken place. Photo: Justin Steyn

BBCR member, Peter Shibambo, addressed protestors stating that the demands made in other protests marches have not been met. “It has been three months since the last

protest march and the mayor has given us nothing but empty promises and therefore has lied about providing taxpayers with basic services” he said. Shibambo continued by reading from the memorandum of demands that was to be delivered to municipal management. Bela-Bela mayor, Freddy Hlungwane, stood silently and listened to the demands being read where after he was given a chance to speak. Hlungwane told the protestors that the municipality has taken note of their grievances and will be taken seriously within the council. “You are absolutely within your right to protest when services have not been delivered, and we as the municipalities do indeed work for you as you have said” he said. He added that money has been granted to the municipality from the national treasury but did not explain what has been planned with the funding. Hlungwane handed over the memorandum to municipal spokesperson Matome Sebelebele, which was followed by a meeting with the municipality, BBCR and BBTF. At the time of going to print the outcome of this meeting was not revealed to The BEAT.

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16 August, 2013, Website:

Municipality speaks out at business chamber meeting Justin Steyn

Acting Municipal Manager, Morris Maluleka, spoke out at last week’s BelaBela business chamber meeting. Photo: Justin Steyn

The Bela-Bela business chamber held a meeting on Wednesday 7 August. The acting Municipal Manager, Morris Maluleka, made use of the meeting as an opportunity to speak out about issues raised by the chamber and community in general. The meeting started with a short sermon given by Bishop Silas Tlou. He spoke about the dreams that businesses have and that it is every person’s responsibility to leave a better legacy for future generations. “Former president, Nelson Mandela, had a dream of having black and white sitting together and sharing ideas with one another. He did not experience this during his younger years but it is something that he strived for and achieved” he said. “We can all learn from

this and make sure that our businesses not only benefit ourselves but also generations to come.” The chairperson, Chris Vermeulen, thanked the bishop for his contribution and then gave the floor to Maluleka. He explained that there are five fundamental objectives that the municipality must strive towards in order to improve the lives of their communities. These objectives are to provide the communities with democratic and accountable governance, ensure the provision of services to communities in a sustainable manner, the promotion of social and economic development as well as a safe and healthy environment. The objectives are also to involve communities and their organizations in local government matters.

Maluleka acknowledged that the municipality is facing many challenges and that the municipality’s performance has been unimpressive. “As a municipality we acknowledge that our performance in relation to our objectives and performance areas as identified by the central government, has been less than impressive,” he said. But there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel, as Maluleka announced that the stop order on grants has been lifted by the Minister of Finance, Pravin Gordon, which will enable the municipality to implement their entire capital programme for the 2013/2014 financial year as approved by the Integrated Development Plan (IDP). Council has also committed itself to working with both the MEC and Minister of COGHSTA with the view of resolving all other political challenges that may be outstanding. Maluleka said that during his budget speech for the 2013/14 financial year the mayor of Bela-Bela, Freddy Hlungwane, acknowledged that the budget allocation for assets maintenance and renewal is way below the additional norm. He said that it is for this reason that The Department of Technical services has been directed to finalise the asset maintenance and renewal plan in December 2013, to inform the adjustment budget process that will take place in January next year. He added that the maintenance teams from the roads and storm water division are expected to tend to all potholes in the CBD of Bela-Bela. The water and sanitation division has also been given instruction to attend to all water quality issues raised by the community. The maintenance is said to be completed within a period of eight weeks. A commitment has also been made by council to build up a capital replacement reserve to fund all future own source capital expenditure. On behalf of the community and business chamber, those present at the meeting were allowed to raise their concerns about problems or concerns they have observed in Bela-Bela. On the issue of street lights not working in the CBD and township Maluleka announced that a programme to repair street lights has been compiled and is expected to be implement within the next month. Planning for the future water needs of the town as well as the repair of borehole pumps, additional water from the planned Magalies pipeline to Modimolle and the management of the water floodgates of the Bela-Bela dam was raised by the chamber. Maluleka said that the municipality’s water and sanitation division has been deployed to strengthen and monitor the control system to open the floodgate at the dam. He added that a budget has been allocated to fix nonoperational boreholes with the intention of augmenting the current supply from the dam and Magalies. The lines on the tar roads that need to be re-painted were also a community concern, to which Maluleka replied that the Municipality has started the program of road painting especially in the township and will continue to do so in other parts of the towns. In conclusion, Vermeulen thanked Maluleka for the time he took to address the issues raised. Vermeulen stated that formal and peaceful talks when raising concerns is an alternative way to protests or striking as these methods may be inconvenient to other parties that are not involved., Website:


16 August, 2013

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Letter to the editor Appreciation for municipality Sound and fury In honour of Women’s Month, let us talk a little about verbal abuse. Verbal abuse against women is unfortunately common, from intimate partner situations to random strangers. It is strange to think that some people think that, simply because of a woman’s gender, they have the right to degrade her, to call her names and say filthy things to her in the streets. Why would anyone do this? Doesn’t the principle of “do unto others” apply here? Nobody likes to be called names, and nobody likes to be publically humiliated and yet, this happens every day, in every country in the world. Every time a woman leaves her house — if she is lucky enough that the verbal abuse does not actually occur at home — she risks coming into range of packs of useless young men with nothing better to do than scream witless insults and commentary about her ancestry, her body, her clothing and her private life. She leaves herself open to this harsh criticism no matter who she is, what she may be doing, or what she is wearing. There seems to be nothing a woman can do to avoid attracting negative male attention, whether she is pretty or not, or skinny or fat, or welldressed or shabby. It’s going to come along anyway. And that is a terrible thing, and it means that we have a long way to go in promoting gender equality. Children need to be educated, need to be firmly taught that this kind of behaviour is just not acceptable. Not ever. Boy children need to be taught that girls are to be treated with respect, and girl children need to be taught that they do not have to accept the labels and insults that are heaped on them. In a generation, perhaps two, we will be at the point where a woman can speak her mind without being called names, where a woman can leave her house without inviting personal commentary. Sadly, we are far from being there. In the meantime, whenever you are insulted on the basis of your gender, keep this quote in mind: “…it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing,” by Shakespeare. They don’t know you. They know nothing about you or who you are, and whatever insult they attempt to label you with is irrelevant. They may make a lot of noise, but don’t let them get to you. Don’t let them make you feel like less than you are. Don’t let them dictate your choices. Don’t let them limit you in any way. Let it slide off you like water off a duck’s back. Turn it all into meaningless noise, like the sound of thunder, because that’s all it is in the end. Meaningless noise made by fools to shield themselves from their own insecurities. You are strong, and you are beautiful, and you do not have to pay attention to fools.

Tel: (011) 447-1264/5/6

COPYRIGHT The reproduction or broadcast without written permission of any material published in The Beat and its supplements is forbidden and expressly reserved to Upfront Events Two CC, under section 12(7) of the Copyright Act, 1978 and any amendment thereof. The Beat is typographically prepared, published and distributed by Upfront Events Two CC. The Beat: 7 Minnaar Street, Tel: (014) 736-2723, Fax: (014) 736-3428, PO Box 16, Bela-Bela. Email: The Beat is typographically prepared, published and distributed by Upfront Events Two CC and is printed by Paarl Coldset, 83 Heidelberg Rd, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

The Waterberg Business Chamber (Waterberg Sakekamer) in Modimolle hereby wishes to express their appreciation to the Mayor, Town Council, the Municipal officers of the Modimolle Local Municipality together with the inputs of the various ward committees for the recent capital improvements and maintenance done in Modimolle such as the new fence surrounding the concentration camp graveyard, the fences surrounding the public parks and the upgrading of the playing equipment, the repainting of the traffic lines in the business centre and the replacement of the street lights in the residential areas. Reports of the deterioration of municipal services throughout our country are a common future in the daily media and similar complaints from the general public in our neighbouring towns are often being reported in this newspaper as well. We acknowledge that our Local Municipality and community are still faced with many challenges regarding the improvement of our local infrastructure and municipal services in order to improve the lives of our residents and enhance economic growth and employment. Our Chamber’s appreciation lies with the

fact that the Modimolle Local Municipality does listen, consider and attend to concerns, requests and inputs raised with the different structures within the Municipality and from our view, the Municipality is trying to accommodate all segments of our community putting political alliances aside. Our Chamber with the financial assistance of the Municipality, have also been able to undertake joint projects in an effort to assist our community, such as the upgrading of the security cameras and a tree planting project in Phagameng. Recently we also entered into discussions with the Municipality to upgrade the entrances of our town and hope to achieve this goal during 2014. The result of both the efforts of our Chamber and the Municipality, were the establishment of sound relationships which have reached such a stage that any reciprocal criticism are received in a positive manner with a view to seek solutions rather to alienate ourselves from one another. For any enquiries regarding our membership and activities, our office can be contacted during weekdays between 8:00am to 12:00pm or visit our website at

Photo of the week

Bela-Bela Mayor Freddy Hlungwane (left) had recently facilitated a donation of soccer kits to Albert Lithuli Primary School and other teams in his ward on Monday, 12 August. The school educator Tshepo “Bruno” Bodiba welcomed the mayor to the school, accompanying the City Sebelebele, acting manager of the donating shop, Metro Hyper Store.

Announcement Fri. 30 and Sat. 31 AFM Word and Life, Ludorfstr. Women’s club Manna project. Second hand Shop. Open at 09:00 to 17:00 on Fri. and Sat. from 09:00 to 14:00. Clothes and household items @ low prices. Stalls can be booked for Saturday. Contact Marianna Botha at 0611047734


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• provide our readers with complete, accurate, credible and objective news reporting • remain unbiased under all circumstances • strive to reflect the truth, objectivity and interests of the community in our reporting • support and contribute to freedom of speech, human rights and the economical and social upliftment of the towns and regions of our readers

The principle of ownership and headship Bishop Silas Tlou To practice things not authorized by God is to fail to honour our head and owner. No one can use your property without your permission. Likewise, if we belong to God and if specifically the church belongs to Jesus, what right do people have choosing to practice things different from would the owner have chosen? What right do men have making rules for the church or authorizing practices that are not included in what God has authorized? God does not have to specifically say not to do these things. All such things are wrong because they violate the principle of ownership. No one has the right to use God’s property without His permission. The Lordship of God requires us to do everything according to His authority. Colossians 3:17 — All we do, in word or deed, should be done in Jesus’ name. To act in Jesus’ name is to follow His authority (Acts 4:7-10). But we have seen that Jesus’ authority for today is completely revealed in the Bible. Practices not included in Bible teaching, therefore, cannot be done in Jesus’ name. To do things that differ from what God said is to fail to follow His authority. Galatians 1:6-9 — any man is accursed if he preaches a gospel different from what inspired men taught in the first century. That gospel completely reveals all good works God wants us to do. If a practice is not included in the gospel, then, for us to say it is acceptable would be to preach a different gospel. 1 Timothy 1:3 – Instead of justifying doctrines that differ from the gospel, we must charge men to “teach no other doctrine.” [Titus 2:14] 2 John 9 — whoever goes beyond and does not abide in Jesus’ teaching, does not have God. To have God we must abide in Jesus’ teaching. But all Jesus’ teaching is revealed in the New Testament. So to practice things we cannot find in Jesus’ teaching would be to separate ourselves from Him. When we study a practice, we should not ask, “Where does God say not to do this?” but rather “Where does God’s word authorize this act?” Although the Bible does expressly forbid some acts, God never intended for His word to specifically itemize all the things He does not want us to do. Had He done that, the Bible would have been so huge we could never digest it. Instead, God tells us what He does want us to do.

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16 August, 2013, Website:

Mayor donates school uniforms

Councillors of Mogalakwena Local Municipality joined Mayor Tlhalefi Mashamaite and Talane during a donation of school uniform in Mapela. Lizzy Bapela Wrapping up the Mandela Month celebrations and ushering in Women’s Month, Mr Talane of Nkunzi Development accompanied the Mayor of Mogalakwena Local Municipality Tlhalefi Mashamaite when he donated school uniforms to 66 pupils of Johannes Masibe Primary School in Mapela. The schools’ drum majorettes welcomed the pair when they handed over the uniforms to the learners on Thursday, 8 August. Talane appreciated the presence of the mayor and other members of the executive

council. He indicated that the beneficiaries are from disadvantaged family backgrounds and said that they were identified by their educators. Mashamaite encouraged pupils to cultivate a culture of reading and writing. He also urged parents to respond to the SGB meetings, since education is one of the government priorities. The mayor emphasized the national importance of education stating that, for any nation to develop, it needs to prioritize education. Mashamaite told the learners that great leaders including Nelson Mandela have

acquired their education first and that assisted them to shape their character. He said that that is the reason they persevered in the face of the most difficult circumstances during apartheid years. “You must know that no matter the background of your family, in life everything is possible if you put your mind to it. Many great leaders of our country are from poor families but through determination and dedication they overcame all the hardships to become great leaders respected across the land and the breath of this world,” said Mashamaite. He indicated that with the kind of help that young people are getting from the government, he sees no reason for them to fail to achieve all their dreams. He said that the municipality will offer assistance and the rest is in the youths’ hands. “As the parents and the leadership of this municipality we have to be grateful for Nkunzi Developments’ helping hands,” said the mayor. Joy filled the atmosphere when pupils ascended the stage to receive their school uniforms, which included school shoes, socks, trousers, skirts and shirts. The pupils promised the mayor that they will produce good results at the end of the year.

Ellerines brings hope to place of safety TK Mashaba

The Huis Tekna personnel with Ellerines branch managers and other personnel during a handing over of the donation. Photo: TK Mashaba

LEGALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DESEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate number: 8520/2012, Master’s office: Pretoria Surname: Duggan First Names: Thomas Oswald Date of birth: 1936-12-13 Identity number: 361213 5051 083. Last address: Plot 59, Roodepoort, District Warmbaths. Date of death: 2012-05-05 Only applicable if deceased was married in community of property/subject to the accrual system: Name (only one) of the Executor or Authorised Agent: HERMAN AND OBERHOLZER. Address of Executor or Authorised Agent: 23 Moffat Street, Bela Bela. D.Period allowed for lodgement of claims, if other than 30 days: 30 days. Advertiser name: HERMAN AND OBERHOLZER Advertiser address: 23 Moffat Street , Bela Bela. Advertiser e-mail: Advertiser telephone: 014 736 2161. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from

date of publication hereof. Estate number: 19977/12 Master’s office: Pretoria Surname: Nel First names: Fredrieka Christina Date of birth: 1936-06-27 Identity number: 360627 0002 083. Last address: Rusoord, Bela Bela Date of death: 2012-12-03. Only applicable if deceased was married in community of property/subject to the accrual system: Name (only one) of Executor or Authorised Agent: HERMAN AND OBERHOLZER Address of executor or Authorised Agent: 23 Moffat Street, Bela Bela. Period allowed for lodgement of claims, if other than 30 days: 30 days. Advertiser name: HERMAN AND OBERHOLZER Advertiser address: 23 Moffat Street, Bela Bela. Advertiser e-mail: Advertiser telephone: 014 736 2161. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate number: 13268/2012 Master’s office: Pretoria Surname: Marx First names: Stephanus Engelbertus Date if birth: 1925-08-01 Identity number: 250801 5059 082 Last address: Tuin Tuiste 5, Bela Bela

Date of death: 2012-08-06. Only applicable if deseased was married in community of property/subject to the accrual system: Name (only one) of Executor or Authorised Agent: HERMAN AND OBERHOLZER Address of Executor or Authorised Agent: 23 Moffat Street, Bela Bela Period allowed for lodgement of claims, if other than 30 days: 30 days. Advertiser name: HERMAN AND OBERHOLZER Advertiser address: 23 Moffat Street, Bela Bela. Advertiser e-mail: Advertiser telephone: 014 736 2161. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate number: 3319/2013 Master’s office: Polokwane Surname: Bezuidenhout First names: Nellie Elizabetha Date of birth: 1924-08-28 Identity number: 240828 0032 080 Last address: Warmbad Rusoord, Bela Bela Date of death: 2012-07-12 Only applicable if deceased was married in community of property/subject to the accrual system: Name (only one) of Executor or Authorised Agent: HERMAN AND OBERHOLZER Address of Executor or Authorised Agent: 23 Moffat Street, Bela Bela.

Retail furniture store Ellerines, recently adopted Bela-Bela’s Huis Tekna. Regional Manager Daniel Baloyi and branch managers visited Huis Tekna to hand over donations. The donations included double beds, winter blankets, various sizes of bicycles, soccer balls and soccer kits. “This is our first donation to this place of safety and we have adopted it to be in our responsibility books,” said Baloyi. He added that they are looking into adopting more such places,

Period allowed for lodgement of claims, if other than 30 days: 30 days. Advertiser name: HERMAN AND OBERHOLZER Advertiser address: 23 Moffat Street, Bela Bela Advertiser e-mail: Advertiser telephone: 014 736 2161. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate number: 17445/2012, Master’s office: Durban Surname: Brierley Christian names: Sally Olive Date of birth: 11/12/24 Identity number: 241211 0002 081 Last address: No. 62 A, Kokanje Retirement Village, Vaalwater Road, Modimolle, 0510 Date of death: 15/09/2012 Only applicable if deceased was married in community of property/subject to the accrual system. Christian names and surname of surviving spouse: N/A Date of birth: N/A, Identity number: N/A Name and (only one) address of Executor or Authorised agent: ALEXANDERS INCORPORATED P.O.Box 1478 Scottburgh 4180 Period allowed for lodgement of claims, if other than 30 days. Advertiser and address: ALEXANDERS INCORPORATED

and that giving back to the community and especially helping disadvantaged children is everyone’s responsibility. He said that they were proud to have been able to help. Huis Tekna staff was delighted with the contributions. “For now, we are only allowed to take in 30 homeless children, and we have children who came to us as young as four days old,” said Melanie Nel, the centre’s Project Manager. “We appreciate the efforts that donors go to,” she added.

177 Scott Street Scottburgh 4180 Tel number: 039 9781 480. NOTICE OF SALE IN TERMS OF RULE 46(7)(b) AUCTION IN THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA (REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) Case No: 20336/2012 In the matter between: NEDBANK LIMITED (Registration number: 1951/ 000009/06) Plaintiff and CHRIS COOK HOMES CC (Registration number: 1991/ 002634/23) 1st Defendant CHRISTIAAN PIETER COOK (Identity number: 530517 5086 089 2nd Defendant. In Execution of judgement of the High Court of South Africa (North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria) in the abovementioned suit, a sale will be held by the Sheriff Modimolle (Nylstroom) at the Magistrate’s Court, Van Emmenis street, Modimolle on Friday, 30 August 2013 at 11h00 of the under mentioned property of the Defendants on the conditions to be read out by the Auctioneer at the time of the sale-: Erf 3250 Nylstroom Extension 2 Township Registration Division K.R., Limpopo Province in extent: 7473 square metres. Held by deed of transfer T078440/08 situated at: 34 Allan Street, Modimolle (Nylstroom). Zoning: Residential. IMPROVEMENTS: Vacant stand. The abovementioned information with regard to the improvements on the property is furnished although no guaran-

tee can be supplied in this regard. Take further notice that the conditions of sale may be inspected at the offices of the Sheriff Modimolle (Nylstroom) at Leyd street 50, Modimolle (082 4943 202). Dated at Pretoria this 22nd day of July 2013. VAN DER MERWE DU TOIT INC. Attorneys for Plaintiff Brooklyn Place Cnr Bronkhorst & DEY Streets Brooklyn Pretoria Tel: (012) 452 1300 Fax: (012) 452 1304 Ref: SORETHA DE BRUIN/ jp/NED108/0014. ESTATE NOTICE IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE GIDEON FRANCOIS MAXIMILLIAN KRAUSE ID 501009 5009 084 Van of Apiesdoring laan 25 Bela Bela. Date of death: 16 October 2012. Estate number: 9512/12 Kindly take notice that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection for a period of 21 days from date of publication hereof at the Office of the Master of the High Court Polokwane and at the office of the Magistrate, Bela Bela. M J BEATSON Attorney For Executrix Lanser & Williams 16 Sutter Road P.O.Box 18 Bela Bela 0480 Tel (014) 736 2216/7. BELA BELA AMENDMENT SCHEME 70/08 AND 71/08

Women’s Day Special Honey-Mint Mouthwash A mouthwash is a delicious thing to have. The right mouthwash can prevent mouth sores or cure them, and it has the added benefit of helping your mouth stay fresh. So, this week, The BEAT is bringing you a recipe for a lovely mouthwash. The ingredients are: 1 cup filtered, distilled water. 1 teaspoon honey 1 teaspoon baking soda 4 drops peppermint essential oil 4 drops lemon essential oil 4 drops tea tree essential oil The essential oils tend to run a bit expensive, but we recommend making the investment anyway, as the other ingredients are cheap and a tiny bottle of essential oil will last quite a long time. The method is fairly simple as well: Mix all the ingredients together, preferably in a sealable jar – jam jars, the kind you use to preserve fruit in, should work fine. Every morning and every evening, swish it around in your mouth after brushing your teeth. Be careful not to swallow any. If the taste of the baking powder or tea tree is too strong, you can add a packet of sweetener just for taste. This recipe should last about a week, and it won’t need refrigeration. Be sure to shake your mouthwash thoroughly before using, because the ingredients may separate a bit.

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TOWN PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56 (1) (b) (i) OF THE TOWN PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE 1986 (ORDINANCE No 15 OF 1986) We, Geo Projects, authorised agents of the owners of the properties describe below, hereby give notice in terms of section 56 (1) (b) (i) of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Bela Bela Municipality for the amendment of the Bela Bela Land Use Scheme, 2008, by the rezoning of the following properties: (a) The farm Etosha 671 KQ, Bela Bela: by the amendment of the existing ‘Agriculture’ zoning of the property with the addition of annexure 160 to make provision for Game auction pens and ancillary uses,. (b) Erf 881, Warmbaths Extension 5, Bela Bela, by the amendment of the existing ‘Residential 1’ zoning of the property with the the addition of annexure 158 to make provision for a Guesthouse and ancillary uses. (c) Portion 24 (consolidated portion 3 and 5) of erf 1329, Warmbaths Extension 5, Bela Bela by the amendment of the existing ‘Residential 1’ zoning of the property with the addition of annexure 159 to make provision for Overnight Accomodation and ancillary uses. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Municipal Offices, Bela Bela, for a period of 28 days from 16 August 2013.

Objections to or presentations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to: The Municipal Manager at the above address or Private Bag x1609, Bela Bela, 0480, within a period of 28 days from 16 August 2013. Address: P.O.Box 919, Bela Bela, 0480, Tel: 082 8817 252. (16&23) BELA BELA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSENT IN TERMS OF CLAUSE 21 OF THE BELA BELA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008, Notice is hereby given that, in terms of Clause 21 of the Bela Bela Land Use Scheme 2008, I/we, the undersigned, intend applying to the Bela Bela Municipality for Special Concent to establish a Law Office/Brokerage on Stand 61 Warmbaths zoned Residential 1 situated at 18 Mentz laan. Plans and/ or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during office hours at 18 Mentz laan or at the offices of the Manager: Planning and Development, Bela Bela Municipality, Chris Hani Drive, Bela Bela. Any person having any objections to the granting of this application must lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof in writing, with both the Manager: Planning and Development, Bela Bela Municipality and the undersigned not later than 16 September 2013. TONIE GROBLER P.O. Box 330 Bela Bela 0480 Tel: 072 712 6936. (16&23), Website:

16 August, 2013


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Unleashed Women Gala Dinner celebration “The Foundation will be targeting girls from primary to high school level and will do some research on their needs and so forth,...”

Breast cancer survivor Henrietta Van Kramberg during her address at women’s gala dinner. Photo: TK Mashaba TK Mashaba The first annual Unleashed Women Gala Dinner celebration, which was an event filled to the brim with glitz, glamour and excitement, was also the event where the Shine like a Diamond Girls’ Foundation was launched. The event, held on Friday, 9 August, was attended by businesswomen, parents, social workers and teachers, among others. The event was held in celebration of Women’s Month as a whole, and the founding of a new foundation to help girls fit in with the goals of the month. The Shine like a Diamond Foundation is an initiative to help girl children with anything they may need in life, be that help through guidance, counselling or any other route. “The Foundation will be targeting girls

The launch of the Shine like a Diamond Foundation. Photo: TK Mashaba

Cecilia Moima, an educator at Hleketani Primary School looking flamboyant in her Leopard print dress. Photo: TK Mashaba

from primary to high school level and will do some research on their needs and so forth,” said Teko Moloto of Moloto Attorneys. According to Moloto, the goal of the Foundation is to empower girls and help them realize their full potential. Moloto founded the Foundation with Reneilwe Shilajoe and other close friends, and they have already received a R5 000 donation from Bolivia Lodge. The Foundation plans to use this money to help the Modderspruit Primary School, a farm school outside BelaBela. They have so far donated a printer to the school, along with uniforms for all the grade 1 learners. “We’re still on an on-going project to help the school with toilets and we will also be going to other local schools to see to their needs,” Moloto said.

Zanele Ledwaba, principal at Modderspruit Primary School also looking stunning in red and black. Photo: TK Mashaba

Katlego Mashaba takes home Mr Waterberg 2013

Susan Monaledi looking great. She won the best dressed lady for the dinner with her red skirts and black top. Photo: TK Mashaba

School rewards hard-working woman

Kgomotso Ramonete from Mokopane and Katlego Mashaba from Bela-Bela. Photo supplied From left to right Spikkels De Wet, Edith Katjedi and Sue Kotzé. Photo: Justin Steyn Justin Steyn Local performer and Waterberg FET student, Katlego Mashaba, was crowned Mr Waterberg on 7 August. The lead singer of the local band LR&BE was chosen from a pool of 17 as the winner. Mashaba, who is studying towards a hospitality industry at the Waterberg FET, won a R1 000 Game voucher and said he felt lucky to have won. “I never thought I would win it as I believed the competition was too tough,” said Mashaba. The winner of the Miss Waterberg competition was Kgomotso Ramonete. The first leg of the contest was held between the IT and Business campuses, who will be joining the Engi-

neering campus for the second leg on an as-yet unannounced date. According to Mashaba, he did not have much interest in the contest until the Learner Representative Committee asked him to enter. This week on 14 August, Katlego and Kgomotso were expected to meet the winners from the other campuses at Lebowakgomo College. Mashaba said that he has been brought into the spotlight more since he met his fellow LR&BE group members. “I have been backstage for such a long time and I think with this opportunity it gives one confidence to achieve more in life,” he said.

In celebration of Women’s day, Friday 9 August, Hoërskool Warmbad wanted to show their appreciation toward a hard working lady. Edith Katjedi, the school’s hostel cook supervisor, has been rewarded for thirteen years of service given to the school. The school hostel manager, Sue Kotzé, praised Katjedi regarding her as an outstanding worker. “Edith has been with the school for about 13 years and she has done a lot for both the school and its pupils, she really is a role model to whom we can aspire,” she said. Under the impression that she had done something wrong, Katjedi was called in to the office where the school principal, Spikkels De Wet, handed a certificate for outstanding service as well as some extra

money to enjoy over the long weekend. “I really am surprised and was not expecting this, I am going to buy some nice shoes for my sister’s child for her matric farewell with this money” she said. Katjedi described herself as a family person. She is the mother of a 24 year old Electrical Engineering student who has also been selected to play in the provincial volley ball team. In her free time Katjedi enjoys cooking and sings at her local church choir. Kotzé described Katjedi as the pupil’s “home away from home” and over-all caregiver with a positive attitude, but she had to endure a rather hard time with the sudden passing of her husband, a politician, in 2008. “We are very grateful to Edith who even remained positive despite her husband’s assassination in Grobblersdraai five years go” said Kotzé. “Her husband would be very proud of her” she added.

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16 August, 2013

Limpopo provincial ladies soccer team takes a fall

Pat Seema, a SAFA provincial official. Photo supplied TK Mashaba The 18-woman Limpopo ladies’ soccer squad who represented the province at the National Championship came

home drooping after they failed to score a single goal. The team, which has 5 Bela-Belabased members, returned home this week Monday after they were thrashed 6-0 by Gauteng on Saturday, 10 August, while on Sunday they lost to North West Province by 10 points. The games were played in Kroonstad in the Free State and the finals were expected to be played during the week. Pat Seema, of the Limpopo Province’s SAFA office, said that a need for development is essential in this regard. “This has been an eye opener to the province and the district that we need to develop,” he said. “Our team was not impressive at all and it shows that something has to be done so that they can compete in the highest standard of football in South Africa,” he added. Limpopo Province has not had players on a national soccer team in some time, a clear sign that more development is needed.

More friendlies for Bela-Bela Happy Hearts FC TK Mashaba The newly-promoted SAB League team Happy Hearts from Bela-Bela have been busy with preparations ahead of the new season starting in October. Under the leadership of Mike Letlalo, a teacher at Mmamakwa Primary School, the team won the LFA championships. They have added five new players in the meantime, recruiting a defender, a striker and three new midfielders from other teams.

“We have played a couple of friendly games and I have seen how they play,” Letlalo said. In recent weeks they played a friendly against Total Surrender, taking a 4-2 loss against the other Bela-Bela team. This week, they were expected to play against Diesel ‘n Dust FC, another local SAB team, and were in talks with Modimolle Aces regarding a possible friendly match. “We need as many friendly games with these SAB teams as we can, to test my combinations and strategy,” said Letlalo., Website:

School district games for Bela-Bela

The netball court which still needs renovation ahead of the big events to be held at the end of August. Photo: TK Mashaba This means that all Bela-Bela sports TK Mashaba facilities must be in the proper condiThe Waterberg District is in a preparation to accommodate the games by tion fury for the District School Games, that time. where 17 different sports codes will be The sports centre is currently in a bad th st competing on the 30 and the 31 of state, the netball field especially being unusable. Promises were made by the August. municipality but so far nothing appears Primary schools will be playing on the th st to have been done. 30 and high schools on the 31 , according to Tebogo Nkwinika, cluster Among the sports that will be reprecoordinator for the Waterberg Departsenting is swimming, baseball, basketment of Sports, Arts and Culture. ball, chess, and gymnastics. The games will be organized by the Attempts to obtain comment from the Education Circuit in partnership with Bela-Bela Municipality regarding the readiness of the Sports Centre were the Waterberg District and all the met with silence. codes will be playing that weekend.

Schools prepare for assessment Lizzy Bapela Primary schools around the country have already started with preparations for the Annual National Assessments (ANA) programme scheduled to take place in September. The Department of Basic Education administers the programme, with the main focus being on literacy and numeracy. The Departmental Spokesperson in Limpopo, Phuti Seloba, said that the standardised test is set to verify that all learners in all schools are developing the appropriate language and mathematics skills for the grade. Both literacy and numeracy are regarded as important building blocks of education. The department is determined to improve learners’ language and mathematics skills and has set specific targets to be achieved by 2014 and beyond. The ANA will be used to measure learners’ progress and to establish the level they are performing at. The programme will also be used as a tool to assess whether a child needs

extra help or not and not for learner progression or promotion. Educators will see as to what extent the learners in their classes measure up to expectations and will use the results to inform their lesson plans. District officials will use the results to design school improvement plans and to render appropriate support to schools. Competent subject experts and educators selected and appointed by the department set the ANA tests. Learners from public schools across the country will write ANA, according to a timetable set nationally. Annually, the learners are tested on the language and numeracy skills they have learnt during the particular school year. Knowledge and skills developed in earlier years may also be assessed but the DBE provides guidelines on the scope of work to be covered in the tests. Seloba said that the department will soon issue out press releases on the programme and the matric trial examinations.

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