The Beat 19 January 2018

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19 January


The BEAT First day at school. page 7

Community newspaper

Hawks swoop Two allegedly corrupt cops from the Pienaarsrivier SAPS were arrested by the Hawks for allegedly taking a bribe and stealing upwards of R200 000 from a motorist. illustration: Lesley Barnard Read full story on page 3

The officers allegedly threatened to charge the complainant (Funani) with money laundering and allegedly demanded a R20 000 bribe in order to let him go.

19 January, 2018 | Website:


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Forensics report in farm murder Justin Steyn A forensics report from the muchpublicised Petersen double farm murder at Bela-Bela was expected to be presented before the local magistrate’s court on Friday, 26 January. Cecil Petersen (83) and Pattie Petersen (73) were surprised by intruders armed with a firearm on their farm last September. Pattie was shot dead on the spot, while Cecil succumbed to bullet wounds at a

private hospital in Pretoria. The case against Piet Mathebula, Mpho Nico Nkonyana and Tshepo Tebula was postponed from Tuesday, 12 December of last year, to Friday 26 January, to allow for a forensic report to be compiled. The three men, who have been accused of their alleged involvement in the murder of the Petersens, were denied bail on Thursday, 2 November, and have remained in police custody ever since. Court testimony from investigating officer, Captain Jannie Schutte, indicated the three

had no previous convictions, but pending charges ranging from car hijacking, burglary to drug-dealing. They have been accused of the gruesome farm attack on the Petersens’ farm last September, after being tracked down via a stolen cellphone. The three suspects – the fourth was still at large - were traced to a RDP dwelling at the Hammanskraal section of Kanana. At the time, Bela-Bela police spokesperson, Lieutenant-Colonel Abel Phetla, said investigations led detectives to the RDP

house. He said three of the suspects were arrested inside the house, in which firearms were discovered, with pairs of shoes confiscated for forensic purposes. Phetla said the police had reason to believe one of the firearms could have been used during the Bela-Bela farm murder. Investigators have been praised all-round for the swift manner through which the suspects were rounded up and brought before the BelaBela Magistrate’s Court, to answer for the serious charges levelled against them.

Listeriosis disease has country in a gridlock Andries van der Heyde South Africans have been constantly reminded since December to check for symptoms and watch what they eat, since the initial outbreak of listeriosis started across the country. Unfortunately to date, the precise origin of the outbreak has not been established, according the department of health. The BEAT asked Dr Nicola Havemann, local medical practioner at Bela-Bela, who also studied in tropical medicine, what the disease is precisely about. What precisely is listeriosis? Listeriosis is a potentially serious infection caused by the bacteria called “listeria

monocytogenes” which is transmitted to humans by various food products. It is uncommon with previous outbreaks of 15 and seven cases, however from January 2017 to date South Africa has experienced a record number of 720 reported cases. Who can get listeriosis and what are the symptoms? Anyone can get listeriosis, however certain groups are at a higher risk of severe disease. These include the very young (newborns), elderly, pregnant women (who also risk miscarriages and transmitting the disease to their unborn child) and the immunocompromised (those with cancer, HIV, organ replacement, or are on certain medications). Typical symptoms are of

gastroenteritis: tiredness, fevers, diarrhoea and vomiting. More severe symptoms include severe headaches, neck stiffness, confusion and coma. How do you diagnose it and is it treatable? Listeria is diagnosed through a blood test or lumbar puncture and fortunately is easily treatable in hospital with intravenous antibiotics. Mild cases in strong individuals usually resolves without any treatment. Where is it coming from? Sources of Listeria are known to include unpasteurised milk products, meat and vegetables. The answer as to where this particular outbreak originates from is as yet unknown, however, one confirmed case has been tracked from a piece of chicken in a

man’s fridge to a specific abattoir (which has since been closed down pending further investigation). What can we do to prevent contracting Listeriosis? High risk groups should avoid unpasteurised dairy products, soft cheeses, deli items (such as ham, unless reheated thoroughly) and refrigerated pate’s. We should all ensure that our meat is cooked thoroughly. Fridge temperatures can be set below 4°C and freezers below -18°C to kill the offending bacteria. Furthermore, washing hands before and after preparing food, ensuring kitchen counters are always clean and washing your fruit and vegetables thoroughly will greatly reduce the risk.

Moswoeu in court after land invasion Justin Steyn

Bela-Bela EFF coordinator Sello Moswoeu. Photo: Justin Steyn

Spa Park murder mystery unfolds

TK Mashaba The police have confirmed that the human remains discovered on the outskirts of Spa Park at Bela-Bela in recent weeks were those of a foreign national. Lieutenant-Colonel Abel Phetla of the local SAPS said investigators knew the

identity of the victim and his country of origin, but that this could not be made public, at least not as yet. But if social media was to be believed, Phetla seemed to have locked the stables after the horse had bolted, with a picture believed to be that of the victim already

posted. The small community of Spa Park was still reeling in shock after the victim – a store-keeper - was discovered with his mouth, hands and feet tied up. Phetla said no arrests had been made, but that investigations were ongoing. The body was discovered by a passer-

Bela-Bela EFF co-ordinator Sello Moswoeu was expected to appear again in court on Friday 26 January. He faces a charge of trespassing. The charges were a direct consequence of an EFF-championed illegal land invasion in downtown Bela-Bela last October. Moswoeu was charged with trespassing on Tuesday, 28 November, as a direct result of the invasion of a piece of municipal land along Alma Road. The incident pushed panic buttons all-round, with both propertyowners and residents of nearby Spa Park up in arms over the EFF’s actions. The disputed piece of land, owned by the Bela-Bela Local Municipality, lies between Spa Park and Ward 1. In respect of the judicial principle of sub judice, Moswoeu issued a statement to the effect that land invasions had been “put on hold.” In recent weeks the EFF local leader committeed to push towards a land audit report at Bela-Bela. Municipal spokesperson, David Raborolo, said correspondence in this regard had not, at the time of going to print, been forthcoming, at least not as yet.

by near bushes in an open grassland on Sunday, 7 January. The victim was believed to be aged between 30 and 40. Social media was abuzz with messages posted by concerned members of the Spa Park community, many of who vowed to assist the police in whatever way they could.

19 January, 2018 | Website:


Hawks pounces on local cops

Taxi passenger dies from collision Justin Steyn A taxi passenger has died after a collision with a private vehicle in the vicinity of Kranskop at Modimolle. According to Advance Paramedic Assistance’s Waterberg spokesperson, Andy Gill, the accident occurred in the late afternoon of Sunday, 14 January, just past Kranskop towards Mookgophong. “Three of APA’s ambulances were dispatched to a motor vehicle accident on the N1highway just past Kranskop, towards Mookgophong,” Gill said. He further said the accident was the result of a head-on collision between the taxi and private vehicle. “On arrival we found that a taxi and bakkie were involved in a collision, causing the taxi to roll,” he explained. One person, a taxi passanger, succumbed to injuries and was pronounced dead on the scene. “A number of people sustained minor to


The scene of the accident. Photo supplied moderate injuries,” Gill said. He said all injured patients were treated and stabilized on the scene by Provincial

Ambulance and APA personnel. Patients were transported to a hospital in the area.

Two other cops from Pienaarsrivier were nabbed by The Hawks. Photo: Supplied

The Hawks have been busy in the home region of late. Photo: Supplied Justin Steyn Two Pienaarsrivier police officers were released on R3 000 bail each following sensational allegations that the twosome allegedly stole upwards of R200 000 from a motorist. According to the priority crime investigation unit, The Hawk’s spokesperson, Captain Matimba Maluleke, the Pienaarsrivier-based Constable Patrick Baloyi and Sergeant Andries Matlou, were nabbed by the Serious Corruption Crime Unit on Tuesday, 9 January. Baloyi and Matlou allegedly demanded and accepted a bribe of R20 000 cash from motorist, Promise Funani. The incident occurred during an apparent stop and search operation. The two officers have since been charged with alleged corruption and theft. Sketchy details emerging from the incident point to Baloyi and Matlou having allegedly demanded a bribe of R20 000 from Funani, who was found by the law enforcers transporting loads of cash, apparently in the car boot. Later that day Funani opened a case of theft of cash totalling R210 000 from his vehicle, allegedly by the two police officers. “The officers allegedly threatened to charge the complainant (Funani) with money laundering, and allegedly demanded a R20 000 bribe in order to let him go. Shortly afterwards the complainant realised that R210 000 was apparently missing from his car, and he went to the police station to open a case,” Maluleke said. Maluleke said that The Hawks’ investigation led to the arrest of the two Pienaarsrivier officers. The two made their first court appearance on Wednesday, 10 January, before the BelaBela Magistrate’s Court. The two police officers were released on bail of R3 000 each, during a brief appearance on Tuesday, 16 January. The case was postponed to Friday, 23 February.

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19 January, 2018 | Website:

Malaria mosquitos travel in your suitcase, too Andries van der Heyde Countless people may have contracted malaria or, inadvertently, brought the disease-carrying mosquito’s home with them after visiting high risk malaria areas. Prof Lucille Blumberg from the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) recently issued a warning to healthcare workers and laboratories that an unusually high number of malaria cases have been discovered in the past few weeks, with several having tragic endings due to miss-diagnoses. Local doctors are now trying to get the

word out that people who may have travelled to high-risk areas in sub-Saharan Africa, notably neighbouring countries Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, as well as within South Africa, Mpumalanga (Kruger National Park) and Limpopo being most prevalent, should keep an eye out for symptoms and seek medical help as soon as possible. Cases of malaria originating as close by as Thabazimbi have been recorded in the last few months. Dr Nicola Havemann, local medical practitioner from Bela-Bela, who studied Tropical Medicine under Blumberg, told The BEAT that even non-travellers should be alert at this time of the year. She says a trend exists that travellers may have, unknowingly, transported the malaria

carrying anopheles mosquito’s home in their luggage or vehicles. This is commonly referred to as “taxi-malaria”, which means they could contract malaria without leaving their homes. “The symptoms of malaria are initially similar to those of flu, including fever, cold chills, headaches and body aches, sometimes with nausea and diarrhoea. Symptoms of severe malaria manifests as bouts of confusion or jaundice (a yellowish discolouration of the skin)”. She further explained that malaria symptoms usually manifest in the second week after being bitten by the specific mosquito, however this can be up to five weeks for the less common malaria strains. Early detection is of the essence and

anyone who is concerned should visit their GP as soon as possible. It is also important to remember that negative tests should always be repeated if a patient is not getting better. As always, the best cure is prevention and local residents are advised to sleep under mosquito nets and wear long sleeve clothing. Additional, but less effective, products such as mosquito repellents, citronella candles and mosquito coils can also be used. She further insisted that people travelling to high risk areas should take malaria prophylaxis (prevention tablets). “Leaving malaria untreated is lethal.”

Crème de la crème on new National Press Council

Editor-at-large at City Press Mondli Makhanya.

The National Press Council recently shortlisted The BEAT Editor, Johnny Masilela (second from right), photographed here with (from left) Lesley Barnartd (graphic designer), Lizzy Bapela (reporter), Maria Makwela (administrator), Justin Steyn (reporter) and TK Mashaba (reporter). Photo: Willie Nel

Former Rand Daily Mail Editor Raymond Louw TK Mashaba The who’s who of South African journalism and legal profession were recently unveiled as incoming members of both the National Press Council and the Panel of Adjudicators. The BEAT Editor, Johnny Masilela, was on the final shortlist, but could not make the cut as a member of the council. Former Deputy Judge President of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court, Judge Phillip Levinsohn, was named the new council chair. Masilela told The BEAT he was actually overwhelmed with nostalgia in that his former editor at the now defunct Rand Daily Mail, Raymond Louw, was on the new council, too. “Not only Raymond Louw, but some of my contemporaries from the mainstream media are on the eminent persons council,” he said. Masilela was referring here to his former

colleague at Independent Media, Mondli Makhanya, now editor-at-large for City Press. Masilela was a political reporter at Pretoria News, while Makhanya held the same portfolio at The Star, at the time of the dawn of Democracy in 1994. Another of the eminent persons on the list known personally to Masilela, was Judge President Bernard Ngoepe, “one of the finest counsels working in the historic Supreme Court in Pretoria.” Judge Ngoepe was named chairperson of appeals for the incoming Panel of Adjudicators. The National Press Council, the Press Ombudsman and the Panel of Adjudicators are an independent co-regulatory mechanism set up to provide impartial, expeditious and cost-effective adjudication to settle disputes between the media and members of the public.

19 January, 2018 | Website:

Arts festival for Modimolle

The Modimolle-based Malaika Media has invited local artists from across artforms to take part in the Arts & Culture Music Festival, which was scheduled to take place at the Peter Nchabeleng Community Hall from Friday, 2 to Sunday, 4 March. Edward Masingi of Malaika Media management company has urged artists from across genres to register so as to be part of the annual event. “We are looking out for artists to be part of this festival. We welcome all genres, all artforms,” he said.

The Modimolle-based events management company has committed itself to develop and nurture local talent, by providing especially lesser known artists with a platform to showcase their talents. On the evening of Friday, 2 March, locally-produced films, music videos, and documentaries would be screened at the venue. Masingi said other locallyproduced videos from across the province were scheduled to be showcased, too. On the second day, Saturday 3 March, the Arts and Culture Festival has lined up a fashion parade, whereby models would be

offered the opportunity to exhibit locally-designed fashion wear. The fashion show was billed to be followed by a workshop on film and TV, and rounded off with live performances by local artists across genres and artforms. On Sunday 4 March, which was billed as the final day of the weekend event, the Arts and Culture Festival has lined up a live gospel music show, which was billed to bring down the curtain over the weekend festivities. For more information, interested artists were advised to call or send a whatsapp message to Edward Masingi 0715078123.

Beating the scorching heat in the Waterberg

Hydration is of utmost importance when faced with the rising heat. Photo as illustration

Mookgophong narrative. With the first edition of the Although working for The year 2018 behind us, it is BEAT sister publication, Die time to take stock and tease Pos/The Post, Ronél van out what the reaction was Jaarsveld, who is based fullfrom especially online time at our offices at readers. Can you believe it, the story Modimolle, has been exceptionally helpful, too. with the headline “Desperate The BEAT online statistics search for missing Modimolle suggest the article with the priest” was the most viewed, beating the front page lead at title “Slight hope for jobhunting school-leavers in a distant second. tourism” also attracted a Mind you, the article on the significant number of views. missing priest was published This story on the less was also part prominent page of the teasers two. on the front This is not for page. the first time On the that articles sports front based at the the round-up town of preview/ Modimolle have review of the attracted readers SAB in their Regional numbers. League The lead story LETTER FROM THE EDITOR continued to ran with the title Johnny Masilela be a favourite “Whites voting read for many ANC?” based on interviews with a couple of across the region. The sports story titled our white compatriots, as to “Kamplits Ladies Volleyball what was going on in their Club for Egypt” was another minds when the marketpopular read. friendly Cyril Ramaphosa Following hot on the heels of triumphed as the new leader these popular articles, was the of the ANC. Having said that, at least two letter from the editor, which continues to draw the attention white colleagues both in of readers with an interest in Johannesburg and Bela-Bela the behind-the-scenes scenario have surprised me by at the pre-production stages of suggesting that the ANC is best placed to run the country, the newspaper. This week we plan to go for as compared to say the DA broke on the arrest of two and EFF. police officers at The reason given was that Pienaarsrivier, who were the majority of South nabbed by the Hawks, after Africans have so much trust allegedly pocketing loads of in the ANC that the party has moola from a motorist. room to make mistakes, We also need to dig deeper without triggering massive and find out as to how the political unrest. Boy oh boy, now we have no stampede at an institution of higher learning in the alternative but to pile up Polokwane capital of pressure on our man at Limpopo, has affected Modimolle, Mzamane Ringane, to work even harder youngsters coming from the Waterberg. covering the Modimolle and

Write to the Editor at or PO Box 16 Bela-Bela 0480. Contact us for adverts: 014 736 2723 (Bela-Bela) 014 717 1774 (Modimolle) Justin Steyn Recent soaring tempratures countrywide have exposed residents to risks such as heat exhaustion and dehydration. According to the South African Weather Service the summer heat was expected to be as high as 40degrees celcius, with an average of 36-degrees celcius, in large parts of the the Waterberg. With these scorching conditions in mind, The BEAT spoke to Andy Gill of the Advanced Paramedics Assistance group, on practical ways to keep cool and early warning signs with regards to heatrelated danger. “Heat injury in these temperaturers is a real risk, especially for the very young, old

and infirm. People need to stay indoors as much as possible and stay hydrated,” Gill said. He said that developing a headache unexpectedly could be an early sign of dehydration. “Rehydrate with fluids containing electrolites such as energy drinks. If it gets to a point that the skin is dry and you have stopped sweating, that is a sign of a heat stroke.” Gill described heat stroke as a life-threatening condition and a medical emergency. “Seek help urgently. As long as you are sweating, you are compensating for fluid but be mindful to replace the fluid you have lost. Water on its own is not good enough, the salts and electrolytes need to be replaced as well,” he said.


We have a huge pool of readers in downtown Modimolle Various artists in Modimolle have been lined up to showcase their work at the planned festival. Photo: Mzamane Ringane

Mzamane Ringane


He provided a simple test which could be used to determinde dehydration. “You can tell if you are dehydrated by the colour of your urine. Light yellow to clearcoloured urine means that you are well hydrated. On the other hand, dark yellow to orange colouration of urine is a sign of dehydration,” he explained. Gill also reiterated the importance of hydration in infants, toddlers and the elderly. “The biggest mistake people make in this type of heat is not staying hydrated. As normal teens and adults we have good compensatory mechanisms. However, the very young as well as the old and sickly do not have such good mechanisms and therefore are more at risk. Stay out of the hot weather if at all possible and stay indoors,” he advised.

Lizzy Bapela Journalist - Bela-Bela News, Crime, Government and Advertisements 072 264 7740

Mzamane Ringane Journalist - Modimolle News, Crime and Sport 079 064 3851




Funeral tent, 50 Chairs, 2x2 Fibre glass toilets for sale. Contact Gerhard 082 416 6067

LEGALS NOTICE OF AUCTION AECI LIMITED/ SL PRINSLOO N.O. AND A. HORN N.O. AND SL PRINSLOO N.O. AND SL PRINSLOO IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (PRETORIA, GAUTENG DIVISION) CASE NO: 9521/17 This is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above court. The property listed herein will be sold on Wednesday the 31st day of January 2018 at 12h00 at Second Street, Number 3, Naboomspruit to the highest bidder. INVENTORY: 1 x Trailer 1 x Volvo tractor 1 x Fiat tractor 3 x Single animal trailer The Rules of this auction are available 24 hours before the auction at the office of the Sheriff of Naboomspruit, number 133, 6th Street, Naboomspruit. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions inter alia, a) Directive of the Consumer Protection Act, Act 68 (URLhttp:// www.DownloadFileAction?id=99961) a) Fica legislation i.r.o. proof of identification b) address particulars, c) payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash) Goods will be sold subject to confirmation as per instructions from the execution creditor. Attorney for the Execution Creditor: THOM ATTORNEYS, 012 3481 234, Ref: NU1745. NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DIVISION PRETORIA CASE NUMBER: 840/2016 In the matter between: THE STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED (Registration Number: 1962/000738/06) Plaintiff and DEMETRIOS KYRIACOU (Identity number: 771121 5078 085) Defendant In execution of a judgement of the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division,

Pretoria in the abovementioned suit, a sale without reserve will be held by the Sheriff, Mookgophong, No.133-6th Street, Naboomspruit, 0560, will be put up to auction on Wednesday, 31 January 2018 at 10H00, of the undermentioned property of the defendant’s subject to the conditions of sale which are available for inspection at the offices of the Sheriff Offices, Mookgophong during office hours. Portion 45 of Erf 1198 Naboomspruit township Extension 3 Registration Division K.R., Limpopo Province Measuring 1004 (one thousand and four) square metres Held by deed of transfer no: T074532/8 Subject to the conditions therein contained and especially to the reservation of rights to minerals and more especially subject to the conditions imposed by the Maroela Bushveld Estate Home Owners Association. Also known as : Same as above; The following information is furnished regarding improvements on the property although nothing in this respect is guaranteed: We were unable to obtain improvements The property is zoned residential. The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the High Court and the rules made thereunder and the Purchaser (other than the Execution Creditor) shall pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price in cash at the time of the sale. The full Conditions of Sale and rules of auction shall be inspected at the offices of the Sheriff of the High Court, Mookgophong Take further notice that 1. This sle is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above court. 2. The Rules of this auction is available 24 hours before the auction at the office of the Sheriff Mookgophong 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to the conditions, inter alia: (a) Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (URL view/ DownloadFileAction?id=99961). (b) FICA-legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; (c) Payment of a registration fee of R10,000.00 in cash; (d) Registration conditions Dated at Pretoria on 12 December 2017. Plaintiff’s Attorneys VEZI & DE BEER INCORPORATED 319 Alpine Road Lynnwood P.O. Box 13461 Hatfield. 0028 Tel: (012) 361 5640 Direct fax: 086 685 4170 REF: M MOHAMED/MDP/ MAT45792 E-mail:

19 January, 2018 | Website:

The top three learners included Cherante Snyman from Hoërskool Elisras at position three, Malefase Matamela from Ramogabudi High School obtained second position, and Amanda Lategaan of Hoërskool Frikkie Meyer emerging the top learner.

Mataboge proud of matric results improvement

Tel: (011) 447-1264/5/6


The reproduction or broadcast without written permission of any material published in The Beat and its supplements is forbidden and expressly reserved to Upfront Events Two CC, under section 12(7) of the Copyright Act, 1978 and any amendment thereof. The Beat is typographically prepared, published and distributed by Upfront Events Two CC. The Beat: 7 Minnaar Street, Tel: (014) 736-2723, Fax: (014) 736-3428, PO Box 16, Bela-Bela. E-mail: The Beat is typographically prepared, published and distributed by Upfront Events Two CC and is printed by Paarl Coldset, 83 Heidelberg Rd, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

Lizzy Bapela

Waterberg District Executive Mayor, Morris Mataboge, expressed his elation at the improved Grade 12 provincial matric results. The region moved a notch up from fourth position in 2015 to second in 2017 in the province. The mayor singled out hard work put in by a cross-section of stakeholders. Mataboge was speaking on the occasion of the event to celebrate the results and give recognition to those who did exceptionally-well from across the region. The event was held at Forever Resorts in downtown Bela-Bela on Friday, 12 January. Mataboge cautioned that the Waterberg was still hovering under 70% in terms of overall performance, adding a lot more needed to be done to push for an even better percentage. “Waterberg District matriculants were fortunate and privileged to have been nurtured in a district which strives for success, embraces diversity and sharpens creativity,” he explained. Learners in the region who sat for their matric exam in 2017 totalled 6068, with 4214 candidates obtaining a pass rate, and 1854 failing their exams. Waterberg District managed to obtain second position at provincial level.

BELA-BELA (014) 736 2723 MODIMOLLE (014) 717 1774 MOOKGOPHONG (014) 743 3802

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19 January, 2018 Website:


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Tears, bravado, sheer joy

Some girls were wide-eyed while others just smiled. Amo Semetsing

Koketso Malete

Bokang Zonzi

Lebogang Motaung

Lehlogonolo Moreoa

Mmamahlo Pinyana

Mmamolefe Thulare

Neo Radebe

Rosina Mochai

Omphile Ratshwene

Olebogeng Phofu and Jacques Bester

Keatlegile Mafifi(from left), Koketso Morudu, Tebogo Monyathedi and Ernest Lekalakala made a new friendship on the first day of school at Modimolle's Dagbreek Primary School

Friends Dineo Gumbu(left) and Rethabile Razwimisani could not wait to begin their educational journey at Dagbreek Primary School in Modimolle

Tshimollo Mokgethwa

Mmakgotso Ngobeni was a bit nervous, but also excited to begin Grade R at Dagbreek Primary School in Modimolle

Frans Tsweleng

Ignore ‘fake’ SASSA school uniform and stationery messages Mzamane Ringane The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has urged social grant beneficiaries to ignore fake information circulated on social media. The messages on social media reportedly claim that SASSA is providing uniforms and stationery to school-going kids who are recipients of the child support grant. Acting SASSA spokesperson, Moabi Pitsi, said these posts were not accurate. “SASSA does not supply stationery to school-going children, as it is not within the SASSA mandate. School uniforms are provided as part of the Social Relief of

SASSA cautioned the agency did not provide school uniform and stationery willynilly. Photo: Mzamane Ringane

Distress programme. “However, this programme is implemented in

terms of the Social Assistance Act, 2004, and all prospective beneficiaries have to meet

legislated criteria. The programme is facilitated after engagement with principals of identified schools, and an assessment is conducted by SASSA,” Pitsi said. He further explained that children scheduled to benefit from the programme had already been identified, and orders for the uniforms were placed through local co-operatives, who sew the uniforms. “SASSA discourages anyone from retweeting or circulating this message as it is causing confusion among beneficiaries of social grants,” he said. Beneficiaries were urged to check the legitimacy of any information with the SASSA call centre on 0800 60 10 11 or visit

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19 January, 2018 | Website:

Nkhumise and Molokomme in national squad TK Mashaba The Waterberg’s foremost wonderboys, Kina Nkhumise and Gontse Molokomme, played a major role for the Amajimbos, the national under-17 soccer team, during a sub-regional tournament. The twosome played for South Africa at a

four-nation tournament played at the Maseru capital of Lesotho. Bela-Bela Sports Academy head coach, Sam Modise, said Nkhumise played as a midfielder, while Molokomme was used by the national technical team as a defender. The four-nations tournament was won by South Africa. He said the two players had since attracted

interest from senior teams at various levels from across the Waterberg. At the Bela-Bela Sports Academy Molokomme and Nkhumise have since been promoted from the B to the A team. Modise said the success of the two players at the highest of South African football should be a huge incentive for others to strive for the best.

During early December, The BEAT reported that the two players had been offered the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go to a selection camp at Fun Valley in Johannesburg. The result was that both Nkhumise and Molokomme have since been selected to play for the Amajimbos, and were expected to be called up for future continental and international duty.

Opleft FC secures maiden victory in Waterberg SAB Regional League Modimolle Home Defenders FC (maroon) and Modimolle Troublemakers FC during their match last weekend. Photo: Mzamane Ringane

Mzamane Ringane Waterberg SAB League’s Stream-A side, Opleft United FC, recorded its first victory of the season since the 2017/18 league kick-off. The Marapyane-based team, which hosts its official fixtures at Bela-Bela’s Moloto

Stadium, moved from the 10th to 9th place on the league log standings, after beating Celtic FC 4-2 in a six-goal thriller on Saturday, 13 January. Opleft United FC head coach, Reuben Mochusi, said the team’s two-week preparations ahead of the fixture against Celtic FC, following the holiday recess,

contributed to the positive start to the second round of the season. “We sat down with the technical team to discuss the game plan on how we are going to approach the fixture against Celtic FC. Knowing our opponent’s style of play, that also helped us to approach the match better. Celtic FC play good football, but we just had

to outclass them to secure the three points,” he said. Mochusi said Opleft United FC planned to introduce 11 new signings during the transfer window period in February. He also sent a stern warning to other SAB League teams, warning his team would emerge much stronger after the new signings window period next month. The Opleft United FC head coach told The BEAT that the team had a perfect game plan to surprise Mookgophong Junior Stars FC at their own homeground this coming weekend. The two teams were expected to lock horns at Mookgophong Stadium on Saturday, 20 January. In Modimolle, the local Troublemakers FC thrashed homeboys Modimolle Home Defenders FC 3-0, with Bussel FC collecting three points after beating Bela Bela Pirates 32. Diesel N Dust FC of Bela Bela won on a walkover against Boys 2 Men FC of Vaalwater. This weekend Bela Bela Pirates FC will travel to Vaalwater to do battle with the local Boys 2 Men FC, while Rapotokwane Qualitho FC welcome Modimolle Home Defenders FC. At Modimolle’s Ephraim Mogale Stadium, Bussel FC was scheduled to do battle with local rivals, Modimolle Troublemakers FC.

Rural Tzaneen Mariveni United FC in Nedbank Cup last 32 TK Mashaba Of particular interest in the dream

Nedbank Cup, lesser-known Mariveni United FC from Tzaneen should raise eyebrows. The team from Tzaneen, together with PSL campaigners Polokwane City FC and Baroka FC, are the three sides representing Limpopo in the multi-

million rand tournament. Mariveni United FC have a real chance of advancing into the last 16 of the Nedbank Cup, on the strength that the team was scheduled to host the equally lesser-known EC Bees FC. From there The BEAT Sport readers have to bring back memories of the meteoric rise of Baroka FC from the village of Ga-Mphahlele on an incredible

journey, beating Moroka Swallows FC and Kaizer Chiefs FC, along the way. Baroka FC have an away engagement with Platinum Stars FC, at the world-class Royal Bafokeng Stadium at the platinumrich village of Phokeng, outside Rustenburg. Giant-killers Polokwane City FC have also an away fixture against National First Division campaigners, Cape Town Ubuntu.

TK Mashaba Journalist - Bela-Bela Sport and Social events 076 756 9740

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.